小原 哲郎 オバラ テツロウ
■所属部署名 | 理工学研究科 人間支援・生産科学部門 | ■電話番号 | ||
■職名 | 教授 | ■FAX番号 | ||
■住所 | 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 | ■メールアドレス | tobara@mech.saitama-u.ac.jp | |
■ホームページURL |
- 工学部 機械工学・システムデザイン学科
- 熱工学
- 流体工学
- 航空宇宙工学
- 燃焼工学
- 熱流体力学
- 水素と酸素の混合気を燃焼させることにより発生するデトネーション波を利用して高エンタルピー流れを生成する衝撃波風洞の研究を行っている。また,火炎と衝撃波が干渉することにより,火炎がデトネーション波へと遷移する過程,円管の開放端から放出された衝撃波が反射する過程などについて実験と数値シュミレーション法を併用して研究を進めている。
- 所属学会
- 日本機械学会
- 日本燃焼学会
- 日本航空宇宙学会
- 国際衝撃波学会
- 出身大学院・研究科等
- 1992 , 東北大学大学院 , 博士後期 , 工学研究科 , 機械工学第二専攻 , 修了
- 1989 , 室蘭工業大学大学院 , 修士 , 工学研究科 , 機械工学専攻 , 修了
- 出身学校・専攻等(大学院を除く)
- 1987 , 室蘭工業大学 , 工学部 , 機械工学科 , 卒業
- 取得学位
- 博士(工学) , 東北大学 , 水中衝撃波フォーカッシングの医療応用に関する基礎研究
- 2009 , 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 2005 , 日本燃焼学会論文賞
- 研究職歴
- 2007 - 2012 , 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科准教授
- 1998 - 2007 , 埼玉大学工学部助教授
- 1996 - 1998 , 埼玉大学工学部講師
- 1992 - 1994 , 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員
- 1992 - 1996 , 埼玉大学工学部助手
- 1991 - 1992 , 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 著書
第5回デトネーション研究会 若手夏の学校テキスト(基礎研究における実験・計測技術)
:125-144 2010
小原 哲郎,他6名 - 論文
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:514-515 2010
菅原 崇, 沈 志剛, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:231-232 2010
吉田 健司, 浅見 亮輔, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:516-517 2010
小林 達典, 岩田 脩平, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:391-394 2010
小山田 拓, 清田 涼輔, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治, 吉橋 照夫 -
日本燃焼学会,日本燃焼学会誌,52(159):86-93 2010
永井厚司、岡部俊彦、キム・ギョンミン、吉橋照夫、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:387-390 2010
矢部 仁識, 内藤 正樹, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:233-236 2010
澁谷 大智,齋藤 亘, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
日本燃焼学会,日本燃焼学会誌,51(158):318-324 2009
永井厚司、横川真人、吉橋照夫、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
第4回 デトネーション研究会 若手夏の学校テキスト
デトネーション研究会:73-92 2009
小原哲郎 -
Re-initiation process of detonation wave behind a slit-plate
Shock Waves,18(2):117-127 200807
T. Obara;J. Sentanuhady;Y. Tsukada;S. Ohyagi -
日本機械学會論文集. B編,74(740):949-956 2008
Propagation Behavior of Combustion Wave Induced by a Shock Wave Propagated into a Premixed Gas of Oxygen and Hydrogen, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
スリット板背後におけるデトネーション波の再開始過程 (スリット板形状の違いによる影響)
日本機械学會論文集. B編,73(732):1737-1744 2007
Jayan Sentanuhady, 小原哲郎, 塚田豊, 大八木重治
Re-initiation Processes of Detonation Wave behind Slit-plate (Influence of Slit-Plate Configuration), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
スリット板背後におけるデトネーション波の再開始過程 (デトネーション波の再開始と消炎過程の可視化)
日本機械学會論文集. B編,73(735):2354-2361 2007
小原哲郎、塚田豊、Jayan Sentanuhady、大八木重治
Re-initiation Processes of Detonation Wave behind Slit-Plate (Visualization of Re-initiation and Quenching Processes of Detonation Wave), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(5(18年度)):580-581 2007
Study on Quenching and Re–initiation Behavior of Detonation Wave -
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,8:64-67 2007
A Study on Multiple-cycle Operation of Pulse Detonation Engine -
水素 酸素予混合気体への衝撃波入射により誘起される燃焼波の挙動
日本機械学會論文集. B編,73(727):871-878 2007
Behavior of Combustion Wave induced by Propagation of Shock Wave into Premixed Gas of Hydrogen and Oxygen, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,72(720):2018-2025 200608
A behavior of a flame propagating through a narrow channel is of importance, since this phenomenon is concerned with a quenching of the flame when heat losses by convective heat transfer or radiative one to a wall of channel are dominant and temperature behind the flame is not enough to increase that of unburned gases. Since, this phenomenon is also related to a safety-engineering problem where combustible gaseous mixture is handled, a device applying a narrow channel in a pipe might be one of useful technique to prevent the flame from propagating. Experiments were conducted to investigate a behavior of the flame propagating through a narrow channel, which connects two rectangular combustion chambers. The behavior of the flame was visualized using schlieren optical technique with an aid of high-speed video camera. In this study, an equivalence ratio of methane-air mixture, initial pressure and a width of the channel were varied in order to investigate effects of these parameters on characteristics of the flame propagation. As a result, the behavior of the flame entering into the narrow channel was classified into two phenomena, i.e. (i) the flame was quenched inside the narrow channel and combustion wave was not propagated into the downstream chamber, which results in just an emission of burned gaseous jet to the downstream chamber, (ii) the flame was propagated through the channel without quenching, which produced a high-pressure at both chambers.
