
キーワード 詳細検索


西尾 尚美 ニシオ ナオミ

所属部署名 教育学部 学校保健学講座 電話番号
職名 准教授 ■FAX番号
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス



博士(人間科学) , 早稲田大学



Hen-egg suppresses fatty liver induced by sugar, glucose or fructos
Journal of Lipid Nutrition,30(1):1-17 2021
Ken-ichi Isobe, Rena Suzuki, Kana Kato, Miki Kawai, Ami Kuzuya, Aoi Kanjya, Chiaki Suitou, Yui Nakano, Manae Nagasaki, Aki Hatanaka, Asuka Konno and Naomi Nishio

Are Mice Born Normally With an Egg-only Diet?
Biomedical Research and Reviews,3.4(132): 2631-3944 2020
Ken-ichi Isobe and Naomi Nishio

Complete Genome Sequence of emm 1 Streptococcus pyogenes 10-85, a Strain Isolated from a Patient with Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome in Japan
Microbiology Resource Announcements,8(24):e00453-19 2019
Tatsuno I, Isaka M, Matsumoto M, Nishio N, Matsui H, Hasegawa T

Female GADD34 mice develop age-related inflammation and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Geriatrics & Gerontology International,17(12):2593-2601 2017
Naomi Nishio, Tadao Hasegawa, Ichiro Tatsuno, Masanori Isaka1 and Ken-chi Isobe.

Immunological aspects of age-related diseases.
World Journal of Biological Chemistry ,8(2):129-137 2017
Ken-ichi Isobe, Naomi Nishio and Tadao Hasegawa.

細胞・ニューサイエンス社,40(10):17-20 2017
磯部健一, 西尾尚美.

GADD34 Promotes Tumor Growth by Inducing Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells.
Anticancer Reserch,36(9):4623-4628 2016
Lintao Liu, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Yang Sun, Yuriko Tanaka, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Thymic Epithelial Cells Induced from Pluripotent Stem Cells by a Three-Dimensional Spheroid Culture System Regenerates Functional T Cells in Nude Mice.
Cell Reprogramming ,17(5):368-375 2015
Okabe Motohito, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Yuriko Tanaka and Ken-ichi Isobe.

GADD34 Facilitates Cell Death Resulting from Proteasome Inhibition.
Anticancer Reserch ,35(10):5317-5324 2015
Lintao Liu, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Yang Sun, Nana Chen, Yuriko Tanaka, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Effects of growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein 34 (GADD34) on inflammation-induced colon cancer in mice.
British Journal of Cancer,113(4):669-679 2015
Yuriko Tanaka, Sachiko Ito, Reina Oshino, Nana Chen, Naomi Nishio, Ken-ichi Isobe.

GADD34-deficient mice develop obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatic carcinoma and insulin resistance.
Scientific Reports,5:13519 2015
Naomi Nishio and Ken-ichi Isobe.

Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein (GADD34) enhanced liver inflammation and tumorigenesis in a diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-treated murine model.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy ,64(6):777-789 2015
Nana Chen, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Yuriko Tanaka, Yang Sun and Ken-ichi Isobe.

Recruitment of Gr1(+)CD11b(+)F4/80(+) Population in the Bone Marrow and Spleen by Irradiation-Induced Pulmonary Damage.
Inflammation ,38(2):465-475 2015
Suganya Thanasegaran, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Mohammad Nizam uddin, Yang Sun, Ken-ichi Isobe.

GADD34 inhibits activation-induced apoptosis of macrophages through enhancement of autophagy.GADD34 inhibits activation-induced apoptosis of macrophages through enhancement of autophagy.
Scientific Reports ,5:8327 2015
Sachiko Ito, Yutiko Tanaka, Rena Oshino, Keiko Aiba, Suganya Thanasegaran, Naomi Nishio, Ken-ichi Isobe.

iPSCs, aging and age-related disease.
New Biotechnology ,31(5):411-421 2014
Ken-ichi Isobe, Zhao Cheng, Naomi Nishio, Suganya Thanasegaran, Yuriko Tanaka and Sachiko Ito.

Acrolein induced both pulmonary inflammation and the death of lung epithelial cells.
Toxicology Letters ,229(2):384-392 2014
Yang Sun, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Yuriko Tanaka, Nana Chen, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Negative regulation of GADD34 on myofibroblasts during cutaneous wound healing.
Biomed Research International ,2014:137049 2014
Lintao Liu, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Yuriko Tanaka, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Loss of GADD34 induces early age-dependent deviation to the myeloid lineage.
Immunology & Cell Biology ,92(2):170-180 2014
Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito and Ken-ichi Isobe.

Establishment of macrophage stem-like cells from murine bone marrow.
PLoS One ,8(10):e76943 2013
Sachiko Ito, Yuriko Tanaka, Naomi Nishio, Suganya Thanasegaran, Ken-ichi Isobe.

