鈴木 美穂
スズキ ミホ
■所属部署名 |
理工学研究科 物質科学部門 |
■電話番号 |
■職名 |
准教授 |
■FAX番号 |
■住所 |
埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 |
■メールアドレス |
■ホームページURL |
- 分子生物学
- 生化学
- ナノバイオサイエンス
- データサイエンス
- 複雑に機能する生物の仕組みに迫り、病気の診断や薬効、環境汚染物質などの毒性をチェックする為、生体分子の変化や働きを蛍光色の変化で捉えるセンサー分子「バイオプローブ」を開発している。色の変化は数値化し基準物質の変化で規格化する。生体分子は連鎖的に、又同時に様々に相互作用し変化する為、蛍光素材(有機色素、凝集誘起発光分子、タンパク質、ナノ粒子)を組合せ識別可能なバイオプローブを作製して複数併用し、生体分子の変化を同時に捉える。バイオプローブは可視光でモニターする。そして正常、病態、毒物暴露、投薬後の違いをモニターして診断を行う。さらにバイオプローブに薬物送達機能も持たせ、診断も兼ねる高機能性超分子の作製も目指している。
- 複雑に機能する生物の仕組みに迫り、病気の診断や薬効、環境汚染物質などの毒性をチェックする為、生体分子の変化や働きを蛍光色の変化で捉えるセンサー分子「バイオプローブ」を開発している。色の変化は数値化し基準物質の変化で規格化する。生体分子は連鎖的に、又同時に様々に相互作用し変化する為、蛍光素材(有機色素、凝集誘起発光分子、タンパク質、ナノ粒子)を組合せ識別可能なバイオプローブを作製して複数併用し、生体分子の変化を同時に捉える。バイオプローブは可視光でモニターする。そして正常、病態、毒物暴露、投薬後の違いをモニターして診断を行う。さらにバイオプローブに薬物送達機能も持たせ、診断も兼ねる高機能性超分子の作製も目指している。
- 所属学会
日本Cell Death学会
- 出身大学院・研究科等
1990 , 東京大学 , 博士 , 理学系研究科 , 中退
1988 , 東京大学 , 修士 , 理学系研究科
- 出身学校・専攻等(大学院を除く)
1986 , 早稲田大学 , 理工学部 , 卒業
- 取得学位
博士(理学) , 東京大学 , Dynamic study of 1, 5-Anhydroglucitol in rat hepatoma cells
1993 , エッソ女性のための研究奨励賞
- 研究職歴
1990 - 1990 , 日本学術振興会特別研究員
1990 , 埼玉大学工学部助手
- 論文
Development of Ratiometric Fluorescence Sensing Molecule for Caspase-14, a Key Enzyme of Epidermis Metabolism
J Biomed Res Environ Sci,4:794-800 2023
Suzuki M., Taguma K., Bandaranayake K.U., and Ikeda W.
Behavior of autumn Airborne Ragweed pollen and its size-segregated allergens (Amb a1): A study in urban Saitama , Japan
Atmospher,14:247 2023
Wang W., Wang Q., Lu S., Lin Y., Suzuki M., and Saito Y.
Live imaging of apoptotic signaling flow using tunable combinatorial FRET-based bioprobes for cell population
Sci Rep.,12:21160 2022
Suzuki M., Shindo Y., Yamanaka R., and Oka K.
Industrial source apportionment and health risk assessment of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM1.1 collected during spring and late summer in Shanghai
Processes,19:2016 2021
Wang W., Wang Q., Nakajima D. Lu S., Xiao K., Risha T.C., Suzuki M., and Liu F.
Evaluation of Caspase‐3 Activity During Apoptosis with Fluorescence Lifetime‐Based Cytometry Measurements and Phasor Analyses
Cytometry Part A,,97:1265-1275 2020
Nichani K., Li J., Suzuki M., and Houston J.P.
Quantum dot antibody conjugation visualized at the single molecule scale with high-speed atomic force microscopy
Colloid Surf. B : Biointerfaces,167:267-274 2018
Umakoshi T., Udaka H., Uchihashi T., Ando T., Suzuki M., and Fukuda T.
Size distribution of allergenic Cry j 2 released from airborne Cryptomeria japonica pollen grains during the pollen scattering seasons
Int. J. Aerobiologia,33:59-69 2017
Gong X., Wang Q., Lu S., Suzuki M., Nakajima D., Sekiguchi K., and Miwa M.
Quantum dot-linked immunosorbent assay (QLISA) using orientation-directed antibodies
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal,143:110-115 2017
Suzuki M., Udaka H., and Fukuda T.
