後藤 祐一 ゴトウ ユウイチ
■所属部署名 | 理工学研究科 数理電子情報部門 | ■電話番号 | ||
■職名 | 准教授 | ■FAX番号 | ||
■住所 | 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 | ■メールアドレス | ||
■ホームページURL | http://www.aise.ics.saitama-u.ac.jp/~gotoh/ http://researchmap.jp/goto_yuichi/ |
- 工学部 情報工学科
- ソフトウェア
- 知能情報学
- キーワード:自動推論 , 自動知識発見 , Webサービス , 永続計算システム , 先行推論反応システム , 情報セキュリティ工学環境
- ユビキタスアンケートのための汎用アンケートエンジンENQUETE-BAISEの開発
- キーワード:ユビキタスアンケート , 汎用電子アンケートエンジン , 2007
- 永続計算システムの開発
- キーワード:永続計算 , 反応システム , 2006
- 先行推論反応システムの開発
- キーワード:計算先行システム , 先行推論 , 行動決定 , 反応システム , 先行推論反応システム , 2006
- 強相関論理に基づく自動前向き推論
- キーワード:強相関論理 , 自動前向き推論 , 2005
- 所属学会
- 情報処理学会
- 人工知能学会
- 出身大学院・研究科等
- 2005 , 埼玉大学 , 博士後期 , 理工学研究科 , 情報数理科学専攻 , 修了
- 2003 , 埼玉大学 , 博士前期 , 理工学研究科 , 情報システム工学専攻 , 修了
- 出身学校・専攻等(大学院を除く)
- 2001 , 埼玉大学 , 工学部 , 情報システム工学科 , 卒業
- 取得学位
- 博士(工学) , 埼玉大学
- 2011 , Best Paper Award , The International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information ScienceConference
- 2011 , Best Paper Award , The 10th International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems
- 2007 , The 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference(Tsukuba, Japan, December 2007)にて受賞
- 2007 , The 8th International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems(Liege, Belgium, August 2007)にて受賞.
- Best Paper Award , 国際会議ICIEIS 2011にて発表した以下の論文についてBest Paper Awardを受賞した。Quazi Mahera JABEEN, Muhammad Anwarul AZIM, Yuichi GOTO, and Jingde CHENG, "A Design of Centralized Persistent Computing Systems," in A. Abd Manaf, et al. (Eds.), "Informatics Engineering and Information Science, International Conference, ICIEIS 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 14-16, 2011 Proceedings, Part I," Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 251, pp. 604-617, Springer-Verlag, November 2011.
- Best Paper Award , 国際会議CASYS 2011にて発表した以下の論文についてBest Paper Awardを受賞した。Yuichi GOTO and Jingde CHENG, "A Transformation Mechanism between Sensory Data and Logical Formulas for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems," The 11th International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '11), Liege, Belgium, August 2011.