Combustion, Premixed Combustion, Premixed Combustion, Combustion Phenomena, Pressure Wave, Flow Visualization -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,39:119-126 200607
Re-Inititaion Processes of Detonation Wave propagating through a Slit -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,72(718):1596-1604 200606
Experiments were conducted in order to investigate mixing and combustion processes in a model SCRAM (Supersonic Combustion RAM) jet combustor equipped with a backward-facing step. A detonation-driven shock tunnel was used to generate high-enthalpy flow of Mach number three. Firstly, an influence of installing a sidewall on the combustor model was investigated. Secondly, flow-fields around the step were visualized using high-speed video camera with an aid of schlieren technique. A hydrogen fuel was injected perpendicular to the supersonic flow behind the backward-facing step and a height of the step and an injection distance were varied in order to investigate the effects of these parameters on a characteristic of the combustion. As a result, the injected hydrogen was ignited behind the step and increasing the height of step became effective to the ignition and flame holding behaviors. Furthermore, a non-dimensional injection distance with respect to height of the step was considered to be an important parameter to influence an ignition and combustion processes in the model SCRAM jet combustor.
Supersonic Flow, Combustion, Shock Wave, Ignition, Detonation, SCRAM Jet Engine, Shock Tunnel
Combustion processes in model SCRAM jet combustor using detonation driven shock tunnel, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,72(718):1605-1612 200606
小原哲郎、SENTANUHADY Jayan、塚田豊、大八木重治
A detonation wave produced in a combustible gaseous mixture might cause serious damages by interacting with an artificial structure or human bodies because of an extremely high-pressure and high-temperature behind this wave. Therefore, the detonation wave produced in the gaseous mixture and propagated into a circumstance by accident should be attenuated or quenched within a short distance from its origin. Experiments were conducted in order to investigate behaviors of the detonation wave passing through narrow grooves, since the detonation wave was accompained with a cellular structure and no detonation wave could be propagated. In this study, the detonation wave produced in a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was propagated through a grooved block and behaviors of the detonation wave were experimentally investigated by using techniques of pressure measurement and soot track record. As a result, the behavior of detonation wave propagating through the grooved block was classified into two categories, i. e. (i) the detonation wave was quenched, (ii) the detonation wave was once quenched behind the block but re-initiated again by focusing mechanisms of a reflected shock wave on a central axis.