Size distribution and sources of 37 toxic species of particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during summer and winter in Baoshan suburban area of Shanghai, China
Sci. Total Environ,566-567:1519-1534 2016
Wang Q., Kobayashi K., Wang W., Ruan J., Nakajima D., Yagishita M., Lu S., Zhang W., Suzuki M., Saitou T., Sekiguchi K., Sankoda,K., Takao Y., Nagae M., and Terasaki M.
Precise Fractionation of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot-Organic-Dye Conjugates Using a Gel Filtration Column
Anal. Sci.,32:529-534 2016
Fukuda T., Kurabayashi T., Funaki N., Udaka H., and Suzuki M.,
An RI-nondependent high-sensitivity method for measuring the activity of glioblastoma-related O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT
Anal. Biochem,480:82-84 2015
Hongo A., Gu R., Suzuki M., Nemoto N., and Nishigaki K.
Chemical reaction in microdroplets with different sizes containing CdSe/ZnS quantum dot and organic dye
IEICE TRANS ,E98.C(2):123-126 2015
Fukuda T., Kurabayashi T., Udaka H., Funaki N., Suzuki M., Yoon D., Nakahara A., Sekiguchi T., and Shoji S.
A high-throughput FRET-based assay for analyzing apoptotic proteases using flow cytometry and fluorescence- lifetime measurement,
Anal. Biochem,491:10-17 2015
Suzuki M., Sakata I., Sakai T., Tomioka H., Nishigaki K., Tramier M., and Moisan C. M.
Systematic genome sequence differences among leaf cells within individual trees
BMC Genomics ,15:142 2014
Diwan D., Komasaki S., Suzuki M., Nemoto N., Aita T,. Satake A., and Nishigaki K.
ased pH Sensor for Physiological Alkaline Conditions
Analytical Science ,30:545-550 2014
Kurabayashi T., Funaki N., Fukuda T., Akiyama S., and Suzuki M.,
Real-Time Monitoring of Chemical Reaction in Microdroplet Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Sensors & Actuators B.Chemical,203:536-542 2014
Fukuda T.,Funaki N., Kurabayashi O., Suzuki M., Yoon D.H., Nakahara S., Sekiguchi T., Shoji S.
A versatile C-terminal specific biotinylation of proteins using both a puromycin-linker and a cell-free translation system for studying high-throughput protein-molecule interactions
Anal Chem. ,86:8535-8542 2014
Nemoto N., Fukushima T., Kumachi S., Suzuki M., Nishigaki K., and Kubo T.,
Optimal terminal sequences for continuous or serial isothermal amplification of dsRNA with norovirus RNA replicase
Biophysics ,10:15-23 2014
Arai H.,Nishigaki K.,Nemoto N., Suzuki M. and Husimi Y.,
Release Behaviour of Cryptomeria Japonica Pollen Allergenic Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 in Rainwater Containing Air Pollutants
Int.J.Sust.Dev.Plan. ,9:42-53 2014
Wang Q., Nakamura S., Gong X., Suzuki M., Lu S., Nakajima D., Sekiguchi K. and Miwa M.,
Simple preparation of green fluorescent protein conjugated with β-cyclodextrin in an site specific manner
Analytical Science ,29:811-814 2013
Suzuki M., Ishimaru Y., Saito A. and Nishigaki K.
Characterization of Norovirus RNA replicase for in vitro amplification of RNA
BMC Biotechnology,13:85 2013
Arai H., Nishigaki K ., Nemoto N., Suzuki M., and Husimi Y.
Size-segregated Allergenic Particles Released from Airborne Cryptomeria japonica Pollen Grains during the Yellow Sand Events within the Pollen Scattering Seasons
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment ,7:191-198 2013
Wang Q., Gong X., Suzuki M., Lu S., Sekiguchi K., Nakajima D. and Miwa M.
Live Imaging of Cell Apoptosis Using FRET-Based Bioprobes in MEMS Fabricated Microculture Dish
Transducer 2013:2560-2563 2013
Kajiyama R., Edagawa Y., Suzuki M., Nakahara A., Yoon D.H., Sekiguchi T., and Shoji S.
Simple and Tunable Förster resonance energy transfer-based bioprobes for high-throughput monitoring of caspase-3 activation in living cells by using flow cytometry
Biochim. Biophys. Acta MCR ,1823 :215-226 2012
Suzuki M., Tanaka S., Ito Y., Inoue M., Sakai T., and Nishigaki K.