- 研究職歴
- 2007 , 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科研究部数理電子情報部門情報領域・助教
- 2006 - 2007 , 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科研究部数理電子情報部門情報領域・助手
- 2005 - 2006 , 埼玉大学工学部情報システム工学科・助手
- 論文
A Belief Revision Mechanism With Trust Reasoning Based on Extended Reciprocal Logic for Multi-agent Systems
Computer Science & Information Technology,12(4):161-173 2023
Sameera Basit and Yuichi Goto -
An Extension of Reciprocal Logic for Trust Reasoning: A Case Study in PKI
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,13757:496-506 2022
Sameera Basit and Yuichi Goto -
Improvement of QSL by Ontologies of E-Questionnaire, E-Testing, and E-Voting Systems
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,590:257-264 2019
Yuan Zhou, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Supporting Tool for IT System Security Specification Evaluation Based on ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,[巻]11607:3-14 2019
Da Bao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
QSL: A Specification Language for E-Questionnaire, E-Testing, and E-Voting Systems
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,[巻]E102-D [号]11:2159-2175 2019
Yuan Zhou, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Extension of Formal Analysis Method with Reasoning for Anonymity
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,[巻]12034:53-64 2019
Yating Wang and Yuichi Goto -
An Extension of Reciprocal Logics for Trust Reasoning
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,[巻]12034:65-75 2019
Sameera Basit and Yuichi Goto -
An Extension of Formal Analysis Method with Reasoning: A Case Study of Flaw Detection for Non-repudiation and Fairness
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,11445:399-408 2019
Jingchen Yan, Yating Wang, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
A Memory-Efficient Algorithm with Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence for Forward Reasoning Engines
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,10751:59-70 2018
Hiromu Hiidome, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Improvement of Data Portability of ENQUETE-BAISE: a General-Purpose E-Questionnaire Server for Ubiquitous Questionnaire
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:174-179 2018
Yohei Kamata and Yuichi Goto -
FreeEnCal Web: a Web Service of Automated Forward Reasoning for General-purpose
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:180-185 2018
Takumi Otsuka, Kentaro Fukushi, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
An Implementation of Theory Grid with Linked Data Technologies
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:186-191 2018
Tomoya Yamazaki, Atomu Sakuma, and Yuichi Goto -
Primitive Constituent Elements of Cryptographic Protocols
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:192-197 2018
Sho Ishibashi, Jingchen Yan, Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
Evaluation about the Descriptive Power of QSL: A Specification Language for E-Questionnaire, E-Testing, and E-Voting Systems
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:198-203 2018
Yuan Zhou, Daisuke Matsuura, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of Supporting Environment for IT System Security Evaluation Based on ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:204-209 2018
Da Bao, Wen Sun, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Study on Fine-Grained Security Properties of Cryptographic Protocols for Formal Analysis Method with Reasoning
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:210-215 2018
Jingchen Yan, Sho Ishibashi, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
An Epistemic Programming Approach for Automated Nonmonotonic Reasoning based on Default Logic
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018:222-227 2018
Yuichi Goto and Takuya Ito -
A Predicate Suggestion Algorithm for Automated Theorem Finding with Forward Reasoning
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,10192:125-134 2017
Yuichi Goto, Hongbiao Gao, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会論文誌,56(3):903-910 2015
我妻 和憲, 後藤 祐一, 程 京徳 -
Development of a Bidirectional Transformation Supporting Tool for Formalization with Logical Formulas and Its Application
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,356:1-6 2015
Shunsuke Nanaumi, Kazunori Wagatsuma, Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Extension of QSL for E-testing and Its Application in an Offline E-testing Environment
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,356:7-14 2015
Zhe Wang, Yuan Zhou, Bo Wang, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Tasking Deadlock Detector for Ada 2012 Programs
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,356:15-22 2015
Bo Wang, Takeo Ekiba, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Automated Theorem Finding by Forward Reasoning Based on Strong Relevant Logic
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,356:23-30 2015
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Supporting Tool for Spiral Model of Cryptographic Protocol Design with Reasoning-Based Formal Analysis
