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坂井 貴文 サカイ タカフミ

所属部署名 役員 電話番号
職名 学長  教授 ■FAX番号
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス
■ホームページURL http://cell.seitai.saitama-u.ac.jp/



理工学研究科 生命科学部門
理学部 生体制御学科




隆起部 thyrotrope(甲状腺刺激ホルモン産生細胞)に注目し,隆起部thyrotropeの形態的特長,TSH分泌調節機構などを中心に研究を行ってきた。その結果,隆起部thyrotropeは下垂体前葉thyrotropeと異なる形態的特長を持ち,発現する転写調節因子や受容体も異なることを報告した。(Arch. Histol. Cytol. 55 : 151-157, 1994, J. Neuroendocrinol. 11 : 187-193, 1999, Histochemistry and Cell Bioligy 114 : 213-218, 2000) 近年は,隆起部に存在する時計遺伝子に着目した研究もあわせて行っており,隆起部の時計遺伝子(per1, per2, per3, timeless 等)は視交叉上核とは異なるmRNA転写周期を有することを明らかにした(論文準備中)。今後は時計遺伝子の研究を一層進めるとともに,隆起部thyrotropeの細胞系譜や下垂体前葉細胞に対する作用の研究を行い,下垂体隆起部をグローバルに理解することを目指す。
1999年にGrowth hormone secretagogue(GHS)受容体の内因性リガンドとして新規成長ホルモン放出因子であるghrelin(グレリン)がラット胃より単離同定された。ghrelin発見当初よりghrelin細胞の分布と下垂体に対する作用の研究を行い,ラット消化管におけるghrelin細胞の分布及び下垂体細胞に対する直接作用様式等を明らかにした。また、上記に加え,ghrelin側鎖修飾とオクタン酸の関係,迷走神経求心路に存在するGHS受容体等の研究を行った。これらの研究の結果2005年時点で9本のghrelin関連論文を報告した。今後は胃ghrelinの下垂体に対する作用に加えて胃ghrelinの発現調節因子およびその機構の検討も行う。また,ghrelinは消化管運動亢進作用を持つモチリンとの相同性も指摘されていることから,以前行っていたモチリン研究の経験を生かし(Peptides. 15 : 257-262,1994, Peptides. 15 : 987-991, 1994, Gastroenterology. 111 : 1456-1464, 1996),「食って」「成長する」という生物にとって基本的な作用を持つ両ホルモンの関係も探っていきたい。




1978 , 群馬大学 , 修士 , 教育専攻科
1977 , 群馬大学 , 教育学部
博士(医学) , 群馬大学 , Effect of passive immunization to gonadotropin-releasing hormone(GnRH)using antiserum on mitotic activity of gonadotrophs in castrated rats.


2014 , 日本下垂体研究会吉村賞 , 下垂体研究および基礎内分泌学の進歩発展に重要で顕著な業績を挙げたことによる。


2003 , 埼玉大学理学部教授
2003 , 埼玉大学理工学研究科教授
1998 - 1999 , 米国国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)国立がん研究所客員研究員
1996 - 2003 , 埼玉大学理工学研究科助教授
1995 - 2003 , 埼玉大学理学部助教授
1994 - 1995 , 埼玉大学理学部講師
1991 - 1994 , 群馬大学内分泌研究所助手
1988 - 1991 , 群馬大学内分泌研究所文部技官
1978 - 1988 , 埼玉県公立高等学校教諭



Handbook of Hormones.
Comparative Endocrinology for Basic and Clinical Research.The Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology.Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier:186-188 201508
ISBN: 9780128010679
Takafumi Sakai,Yoshio Takei ,Hironori Ando ,Kazuyoshi Tsutsui ,Masafumi Amano,Susumu Hyodo,Akiyoshi Takahashi,Kanta Mizusawa,Sakae Takeuchi,Honoo Satake,Akiyoshi Takahashi,Min Kyun Park,Tomoya Nakamachi,Jun Watanabe,Munetaka Shimizu,Toshio Sekiguchi,Hiroyuki Kaiya,Hiroko Ohki-Hamazaki,Shinya Yuge,Nobuo Suzuki,Maho Ogoshi,Marty K.S. Wong,Hiroyuki Kaneko,Takashi Kato,Hirokazu Ohtaki

スンクスの生物学 「スンクスにおけるモチリンおよびグレリン遺伝子の同定と発現分布」
学会出版センター,スンクスの生物学:335-341 2011

The Gut Peptide Hormon Family, Motilin and Ghrelin
Ichiro Sakata and Takafumi Sakai

Generation and characterization of Suncus murinus intestinal organoid: a useful tool for studying motilin secretion
Cell Biology International,44(1):62-69 2020
Natsumi Takakura, Shota Takemi, Shunsuke Kumaki, Mio Matsumoto, Takafumi Sakai, Ken Iwatsuki, Ichiro Sakata

Adenosine stimulates neuromedin U mRNA expression in the rat pars tuberalis
Molecular and Cellular Endocrin,496:110518 2019
Sayaka Aizawa, Tingting Gua, Arisa Kaminoda, Ryuya Fujioka, Fumiya Ojima,Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Maho Ogoshi, Sumio Takahashi, Sakae Takeuchi

Utility of animal gastrointestinal motility and transit models in functional gastrointestinal disorders
Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology:101633 2019
Ahmad A-Saffar, Shota Takemi, HiwaK. Saeed, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

A verification study of gastrointestinal motility-stimulating action of guinea-pig motilin using isolated gastrointestinal strips from rabbits and guinea-pigs.
Gen Comp Endocrinol,274:106-112 2019
Kitazawa T, Harada R, Sakata I, Sakai T and Kaiya H.

Identification and characterization of an antimicrobial peptide, lysozyme, from Suncus murinus. 
Cell Tissue Res. ,376(3):401-412 2019
Takemi S, Ojima S, Tanaka T, Sakai T and Sakata I

Circulating messenger for neuroprotection induced by molecular hydrogen.
Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol.,97(10):909-915 2019
Noda M, Uemura Y, Yoshii Y, Horita T, Takemi S, Sakata I and Sakai T

Molecular cloning and analysis of Suncus murinus group IIA secretary phospholipase A2 expression
Dev Comp Immunol,100:103427 2019
Shota Takemi, Ryo Nishio, Hayato Taguchi, Shiomi Ojima, Mio Matsumoto,Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

β-Oxidation in ghrelin-producing cells is important for ghrelin acyl-modifcation
Scientific Reports,8:9176 2018
Chika Ikenoya, Shota Takemi, Arisa Kaminoda, Sayaka Aizawa, Shiomi Ojima, Zhi Gong, Rakhi Chacrabati, Daisuke Kondo, Reiko Wada, Toru Tanaka, Sachiko Tsuda, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

The effect of glutamate on ghrelin release in mice.
Cell Biology International,41(3):320-27 2017
Rakhi Chacrabati, Zhi Gong, Chika Ikenoya, Daisuke Kondo, Jeffrey M. Zigman, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata.

Underlying mechanism of the cyclic migrating motor complex in Suncus murinus a change in gastrointestinal pH is the key regulator.
Physiol Rep.,5(1):e13105 2017
Anupom Mondal, Kouhei Koyama, Takashi Mikami, Taichi Horita, Shota Takemi, Sachiko Tsuda, Ichiro Sakata & Takafumi Sakai.

Immunohistochemical Method to Study the Innervation of the Biliary Tract in Suncus murinus
JoVE:55483 2017
Ke Ren, Yidan Dai, Kai Yi, Masanobu Kinoshita, Masahiro Itoh, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Shuang-Qin Yi.

Milk basic protein increases ghrelin secretion and bone mineral density in rodents
Nutrition,39(40):15-19 2017
Yuko Ishida M.S. , Rakhi Chacrabati Ph.D., Aiko Ono-Ohmachi M.S. ,Zhi Gong Ph.D., Chika Ikenoya M.S., Sayaka Aizawa Ph.D., Takayuki Y. Nara Ph.D., Yoshikazu Morita Ph.D. , Ken Kato Ph.D., Takafumi Sakai Ph.D., Ichiro Sakata Ph.D.

