
キーワード 詳細検索


小口 千明 オグチ チアキ

所属部署名 理工学研究科 環境科学・社会基盤部門 電話番号
職名 准教授 ■FAX番号
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス ogchiaki[a]mail.saitama-u.ac.jp



工学部 環境社会デザイン学科


地球・資源システム工学 地球・資源システム工学 地球・資源システム工学
キーワード:風化 , 岩石物性 , 地形学


キーワード:岩石物性 , 石造建築物 , 石材 , 2009 - 2011
年、宇都宮市域で見られる大谷石石材の地場産業復活の動きなど、石材を利用した地域開発の動きがある。しかし、地元の石材の利点が強調される一方で、劣化が早いなどの不都合な事項については伏せられる傾向がある。したがって、石材の特徴を科学的に明らかにする必要がある。日本の石材の特徴については、これまでも地球科学の分野で研究例があるが、岩石学的特徴に偏った記載が多い。一方、石材の長期にわたる耐久性を評価するためには、風化に関する特徴を調べる必要がある。 本研究では、学際研究とも言われる風化研究を自然地理学の分野から発信することを視野に入れ、世界遺産級の石造建造物で使用されている石材や、考古遺跡における基盤岩の特徴の評価を、風化機構と風化速度に注目して行う。その際には、近年の技術革新によって利用可能となった手法を取り入れることにより、単なる岩石学的特徴の記述にとどまらず、岩石物性論に関する知見を得ることを目指す。とくに、石材の耐久性に関する資質評価を、特に風化過程と風化速度に注目して行う。また、複数の種類の石材を対象とすることにより、比較を通じた一般論の構築を目指す。
キーワード:岩石 , 土壌 , 塩害 , 2006 - 2008
本研究は、地圏材料における塩類析出から塩類風化にいたる一連の現象を体系化し、種々の塩害対策を講じる際に必要な基礎情報の提供することを目的としている。塩類析出の際の環境条件と塩類溶液物性との関係と、塩類析出時に発生する応力と岩石物性との関係の双方を評価して進める必要がある。 平成20年度は、(1) 野外調査と、(2) 風化実験を中心として研究を行った。(1) 野外調査では、埼玉県にある国指定史跡の吉見百穴を対象とし、12箇所の観測サイトを設けて塩類析出にともなう岩盤表面の平均削剥速度を求めた。観測サイトの大気温度・湿度などの環境条件の相違が塩類鉱物の種類および塩類析出がもたらす岩盤削剥速度の違いをもたらしていることが明らかになった。また、ランス大聖堂(フランス)において、風化状況を精査した。(2) 風化実験では、岩型として石灰岩、大谷石、砂岩、結晶片岩、モルタルを、塩溶液として最も大きなダメージを与えると言われている硫酸ナトリウム溶液を用い、溶液の濃度と温度を変えた実験を行った。併せて、岩石物性(一軸圧縮強度、圧裂引張強度、かさ密度、真密度、間隙率、間隙径分布、鉱物種など)について詳細に調べ、同程度の強度を持つ岩石であっても、間隙径分布の相違により劣化しやすい岩石とそうでないものとがあることを明らかにした。
キーワード:岩石 , 風化 , 石造建築物
キーワード:塩類風化 , 岩石物性
キーワード:風化速度 , 岩石物性変化 , 長期




博士(理学) , 筑波大学
修士(理学) , 筑波大学


2000 , 筑波学都資金財団 教育研究特別表彰


2004/06 , 埼玉大学地圏科学研究センター(准教授)
2001/01 - 2004/05 , 国際農林水産業研究センター(科学技術特別研究員)
1999/04 - 2001/12 , 筑波大学地球科学系(助手)
1997/06 - 1999/03 , 学振・特別研究員PD(筑波大学)



Mt. Fuji: The beauty of a symmetric stratovolcano. In Piotr Migo ed., Geomorphlogical Landscapes of the World. In Piotr Migo ed., Geomorphlogical Landscapes of the World
Springer:303-309 201010
Oguchi T. and Oguchi C. T.