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,354:25-32 2015
Kazunori Wagatsuma, Tsubasa Harada, Shogo Anze, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Set of Metrics for Measuring Interestingness of Theorems in Automated Theorem Finding by Forward Reasoning: A Case Study in NBG Set Theory
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,9243:508-517 2015
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Explicitly Epistemic Contraction by Predicate Abstraction in Automated Theorem Finding: A Case Study in NBG Set Theory
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,9011:593-602 2015
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Bidirectional Transformation Supporting Tool for Formalization with Logical Formulas
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,9011:634-643 2015
Shunsuke Nanaumi, Kazunori Wagatsuma, Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
User Management in Information Security Engineering Environment ISEE
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,8440:18-34 2014
Yuichi Goto, Liqing Xu, Ning Zhang, and Jingde Cheng -
Active and Personalized Services in An Information Security Engineering Cloud Based on ISO/IEC 15408
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,8440:35-48 2014
Liqing Xu, Yuichi Goto, Ahamad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Ning Zhang, and Jingde Cheng -
Strong Relevant Logic-Based Reasoning as an Information Mining Method in Big Information Era
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,309:9-16 2014
Yuichi Goto -
Research on Automated Theorem Finding: Current State and Future Directions
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,309:105-110 2014
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Engineering Environment Based on ISO/IEC 27000 Series Standards for Supporting Organizations with ISMSs
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,309:195-201 2014
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Formalization for Formal Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols with Reasoning Approach
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,309:211-218 2014
Kazunori Wagatsuma, Shogo Anze, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Information Security Management Database System (ISMDS) for Engineering Environment Supporting Organizations with ISMSs
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,E97.D(6):1516-1527 2014
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Aspect-Oriented Reuse Mechanism for Security Targets and Protection Profiles
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2014):161-164 2014
Yuichi Goto, Huilin Chen, and Da Bao -
QSL: A Specification Language for E-questionnaire Systems
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2014):224-230 2014
Yuan Zhou, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Information Mining for Big Information
Studies in Big Data,8:23-38 2014
Yuichi Goto -
A Systematic Methodology for Automated Theorem Finding
Theoretical Computer Science,554:2-21 2014
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of An Information Security Management Engineering Environment ISMEE
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,330:1325-1330 2014
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Da Bao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Predicting New Attacks for Information Security
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,330:1353-1358 2014
Da Bao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Supporting Environment for IT System Security Evaluation Based on ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,330:1359-1366 2014
Huilin Chen, Da Bao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Transformation Mechanism between Sensory Data and Logical Formulas for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,28:43-56 2014
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
World Model, Predictive Model, and Behavioral Model of an Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting System for Runway Incursion Prevention
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,28:67-88 2014
Kai Shi, Kazunori Wagatsuma, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Software Development Framework for Various Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,28:95-107 2014
Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of a General-Purpose E-Voting Server
Journal of Computer and Communications,2(2):97-100 2014
De Su, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Queue Operation Related Tasking Deadlocks in Ada 2012 Programs
ACM Ada Letters,34(2):9-25 2014
Bo Wang, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
New Types of Tasking Deadlocks in Ada 2012 Programs
ACM Ada Letters,33(1):169-179 2013
Takeo Ekiba, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Providing Users With Suitable Services of Information Security Engineering Cloud Based on ISO/IEC 15408
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2013):321-325 2013