Detonation, Premixed Combustion, Combustion Phenomena, Shock Wave, Compressible Flow
A Study on Behavior of Detonation Wave Passing through Narrow Grooves, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
Experimental Study on a Flow Field behind Backward-facing Step using Detonation-driven Shock Tunnel
Shock Waves,15(1):1-12 2006 -
Laser Ablation with Water Micro-Drop for Dicing of Silicon Wafer
Journal of Laser Applications,18(2):127-130 2006 -
スリット板背後におけるデトネーション波の再開始過程 (供試気体初期圧力の影響)
日本機械学會論文集. B編,72(724):3158-3165 2006
小原哲郎、Jayan Sentanuhady、塚田豊、大八木重治
Re-Inititaion Processes of Detonation Wave behind Slit-Plate - Influence of Initial Test Gas Pressure -, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(4(17年度)) 2006
A development of detonation-arrestor technique with investigation into the mechanisms -
日本航空宇宙学会論文集. B編,54(628):204-209 2006
Effect of Injected Volume and Distribution of Purge-Air Regarding Stable Operation for a Pulse Detonation Engine -
研究プロジェクト「マイクロ/ナノスケール計測制御テクノセンタ ー」活動報告<研究成果報告>
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):114-118 200503
Report on the Activities of Research Project “Techno Center for Micro/Nano-Scale Control and Measurement” -
Investigation of the Purge Process on the Multi-Cycle Operations of a Pulse Detonation Engine
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences,48(160):78-85 2005
Sakurai T., Ooko A., Yoshihashi T., Obara T., Ohyagi S. -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,16年度 2005
A fundamental research to develope SCRAM jet engine -
レーザ加工学会誌,12(6) 2005 -
ロータリーバルブを装着したPDE のデトネーション作動に関する研究
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,6:58-62 2005
A PDE equipped with the rotary-valve was constructed. Fuel, which is hydrogen, was injected by the solenoid valve. The porous plates was used to promote the mixing of fuel-air mixture. In this paper, multi-cycle operations for 20Hz, 4.5 second were conducted. It was investigated that what kind of porous shape and the fuel injection position were effective to the mixing and subsequent detonation process. As a result, the “IP2”, which was downward injection to the air, was the best for the fuel injection position. The porous plate “P3” that has large open ratio and small aperture size was effective to the mixing and detonation. Detonations were not obtained at all cycles because the mixture could not be filled to the combustion tube uniformly.
Pulse Detonation Engine, Detonation, Rotary-Valve -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,70(691):707-714 200403
A detonation-driven shock tube is useful apparatus for producing high-enthalpy flow and it can be used to investigate a combustion flow inside Scramjet-engine. This detonation-driven shock tube produces a shock wave of high propagation Mach number using a particularly high-temperature gas behind detonation wave. However, state variables such as pressure and temperature behind detonation wave are not uniform, since a Taylor expansion wave follows precursor detonation wave so as to decrease these variables. Therefore, a performance of this device is necessary to be studied and this report is concerned with characteristics of this facility in order to produce a high-enthalpy flow. Experiments were conducted by applying a combination of sub-combustion tube and spiral-coil to produce a detonation wave. As a result, it was clarified that detonation wave was produced with extremely short distance from an igniter. The propagation Mach number of a shock wave was increased by diluting driver-gas with light-gas. A stagnation enthalpy behind reflected shock wave was evaluated and experimental conditions producing high-enthalpy flow were clarified, which would be practical to investigate a combustion flow inside a Scramjet-engine.
Detonation, Shock Wave, Compressible Flow, Shock Tunnel
Experimental Study on Performance of Shock Tube Driven by Detonation Wave, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
A Study for Development of Hydrogen-fueled Pulse Detonation Engines
Science and Technology of Energetic Materials,65(4):125-133 2004
Sakurai T., Minagawa T., Yoshihashi T., Obara T., Ohyagi S. -
日本航空宇宙学会論文集,52(608):385-392 2004
Experimental Study on Flow Field behind Backward-Facing Step using Detonation-Driven Shock Tunnel -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,68(668):1036-1043 200204
It is important to investigate a pressure profile when a diffracted shock wave interacts with a reflector from a safety point of view. Because the diffracted shock waves are often generated by the explosions of combustible gases to cause serious damages against human race and surrounding buildings. The maximum pressure behind reflected shock wave is one of the most important parameter and this report is concerned with the evaluation of maximum pressure, which might be a function of Mach number of the shock wave, distance from a source of the shock wave, initial pressure of the gas, and initial diameter of the shock wave, etc. In this study, a detonation-driven shock tube of 14 m long and 50 mm diameter is used to generate a strong shock wave of propagating Mach number M_S=3.0~5.2. The shock wave is diffracted from an open end of the shock tube of 25 mm diameter and reflected from a cylindrical reflector of 50 mm diameter. These phenomena are observed using color-schlieren optical techniques and the pressure histories at the stagnation point of the reflector are simultaneously measured. As a result, (i) The behaviors of the diffracted shock wave and complicate flow-fields behind reflected shock wave are observed. (ii) An empirical equation to calculate the maximum pressure behind reflected shock wave is estimated by the results of experimental and numerical simulation.