地理・地図資料2010年度1学期号 沼田 河岸段丘・谷口集落. 「写真資料 衛星画像で見る日本の地形と人々の暮らし③」
帝国書院:3枚目 201004

第146農林交流センターワークショップ「固体試料分析の基礎」 比表面積測定
農林交流センター・国際農林水産業研究センター:621-625 201002

営力と大地形 「ギャオ(アルマンナ・ギャオ、アイスランド)」
帝国書院 ,地理・地図資料(2008年特別号):1枚目 2008

営力と大地形 「楯状地(ギアナ高地、ベネズエラ)」
帝国書院,地理・地図資料(2008年特別号):2枚目 2008

第135回農林交流センターワークショップ「固体試料分析の基礎」 比表面積測定
農林交流センター・国際農林水産業研究センター:519-526 2008

月刊「石材」: pp. 40-44

Gypsum, mirabilite, and thenardite efflorescences of tuff stone in the underground environment
Environmental Earth Sciences, 81(242):1-12 2022
Germinario, L., Oguchi, C.T.

A review of theoretical salt weathering studies for stone heritage.
Pregress in Earth and Planetary Science,8:32:pp.1-23 2021
Oguchi C.T., Swe Yu

Weathering Rinds: Formation Processes and Weathering Rates
Treatise on Geomorphology, second edition,3:pp. 189-203 2021
Oguchi C.T.

Underground salt weathering of heritage stone: lithological and environmental constraints on the formation of sulfate efflorescences and crusts
Journal of Cultural Heritage,49:pp. 85-93 2021
Germinario, L., Oguchi, C.T.

考古学ジャーナル,745:28-30 2020

Introduction to the special issue "Damage assessment and conservation of underground spaces as valuable resources for human activities in Italy and Japan"
Damage Assessment and Conservation of Underground Spaces as Valuable Resources for Human Activities in Italy and Japan:5-12 2020
Varriale, R, Oguchi CT, Parise, M

総合的な学習の時間を活用した地理・地形教育の実践 -地域文化資源を用いた小規模公立小学校への地域学習から-
地形,41(4):343-361 2020
30 田村裕彦・早川裕弌・守田正志・小口千明・緒方啓介・小倉拓郎

Non-destructive field measurement for investigation of deteriorated parts – case study at the Taya Cave, central Japan–
Damage Assessment and Conservation of Underground Spaces as Valuable Resources for Human Activities in Italy and Japan:85-92 2020
Oguchi1, C. T., Sakane, K., Tamura, Y.,

Multidisciplinary conservation activities and community development on the Yokohama City registered historic site – “Taya Cave” example report of collaboration with educational institutions
Damage Assessment and Conservation of Underground Spaces as Valuable Resources for Human Activities in Italy and Japan:75-84 2020
Tamura, Y., Oguchi, C. T., Hayakawa, Y. S., Ogata, K., Ogura, T., Morita, M.,

Three-dimensional point cloud data by terrestrial laser scanning for conservation of an artificial cave, in Varriale
Damage Assessment and Conservation of Underground Spaces as Valuable Resources for Human Activities in Italy and Japan:67-74 2020
Hayakawa Y. S., Ogura, T., Tamura, Y., Oguchi, C. T., Shimizu, K.,

Weathering Processes acting on Chalky Limestone composing Geo-heritage at The White Desert, Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering,3(4):555616. DOI: 10.19080/ETOAJ.2020.03.555616 2020
Kamh, G. M. E., Oguchi, C. T., El-Hassan, M. A., Thabet, W.,

Taya Caves, a Buddhist marvel hidden in underground Japan: stone properties, deterioration, and environmental setting
HERITAGE SCIENCE,8(1): 87 DOI: 10.1186/s40494-020-00433-9 2020
Germinario, L; Oguchi, CT; Tamura, Y; Ahn, S; Ogawa, M