Study of termination of postprandial gastric contractions in humans, dogs, and Suncus murinus: role of motilin- and ghrelin- induced strong contraction.
Acta Physiol (Oxf),222(2):e12933 2017
Mikami T, Ito K, Diaz HT, Hellström PM, Mochiki E, Takemi S, Tanaka T, Tsuda S, Jogahara T, Sakata I, Sakai T.

A comparative study of sex difference in calbindin neurons among mice, musk shrews, and Japanese quails.
Neurosci Lett.,631(19):63-69 2016
Yadanar Moe, Tomoko Tanaka, Masahiro Morishita, Ryoko Ohata, Chihiro Nakahara, Takaharu Kawashima, Fumihiko Maekawa, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Shinji Tsukahara

Identification of marker genes for pars tuberalis morphogenesis in chick embryo: expression of Cytokine-like 1 and Gap junction protein alpha 5 in pars tuberalis.
Cell Tissue Res.,366(3):721-31 2016
Aizawa S, Higaki Y, Dudaui A, Nagasaka M, Takahashi S, Sakata I, Sakai T.

Molecular Cloning of Ghrelin and Characteristics of Ghrelin-Producing Cells in the Gastrointestinal Tract of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
Zoological Science,33(5):497-504 2016
Shota Takemi, Ichiro Sakata, Auvijit Saha Apu, Shinji Tsukahara, Satowa Yahashi, Goro Katsuura, Fumihiro Iwashige, Atsushi Akune, Akio Inui and Takafumi Sakai.

The proximal gastric corpus is the most responsive site of motilin-induced contractions in the stomach of the Asian house shrew
J Comp Physiol B,61(6):665-75 2016
Amrita Dudani, Sayaka Aizawa, Gong Zhi, Toru Tanaka, Takamichi Jogahara, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

The proximal gastric corpus is the most responsive site of motilin-induced contractions in the stomach of the Asian house shrew
J Comp Physiol B,186(5):665-75 2016
Amrita Dudani, Sayaka Aizawa, Gong Zhi, Toru Tanaka, Takamichi Jogahara, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

Molecular cloning of motilin and mechanism of motilin-induced gastrointestinal motility in Japanese quail
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,223:53-62 2016
Auvijit Saha Apu, Anupom Mondal, Takio Kitazawa, Shota Takemi, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

Molecular cloning of motilin and mechanism of motilin-induced gastrointestinal motility in Japanese quail
General and Comparative Endocrinology,233:53-62 2016
Auvijit Saha Apu, Anupom Mondal, Takio Kitazawa, Shota Takemi, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

Increased ghrelin signaling prolongs survival in mouse models of human aging through activation of sirtuin1.
Molecular Psychiatry,21(11):1613-23 2016
N Fujitsuka, A Asakawa, A Morinaga, M S Amitani, H Amitani, G Katsuura, Y Sawada, Y Sudo, Y Uezono, E Mochiki, I Sakata, T Sakai, K Hanazaki, T Yada, K Yakabi, E Sakuma, T Ueki, A Niijima, K Nakagawa, N Okubo, H Takeda, M Asaka and A Inui

Involvement of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Receptor 1, (TRPV1)-Expressing Vagal Nerve in the Inhibitory Effect of Gastric Acidification on Exogenous Motilin-Induced Gastric Phase III Contractions in Suncus murinus.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences,61(6):1501-11 2016
Makoto Yoshimura, Takashi Mikami, Kayuri Kuroda, Maki Nishida, Kazuma Ito, Anupom Mondal, Kouhei Koyama, Takamichi Jogahara, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai.

Chapter 21. GhrelinMotilin Family, 21B. Motilin
Handbook of Hormones.Comparative Endocrinology for Basic and Clinical Research.The Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology.Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier:186-188 2016
Yoshio Takei ,Hironori Ando ,Kazuyoshi Tsutsui ,Masafumi Amano,Susumu Hyodo,Akiyoshi Takahashi,Kanta Mizusawa,Sakae Takeuchi,Honoo Satake,Akiyoshi Takahashi,Min Kyun Park,Tomoya Nakamachi,Jun Watanabe,Munetaka Shimizu,Toshio Sekiguchi,Hiroyuki Kaiya,Takafumi Sakai,Hiroko Ohki-Hamazaki,Shinya Yuge,Nobuo Suzuki,Maho Ogoshi,Marty K.S. Wong,Hiroyuki Kaneko,Takashi Kato,Hirokazu Ohtaki

Rikkunshito induces gastric relaxation via the β-adrenergic pathway in Suncus murinus.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility,in press 2015
Anupom Mondal, Amane Takehara, Sayaka Aizawa, Toru Tanaka, Takafumi Sakai and Ichiro Sakata

Electrospray Delivery of Insulin Lowers Blood Glucose in Rats.
Chemistry Letters,44(10):1295-97 2015
Kanako Koike, Kazuto Ikemoto, Takafumi Sakai

Motilin Stimulates Gastric Acid Secretion in Coordination with Ghrelin in Suncus murinus.
PLOS ONE,10(6):e0131554 2015
Goswami C, Shimada Y, Yoshimura M, Mondal A, Oda S, Tanaka T, Sakai T and Sakata I

Motilin stimulates pepsinogen secretion in Suncus murinus.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun,462(3):263-8 2015
Goswami C, Tanaka T, Jogahara T, Sakai T and Sakata I

A high-throughput direct fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based assay for analyzing apoptotic proteases using flow cytometry and fluorescence lifetime measurements.
Analytical Biochemistry,491:10-17 2015
Miho Suzuki, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Hiroaki Tomioka, Koichi Nishigaki, Marc Tramier d, Maït e Coppey-Moisan

Ghrelin Is an Essential Factor for Motilin-Induced Gastric Contraction in Suncus murinus.
Endocrinology,156(12):4437-47 2015
Kuroda K, Hequing H, Mondal A, Yoshimura M, Ito K, Mikami T, Takemi S, Jogahara T, Sakata I, Sakai T

Motilin stimulates pepsinogen secretion in Suncus murinus
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,462(3):263-8 2015
Chayon Goswami, Toru Tanaka, Takamichi Jogahara, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

G-protein coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) signaling regulates ghrelin secretion in vivo and in vitro.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab,306:E28–E35 2014
Gong Z, Yoshimura M, Aizawa S, Kurotani R, Zigman JM, Sakai T, Sakata I

Regulation of LH/FSH expression by secretoglobin 3A2 in the mouse pituitary gland
Cell Tissue Res,DOI 10.1007/s00441-014-1794-z 2014
Yuki Miyano, Shigeyuki Tahara, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai, Hiroyuki Abe, Shioko imura, Reiko Kurotani

Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Induces Prolactin Expression in Rat Pituitary Gland
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE,31:390-397 2014
Satoya Hoshino, Reiko Kurotani, Yuki Miyano, Satoshi Sakahara, Kanako Koike, Minoru Maruyama, Fumio Ishikawa, Ichiro Sakatai, Hiroyuki Abe and Takafumi Sakai

G.I. Research ,21(1):25-30 201302

医学書院,64(5):408-409 2013

摂食と消化管運動研究におけるモデル動物 -モチリンおよびグレリンを産生する小型哺乳類スンクス-
G. I. Reserch ・先端医学社,21(1):25-30 2013

Negative regulation of neuromedin U mRNA expression in the rat pars tuberalis by melatonin
Plos One,8(7):E67118 2013
Aizawa S, Sakata I, Nagasaka M, Higaki Y, Sakai T

The Role of the Vagus Nerve in the Migrating Motor Complex and Ghrelin And Motilin-Induced Gastric Contraction in Suncus
Plos One,8(5):e64777 2013
Miyano Y, Sakata I, Kuroda K, Aizawa S, Tanaka T, Jogahara T, Kurotani R, Sakai T

Mechanism of Ghrelin-Induced Gastric Contractions in Suncus murinus (House Musk Shrew):Involvement of Intrinsic Primary Afferent Neurons
Plos One,8(4):e60365 2013
Mondal A, Aizawa S, Sakata I, Goswami C, Oda S, Sakai T

Glutamine and glutamic acid enhance thyroid-stimulating hormone β subunit mRNA expression in the rat pars tuberalis.
Journal of Endocrinology,212:389-394 2012
Aizawa, S., Sakai, T., Sakata, I.

