
キーワード 詳細検索


鈴木 亮太 スズキ リョウタ

所属部署名 理工学研究科 電話番号
職名 助教 ■FAX番号
住所 ■メールアドレス
■ホームページURL http://www.hci.ics.saitama-u.ac.jp



2016 , 埼玉大学大学院 , 博士後期 , 理工学研究科 , 理工学専攻 , 修了
2013 , 埼玉大学 , 博士前期 , 理工学研究科 , 数理電子情報系専攻 , 修了
2011 , 埼玉大学 , 工学部 , 情報システム工学科 , 卒業
博士(工学) , 埼玉大学



計測・制御セレクションシリーズ 5 機械学習の可能性
コロナ社:第7章 202301
計測自動制御学会 編,浮田 浩行 編著,濱上 知樹 編著,藤吉 弘亘 著,大町 真一郎 著,戸田 智基 著,岩崎 敦 著,小林 泰介 著,鈴木 亮太 著,木村 雄喜 著,橋本 大樹 著,玉垣 勇樹 著,水谷 麻紀子 著,永田 毅 著,木村 光成 著,李 晃伸 著,川嶋 宏彰 著

Omnidirectional Flick View
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2021), Lecture Notes on Computer Science,12770:395-414 2021
Ryota Suzuki, Tomomi Sato, Kenji Iwata and Yutaka Satoh

Comprehending Research Article in Minutes: A User Study of Reading Computer Generated Summary for Young Researchers
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2021), Lecture Notes on Computer Science,12765:101-112 2021
Shintaro Yamamoto, Ryota Suzuki, Hitokatsu Kataoka and Shigeo Morishima

精密工学会誌,87(12):995-1002 2021
山本 晋太郎,鈴木 亮太,品川 政太朗,片岡 裕雄,森島 繁生

Indoor Scene Change Captioning based on Multi-modality Data
Sensors,20(17):4761 2020
Yue Qiu, Yutaka Satoh, Ryota Suzuki, Kenji Iwata and Hirokatsu Kataoka

3D-Aware Scene Change Captioning From Multiview Images
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,5(3):4743-4750 2020
Yue Qiu, Yutaka Satoh, Ryota Suzuki, Kenji Iwata and Hirokatsu Kataoka

Joking AI via Visual cues
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,12217:422-436 2020
Ryota Suzuki, Kota Yoshida, Munetaka Minoguchi, Kazuki Tsubura, Takumu Ikeya, Akio Nakamura and Hirokatsu Kataoka

Multi-view Visual Question Answering Dataset for Real Environment Applications
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2020), Lecture Notes on Computer Science,12217:384-395 2020
Yue Qiu, Yutaka Satoh, Ryota Suzuki and Kenji Iwata

Single Image Contrast Enhancement by Training the HDR Camera data
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2020), Lecture Notes on Computer Science,12181:585-595 2020
Kenji Iwata, Ryota Suzuki, Yue Qiu and Yutaka Satoh

精密工学会論文誌,85(12):1087-1093 2019
邱 玥,佐藤 雄隆,鈴木 亮太,片岡 裕雄,岩田 健司

AI-based VR Earthquake Simulator
Proc. International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCIi2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,10910:213-222 2018
Ryota Suzuki, Ryoki Iitoi, Yue Qiu, Kenji Iwata and Yutaka Satoh

Robustly Tracking People with LIDARs in a Crowded Museum for Behavioral Analysis
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,E100-A(1):2458-2469 2017
Md. Golam Rashed, Ryota Suzuki, Takuya Yonezawa, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kuno

精密工学会論文誌,83(12):1125-1130 2017
邱 玥,佐藤 雄隆,鈴木 亮太,片岡 裕雄

Terrain Recognition for Smart Wheelchair
Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2016), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,9773:461-470 2016
Shamim Al Mamun, Ryota Suzuki, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kuno

電子情報通信学会論文誌A,J98-A(1):51-62 2015
鈴木 亮太,新井 雅也,佐藤 慶尚,山田 大地,小林 貴訓,久野 義徳,宮澤 怜,福島 三穂子,山崎 敬一,山崎 晶子

Network Guide Robot System Proactively Initialing Interaction with Humans Based on Their Local and Global Behaviors
Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,9220:283-294 2015
Md. Golam Rashed, Toshiki Kikugawa, Ryota Suzuki, Yoshinori Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kuno

Formations for Facilitating Communication among Robotic Wheelchair Users and Companions
Proc. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2015), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,9388:370-379 2015
Yoshinori Kobayashi, Ryota Suzuki, Taichi Yamada, Yoshinori Kuno, Keiichi Yamazaki and Akiko Yamazaki

Multiple Robotic Wheelchair System Considering Group Communication
Proc. International Conference on Visual Computing (ISVC2014),8887:805-814 2014
Ryota Suzuki, Taichi Yamada, Masaya Arai, Yoshihisa Sato, Yoshinori Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kuno

A Case Study on User Evaluation of Scientific Publication Summarization by Japanese Students
Applied Sciences,11(14):2021
Shintaro Yamamoto, Ryota Suzuki, Tsukasa Fukusato, Hirokatsu Kataoka and Shigeo Morishima