Historical man-made caves in Japan: vulnerability of rocks and cultural assets in the underground environment
Monument Future - Decay and Conservation, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone:221-226 2020
Luigi Germinario, Chiaki T. Oguchi

宮城教育大学環境教育実践研究,22:1-5 2020

月刊考古学ジャーナル(ニュー・サイエンス社),8(743):28-30 2020
小口 千明 , 田村 裕彦 , 緒方 啓介

In-situ oxidation effect on pore size distribution in investigating adsorption properties under various geochemical conditions
Solid Earth Science,4:113-124 2019
Rajib, M., Oguchi, C. T., Hasan, S. M. M.

A rapid technique for measuring oxidation-reduction potential for solid materials
J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform.,7:510-516 2019
Rajib, M., Parveen, M. and Oguchi, C. T.

Assessment of climate-induced degree of chemical weathering in some granite and granodiorite slopes of Japan
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment,5:751–767 2019
Imam, H. MD., Oguchi, C. T., Wakatsuki, T., Ueda, M.

Leaching behavior of As, Pb, Ni, Fe, and Mn from subsurface marine and nonmarine depositional environment in central Kanto plain, Japan.
Geosciences,9:435-457 2019
Hossain, S., Ishiyama, T., Hachinohe, S., Oguchi, C. T.

Climatic influences on weathering degree of soil layer in the soil-slip scar on granitic slopes in Japan
Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union,39 (3):325-348 2018
Md. Hasan IMAM,Chiaki T. OGUCHI,Tsuyoshi WAKATSUKI,Mariko UEDA

Combination of chemical indices and physical properties in the assessment of weathering grades of sillimanite-garnet gneiss in tropical environment.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,76 (1): 145-157 2017
Udagedara, D.T., Oguchi, C.T. and Gunatilake, J.K.

Adsorption of 133Cs and 87Sr on pumice tuff: A comparative study between powder and intact solid phase.
Acta Geochim,36 (2): 224–231 2017
Rajib M, Oguchi CT.

風化変質層の発達速度に関する一考察 ─ 風化皮膜,風化殻,ロックバーニッシュの研究史から─
地学雑誌,126:473-485 2017

地学雑誌,126:439-453 2017
大澤祐子, 小口千明, Thomachot-Schneider, C., Gommeaux, M., Eyssautier, S. and Fronteau, G.

Evaluation of geomechanical and geochemical properties in weathered metamorphic rocks in tropical environment: a case study from Samanalawewa hydropower project, Sri Lanka
Geosciences Journal,21:441-452 2017
Udagedara, D.T., Oguchi, C.T. and Gunatilake, J.K.

Oxidation of Solid Phase and Ionic Strength Effect to the Cesium Adsorption on Pumice Tuff
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,4:64-73 2016
Rajib, M., Kobayashi, T., Oguchi, C.T. and Sasaki, T.

Oxidation of Solid Phase and Ionic Strength Effect to the Cesium Adsorption on Pumice Tuff.
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4, . (doi: 10.4236/gep.2016.42008),4:64-73 2016
Rajib, M., Kobayashi, T., Oguchi, C.T. and Sasaki, T. (2016):

Spatial Distribution of Changes in Rockwall Surface at Yoshimi-Hyakuana Cave, Central Japan, Revealed by Repeated Terrestrial Laser Scanning.
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science,15:619 – 626 2015
Hayakawa, Y. S., Oguchi, C. T., Ariga, N. and Aoki, H.

Strontium dissolution effect on the adsorption experiment with rhyolitic pumice tuff
Geochemical Journal,49:539-548. 2015
Rajib, M., Oguchi, C.T., Sasaki, T. and Kobayashi, T.