Liqing Xu, Bo Wang, Ning Zhang, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
New Types of Program Dependences and Interprocedural Relations in Ada 2012 Programs
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2013):718-723 2013
Bo Wang, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
An Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting System for Defending Against Malice Anticipatorily
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2013):732-737 2013
Kai Shi, Bo Wang, Yuichi Goto, Zhiliang Zhu, Jingde Cheng -
Finding Theorems in NBG Set Theory by Automated Forward Deduction Based on Strong Relevant Logic
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,7936:697-704 2013
Hongbiao Gao, Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, Jingde Cheng -
Making Existing Reactive Systems Anticipatory
Studies in Computational Intelligence,493:17-32 2013
Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, Zhiliang Zhu, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of a Supporting Tool for Translation between Declarative Sentences and Logical Formulas
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2013):1179-1184 2013
Shunsuke Nanaumi, Kazunori Wagatsuma, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,2013(2):55 - 62 2013
後藤 祐一, 程 京徳 -
An Analysis of Software Supportable Tasks in Information Security Management System Life Cycle Processes
Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Social Science (ISS 2013):29-58 2013
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Anticipatory Runway Incursion Prevention Systems
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,E96-D(11):2385-2396 2013
Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, Zhiliang Zhu, and Jingde Cheng -
An Analysis of Software Supportable Tasks Related with ISO/IEC 15408
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2013):601-606 2013
Ning Zhang, Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Supporting Tools for Software Supportable Tasks Related with ISO/IEC 15408
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC 2013):2002-2006 2013
Ning Zhang, Da Bao, Liqing Xu, A.I.H Suhaimi, Junichi Miura, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Supporting Verification and Validation of Security Targets with ISO/IEC 15408
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC 2013):2621-2628 2013
Da Bao, Junichi Miura, Ning Zhang, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Truth Maitenance System for Epistemic Programming Environment
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG '12):1-8 201210
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
Automated Theorem Finding by Forward Deduction Based on Strong Relevant Logic: A Case Study in NBG Set Theory
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012):1859-1865 201207
Hongbiao Gao, Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Formal Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols by Reasoning Based on Deontic Relevant Logic
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012):1866-1871 201207
Kazunori Wagatsuma, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Practical Usage of FreeEnCal: an Automated Forward Reasoning Engine for General-Purpose
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012):1878-1883 201207
Yuichi Goto, Hongbiao Gao, Takahiro Tsuji, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of a General-Purpose E-testing Server for Ubiquitous Test
Springer-Verlag,Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,162:797-803 201207
Jumpei Suzuki, Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
Evolutionary Personal Information Partners for Students Studying in Universities
Springer-Verlag,Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,162:789-795 201207
Ryota Kuboniwa, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Internationalization of ENQUETE-BAISE: A General-Purpose E-questionnaire Server for Ubiquitous Questionnaire
Springer-Verlag,Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,162:781-787 201207
Jingzhou Wang, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Supporting Tool for Creating and Maintaining Security Targets According to ISO/IEC 15408
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2012):745-749 201206
Gefei Sun, Kenichi Yajima, Junichi Miura, Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
ISEC: An Information Security Engineering Cloud
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2012):750-753 201206
Liqing Xu, Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Persistent Computing Systems Based on Soft System Bus
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2012),2:368-372 201205
Jingde Cheng, Masami Someya, Koichi Nanashima, and Yuichi Goto -
Generation of System Dependence Nets for Ada 2005 Programs
IEEE Press,Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2012),3:401-406 201205
Bo Wang, Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Continuous Functioning of Soft System Bus Based Centralized Persistent Computing Systems