Genome profiling (GP) as an effective tool for monitoring culture collections: A case study with Trichosporon
J. Microbiological Methods ,89 :119-128 2012
Hamano K., Ueno-Tsuji S., Tanaka R., Suzuki M., Nishimura K., and Nishigaki K
Characterization of the Physical Form of Allergenic Cry j 1 in the Urban Atmosphere and Determination of Cry j 1 Denaturation by Air Pollutants
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment ,6 -- 1 :33-40 2012
Wang Q., Morita J., Gong X., Nakamura S., Suzuki M., Lu S., Sekiguchi K., Nakajima T., Nakajima D. and Miwa M
In vitro Selection of Peptide Aptamers against Acetylcholine- binding Protein (AChBP) from Disulfide-rich Peptide Library by cDNA Display
Pept. Sci. ,2011 :89-90 2012
Nemoto N., Kimura S., Kumachi S., Cai W, Suzuki M., Nishigaki K., Kubo T.,
Basic Study on Chemical Modification of Japanese Cedar Pollen Allergen (Cry j 1) by Air Pollutants and Apoptosis Inducibility of 3-Nitrotyrosine for HeLa Cell
Aerozoru Kenkyu ,27 :71-77 2012
Morita J., Wang Q., Gong X., Nakamura S., Suzuki M., Nakajima T., Sekiguchi K., Nakajima D. and Miwa M.
東アジアにおけるエアロゾルの植物・人間系へのインパクト 平成22年度科研究費新学術領域研究成果報告書,A04−P14:129-136 2011
Novel High-affinity Aβ-binding Peptides Identified by an Advanced In Vitro Evolution, Progressive Library Method
Protein and Peptide Lett. ,18:642-650 2011
Tsuji-Ueno S., Komatsu M., Iguchi K., Takahashi M., Yoshino S., Suzuki M., Nemoto N. and Nishigaki K.
Peptide Aptamer-Based ELISA-Like System for Detection of Cathepsin E in Tissues and Plasma
J. Mol. Biomark. Diagn. ,2:104 2011
Kitamura K, Biyani M., Futakami M., Tsuji-Ueno S., Suzuki M., Kawakubo T., Yamamoto K., and Nishigaki K.
Release behavior of small sized daughter allergens from Cryptomeria japonica pollen grains during urban rainfall event
Aerobiologia,on line journal 2011
Wang Q., Nakamura S., Lu S., Xiu G., Nakajima D., Suzuki M., Sakamoto M., Miwa M.
Simple and Tunable F rster resonance energy transfer-based bioprobes for high-throughput monitoring of caspase-3 activation in living cells by using flow cytometry
Biochim. Biophys. Acta MCR,1823:215-216 2011
Suzuki M., Tanaka S., Ito Y., Inoue M., Sakai T., and Nishigaki K.
In Vitro Selection of Cathepsin E-Activity-Enhancing Peptide Aptamers at Neutral pH
International Journal of Peptides,on line journal 2011
Biyani M., Futakami M., Kitamura K., Kawakubo T., Suzuki M., Yamamoto K. and Nishigaki K.
One-Pot Preparation of mRNA/cDNA Display by a Novel and Versatile Puromycin-Linker DNA
ACS Comb. Sci., ,13:478-485 2011
Mochizuki Y., Biyani M., Tsuji-Ueno S., Suzuki M., Nishigaki K., Husimi Y., and Nemoto N.
Evaluation of elution behavior and morphological change of Cryptomeria japonica pollen grain and release of its daughter allergenic particles by air polluted rainfall
Air Pollution XVIII, Ecology and the Environment,136:185-197 2010
Wang Q., Nakamura S., Gong X., Lu S., Nakajima D., Wu D., Suzuki M., Sakamoto K., Miwa M.