Collision of millimetre droplets induces DNA and protein transfection into cells.
Scientific Reports,2.289 2012
Ikemoto, K., Sakata, I., Sakai, T.

Coordination of motilin and ghrelin regulates the migrating motor complex of gastrointestinal motility in Suncus murinus.
American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestestinal and Liver Physiology,302:G1207-G1215 2012
Mondal, A., Xie, Z., Miyano, Y., Tsutsui, C., Sakata, I., Kawamoto, Y., Aizawa, S., Tanaka, T., Oda, SI., Sakai, T.

Detailed analysis of the δ-crystallin mRNA-expressing region in early development of the chick pituitary gland.
Journal of Molecular Histology,43(3):273-80 2012
Inoue, M., Shiina, T., Aizawa, S., Sakata, I., Takagi, H., Sakai, T.

Detailed morphogenetic analysis of the embryonic chicken pars tuberalis as glycoprotein alpha subunit positive region
J Mol Histol,DOI 10.1007/s10735-012-9479-y 2012
Inoue M, Aizawa S, Higaki Y, Kawashima A, Koike K, Takagi H, Sakai T

Ghrelin increases intracellular Ca2+ concentration in the various hormone-producing cell types of the rat pituitary gland
Neuroscience Letters,20(526):29-32 2012
Yamazaki M, Aizawa S, Tanaka T, Sakai T, Sakata I

In vitro selection of a peptide antagonist of growthhormone secretagogue receptor using cDNA display
PNAS,109(28):11121-26 2012
Ueno S, Yoshida S, Mondal A, Nishina K, Koyama M, Sakata I, Miura K, Hayashi Y, Nemoto N, Nishigaki K, Sakai T

Molecular identification of GHS-R and GPR38 in Suncus murinus
Peptides,36(1):29-38 2012
Suzuki A, Ishida Y, Aizawa S, Sakata I, Tsutsui C, Mondal A, Koike K, Sakai T

Antagonistic effect of disulfide-rich peptide aptamers selected by cDNA display on interleukin-6-dependent cell proliferation
Biochem Biophys Res Commun,421:129-33 2012
Nemoto N, Tsutsui C, Yamaguchi J, Ueno S, Machida M, Kobayashi T, Sakai T

Immunocytochemical localization of kisspeptin neurons in the rat forebrain with special reference to sexual dimorphism and interaction with GnRH neurons
Endocrine Journal,59(2):161-71 2012
Xu, Z., Kaga, S., Mochiduki, A., Tsubomizu, J., Adachi, S., Sakai, T., Inoue, K. and Adachi, AA.

Measurement of Contractile Activity in Small Animal’s Digestive Organ by Carbon Nanotube-Based Force Transducer
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,50:030210-1~030210-3 2011
Takamichi Hirata, Naoki Takeda, Chihiro Tsutsui, Kanako Koike, Yuichi Shimatani, Takafumi Sakai, Masahiro Akiya, and Akira Taguchi

Myenteric neural network activated by motilin in the stomach of Suncus murinus (house musk shrew).
Neurogastroenterology and Motility:1123-31 2011
Mondal, A., Kawamoto, Y., Yanaka, T., Tsutsui, C., Sakata, I., Oda, SI., Tanaka, T., Sakai, T.

Circadian transcriptional factor DBP regulates expression of Kiss1 in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus.
Mol Cell Endocrinol,339(1-2):90-97 2011
Xu Z, Kaga S, Tsubomizu J, Fujisaki J, Mochiduki A, Sakai T, Tsukamura H, Maeda K, Inoue K, Adachi AA.

Potentiation of ghrelin signaling attenuates cancer anorexia-cachexia and prolongs survival.
Translational Psychiatry 2011
Fujituka N, Asakawa A, Uezono Y, Minami K, Yamaguchi T, Niijima A, Yada T, Maejima Y, Sedbazar U, Sakai T, Hattori T, Kase Y, Inui A.

Directed evolution of a three-finger neurotoxin by using cDNA display yields antagonists as well as agonists of interleukin-6 receptor signaling.
Mol Brain,4(2) 2011
Naimuddin M, Kobayashi S, Tsutsui C, Machida M, Nemoto N, Sakai T, Kubo T.

Simple and tunable Förster resonance energy transfer-based bioprobes for high-throughput monitoring of caspase-3 activation in living cells by using flow cytometry.
Biochim Biophys Acta:215-226 2011
Suzuki, M., Tanaka, S., Ito, Y., Inoue, M., Sakai, T., Nishigaki, K.

Ghrelin cells in the gastrointestinal tract
Hindawi Publishing Corporation,International Journal of Peptides,ArticleID945056 2010
Sakata I, Sakai T

Physiological characteristics of gastric contractions and circadian gastric motility in the free-moving conscious house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology  ,299(4) 2010
Sakahara S, Xie Z, Koike K, Hoshino S, Sakata I, Oda S, Takahashi T, Sakai T

Fragments of Genomic DNA Released by Injured Cells Activate Innate Immunity and Suppress Endocrine Function in the Thyroid
Endocrinology,152:1702-1712 2010
Akira Kawashima, Kazunari Tanigawa, Takeshi Akama, Huhehasi Wu, Mariko Sue, Aya Yoshihara, Yuko Ishido, Kouji Kobiyama, Fumihiko Takeshita, Ken J. Ishii, Hisashi Hirano, Hiroaki Kimura, Takafumi Sakai, Norihisa Ishii, and Koichi Suzuki

House musk shrew (Suncus murinus, order: Insectivora) as a new model animal for motilin study
Peptides,30(2):318-329 200902
C. Tsutsui;K. Kajihara;T. Yanaka;I. Sakata;Z. Itoh;S. Oda;T. Sakai

Identification of ghrelin in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus): cDNA cloning, peptide purification and tissue distribution
Elsevier,Peptides,30(5):982-990 2009
Yuko Ishida, Satoshi Sakahara, Chihiro Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Kaiya, Ichiro Sakata, Sen-ichi Oda, Takafumi Sakai

Characteristic features of ghrelin cells in the gastrointestinal tract and the regulation of stomach ghrelin expression and production
World Journal of Gastroenterology,14(41):6306-6311 200811
Zheng Zhao;Takafumi Sakai

Detailed analysis of formation of chicken pituitary primordium in early embryonic development
Cell and Tissue Research,333(3):417-426 200809
Hiroyasu Takagi;Keiko Nagashima;Makiko Inoue;Ichiro Sakata;Takafumi Sakai

Chemical modification of carbon nanotube based bio-nanosensor by plasma activation
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,47(4):2068-2071 200804
T. Hirata;S. Amiya;M. Akiya;O. Takei;T. Sakai;T. Nakamura;J. Kawamura-Tsuzuku;T. Yamamoto;R. Hatakeyama

Hypophyseal corticosteroids stimulate somatotrope differentiation in the embryonic chicken pituitary gland
Histochemistry and Cell Biology,129(3):357-365 200803
Jun Zheng;Hiroyasu Takagi;Chihiro Tsutsui;Akihito Adachi;Takafumi Sakai

Gastric leptin, but not estrogen and somatostatin, contributes to the elevation of ghrelin mRNA expression level in fasted rats
Journal of Endocrinology,196(3):529-538 200803
Zheng Zhao;Ichiro Sakata;Yusuke Okubo;Kanako Koike;Kenji Kangawa;Takafumi Sakai

DNA introduction into living cells by water droplet impact with an electrospray process
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,47(8):1429-1431 2008
Yusuke Okubo;Kazuto Ikemoto;Kanako Koike;Chihiro Tsutsui;Ichiro Sakata;Osamu Takei;Akihito Adachi;Takafumi Sakai

Caspase-3 sensitive signaling in vivo in apoptotic HeLa cells by chemically engineered intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer mutants of green fluorescent protein.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun,330:454-60 2005
Suzuki M, Ito Y, Sakata I, Sakai T, Husimi Y, Douglas KT

Exogenous administration of octanoic acid accelerates octanoylated ghrelin production in the proventriculus of neonatal chicks
Biochem Biophys Res Commun,333:583-59 2005
Yamato M, Sakata I, Wada R, Kaiya H, Sakai T

Temporal and spatial expression of TGF-beta2 in chicken somites during early embryonic development.
J Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp Biol.,303:323-30 2005
Aramaki S, Sato F, Soh T, Yamauchi N, Sakai T, Hattori MA.