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications,International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications,2(2):362-381 201204
Quazi Mahera Jabeen, Muhammad Anwarul Azim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Engineering Environment for Supporting Information Security Management Systems
Communications in Computer and Information Science,339:30-37 2012
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Systematic Management Method of ISO Information Security Standards for Information Security Engineering Environments
Springer-Verlag,,Proceedings of Informatics Engineering and Information Science, International Conference, ICIEIS 2011,251:370-384 201111
Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi, Takashi Manji, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Design of Centralized Persistent Computing Systems
Springer-Verlag,,Proceedings of Informatics Engineering and Information Science, International Conference, ICIEIS 2011,251:604-617 201111
Quazi Mahera Jabeen, Muhammad Anwarul Azim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Security Analysis of Peer-to-Peer based Soft System Bus Based System
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,11:164-172 2011
Muhammad Anwarul Azim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Fast Algorithm for Derivation Process in Forward Reasoning Engines
International Journal of Computational Science,4:219-231 2010
Takahiro Koh, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development and Maintenance Environment for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,24:61-72 2010
Yuichi Goto, Ryota Kuboniwa, and Jingde Cheng -
Fast Anticipatory Reasoning for Computing Anticipatory Systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,24:42-53 2010
Takahiro Koh, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Database System for Effective Utilization of ISO/IEC 27002
IEEE,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST '09):607-612 200912
Ahmad Iqbal, Daisuke Horie, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Information Assurance, Privacy, and Security in Ubiquitous Questionnaire
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST '09):619-624 200912
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
Development of ISEE: An Information Security Engineering Environment
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA '09):505-510 200908
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, Daisuke Horie, Junichi Miura, Toshio Kasahara, and Ahmad Iqbal -
ISEE: An Information Security Engineering Environment
INSTICC Press,Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT '09):395-400 200907
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, and Daisuke Horie -
A New Model of Software Life Cycle Processes for Consistent Design, Development, Management, and Maintenance of Secure Information Systems
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS '09):897-902 200906
Daisuke Horie, Toshio Kasahara, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development of a Decision-Maker in an Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting System for Terminal Radar Control
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),5572:68-76 200906
Natsumi Kitajima, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
GEST: A Generator of ISO/IEC 15408 Security Target Templates
Springer-Verlag,Studies in Computational Intelligence,208:149-158 200905
Daisuke Horie, Kenichi Yajima, Noor Azimah, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
An Improvement of REM: A Replication Oriented Event-based Middleware
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '09):641-646 200903
Youcheng Chen, Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
FORVEST: A Support Tool for Formal Verification of Security Specifications with ISO/IEC 15408
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '09):624-629 200903
Kenichi Yajima, Shoichi Morimoto, Daisuke Horie, Noor Shelia Azreen, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Deontic Relevant Logic Approach to Reasoning about Actions in Computing Anticipatory Systems
CHAOS,International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,20:177-190 200812
Natsumi Kitajima, Shisuke Nara, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Continuous Reactability of Persistent Computing Systems
CHAOS,International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,20:219-229 200812
Yuichi Goto, Takumi Endo, and Jingde Cheng -
Anticipatory Reasoning about Mobile Objects in Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
AIP,AIP Conference Proceedings,1051:244-254 200811
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, and Natsumi Kitajima -
A Fast Duplication Checking Algorithm for Forward Reasoning Engines
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),5178:526-535 200809
Takahiro Koh, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A General Forward Reasoning Algorithm for Various Logic Systems with Different Formalizations
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),5178:526-535 200809
Yuichi Goto, Takahiro Koh, and Jingde Cheng -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,第6号(平成19年度) 200809