Understanding Water-Rock Interactions
International Innovation,175:106-107 2015
Chiaki T. OGUCHI

宇宙線生成核種と物質収支法を用いた花崗岩山地の化学的風化速度の推定 : 北アルプス芦間川流域の事例
地形 < http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110009816655 >,vol. 35: pp. 147-164 2014
八反地 剛, 松四雄騎, 北村裕規, 小口千明, 八戸昭一, 松崎浩之

Geologicaland geotechnical parameters controlling wall paints detachment at selected XXVI dynasty tombs, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, vol. 19:pp. 11-30 2013
Kamh, G.M.E., Shehata, A.A., Oguchi, C.T., Rabea, R.A. and El-Sayed, S.S.M.

Factors Controlling Salt Susceptibility and Alteration Indices on Salt Weathering of Oolitc Limestone using Single Salt at Five Weathering Regimes, a case study.
Restoration of Buildings and Monumets ,vol. 19:pp. 1-24, 2013
Kamh, G. M., Oguchi, C. T. and Watanabe, K.

Pore Size Distribution and Wall Side Orientation Controlling Salt Susceptibility Index “SSI” and Weathering Rate of Stratified Pharaonic Rock Art
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments,vol. 19, no. 5:pp. 1–22 2013
Kamh, G. M. E., Ismael, B. and Oguchi, C. T.

Is sheer thenardite attack impotent compared with cyclic conversion of thenardite–mirabilite mechanism in laboratory simulation tests?
Engineering Geology,vol. 152:pp. 148-154 2013
Swe, Yu, and Oguchi, C.T.

Weathering rinds: formation processes and weathering rates (In. John F. Shroder (ed.), San Diego: Academic Press.)
Treatise on Geomorphology,vol. 4:pp. 98-110 2013
Oguchi, C.T.

硫酸と工業,vol.66: pp. 1-12 2013

FURE(福島大学うつくしまふくしま未来支援センター)2013年度研究報告:pp. 157-162 2013

Geologicaland geotechnical parameters controlling wall paints detachment at selected XXVI dynasty tombs, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments,vol. 19, no. 1:pp. 11-30 2013
Kamh, G.M.E., Shehata, A.A., Oguchi, C.T., Rabea, R.A. and El-Sayed, S.S.M.

Is sheer thenardite attack impotent compared with cyclic conversion of thenardite–mirabilite mechanism in laboratory simulation tests?
Engineering Geology,Volume 152, Issue 1:148-154 2013
Swe Yu and Oguchi C.T.

Alteration Index, Normalized Weight Evolution and Geomorphic Changes of Dimensional limestone on artificial Salt Weathering.
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments,vol. 18:pp. 381–396 2012
Kamh, G.M.E. and Oguchi, C.T.

Alteration Index, Normalized Weight Evolution and Geomorphic Changes of Dimensional limestone on artificial Salt Weathering.
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments,vol. 18:pp. 381–396 2012
Kamh, G.M.E. and Oguchi, C.T.

Geological and Geotechnical Parameters Controlling Wall Paints Detachement at Selected XXVII Dynasty Tombs, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER),Vol. 2:pp. 4166–4179 2012
Shehata, A. A., Kamh, G. M. E., Oguchi, C.T., Rabea, R. A. and El-Sayed, S. S. M. ():

A comparison of the properties and salt weathering susceptibility of natural and reconstituted stones of the Orval Abbey (Belgium)
Environmental Earth Science,,63:1447-1461 2011
Thomachot-Schneider, C., Gommeaux, M., Fronteau, G., Oguchi, C. T., Eyssautier, S. and Kartheuser, B.

The sensitivities of the parameters in the WetSpa Extension model.
Proceeding of International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology 2011 (DemSET 2011):339-344 2011
Pham, T. P. C, Doldersum, T., Oguchi, C. T.

塩類風化による岩屑生産の定量評価 史跡・吉見百穴の凝灰岩の事例
地理学評論,Vol.84, No.4: pp.369-376 2011

Salt weathering susceptibility of natural limestone and reconstituted stone used in the Orval Abbey, Belgium.
Proceeding of International Conference on Salt Weathering of Building Stones and Sculptures: pp. 161-181 2011
Fujimaki T., Oguchi C. T., Osawa, Y., Thomachot-Schneider, C., Gommeaux, M., Eyssautier S. and Fronteau G.