Independent differentiation of mammotropes and somatotropes in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland Analysis by cell distribution and attempt to detect somatomammotropes.
Histochem Cell Biol.:1-11 2005
Zheng J, Nakamura K, Maseki Y, Geelissen SM, Berghman LR, Sakai T.

Promoter activity of sea lamprey proopiocortin and proopiomelanotropin genes in AtT-20/D16v cells.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,144:182-7 2005
Takahashi A, Nakata O, Kosugi T, Kako K, Sakai T, Ito M, Takamatsu N, Shiba T, Sower SA, Kawauchi H.

Development of gonadotropes in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland
Zoolog. Sci.,21(4):435-44 2004
Maseki Y, Nakamura K, Iwasawa A, , Zheng J, Inoue K, Sakai

Estrogen modulates ghrelin expression in the female rat stomach
Peptides,25(2):289-97 2004
Matsubara M, Sakata I, Wada R, Yamazaki M, Inoue K, Sakai T

Development of thyroid-stimulating hormone beta subunit-producing cells in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland
Cells Tissues Organs,177:21-8 2004
Nakamura K, Iwasawa A, Kidokoro H, Komoda M, Zheng J, Maseki Y, Inoue K, Sakai T

Localization of ghrelin-producing cells in the stomach of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Zoolog Sci.,21:757-62 2004
Sakata I, Mori T, Kaiya H, Yamazaki M, Kangawa K, Inoue K, Sakai T

Ghrelin-induced growth hormone release from isolated rat anterior pituitary cells depends on intracellullar and extracellular ca sources.
J. Neuroendocrinol.,16:825-31 2004
Yamazaki M, Kobayashi H, Tanaka T, Kangawa K, Inoue K, Sakai T

Structural determination and histochemical localization of ghrelin in the red-eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.,138:50-7 2004
Kaiya H, Sakata I, Kojima M, Hosoda H, Sakai T, Kangawa K.

Appearance of prolactio-releasing peptide-producing neurons in the area postrema of adrenalectomized rats
Neurosci. Lett.,338:127-30 2003
Fujiwara K. Maruyama M., Usui K., Sakai T., Matsumoto H., Hinuma S., Kitada C., Inoue K.

Existence of ghrelin-immunopositive and expressing cells in proventriculus of the hatching and adult chicken
Regul. Pept.,111:123-28 2003
R. Wada, I. Sakata, H. Kaiya, K. Nakamura. Y. Hayashi, K. Kangawa and T. Sakai

Growth hormone secretagogue receptor expression in the cells of the stomach-projected afferent nerve in the rat nodose ganglion
Neurosci. Lett.,342:183-86 2003
Sakata I., M. Yamazaki, K. Inoue, Y. Hayashi, K. Kangawa, T. Sakai

Production and Characterization of an Antiserum against Recombinant Porcine Follicle Stimulating Hormone
J. Reprod. Dev.,48:131-36 2002
Tomizawa K., S. Ogawa, T. Kato, M. Watanabe, I. Sato, T. Ihara, T. Sakai, M. Hattori, K. Inoue, S. Ueda, M. Kikuchi, J. Mori and Y. Kato

Expression of PDS/Pds, the Pendred Syndrome Gene, in Endometrium
Journal of Crinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,87(2):938 2002
Suzuki K., IE. Royaux, LA. Everett, A. Moriaoki, S. Suzuki, K. Nakamura, T. Sakai, R. Katoh, ED. Green and LD. Kohn.

Postnatal Changes in Ghrelin mRNA Expression and inGhrelin-producing Cells in the Rat Stomach
J. Endocrinology,174:464-71 2002
Sakata I., T. Tanaka, M. Matsubara, M. Yamazaki, S. Tani, Y. Hayashi, K. Kangawa and T. Sakai

Regulational effect of Ghrelin on growth-hormone secretion from perifused rat anterior pituitary cells.
J. Neuroendocrinol.,14(2):156-162 2002
Yamazaki M., K. Nakamura, H. Kobayashi, M. Matsubara, Y. Hayashi, K. Kangawa and T. Sakai

Ghrelin-producing cells exist as two types cells, closed- and opened-type cells, in the rat gastrointestinal tract.
Peptides,23(3):531-536 2002
Sakata I., K. Nakamura, M. Yamazaki, M. Matsubara, Y. Hayashi, K. Kangawa and T. Sakai

Immunohistochemical analyses of thyroid-sepecific enhancer-binding protein in the fetal and adult rat hypothalami and pituitary glands.
Developmental Brain Research,130(2):159-166 2001
Nakamura K., S. Kimura, A. Kawaguchi, K. Inoue and T. Sakai

Melatonin stimulates thyroid-stimulating hormone accumulation in the thyrotropes of the rat pars tuberalis.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology,114:213-218 2000
Sakamoto S., K. Nakamura, K. Inoue and T. Sakai

Cytological characterization of a pituitary folliculo-stellate like cell line, Tpit/F1, with special reference to ATP-mediated nNOS expression and NO secretion.
Endocrinology,141(10):3603-3610 2000
Chen L., D. Maruyama, M. Sugiyama, T. Sakai, C. Mogi, M. Kato, R. Kurotani, N. Shirasawa, A. Takagi, U. Renner, Y. Kato, and K. Inoue.

Peripheral or Central Administration of Motilin Suppresses LH Release in Female Rats: a Novel Role for Motilin.
J Neuroendocrinol.,12(5):403-408 2000
Tsukamura H., S. Tsukahara, F. Maekawa, R. Moriyama, B. Reyes, T. Sakai, Y. Niwa, D. Foster and K. Maeda.

Characterization of TSHpositive cells in foetal rat pars tuberalis that fail to express Pit-1 factor and thyroid hormone b2 receptors.
J. Neuroendocrinol.,11:187-193 1999
Sakai T., S. Sakamoto, K. Ijima, K. Matsubara, Y. Kato and K. Inoue.

Direct evidence of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated nitric oxide production in the LβT-2 clonal gnadotropes.
Pituitary,2:191-196 1999
Chen L., T. Sakai, S. Sakamoto, M. Kato, and K. Inoue

Prolactin-producing cells differentiate from G0/G1-arrested somatotrophs in vitro: an analysis of cell cycle phases and mammotroph differentiation.
Endocrine Journal,45(6):725-735 1998
Goda H., T. Sakai, M. Kurosumi and K. Inoue

The glycoproteins that occur in the colloids of senescent porcine pituitary glands are clusterin and glycosylated albumin fragments
Biochem Biophys Res Commun,234:712-18 1997
Ogawa S, Ishibashi Y, Sakamoto Y, Kitamura K, Kubo M, Sakai T, Inoue K.

Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on gastrointestinal motility in conscious guinea-pigs.
Neurogastroenterol Motil.,9:205-14 1997
Nakajima M, Shiihara Y, Shiba Y, Sano I, Sakai T, Mizumoto A, Itoh Z.

Genetically engineered animals models of obesity and body weight regurlation
Current Topics in Pharmacology,3:123-35 1997
Inui A., Fujimiya M., Sakai T.

Sodium azide induces relaxation of the canine gastric body by activating a guanylate cyclase-dependent pathway
Neurogastroenterol Motil,9:193-201 1997
Sano I, Mizumoto A, Sakai T, Tamura T, Itoh Z.

Exogenous motilin stimulates endogenous release of motilin through cholinergic muscarinic pathways in the dog.
Gastroenterology,111:1456-64 1996
Mochiki E, Satoh M, Tamura T, Haga N, Suzuki H, Mizumoto A, Sakai T, Itoh Z.

Histochemical study of follicles in the senescent porcine pituitary gland.
Arch Histol Cytol.,59:467-78 1996
Ogawa S, Couch EF, Kubo M, Sakai T, Inoue K.

Immunocytochemical localization of motilin-containing cells in the rabbit gastrointestinal tract.
Peptides,16(5):883-87 1995
Satoh M, Sakai T, Koyama H, Shiba Y, Itoh Z.