後藤祐一 -
A Low Cost and Resilient Message Queuing Middleware
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,8(8):225-237 200808
Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Ensuring Reliability and Availability of Soft System Bus
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI '08) 200807
Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Security Engineering Environment Based on ISO/IEC Standards: Providing Standard, Formal, and Consistent Supports for Design, Development, Operation, and Maintenance of Secure Information Systems
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (ISA '08):350-354 200804
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, Shoichi Morimoto, and Daisuke Horie -
Fast Qualitative Reasoning about Actions for Computing Anticipatory Systems
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '08):171-178 200803
Natsumi Kitajima, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
ISEDS: An Information Security Engineering Database System Based on ISO Standards
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '08):1219-1225 200803
Daisuke Horie, Shoichi Morimoto, Noor Azimah, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Classification, Formalization and Verification of Security Functional Requirements
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,4910:622-633 200801
Shoichi Morimoto, Shinjiro Shigematsu, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
ENQUETE-BAISE: A General-Purpose E-Questionnaire Server for Ubiquitous Questionnaire
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC '07):187-194 200712
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, Masato Koide, Keigo Nagahama, Masami Someya, Yusuke Utsumi, and Ayaka Shionoiri
Best Paper Award -
Measuring Reactability of Persistent Computing Systems
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,4829:144-151 200712
Takumi Endo, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Replication Oriented Approach to Event Based Middleware Over Structured Peer to Peer Networks
ACM,Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing, A Workshop of ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th International Middleware Conference (MPAC 2007 of Middleware 2007):61-66 200711
Mohammad Reza Selim, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト成果発表会 : 口頭発表:40554 200711
後藤祐一 -
A Cooperative Grid Computing Approach to Automated Theorem Finding and Automated Problem Proposing
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),4693:840-851 200709
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, Shinsuke Nara, and Takahiro Koh -
FreeEnCal: A Forward Reasoning Engine with General-Purpose
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),4693:444-452 200709
Jingde Cheng, Shinsuke Nara, and Yuichi Goto -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会論文誌,48(8):2684-2698 200708
堀江大輔,森本祥一,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
Distributed Hash Table Based Design of Soft System Buses
ICST,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (INFOSCALE '07) 200706
Mohammad Reza Selim, Takumi Endo, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Quantitative Analysis of Implicational Paradoxes in Classical Mathematical Logic
Elsevier B.V.,Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,169:87-97 200703
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
EPLAS: An Epistemic Programming Language for All Scientists
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,4487:406-413 200703
Isao Takahashi, Shinsuke Nara, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Formal Verification of Security Specifications with Common Criteria
ACM,Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'07):1506-1512 200703
Shoichi Morimoto, Shinjiro Shigematsu, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会(SIGSE) 2007年ウィンターワークショップ(WWS'07)論文集, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,2007(2):77-78 200701
染谷雅美,MohammadRezaSelim,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,第5号(18年度):456-457 2007
Persistent Computing as an Infrastructure of Ubiquitous Computing -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,40:67-69 2007
Persistent Computing Systems as an Infrastructure of Ubiquitous Computing -
An Anticipatory Reasoning Engine for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
CHAOS,International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,18:225-234 200612
Shinsuke Nara, Feng Shang, Takashi Omi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
The Theory Grid and Grid Theorists
IEEE Computer Society Press,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG '06):32 200611
Jingde Cheng, Shinsuke Nara, Takahiro Koh, and Yuichi Goto -
A Comparative Study between Soft System Bus and Traditional Middlewares
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,4278:1264-1273 200610
Mohammad Reza Selim, Takumi Endo, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
近代科学社,ソフトウェアエンジニアリング最前線2006:59-60 200610
堀江大輔,森本祥一,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