地形 ,Vol. 32, No. 3:pp. 279-291 2011

Resistance of plain and blended cement mortars exposed to severe sulfate attacks
, Construction and Building Materials,Vol. 25:pp. 2988-2996 2011
Thidar Aye and Oguchi, C. T.

Effects of Rock Properties on Salt Weathering of Oya-tuff
Geological Society of London,Geological Society of London, special publication,333:59-62 2010
Oguchi, C.T.and Yuasa, H.

Evaluation of sulfate resistance of Portland and high alumina cement mortars using hardness test.
Elsevier,Construction and Building Materials,24:1020-1026 2010
Thidar Aye, Oguchi C. T. and Takaya Y.

Geochemical Forms & Mobility of Heavy Metals in Alluvial Sediments of Arakawa Lowlands, Japan
Japan Geosciences Union Meeting 2010 2010
Kumari, K.G.I.D., Oguchi, C. T., Hachinohe, S. and Ishiyama, T.

High acidic sulphate salt production on the cave wall in the Yoshimi Hyaku-Ana Historic Site, central Japan.
Carpathian Balkan Geological Association,Proceedings of the XIX Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, Special Volume,100:413-419 2010
Oguchi, C. T., Takaya, Y., Yamazaki, M., Ohnishi, R., Thidar Aye and Hatta T.

Is sodium sulfate invariably effective in destroying any type of rock?
Natural Stone Resources for Monuments, Geological Society of London, special publication,333:43-58 2010
Swe Yu and Oguchi, C. T.

Laboratory experiments on bacterial weathering of granite and its constituent minerals.
Gomorphologie: relief, processus, environment,Groupe Francais de Geomorphologie,4:327-336 2010
Wonsuh, S., Ogawa, N., Oguchi, C. T., Hatta, T. and Matsukura, Y.

Role of pore size distribution in salt uptake, damage, and predicting salt susceptibility of eight types of Japanese building stones.
Elsevier,Engineering Geology,115 doi:10(3/4):226-236 2010
Swe Yu .and Oguchi, C.T.

日本地形学連合,地形,31:283-299 2010
高屋康彦, 小口千明

Complex relationships between salt type and rock properties in a durability experiment of multiple salt-rock treatments.
John Wiley & Sons,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,34(15):2096-2110 2009
Swe Yu and Oguchi, C. T.

Complex relationships between salt type and rock properties in a durability experiment of multiple salt-rock treatments.
John Wiley & Sons,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,34(15):2096-2110 2009
Swe Yu and Oguchi, C. T.

Development of Geo-database system with the perspective of Environmental Scientific use and its application.
Japanese Geotechnical Society,Geo-Informatics and Zoning for Hazard Mapping (GIZ2009) 2009
Hachinohe, S, Ishiyama, T.Sasaka K., Ishihara, T., Sugai, T.Kumari, K.G.I.D.and Oguchi C.T.

Role of micropores on freeze-thaw weathering of building stones.
International Symposium on engineering, Energy, and Environment 2009
Osawa, Y.and Oguchi, C.T.

Strength reduction and surface alteration of mortars during Wetting/drying experiment using seawater and sulfate solution.
International Symposium on engineering, Energy, and Environment 2009
Oguchi, C.T., Sekiguchi, A., Thidar A., Takaya, Y.and Hatta, T.

The importance of cement type on the durability of mortars exposed to sodium sulfate attack.
Japan Society of Civil Engineers,JSCE summer symposium 2009
Thidar Aye and Oguchi, C.T.

Vertical distribution of heavy metals in alluvial sediments of Arakawa lowland, Saitama prefecture (Japan).
Asian Development Bank,ADB paper 2009
Kumari, K.G.I.D., Oguchi C.T., Hachinohe, S.and Ishiyama, T.