Distribution of enteric neural peptide YY in the dog gastrointestinal tract.
Peptides,16(8):1395-402 1995
Iesaki K, Sakai T, Satoh M, Haga N, Koyama H, Itoh Z.

Pituitary Folliculo-Stellate-Like Cells Stimulate Somatotroic Pituitary Tumor Growth in Nude Mice.
Endocr Pathol.,6(1):67-75 1995
Koyama C, Matsumoto H, Sakai T, Wakabayashi K, Ito A, Couch EF, Inoue K.

Control of gallbladder contractions by cholecystokinin through cholecystokinin-A receptors in the vagal pathway and gallbladder in the dog.
Regul Pept,60:33-46 1995
Sonobe K, Sakai T, Satoh M, Haga N, Itoh Z.

Biotinyl C-terminal-extended motilin as a biologically active receptor probe.
Peptides,15(2):257-62 1994
Sakai T, Satoh M, Hayashi H, Fujikura K, Sano I, Koyama H, Tatemoto K, Itoh Z.

Localization of motilin-immunopositive cells in the rat intestine by light microscopic immunocytochemistry.
Peptides,15(6):987-91 1994
Sakai T, Satoh M, Koyama H, Iesaki K, Umahara M, Fujikura K, Itoh Z.

Autoradiographic study of motilin binding sites in the rabbit gastrointestinal tract.
Regul Pept.,53:249-57 1994
Sakai T, Satoh M, Sonobe K, Nakajima M, Shiba Y, Itoh Z.

EM574, an erythromycin derivative, is a potent motilin receptor agonist in human gastric antrum.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther.,271(1):574-9 1994
Satoh M, Sakai T, Sano I, Fujikura K, Koyama H, Ohshima K, Itoh Z, Omura S.

Medialbasal hypothalamic deafferentation modulates feeding response to insulin in rats.
Physiol Behav.,53:867-71 1993
Ohshima K, Onai T, Okada S, Umahara M, Sato M, Nakamura Y, Mori M, Kobayashi I, Sakai T.

Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry of TSH-like cells occurring in the pars tuberalis of the adult male rat pituitary.
Arch Histol Cytol.,55(2):151-57 1992
Sakai T, Inoue K, Kurosumi K.

The cell-adhesive effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on pituitary cells in vitro.
J Endocrinol,130:381-86 1991
Inoue K, Sakai T, Hattori M.

Conversion of growth hormone-secreting cells into prolactin-secreting cells and its promotion by insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 in vitro.
Exp Cell Res.,195:53-58 1991
Inoue K, Sakai T.

Establishment of a series of pituitary clonal cell lines differing in morphology, hormone secretion, and response to estrogen.
Endocrinology,126:2313-20 1990
Inoue K, Hattori M, Sakai T, Inukai S, Fujimoto N, Ito A.

Simultaneous effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on the expression of two gonadotropin beta genes by passive immunization to GnRH.
Mol Cell Endocrinol.,62:2313-20 1989
Kato Y, Imai K, Sakai T, Inoue K.

Effect of passive immunization to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) using GnRH antiserum on the mitotic activity of gonadotrophs in castrated male rats.
Endocrinology,122:2803-08 1988
Sakai T, Inoue K, Hasegawa Y, Kurosumi K.

第42回日本分子生物学会,第42回日本分子生物学会 201912

スッポン(Pelodiscus sinensis)モチリンの遺伝子クローニングと生理作用の研究
第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

中枢CRF 受容体による血糖維持機構の検討
第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

ネッタイツメガエルにおけるニューロメジンU 遺伝子の同定と組織分布
第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム,第44回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201911

食虫目スンクス下垂体隆起部における LH 産生細胞の局在及び卵巣摘除による LH 産生細胞の形態学的変化の研究
日本下垂体研究会 第34回学術集会,日本下垂体研究会 第34回学術集会 201908
塙 菫 、坂田一郎 、藤原 研 、高橋直央 、坂井貴文

食虫目スンクス(Suncus murinus)を用いた消化管運動研究の展開
第61回日本平滑筋学会,第61回日本平滑筋学会 201908
竹見祥大、坂田一郎、 坂井貴文

第61回日本平滑筋学会,第61回日本平滑筋学会 201908
小林 優輝、坂田 一郎、小川 仁、柴田 近、坂井 貴文

Hormonal and neuronal regulatory mechanisms of gastrointestinal motility in the Suncus murinus
9th FAOPS 2019(第96回日本生理学会),9th FAOPS 2019 201903

日本分子生物学会,第41回日本分子生物学会年会 201811

日本比較内分泌学会,第43回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201811

日本比較内分泌学会,第43回日本比較内分泌学会及びシンポジウム 201811

Cloning of the proglucagon gene and the gastrointestinal motor functions of GLP-1 in Suncus murinus.
FNM2018,3rd Meeting of the Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal Motility.(FNM2018) 201808
H.taguchi, S.Ojima, C.Nakahara, N.Hiura, T.Sakai, I.Sakata

Inhibitory mechanism of motilin-induced strong contraction in conscious Suncus murinus.
FNM2018,3rd Meeting of the Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal Motility(FNM2018) 201808
H.Sekiya, K.koyama, S,Takemi, I.Sakata, T.Sakai

日本平滑筋学会,第60回日本平滑筋学会 201808

日本平滑筋学会,第60回日本平滑筋学会 201808

Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor signaling in the brain stimulates ghrelin secretion via sympathetic nervous system in mice.
International Congress of Neuroendocrinology 2018,International Congress of Neuroendocrinology 2018 201807
N. Takakura, D. Kondo, S. Takemi, R.Wada, T. Sakai, I. Sakata

The mechanism of motilin-induced strong gastric contraction in the Suncus murinus: Involvement of the ghrelin-mediated  GABAergic pathway
International Congress of Neuroendocrinology 2018,International Congress of Neuroendocrinology 2018 201807
I.Sakata, S. Takemi, K. Koyama, A. Dudani, T. Sakai

Study of glycoprotein hormone-producing cells in the pars tuberalis of Suncus murinus
日本動物学会関東支部,日本動物学会関東支部 第70回大会 201803
Dilibaerguli Shaliman, Hatsuki Sakaida, Kimie Atsuzawa, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

鳥類内分泌研究会,第41回鳥類内分泌研究会 201712
ハ ライ、ドゥダニ アムリタ、坂井田初季、竹見祥大、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

日本比較内分泌学会,第42回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201711

日本比較内分泌学会,第42回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201711

日本比較内分泌学会,第42回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201711

ラット下垂体隆起部におけ るニューロメジンU の発現 制御メカニズム
日本動物学会,第88回日本動物学会 201709
相澤 清香,顧 䆾䆾, 神之田 有紗,藤岡 竜矢, 坂井田 初季,塙 菫, 坂田 一郎,坂井 貴文, 御輿 真穂,竹内 栄, 高橋 純夫

スンクス消化管運動におけ るコレシストキニン(CCK) の生理作用とCCKA 受容 体遺伝子の同定
日本動物学会,第88回日本動物学会 201709
本田 航,坂田 一郎, 坂井 貴文

スンクス上部小腸オルガノイ ド培養系の確立
日本動物学会,第88回日本動物学会 201709
高倉 なつみ, 竹見 祥大,熊木 竣佑, 岩槻 健,坂田 一郎,坂井 貴文

Adenosine and dopamine are key regulatory molecules for motilin-induced contractions in the Asian musk shrew stomach Suncus murinus in-vitro
日本平滑筋学会,第59回日本平滑筋学会 201708
ドウダニ アムリタ、モンダル アヌポン、坂田 一郎、坂井 貴文

日本平滑筋学会,第59回日本平滑筋学会 201708
竹見 祥大、伊藤 一真、三上 堯、小山 航平、黒田 香百合、Anupon Mondal、坂田 一郎、坂井 貴文

日本下垂体研究会,第32回日本下垂体研究会学術集会 201708

群馬消化管機能研究会,第16回群馬消化管機能研究会 201706

The study of ghrelin secretion and acyl-modification using mice and ghrelinoma cell lines
International Symposium on Ghrelin and Energy Metabolism Homeostasis,International Symposium on Ghrelin and Energy Metabolism Homeostasis 201704
Ichiro Sakata, Zhi Gong, Chika Ikenoya, Shota Takemi, Takahumi Sakai

The important role of ghrelin on gastric contraction in Suncus murinus
International Symposium on Ghrelin and Energy Metabolism Homeostasis,International Symposium on Ghrelin and Energy Metabolism Homeostasis 201704
Shota Takemi, Ichiro Sakata, Kayuri Kuroda, Takafumi Sakai

日本動物学会関東支部,日本動物学会関東支部第69回大会 201703

日本動物学会関東支部,日本動物学会関東支部第69回大会 201703

Determination of proximal corpus as the most active and responsive site for motilin- and ghrelin-induced gastric contractions in suncus murinus stomach in vitro
ANMA & JSNM Joint Meeting,ANMA & JSNM Joint Meeting 2017 201703
Amrita Dudani, Sayaka Aizawa, Anupom Mondal, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai.