No immunogenicity of IPS cells in syngeneic host studied by in vivo injection and 3D scaffold experiments.
Biomedical Research International ,2013:378207 2013
Suganya Thanasegaran, Zhao Cheng, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Characteristics of cardiac aging in C57BL/6 mice.
Experimental Gerontology ,48(3):341-348 2013
Zhao Cheng, Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, Suganya Thanasegaran, He Fang, Ken-ichi Isobe.

iPS cell sheets created by a novel magnetite tissue engineering method for reparative angiogenesis.
Scientific Reports ,3:1418 2013
Tetsutaro Kito, Rei Shibata, Masakazu Ishii, Hirohiko Suzuki, Tatsuhito Himeno, Yoshiyuki Kataoka, Yumiko Yamamura, Takashi Yamamoto, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Yasushi Numaguchi, Tohru Tanigawa, Jun K. Yamashita, Noriyuki Ouchi, Hiroyuki Honda, Ken-ichi Isobe, Toyoaki Murohara.

Tissue damage and Repair caused by immune ststem and personalized therapy of failed organs by stem cells.
Micro-Nano Mechanics-New Trends in Material, Measurement, Control, Manufacturing and Thieir Applications in Biomedical Engineering.  :Chapter 10 207-221 2013
Ken-Ich Isobe, Naomi Nishio, Suganya Thanasegaran, Zhao Cheng, Sachiko Ito.

Analysis of β-Amyloid Peptide -Binding Proteins in Microglial Cells.
The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal ,2012:1-6 2012
Sachiko Ito, Naomi Nishio, and Ken-Ichi Isobe.

Establishment of neutrophil-lineage stem cells from C57BL/6 mice.
Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), International Symposium on IEEE 2012:DOI: 10.1109/MHS. 2012.6492412. 2012
Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Yuriko Tanaka, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Autophagic activity in thymus and liver during aging.
AGE ,34(1):75-85 2012
Mohammad Nizam uddin, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Haruhiko Suzuki, Ken-ichi Isobe.

Aging in the Mouse and Perspectives of Rejuvenation Through Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs).
Mouse Development From Oocyte to stem cells Editor JacekS.Kubiak Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 55, Springer :413-427 2012
Ken-ichi Isobe, Zhao Cheng, Sachiko Ito, and Naomi Nishio.

日本老年医学会雑誌 ,48(3):205-210 2011
磯部健一, 伊藤佐知子, 西尾尚美.

In vitro and in vivo differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells to muscle, bone and cartilage.
Stem Cell Therapy Editor Ken-ichi Isobe Transworld research net work , Chapter7 :95-102 2010
Hidetoshi Sakurai, Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa, Yayoi Okawa, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Yuta Inami, TohruYoshikai and Ken-Ich Isobe.

Antibodies to wounded tissue enhances cutaneous wound healing. 
Immunology & Cell Biology ,128(3):369-380 2009
Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Haruhiko Suzuki and Ken-ichi Isobe.

Specific serum-free conditions can differentiate mouse emnryonic stem cells into osteochondrogenic and myogenic progenitors.
Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems, Edited by Kenichi Takahata :107-112 2009
Hidetoshi Sakurai, Yita Inami, Naomi Nishio, Sachiko Ito, Toru Yoshikai, Haruhiko Suzuki and Ken-ichi Isobe.

Neutrophil depletion delays wound repair in aged mice.
AGE ,30:11-19 2008
Naomi Nishio, Yayoi Okawa, Hedetoshi Sakurai and Ken-ichi Isobe.

GADD34 の機能解析
第16回 日本臨床検査学教育学会学術大会,臨床検査学教育 ,13(Supp.):54 202208

Adult mice fed only heneggs are alive healthy until aged, but pups nursed by egg-only mice died early.
第45回日本基礎老化学会大会,Biomedical Gerontology,46(2):61 202207
○Naomi Nishio, Ken-ich Isobe

Mice fed only heneggs are alive healthy until aged.
第44回 基礎老化学会,Biomedical Gerontology ,45(2):71 202106
○NAOMI Nishio, Tadao Hasegawa, Ken-ich Isobe

GADD34 suppresses fatty acid synthesis through regulation of insulin signaling.
第41回日本基礎老化学会大会,Bio medical Gerontology,42(2):57 201805
○Naomi Nishio, Tadao Hasegawa, Ken-ich Isobe.

Female GADD34 mice develop inflammation and hepatocellular carcinoma by aging.
第40回日本基礎老化学会大会,Bio medical Gerontology,41(2) 201706
○Naomi Nishio, Tadao Hasegawa, Ken-ich Isobe.

GADD34 works to suppress obesity-induced Metabolic Diseases including type 2 diabetes and NASH-2.
第86回日本衛生学会総会,日本衛生学雑誌 ,71:185 201505
○Naomi Nishio, Tadao Hasegawa, Ken-ich Isobe.