Persistent Computing Systems as an Infrastructure for Pervasive Services
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications (SPCA'06):104-109 200608
Jingde Cheng, Yuichi Goto, Masami Someya, and Takumi Endo -
ISO/IEC 15408 に基づく定理証明とモデル検査による情報セキュリティ仕様の検証技法
日本ソフトウェア科学会,コンピュータソフトウェア,23(3):117-133 200607
森本祥一,重松真二郎,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,39:133-134 200607
Persistent Computing Systems as an Infrastructure of Ubiquitous Computing -
A Prototype Implementation of an Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting System
AIP,AIP Conference Proceedings,839:401-414 200606
Feng Shang, Shinsuke Nara, Takashi Omi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Quantitative Analysis of Implicational Paradoxes in Classical Mathematical Logic
ACM,Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'06):42-43 200604
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
A Security Specification Verification Technique Based on the International Standard ISO/IEC 15408
ACM,Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'06):1802-1803 200604
Shoichi Morimoto, Shinjiro Shigematsu, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,2006(2):39-40 200601
通拉ガ,染谷雅美,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
ユビキタスサービスのための汎用電子アンケートサーバ ENQUETE-BAISE
情報処理学会,情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,2006(2):41-42 200601
染谷雅美,内海悠輔,塩野入彩香,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
Security in Persistently Reactive Systems
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3823:874-883 200512
Takumi Endo, Junichi Miura, Koichi Nanashima, Shoichi Morimoto, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
ISO/IEC 15408 に基づく定理証明とモデル検査による情報セキュリティ仕様の検証技法
第二回システム検証の科学技術シンポジウム予稿集:40890 200510
森本祥一,重松真二郎,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
A General-purpose Forward Deduction Engine for Modal Logics
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science),3682:739-745 200509
Shinsuke Nara, Takashi Omi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会論文誌,46SIG10 (TOM12):19-29 200507
奈良信介,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
Security Issues in Persistently Reactive Systems
Supplement of the IEEE-CS 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'05):56-57 200506
Takumi Endo, Junichi Miura, Koichi Nanashima, Shoichi Morimoto, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng
(Fast Abstract) -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,2005(5):209-210 200505
遠藤匠,三浦潤一,七島功一,森本祥一,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
Tasking Deadlocks in Programs with the Full Ada 95
ACM,ACM Ada Letters,251:48-56 200503
Yasushi Tojo, Shinsuke Nara, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng
This article presents some examples of tasking deadlocks concerning tasking synchronization waiting relations defined in Ada 95's Real-Time Systems Annex. -
Efficient Anticipatory Reasoning for Anticipatory Systems with Requirements of High Reliability and High Security
CHAOS,International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems,14:156-171 200412
Yuichi Goto, Shinsuke Nara, and Jingde Cheng -
Representing and Reasoning about Spatial Knowledge Based on Spatial Relevant Logic
Springer-Verlag,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3289:114-126 200411
Jingde Cheng and Yuichi Goto -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会第10回数理モデル化と問題解決シンポジウム(SPSPDP03)論文集 -- 並列・分散処理による問題解決:101-108 200310
奈良信介,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
A Comparative Study on Paradoxical Conditionals in Classical Mathematical Logic, Relevant Logics, and Strong Relevant Logics
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Development of Science and Technology (International Workshop on Research Directions and Challenge Problems in Advanced Information Systems Engineering) (KEST'03):69-75 200309
Yuichi Goto, Takahiro Koh, and Jingde Cheng -
A Digital Reference Room for E-learning
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Development of Science and Technology (International Workshop on Research Directions and Challenge Problems in Advanced Information Systems Engineering) (KEST'03):17-21 200309
Ru Lu, Feng Shang, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Automated Theorem Finding by Forward Deduction Based on Strong Relevant Logic: A Case Study in NBG Set Theory
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Development of Science and Technology (International Workshop on Research Directions and Challenge Problems in Advanced Information Systems Engineering) (KEST'03):83-91 200309
Xiaobin Wang, Yuichi Goto, Shinsuke Nara, and Jingde Cheng -
Efficient Forward Deduction for Discovery and Prediction by Parallel Processing
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Development of Science and Technology (International Workshop on Research Directions and Challenge Problems in Advanced Information Systems Engineering) (KEST'03):76-82 200309
Shinsuke Nara, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