Most Active And Responsive Site For Motilin- And Ghrelin-Induced Gastric Contractions Is Proximal Stomach In Asian Musk Shrew Stomach In Vitro.
ISAJ,7th ISAJ Symposium 201612
A Dudani, S Aizawa, A Mondal, T Sakai, I Sakata

マウスグレリン産生細胞における RESP18 の役割の検討
日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612
牧井 崇、池之谷知佳、竹見祥大、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612
坂井田初季、相澤清香、坂田一郎 、坂井貴文

日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612

日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612
堀田太一、伊藤一真、小山航平、三上 尭、坂田一郎、坂井貴文

日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612

ウロコルチン 1 脳室内投与によるグレリン分泌作用の検討
日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612

日本比較内分泌学会,第41回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201612
竹見祥大 、池之谷知佳 、Gong zhi、Chakrabati Rakhi、近藤大介 、田中 亨 、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

Hindgut Club Japan,第22回Hindgut Club Japanシンポジウム 201612
近藤大介、竹見祥大、Rakhi Chacrabati、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

Determination of main action site of motilin in Suncus murinus in vitro.
India-Japan Fest BICON,The 11th Anniversary India-Japan Fest BICON-2016 201610
A Dudani、A Mondal、S Aizawa、I Sakata、T Sakai

Sympathetic nerve stimulates ghrelin secretion via its interaction with urocortin in mice.
India-Japan Fest BICON-2016,The 11th Anniversary India-Japan Fest BICON-2016 201610

The role of vagal TRPV1 in gastric acidification suppression of motilin-induced gastric contractions.
India-Japan Fest BICON,The 11th Anniversary India-Japan Fest BICON-2016 201610

Alternation of duodenal pH by 5HT4 recepter governs motilin release and induction of gastric phase Ⅲ-like contraction in Suncus murinus.
日本平滑筋学会総会,第58回 日本平滑筋学会総会 201608

モチリン誘発性強収縮の胃内酸性化による抑制機構における迷走神経とTRPV1 の役割
日本平滑筋学会総会,第58回日本平滑筋学会総会 201608

Changes of duodenal pH are important for the occurrence of strong gastric contraction by the release of motilin in the Suncus murinus.
FNM,FNM 2016 Joint International Meeting, San Francisco 201608
A Mondal, K Koyama, T Mikami, I Sakata, T Sakai

Changes of duodenal pH are important for the occurrence of strong gastric contraction by the release of motilin in the Suncus murinus.
FNM,FNM 2016 Joint International Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. 201608
A Dudani, S Aizawa, A Mondal, T Sakai, I Sakata

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第68回関東支部大会 201603

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第68回関東支部大会 201603

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第68回関東支部大会 201603

Common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)におけるghrelinの同定と消化管でのghrelin産生細胞の局在
日本動物学会,日本動物学会第68回関東支部大会 201603

Motilin-induced contraction occurs via direct action on the smooth muscles of the quail gastrointestinal tract.
CompBiol2015 広島大会,CompBiol 2015 広島大会:18 201512
A Saha Apu, R Chacrabati, A Mondal, Takio Kitazawa, H Kaiya, T Sakai and I Sakata.

A nobel role of G protein coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B(GPRC5B) in the regulation of ghrelin signaling in vitro and in vivo.
CompBiol 2015 広島大会,CompBiol 2015 広島大会:18 201512
R Chacrabati, Zhi Gong, C Ikenoya, D Kondo, C Goswami, T Sakai and I Sakata.

Synergistic action of motilin and ghrelin facilitates different responses in various parts of the Suncus Stomack in vitro.
CompBiol 2015 広島大会,CompBiol 2015 広島大会:18 201512
A Dudani, S Aizawa, Gong Zhi, C Ikenoya, A Mondal, T Jogahara, I Sakata and T Sakai.

Effect of Motilin and Ghrelin on Postprandial Gastric Contraction in Suncus murinus.
CompBiol 2015 ,CompBiol 2015 広島大会:18 201512
K Ito, T Mikami, A Mondal, I Sakata and T Sakai.

The Relationship between Gastric Motility and Vomiting in Suncus murinus (House Musk Shrew)
CompBiol 2015,CompBiol 2015 広島大会:18 201512
S Takemi, I Sakata and T Sakai.

Origin of medium-chain fatty acids that modify ghrelin in mice.
CompBiol2015 ,CompBiol2015 広島大会:13 201512
C Ikenoya, Gong Zhi, R Chacrabati, D Kondo, T Sakai and I Sakat.

第4回実験動物科学シンポジウム,第4回実験動物科学シンポジウム 201512

Glutamate inhibited ghrelin secretion is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B (GPRC5B)
Hindgut Club Japan 2015,Hindgut Club Japan 2015 201512
Rakhi Chacrabati, Zhi Gong, Chika Ikenoya, Daisuke Kondo, Chayon Goswami, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

合同学術集会2015(第17回日本神経消化器病学会・第83回消化器心身医学研究会・第9回機能性ディスペプシア研究会・第5回IBS研究会),合同学術集会2015(第17回日本神経消化器病学会・第83回消化器心身医学研究会・第9回機能性ディスペプシア研究会・第5回IBS研究会) 201511

Suppression of gastric motility in motion sickness in Suncus murinus (house musk shrew)
Biology and Control of Nausea and Vomiting,Biology and Control of Nausea and Vomiting 2015 201510
Shota Takemi, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

Motilin stimulates gastric acid and pepshinogen secretion in Suncus murinus.
JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015,JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015 201510
C. Goswami, Y. Shimada, M. Yoshimura, A. Mondal, S. Oda, T. Tanaka, I. Sakata, T. Sakai.

Regulatory mechanism of Rikkunshito-induced gastric relaxation in the Suncus murinus: involvement of the β-adrenergic pathway.
JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015,JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015 201510
A. Mondal, A. Takehara, S. Aizawa, T. Tanaka, N. Fujitsuka, T. Hattori, T. Sakai, I. Sakata.

Ghrelin is important for the motilin-induced gastric contraction via the GABAergic pathway in Suncus murinus.
JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015,JDDW(日本消化器関連学会週間)2015 201510
T. Sakai, A. Mondal, K. Kuroda, H. Hequing, K. Ito, T. Mikami, S. Takemi, T. Jogahara, I. Sakata.

The role of motilin and ghrelin in gastric motility in suncus murinus.
BICON-2015,BICON-2015 201509
Taichi Horita, Kayuri Kuroda, Shota Takemi, Takashi Mikami, Mondal Anupom, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata.

Suncus murinus as a model for gastrointestinal motility and accommodation.
BICON-2015,BICON-2015 201509
Chihiro Nakahara, Shota Takemi, Taichi Horita, Anupom Mondal, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai.