海水によるモルタルの変質に関する実験的研究 ―表面の二次生成物について―素材
資源・素材学会,Journal of MMIJ (旧 資源と素材),125(9):489-495 2009
高屋康彦, 中山丈士, 小口千明, 八田珠郎

Paleohydrological implications of late Quaternary fluvial deposits in and around archaeological sites in Syria
Geomorphology,101:33-43 2008
Oguchi, T., Hori, K. and Oguchi, C. T.

Effect of Bacillus subtilis on granite weathering: A laboratory experiment
Catena,70:275-281 2007
Song, W., Ogawa, N., Oguchi, C.T., Hatta, T. and Matsukura, Y.

Application of weathering susceptibility index to salt damage on a brick monument
Heritage, Weathering and Conservation, Fort, A. B., Gomez, H. and Vazquez, C. (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London,:217-227 2006
Oguchi, C. T., Matsukura, Y., Shimada, H. and Kuchitsu, N.

Quarternary bedrock erosion and landscape evolution in the Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica: Reevaluating rates and processes
Geomorphology,81:408-420 2006
Matsuoka, N., Tomachot, C., Oguchi, C. T. Hatta, T., Abe, M. and Matsuzaki, H.

Salt damage to brick kiln walls in Japan: spatial and seasonal variation of efflorescence and moisture content
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,63:167-176 2005
Matsukura, Y., Oguchi, C.T. and Kuchitsu, N.

地形,26:423-437 2005

A porosity-related diffusion model of weathering-rind development
Catena,58:65-75 2004
Oguchi, C.T.

Late Quaternary rapid talus dissection and debris-flow deposition on an alluvial fan in Syria
Catena,55:125-140 2004
Oguchi, T. and Oguchi, C.T.

粘土科学,43:116-119 2004

Effect of microstructure and weathering on the strength anisotropy of porous rhyolite
Engineering Geology,63:39-47 2002
Matsukura, Y., Hashizume, K. and Oguchi, C.T.

Environmental and seasonal influences on the spatial distribution of salt efflorescence and weathering on brick kiln walls
Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union ,23:335-348 2002
Oguchi, C.T., Matsukura, Y. and Kuchitsu, N.

Formation of weathering rinds on andesite
Earth Surface Processes and Landform,26:847-858 2001
Oguchi, C.T.

Effect of porosity on the increase in weathering-rind thickness of andesite gravel
Engineering Geology,55:77-89 1999
Oguchi, C.T. and Matsukura, Y.

Microstructural influence on strength reduction of porous rhyolite during weathering
Zeit. Geomorph., N.F., Suppl. Bd.,119:91-103 1999
Oguchi, C. T. and Matsukura

Weathering rates over 40,000 years based on the changes in rock properties of porous rhyolite
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A ,24:861-870 1999
Oguchi, C.T., Hatta, T. and Matsukura, Y.

⽇本地形学連合2020年秋季⼤会(オンライン) 202011
⽥村裕彦(⽥⾕の洞窟保存実⾏委員会)・早川裕弌(北海道⼤)・守⽥正志(横浜国⽴⼤)・⼩⼝千明(埼⽟⼤)・緒⽅啓介(鶴⾒ ⼤)・⼩倉拓郎(東京⼤・院

Is bioprotection effective in the conservation of Angkor Wat monument?
日本地形学連合2019年秋季大会 201911
Wonsuh SONG, Tetsuya WARAGAI, Chiaki T. OGUCHI, Tsuyoshi HATTANJI

Environmental monitoring and groundwater chemistry of Taya Cave
日本地形学連合2019年秋季大会 201911
Sohyun AHN, Momoko OGAWA, Yasuhiko TAMURA, Chiaki T. OGUCHI

Estimate slope angle of landslide initiation areas using DEM and airphotogrametry; Case study of disaster areas in Hiroshima prefecture
日本地形学連合2019年秋季大会 201911
Kanchana KUMARI, Tsuyoshi WAKATSUKI, Chiaki T. OGUCHI, Masato SATO

How rock's-salt interaction is still complex? A trial of investigation using five rock facies types attached with three salt types through two regimes of artificial
The tenth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt:19-21 201911
Kamh G. M. E., Oguchi, C. T.