HILBERT : An Autonomous Evolutionary Information System for Teaching and Learning Logic
Computer Based Learning in Science, Conference Proceedings 2003, Volume I, New Technologies And Their Applications in Education:245-254 200307
Jingde Cheng, Naoki Akimoto, Yuichi Goto, Masato Koide, Kouichi Nanashima, and Shinsuke Nara -
Parallel Forward Deduction System for General-Purpose Entailment Calculus on Clusters of PCs
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing, and Applications (NPDPA'02):359-364 200210
Sinsuke Nara, Yuichi Goto, Daisuke Takahashi, and Jingde Cheng -
A Strong Relevant Logic Approach to the Calculus of Fuzzy Conditionals
World Scientific,Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research:66-74 200209
Jingde Cheng and Yuichi Goto -
Improving Performance of Automated Forward Deduction System EnCal? on Shared-Memory Paralell Computers
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'02):63-68 200209
Yuichi Goto, Daisuke Takahashi, and Jingde Cheng -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,20022(2):15-16 200201
七島功一,後藤祐一,程京徳 -
情報処理学会,情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ,20022(2):63-64 200201
後藤祐一,劉欣,小出雅人,高橋大介,程京徳 -
Parallel Forward Deduction Algorithms of General-Purpose Entailment Calculus on Shared-Memory Parallel Computers
Proceedings of the 2nd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'01):168-175 200108
Yuichi Goto, Daisuke Takahashi and Jingde Cheng -
Automated Theorem Finding by Forward Deduction based on The Semi-lattice Model of Formal Theory: A Case Study in NBG Set
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2013): 21 - 28
Hongbiao Gao, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng - 学会発表
Construction of a Multimodal Japanese Tourism Knowledge Graph
情報処理学会,第85回全国大会講演論文集 202303
Lina Feng, Yuichi Goto -
情報処理学会,第85回全国大会講演論文集 202303
柳沢 健太, 後藤 祐一 -
情報処理学会,第85回全国大会講演論文集 202303
相馬亮太, 後藤祐一, 三浦隆太, 奥山龍一 -
揺れ通知: 公共交通機関の揺れる場所を通知してくれるIoTデバイス
トリリオンノード研究会 202302
金田 彩孝, 後藤 祐一 -
情報処理学会,第84回全国大会講演論文集,2022(1):899 - 900 202203
久野 亮, 後藤 祐一 -
YOLOv4 を用いた省メモリなマスク着用検出システム
情報処理学会,第84回全国大会講演論文集,2022(1):585-586 202203
覃 文標, 後藤 祐一 -
情処理学会, 第83回情報処理学会全国大会:4-811 - 4-812 202103
久野 亮, 後藤 祐一 -
電子調査仕様記述言語のための構造化エディタ QSL Editor
情処理学会,第83回情報処理学会全国大会:1-271 - 1-272 202103
阿曼吐爾 熱吾漢, 後藤 祐一 -
情処理学会,第83回情報処理学会全国大会:2-477 - 2-478 202103
高島 望, 後藤 祐一 -
情処理学会,第83回情報処理学会全国大会:3-447 - 3-448 202103
李 陽, 後藤 祐一 -
A Case Study of Formal Analysis Methods with Reasoning for Cryptographic Protocols
第19回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2020),第19回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2020)論文集:123-126 202009
Jun Zheng and Yuichi Goto -
World Model, Predictive Model, and Behavioral Model of an Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting System for Runway Incursion Prevention
the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09),Abstract Book of the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09):4 201108
Kai Shi, Kazunori Wagatsuma, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
A Transformation Mechanism between Sensory Data and Logical Formulas for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09),Abstract Book of the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09):6 201108
Yuichi Goto and Jingde Cheng -
A Framework for Various Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09),Abstract Book of the Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09):10 201108
Kai Shi, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng -
Development and Maintenance Environment for Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems
the Ninth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09),Abstract Book of the Ninth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '09):8 200908
Yuichi Goto -
数学ソフトウェアとフリードキュメントIV 200703
後藤祐一 -
情報処理学会第47回プログラミングシンポジウム,情報処理学会第47回プログラミングシンポジウム論文集:175-176 200601
後藤祐一,遠藤匠,染谷雅美,高橋勲男,程京徳 -
ENQUETE-BAISE: ユビキタスアンケートのための汎用電子アンケートサーバ
情報処理学会,情報処理学会2004年情報学シンポジウム論文集:81-84 200401
後藤祐一,小出雅人,長濱圭吾,程京徳 -
ソフトシステムバスの実現について -- ユビキタスコンピューティングのための永続システムを目指して
情報処理学会,情報処理学会2004年情報学シンポジウム論文集:77-80 200401
- 科学研究費補助金(研究代表者)
- 2007-2008 , 汎用的な自動定理発見ツールの実現と応用 , 若手研究(B)
- 科学研究費補助金(研究分担者)
- 2006-2008 , 先行予測に基づく反応的システムの実現と応用 , 基盤研究(B)
- その他
- 2008-2008 , 汎用的な自動定理発見ツールの実現と応用 , 埼玉大学・総合研究機構研究プロジェクト・若手研究および基礎研究
- 2007-2007 , 汎用的な自動定理発見ツールの実現と応用 , 埼玉大学・総合研究機構研究プロジェクト・若手研究および基礎研究
- 2006-2006 , ユビキタスコンピューティングの基盤としての永続コンピューティング , 埼玉大学・総合研究機構研究プロジェクト・若手研究および基礎研究
- 2005-2005 , ユビキタスコンピューティングの基盤としての永続コンピューティング , 埼玉大学・工学部・理工研工学系教員研究費補助,
- 2011 , 前期 , 離散数学
- 2011 , 前期 , 離散数学演習
- 2011 , 前期 , 情報基礎
- 2010 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2010 , 前期 , 離散数学演習
- 2009 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2009 , 前期 , 離散数学演習
- 2009 , 後期 , 情報工学総合演習
- 2008 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2008 , 前期 , 離散数学演習
- 2008 , 後期 , 情報工学総合演習
- 2007 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2007 , 前期 , 工学基礎実験
- 2007 , 後期 , 計算論演習
- 2007 , 後期 , 情報工学総合演習
- 2006 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2006 , 後期 , 計算論演習
- 2006 , 後期 , 情報工学総合演習
- 2005 , 前期 , 情報基礎演習
- 2005 , 前期 , 工学基礎実験
- 2005 , 後期 , 計算論演習