Novel concept microarray enabling PCR and multistep reactions throughpipette-free aperture-to-aperture parallel transfer
BMC Biotechnology,10:71 2010
Kinoshita Y., Tayama T., Kitamura K., Salimullah Md., Uchida H., Suzuki M., Husimi Y. and Nishigaki K
平成21年度科研究費新学術領域4003研究成果報告書,A04-p14:115-122 2010
Quantum dot FRET Biosensors that respond to pH, to proteolytic or nucleolytic cleavage, to DNA synthesis, or to a multiplexing combination
Journal of the American Chemical Society,130(17):5720-5725 200804
Miho Suzuki;Yuzuru Husimi;Hirokazu Komatsu;Koji Suzuki;Kenneth T. Douglas
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,5 (18年度):191-192 2007
Development of bio-probes monitoring biological reactions and their application for diagnostic protein chip and drug delivery nano-device
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,7:53-53 2006
西垣功一, 吉田昼也, 田山貴紘, 木下保則, 鈴木美穂, 内田秀和, 勝部昭明, 北村幸一郎, 高橋陽子, Md. Salimullah, 門脇知子, 山本健二
Creation of Highly Functional Biomolecules by Evolutionary Molecular Engineering (Saitama-Bio Project)
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,6:83-83 2005
西垣功一, 北村幸一郎, 高橋―本多陽子, 木下保則, 吉田昼也, MD. Salimullah, 鈴木美穂, 内田秀和, 勝部昭明
Generation of Functional Biomolecules By Evolutionary Molecular Engineering
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,16年度 2005
Development of bioprobes to visualize cellular events in vivo/in vitro and their application to diagnostic system
A T-exteded vector using a green fluorescent protein as an indicator
Gene,245:59-63 2000
A novel green fluorescence protein mutant with enhanced sensitivity at 488nm excitation for microanalysis
Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Commun.,264:556-560 1999
Production of 1, 5-anhydroglucitol from 1, 5-anhydrofructose in erythroleukemia cell
Eur.J.Biochem.,240:23-29 1996
- 学会発表
Aim to establish no animal required but reliable methods for pollutants cytotoxicity and medical products efficacy tests
17th Biyani International Conference BICON 2022-23,BICON:2022-2023, on line 202301
Miho Suzuki, Weiqian Wang,
High content flow cytometry and imaging for cell death pathways analysis using FRET based bioprocess
Serendipity Lab Kickoff Symposium 201911
Miho Suzuki, Kenya Fukada, Yutaka Shinzo and Kotara Oka
Content Analysis of Cell Death pathways through Various Indexes using Corresponding FRET based Bioprocess
Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry,CYTO 2019 Vancouver,on line 201906
Miho Suzuki, Kenya Fukada, endai Tanihara and Takato Morinaga
High Content Analysis of Traceable DDS for Biopharmaceutical Compounds Upon Cellular Uptake
32nd Congress of the International Society for Advancement Cytometry CYTO 2017 ,CYTO 2017 Program Book,32:259 201706
Miho Suzuki, Sayaka Komatus, Hirofumi Murakami, Shuto Kono, Gendai Tanihara, Ken Hatano
Targeted traceable drug delivery system for next generation drugs based on micelles with aggregation induced emission compounds and fluorescent proteins
3rd International Conference on Biomaterials Science 201611
Miho Suzuki, Syuto Kono and Ken Hatano
High Content Imaging using FRET-based Sensor Molecule
International Cell Death Society Symposium, Program and abstract book : Cell Death and its Translational Ramification:37 201606
Miho Suzuki
Traceable drug delivery system (DDS) for next generation drugs based on aggregation-induced emission (AIE) compounds and fluorescent proteins (FP)
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies,PACIFICHEM 2015:03-MACR 201512
Miho Suzuki and Ken Hatano
Cell-based Assay with Hhigh-throughput and High Content Manners
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry,CYTO 2015 :190 201506
Miho Suzuki
FRET-FLIM based highthroughput screening
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry,FRET-FLIM based highthroughput screening 201410
Miho Suzuki
Monitoring signal transductions with high-throughput manner by combination of flow cytometry and fluorescence lifetime measurements
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry,CYTO 2014 201405
Miho Suzuki
第19回日本CellDeath学会学術集会,第19回日本CellDeath学会プログラム抄録集,1:59 201107
Miho Suzuki, Marc Tramier, Maite Coppey-Moisan
A β42結合ペプチドの創製
第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会,第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会program,1 201012
上野 辻幸香、井口翔、小松将之、顧然、堀田優子、鈴木美穂、根本直人、西垣功一
FRET based bioprobe of GSH for live cell imaging
第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会,第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会program,1 201012
Miho Suzuki, Kenneth Thomas Douglas
Novel-concept microarray MMV:potent tool for protein expression and functional analysis
第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会,第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会program,1 201012
Ahmed S., Kinoshita Y., Sawada M,, Kitamura K., Gu R., Watanabe T., Shibuya M., Takei O., Suzuki M., Nishigaki K
Novel-concept microarray MMV:potent tool for protein expression and functional analysis
第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会,第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同学会program,1 201012
Ahmed S., Kinoshita Y., Sawada M,, Kitamura K., Gu R., Watanabe T., Shibuya M., Takei O., Suzuki M., Nishigaki K
- 登録済特許
- その他
前期 , 応用化学実験III
後期 , 応用化学実験IV
前期 , 理工学と現代社会
後期 , 分子生物学
後期 , 生体分子工学得論
前期 , 生体情報分子得論