Enhancement of hydromechanical properties of some created mortars using different ratios of fly ash and silliconete resins, An investigation using artificial salt weathering
The 13th international Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Suezu, Egypt 201910
Kamh G. M. E., Oguchi, C. T.

echanisms of leaching behavior of some metals in sediments of Kanto lowlands, Japan.
第63回粘土科学討論会 201909
Sushmita Hossain, Shoichi Hachinohe, Takashi Ishiyama, Chiaki T. Oguchi

Leaching behavior of As, Pb, Cd and Se in subsurface marine and nonmarine sedimentary environment in central Kanto plain
Japan Geosciences Union 2019 Meeting,JpGU2019-abstract: AGE28-P09 201905
SUSHMITA HOSSAIN、Takashi Ishiyama、Shoichi Hachinohe、Chiaki T. Oguchi

Interdisciplinary approaches on conservation of underground geoheritage for community development of Taya Cave and its adjacent area
Japan Geosciences Union 2019 Meeting,JpGU2019-abstract: MIS06-03 201905
Yasuhiko TAMURA, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Takuro Ogura, OGATA KEISUKE6, Masashi MORITA

Non-destructive field measurement for investigation of deteriorated parts of an artificial cave
Japan Geosciences Union 2019 Meeting, May 26-30,JpGU2019-abstract: HTT21-P02 201905
Kaisei Sakane, *Chiaki T. Oguchi, Yasuhiko Tamura

Study on creation of 3D model by SfM photogrammetry: An example of Taya Cave
Japan Geosciences Union 2019 Meeting, May 26-30,JpGU2019-abstract: HTT21-01 201905
Kisara Shimizu1, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Yasuhiko TAMURA, Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Takuro Ogura, OGATA KEISUKE

Conservation restoration of the world heritage of Okinawa Prefecture, Sonohyan-utaki Ishimon - Situation after 30 years since filling with mortar and applying silicone resin
Japan Geosciences Union 2019 Meeting, May 26-30,JpGU2019-abstract: HTT21-03 201905
Wonsuh Song, Tadateru Nishiura, Chiaki T. Oguchi

Current state and problems of gender equality in JpGU and other STEM fields in Japan found from the questionnaire surveys
European Geosciences Union 2019. Vienna, Austria, 7 April – 12 April ,Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 20, EGU2018-18807 201904
Oguchi, C.T.

公益社団法人 日本地理学会 201903
小倉 拓郎, 早川 裕弌, 青木 賢人, 林 紀代美, 山内 啓之, 小口 高, 田村 裕彦, 小口 千明

Vertical variation of clay mineral distribution in marine and non-marine sediment of Kanto lowland, Japan
日本地形学連合 201811
Sushmita Hossain (Saitama Univ) Takashi Ishiyama, Shoichi Hachinohe

Clay minerals in subsurface sediment of lowland in central Kanto plain and its relationship with depositional environment
日本粘土学会 201809
Sushmita Hossain, Takashi Ishiyama, Shoichi Hachinohe, Chiaki T. Oguchi

Climatic influences on chemical composition and clay minerals of weathered materials in the soil-slip scar on granitic slopes in Japan Md. Hasan Imam, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Tsuyoshi Wakatsuki, Mariko Ueda Host: The Clay Science Society of Japan
日本粘土学会 201809
Md. Hasan Imam, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Tsuyoshi Wakatsuki, Mariko Ueda

Gender Equality Issues in the Field of Geoscience - Based on the Reports of Large-Scale Survey of Actual Conditions of Gender Equality in Scientific and Technological Professions in Japan
Japanese Geosciences Union 201805
Chiaki T. Oguchi

How to increase visitor attraction to geoheritage
Japanese Geosciences Union 201805
Chiaki T. Oguchi

Relationships between weathering types and environmental condition - examples of caves and underground sites.
Japanese Geosciences Union 201805
Chiaki T. Oguchi

Close-range remote sensing for monitoring the weathering in wall surfaces of a historical building at Orval Abbey, Belgium
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Hayakawa, Y.S., Oguchi, C.T., Thomachot-Schneider, C., Vasquez, P. and Gibeaux, S.