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第86回新潟大会 201509
池之谷 知佳、Zhi Gong, Rakhi Chacrabati, 近藤大介、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第86回新潟大会 201509

The interplay between motilin and ghrelin to induce gastric contraction through the GABAergic pathway in Suncus murinus.
日本平滑筋学会,第57回日本平滑筋学会総会 201508
Mondal Anupom, 黒田香百合、黄合慶、伊藤一真、三上尭、竹見祥大、城ヶ原貴通、坂田一郎、坂井貴文

群馬消化管運動研究会,第23回群馬消化管運動研究会 201503
黒田香百合、竹見祥太、伊藤一真、Anupom Mondal、三上尭、坂田一郎、坂井貴文

群馬消化管運動研究会,第23回群馬消化管運動研究会 201503

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第67回関東支部大会 201503

G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B (GPRC5B) regulation mechanisms on ghrelin signaling.
日本動物学会,日本動物学会第67回関東支部大会 201503
Rakhi Chacrabati, Gong Zhi, Daisuke Kondo, Chika Ikenoya, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

Effect of motilin on gastric acid and pepsin secretion in Suncus murinus.
日本動物学会,日本動物学会第67回関東支部大会 201503
Chayon Goswami, Yoshiaki Shimada, Makoto Yoshimura, Anupom Mondal, Sen-ichi Oda, Toru Tanaka, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

Effects of restraint stress on gastric contraction in Suncus murinus.
日本動物学会,日本動物学会第67回関東支部大会 201503
Auvijit Saha Apu, Takashi Mikami, Kazuma Ito, Anupom Mondal, Ichiro Sakata, Takafumi Sakai

日本臨床生理学会,第51回日本臨床生理学会総会 201411
坂井貴文、坂田一郎、Mondal Anupom, 黒田香百合、黄合慶、伊藤一真、三上尭

Ghrelin is important for motilin-induced gastric motility
日本比較内分泌学会,第39回日本比較内分泌学会大会・第8回国際両生類爬虫類神経内分泌学会 合同大会 201411
Taichi Horita, Kayuri Kuroda, Kazuma Ito, Takashi Mikami, Huang Hequing, Anupom Mondal, Ichiro

Ghrelin secretion is stimulated via the sympathetic nervous system.
日本比較内分泌学会,第39回日本比較内分泌学会大会・第8回国際両生類爬虫類神経内分泌学会 合同大会 201411
Kohei Ueda, Gong Zhi, Takafumi Sakai, Ichiro Sakata

Motilin stimulates gastricacid secretion in coord
日本動物学会,第85回日本動物学会 201409
GOSWAMI CHAYON,島田佳明,Anupom Mondal,坂田一郎,坂井貴文

Motilin and ghrelin regulate postprandial giant contractions in Suncus murinus
Thai Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society,The 1st Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (FNM2014) 201409

Simultaneous measurement of gastric and duodenal motility in Suncus murinus
Thai Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society,The 1st Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (FNM2014) 201409

日本下垂体研究会,第29回日本下垂体研究会学術集会 201408
坂井 貴文

日本平滑筋学会総会,第56回日本平滑筋学会総会 201408
伊藤 一真、吉村 真、三上 尭、アヌポン モンダル、坂田 一郎、坂井 貴文

日本平滑筋学会総会,第56回日本平滑筋学会総会 201408
三上 尭、黒田 香百合、伊藤 一真、アヌポン モンダル、坂井 貴文、坂田 一郎

スンクスを用いた消化管運動研究の新たな展開 - 消化管研究におけるスンクスの有用性 -
日本解剖学会,第8回スンクス研究会 201403

日本動物学会関東支部,日本動物学会関東支部 第66回大会 201403
榎本衣里、Chayon Goswami、坂井貴文、坂田一郎

群馬消化管運動研究会,第22回群馬消化管運動研究会 201403

日本比較内分泌学会,第38回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201310

日本比較内分泌学会,第38回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201310

日本動物学会,第84回日本動物学会 201309

日本動物学会,第84回日本動物学会 201309

ラット下垂体隆起部におけるインスリン様成長因子結合タンパク質 5 の発現変動および産生細胞の検討
日本下垂体研究会学術集会,第28回日本下垂体研究会学術集会 201308

迷走神経による消化管収縮運動制御機構—スンクスを用いたin vivo実験—
日本平滑筋学会,第55回日本平滑筋学会 201308

日本平滑筋学会,第55回日本平滑筋学会 201308

Motilin and ghrelin additively stimulate gastric acid secretion in Suncus murinus
Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2013,Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2013 201305
Ichiro Sakata, Yoshiaki Shimada, Toru Tanaka, Kanako Koike, Sayaka Aizawa, Takafumi Sakai

Motilin and ghrelin additively stimulate gastric acid secretion in Suncus murinus
Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2013,DDW2013 201305
Ichiro Sakata, Yoshiaki Shimada, Toru Tanaka, Kanako Koike, Sayaka Aizawa, Takafumi Sakai

日本内分泌学会学術総会,第86回日本内分泌学会学術総会 201304

群馬消化管運動研究会,第21回群馬消化管運動研究会 201303

日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211
相澤清香、Jacob Cooper、坂田一郎、Anupom Mondal、長坂麻衣、檜垣佑理子、陳 文家、坂井貴文

日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211

日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211
島田佳明、坂田一郎、田中 享、坂井貴文

日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211

Long-chain fatty acids regulate ghrelin secretion via G-protein coupled receptor 120
日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211
Gong Z, Nishina K, Aizawa S, Sakai T, Sakata I

DNA マイクロアレイを用いたニワトリ胚下垂体隆起部における遺伝子発現解析
日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211

ラット下垂体隆起部におけるNeuromedinU 発現の日内変動とメラトニンによる制御
日本比較内分泌学会,第37回日本比較内分泌学会大会・シンポジウム 201211

The effect of motilin on gastric contraction using a newly developed diabetes mellitus model of the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
NGM 2012,NGM2012, Bologna, Italy 201209
Nishina, Yoshinari, Aizawa S, Sakata I, Sakai T

Identification of the major site of action for motilin-induced contraction within the suncus stomach
NGM2012,NGM2012, Bologna, Italy 201209
Aizawa S, Kobayashi K, Nagasaka M, Mondal A, Sakata I, Sakai T

Regulation of Gastric motility by ghrelin and motilin using animal model.
10th Korean PWS Symposium,10th Korean PWS Symposium, Korean 201209
Takafumi Sakai

日本平滑筋学会,第54回日本平滑筋学会総会 201208
坂井貴文,宮野祐樹,Mondal A,星野賢哉,相澤清香,坂田一郎

Motilin and ghrelin regulate gastric contraction via the myenteric plexus in Suncus murinus(house musk shrew)
日本平滑筋学会,第54回日本平滑筋学会総会 201208
Mondal A, Shimada Y, Koike K, Sakata I, Sakai T

日本内分泌学会,第30回内分泌代謝学サマーセミナー 201207

糖尿病スンクス(Suncus murinus)におけるモチリン誘発性胃収縮運動の研究
日本内分泌学会,第30回内分泌代謝学サマーセミナー 201207

日本内分泌学会,第30回内分泌代謝学サマーセミナー 201207

Stimulatory regulation of thyroid-stimulating hormone β subunit mRNA expression and TSH production by Glutamine and glutamic acid in the rat pars tuberalis.
ENDO2012,ENDO2012, HOUSTON, USA 201206
Sakata I, Aizawa S, Nagasaka M, Sakai T

Negative regulation of NeuromedinU mRNA expression in the rat pars tuberalis by the melatonin administration.
ENDO2012,ENDO2012, HOUSTON, USA 201206
Aizawa A, Nagasaka M, Sakai T, Sakata I

Microarray profiling of gene expression in the pars distalis and pars tuberalis of chicken embryo.
ISAE2012,ISAE2012, Gifu, Japan 201206
Higaki Y, Aizawa I, Inoue M, Sakata I, and Sakai T

ペプチド・ホルモン若手研究会,第2回ペプチド・ホルモン若手研究会 201203

群馬消化管運動研究会,第20回 群馬消化管運動研究会 201203

スンクス(Suncus murinus)糖尿病病態モデル作製およびモチリン誘発性胃収縮運動の研究
群馬消化管運動研究会,第20回 群馬消化管運動研究会 201203

下垂体隆起部の機能解明を目指した網羅的遺伝子解析 -隆起部特徴的なTSH遺伝子発現及び産生調節—
日本生理学会大会,第89回日本生理学会大会 201203

鳥類内分泌研究会,第36回鳥類内分泌研究会 201111

糖尿病スンクス(Suncus murinus)におけるモチリン誘発性胃収縮運動の検討
日本比較内分泌学会大会,第36回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201111

Myenteric neural pathway of motilin action in the Suncus murinus (House Musk Shrew) stomach.
日本比較内分泌学会大会,第36回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201111
Mondal, A., Shimada, Y., Kobayashi, R., Sakata, I., Sakai, T

下垂体隆起部におけるニューロメジンU のメラトニンによる発現調節
日本比較内分泌学会大会,第36回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201111

日本比較内分泌学会大会,第36回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201111

"Motilin and ghrelin stimulate gastric contraction in a specific physiological condition in vivo in the Suncus murinus (house musk shrew), a motilin- and ghrelin-producing laboratory animal."
第19回 日本消化器関連学会,第19回日本消化器関連学会週間 (Japan Digestive Disease Week 2011) 201110
"Mondal, A., Kurosawa, A., Koike, K.,?Sakata, I., Sakai, T."