Influence of micro climatic conditions on salt weathering
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Santoshi, S.,Oguchi, C.T., Ariga, N., Aoki, H. and Hayakawa Y.S.

Processes of structural deterioration of an abandoned old concrete bridge in Kozushima Island, facing the Pacific Ocean
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Kakei, S. and Oguchi, C.T.

Study in hazard map on cultural properties in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture and evacuation them from disasters
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Shimizu, K. and Oguchi, C.T.

The influence of weathering on landslides in some granitic areas of Japan
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Imam, M.I., Wakatsuki, T., Oguchi, C.T., Ueda, M.

Chemical and mineralogical properties of backfilling soils of Yokosuka Dry Dock, Kanagawa, Japan
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Oguchi, C.T., Shogaki, T., Nakagawara, Y. and Fujii, Y.

Quantitative relationships between salt-weathering of tuff and microclimatic environments, in the Yoshimi Hyaku-Ana historic site, Japan
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017,website 201705
Ariga, N., Aoki, H., Oguchi, C.T. and Hayakawa, Y.S.

An experimental study for evaluating weathering susceptibility of cave sediments with relief structure on the wall
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 201705
Sakane, K. and Oguchi, C.T.

Reduction effect of surface temperature of baked bricks with different pore shapes during absorption-evaporation test
EGU General Assembly 2017,Geophysical Research Abstracts,19: EGU2017-6413-1 201704
Oguchi, C.T. and Shinozuka, K.

Coal Characterization and the predicted environmental influence due to mining on Tavantolgoi Coal Mine in Mongolia.
International Symposium on Environmental Management, Nakorn Nayok (Thailand),iSEM2008 (CD-rom) 200809
Oguchi, C. T., Damdindorj, D. and Takaya, Y.

Experimental study on surface alteration of limestone and mortar attacked by seawater
International Symposium on Environmental Management, Nakorn Nayok (Thailand),iSEM2008 (CD-rom) 200809
Takaya, Y. Aoki, T. Nakayama, T. and Oguchi, C. T.

2008年第52回粘土科学討論会,2008年第52回粘土科学討論会稿集 (CD-rom) 200809

GIS による基礎調査と含有鉱物調査からみたモンゴル・タバントルゴイ炭鉱開発に伴う環境劣化予測
日本地球惑星科学連合2008年合同大会,JpGU2008 (CD-rom) 200805
小口千明・ダンディンドルジ デジデマ

日本地球惑星科学連合2008年合同大会,JpGU2008 (CD-rom) 200805
高屋康彦, 中山丈士, 小口千明, 八田珠郎

日本地球惑星科学連合2008年合同大会,JpGU2008 (CD-rom) 200805
小口千明, 大西亮平, Thidar Aye, 高屋康彦, Swe Yu

Is sodium sulfate always the most effective salt in destroying any type of rock?
Europearn Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2008, Vienna (Austria),EGU2008 (CD-rom) 200804
Swe Yu and Oguchi, C.T.

Study in salt weathering on concrete: field observation and experiment
Europearn Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2008, Vienna (Austria),EGU2008 (CD-rom) 200804
Oguchi, C.T. and Yamada, T.

xamplesofcountermeasuresforgenderequalityissuesinthefieldof geoscienceandscienceandengineeringinJapan
European Geosciences Union,Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-18807, 201
Chiaki T. Oguchi and the Committee for Diversity Management and Talent

Long-termweatheringofconcretebridgeatthecoastofKozu-shima Island,Japan
European Geosciences Union,Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-18818, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018
Chiaki T. Oguchi (1) and Shota Kakei (2) (1) Saitama University, Department of Science and Engineering, Saitama, Japan




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