Motilin and ghrelin synergistically regulates migrating motor complex (MMC) of the gastrointestinal (GI) motility in the Suncus murinus (house musk shrew).
, The 5th meeting of the Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention, Seoul, Korea 201110
Mondal, A., Xie, Z., Miyano, Y., Tsutsui, C., Kawamoto, Y., Aizawa, S., Tanaka, T., Oda, S., Sakata, I., Sakai, T.

Role of the vagus nerve in gastric motor patterns of the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
,The 5th meeting of the Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention, Seoul, Korea 201110
Miyano, Y., Xie, Z, Mondal, A., Nishina, K., Oda, S., Tanaka, T., Sakata, I., Sakai, T

Motilin and ghrelin stimulate gastric contraction in a specific physiological condition in vivo in the Suncus murinus (house musk shrew), a motilin- and ghrelin-producing laboratory animal.
日本消化器関連学会,第19回日本消化器関連学会週間 (Japan Digestive Disease Week 2011) 201110
Mondal, A., Kurosawa, A., Koike, K., Sakata, I., Sakai, T.

モチリン・グレリンファミリー研究のためのモデル動物スンクス (Suncus murinus) の有用性
第19回日本消化器関連学会週間 (Japan Digestive Disease Week 2011),第19回日本消化器関連学会週間 (Japan Digestive Disease Week 2011) 201110

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第82回大会 201109

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第82回大会 201109

消化管運動研究モデル動物としてのスンクス(Suncus murinus)の有用性
日本獣医学会,第152回日本獣医学会学術集会 201109

モチリン・グレリンファミリー研究におけるスンクス(Suncus murinus)の有用性に関する検討
日本獣医学会,第152回日本獣医学会学術集会 201109

日本肥満学会,第32回日本肥満学会 201109
坂田一郎、Tong-Jin Zhao、Guosheng Liang、Michael S. Brown、Joseph L. Goldstein、Jeffrey Zigman、坂井貴文

日本肥満学会,第32回日本肥満学会 201109

スンクス (suncus murinus) を用いた消化管運動測定系の確立とモチリン及びグレリンの関与
日本肥満学会,第32回日本肥満学会 201109

日本下垂体研究会,日本下垂体研究会第26回学術集会 201108

日本下垂体研究会,日本下垂体研究会第26回学術集会 201108

"Role of the vagus nerve in fasted and postprandial gastic motor patterns in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), a small laboratory animal."
Digestive Disease Week 2011,"Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, USA" 201105
"Miyano, Y., Xie, Z., Mondal, A., Nishina, K., Oda, S., Tanaka, T., Sakata, I., Sakai, T."

Role of the vagus nerve in fasted and postprandial gastic motor patterns in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), a small laboratory animal.
Digestive Disease Week 2011,Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, USA 201105
Miyano, Y., Xie, Z., Mondal, A., Nishina, K., Oda, S., Tanaka, T., Sakata, I., Sakai, T.

Effects of endogenous ghrelin and motilin on the phase II and phase III of migrating motor complex in the free-moving house musk shrew (Suncus murinus).
Digestive Disease Week 2011,Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, USA 201105
Nishina, K., Xie, Z., Mondal, A., Miyano, Y., Kodaira, Y., Sakata, I., Sakai, T.

伝播性空腹期収縮運動へのモチリンとグレリンの関与 -スンクス(Suncus murinus)を用いた研究-
群馬消化管運動研究会,群馬消化管運動研究会 201103

「分かってきた脳-腸相関」 -消化管運動調節の仕組みについて-
日本私物教育学会,日本生物教育学会・全国大会 201101

スンクス(Suncus murinus)を用いた消化管運動制御におけるモチリンとグレリンの作用
日本比較内分泌学会,第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201011

日本比較内分泌学会,第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会 201011

日本動物学会,日本動物学会 第81回大会 201009

消化管運動研究のための糖尿病性胃麻痺スンクス(Suncus murinus)病態モデルの作製
日本肥満学会,第32回日本肥満学会 201009

下垂体隆起部の起源を考える ―下垂体隆起部が下垂体主部とは異なる起源を持つ可能性について―
下垂体研究会,第25回 下垂体研究会学術集会 201008

Ghrelin stimulates gastric contraction in a specific physiological condition in vivo and in vitro in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), a ghrelin- and motilin-producing laboratory animal
Digestive Disease Week 2010,Digestive Disease Week 2010 201005
Zuoyun Xie, Satoshi Sakahara, Satoya Hoshino, Yuko Ishida, Airi Suzuki, Kanako Koike, Yuki Miyano, Yuta Kodaira, Toku Takahashi, Sen-ichi Oda, Takafumi Sakai

Chicken adenohypophysis originates from two different regions of the embryonic head ectoderm
14th International Congress of Endocrinology(ICE2010) 201003
Makiko Inoue, Wang Rui, Hiroyasu Takagi, Takafumi Sakai

文部科学省委託事業 都市エリア産学官連携促進事業[一般型] 埼玉・圏央エリア 最終成果発表会 201003

スンクス(Suncus murinus)におけるグレリンの胃収縮刺激効果の検討
第18回 群馬消化管運動研究会 201002
謝祚云、石田祐子、坂原聖士、川本陽一、MONDAL ANUPOM、鈴木愛理、坂井貴文

Establishment of new animal model, Suncus murinus, for study of motilin and ghrelin family
Beijing University Health Science Centerにて講演 201001
Sakai Takafumi

Proposal of a new model animal, house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), for study
2009 International Symposium on Ghrelin 200911
K Koike, S Sakahara1, Z Xie, Y Ishida,S Hoshino, C Tsutsui, H Kaiya, T Takahashi, S Oda, T Sakai

第34回鳥類内分泌研究会 200911

第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理学会第31回大会合同大会 200910

第11回 神経消化器病学会 200909

スンクス(Suncus murinus)を用いた空腹期胃運動の研究
日本動物学会 第80回大会 200909

日本動物学会 第80回大会 200909

mechanisms of motilin-induced gastrointestinal contractions in vivo and in vitro.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility 200908
Sakahara, C Tsutsui, T Yanaka, Y Ishida, K Koike, Z Xie, A Suzuki, H Kaiya, T Takahashi, T Hirata, T Sakai

Establishment of new animal model, Suncus murinus, for study of motilin and ghreln family
軽井沢セミナー 200908

第8回 国際バイオEXPO 200907

シリーズ実験動物紹介「スンクス」 比較内分泌学 43,(161),61-64,2017






2011-2011 , 内分泌学の新しい展開
2012-2012 , 放射能・放射線の基礎知識 -低線量被ばくの今を考える- , 講演者
2011-2011 , 放射線の正しい知識について , 講演者
2011-2011 , 福島原発事故に伴う放射線・放射能の健康影響を知る , 講演者
2011-2011 , 福島原発事故に伴う放射線・放射能の健康影響を知る , 講演者
2011-2011 , 放射線による健康への影響について , 講演者
2011-2011 , 放射線による健康への影響について , 講演者
2011-2012 , 不動岡高校SSH運営指導委員会 , 委員
2011-2012 , 大妻嵐山中高等学校外部評価委員会 , 委員長
2011 , 埼玉新聞 サイ・テク こらむ , 消化管運動と脳-腸相関
2011 , 日経メディカル , 2011年8月号別冊付録「漢方特集」
2011 , テルモ科学技術振興財団 , 生命科学dokidoki研究室  森の教室 第9回 「ホルモンの働き」