Shock Wave, Detonation Wave, Compressible Flow, Flow Visualization, Diffraction, Reflection
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of a Shock Wave discharged from an Open-end, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
Diffraction and Re-Initiation of Detonations behind a Backward-facing Step
Shock Waves,12:221-226 2002 -
Propagation of Pressure Waves Initiated by Flame and Detonation in a Tube
JSME International Journal, Series B,45(1):192-200 2002 -
Study on Performance of Detonation-Driven Shock Tube
JSME International Journal, Series B,45(2):425-431 2002 -
回折する衝撃波の挙動に関する研究 : 第2報、溝付き開放端による衝撃波の減衰過程 : 流体工学,流体機械
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,67(659):1680-1686 200107
Experiments are carried out to investigate behavior of shock wave diffraction from a safety-engineering point of view. Because, once the shock wave is released into an ambience, high pressure and negative pressure lasting for relatively long period have possibility to cause serious damages against human bodies as well as general buildings. Therefore, it should be one of the most significant subjects to attenuate the shock wave efficiently within a short distance from the source. In this report, a cavity is installed at an open end of a shock tube and flow-fields behind diffracted shock wave are visualized using schlieren photography. In addition, piezo-electric pressure transducer is flush mounted on the surface of reflector, which is installed at test section, and pressure histories are recorded with wide frequency response. Lastly, numerical simulation using the TVD finite difference scheme is performed to compare with the experimental results. As a result, (i) the pressure histories on the reflector coincides well between the numerical and experimental results, (ii) flow-fields behind the shock wave are clarified, (iii) maximum pressure behind reflected shock wave can be attenuated by installing several cavities inside the open end of the shock tube.
Compressible Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Shock Wave, Flow Visualization
A Study on Behavior of Diffracted Shock Wave (2nd Report, Process of Shock Wave Attenuation by Cavities inside Open End of a Tube), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,66(651):2992-2998 200011
A detonation-driven shock tube firstly designed by H.-R. Yu, is considered as a useful facilities capable of producing high-enthalpy flow. In this apparatus, a strong shock wave is generated by detonating oxygen-hydrogen (oxyhydrogen) mixture and has characteristics that temperature as well as pressure of driver gas is extremely high compared with conventional shock tubes. However, a structure of detonation wave is not uniform e.g., detonation wave has three-dimensional cellular structures and multiple transverse waves. Furthermore, the detonation wave is followed by a Taylor expansion fan and performance of detonation-driven shock tube is not well understood. In this preliminary study, a detonation-driven shock tube is constructed and its performance is experimentally investigated by measuring pressure histories and a profile of ionization current behind detonation wave. As a result, (i) the pressure histories of detonation wave is clarified and it shows reasonable agreement with a result obtained by KASIMIR shock tube simulation code. (ii) A propagation velocity of detonation wave is coincided well with theoretical predictions assuming Chapman-Jouguet detonation wave. (iii) An equivalence ratio of oxyhydrogen mixture to produce a highest Mach number of the shock wave is evaluated as 〓≃1.7.
Combustion, Detonation, Shock Wave, Shock Tube, Detonation-Driver, Mach Number
A Study on Performance of a Detonation-Driven Shock Tube, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
A Numerical Simulation of Reflection Processes of a Detonation Wave on a Wedge
Shock Waves,10(3):185-190 2000 -
サイエンス・コミュニケーションズ・インターナショナル,燃焼の科学と技術,7:249-263 2000
Structure of Gaseous Detonation and Reflection and Diffraction Phenonena -
回折する衝撃波の挙動に関する研究 : 第1報, 衝撃波の回折と反射過程
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,65(639):3602-3607 199911
As is well known when a shock wave is emitted from an open end of a tube, an expansion wave and a vortex ring are generated behind the shock wave. Furthermore, a contact surface, slip line and these wave interactions may cause considerably complicate flow-fields. In this study, shock waves of Mach number 1.3, 1.6 and 2.2 are produced utilizing diaphragm-less shock tube of 50 mm diameter and c. a. 10 m total length, and the flow-fields are visualized with an aid of schlieren optical techniques. A cylindrical reflector is installed at test section and stagnation pressure behind reflected shock wave is measured with wide frequency response. A numerical analysis is also carried out to investigate these flow-fields using Predictor-Corrector TVD finite difference scheme. As a result, (i) the contour of diffracted shock wave is well coincided between experimental and numerical results, (ii) pressure histories behind reflected shock wave are clarified, (iii) an empirical formula is obtained between Mach number, non-dimensional distance from the open end of the tube and non-dimensional pressure just behind reflected shock wave.
Compressible Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Shock Wave, Flow Visualization
A Study on Behavior of Diffracted Shock Wave (1st Report, Process of Shock Wave Diffraction and Reflection), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
日本機械学會論文集. B編,65(632):1446-1451 1999
Numerical Study on a Planar Diffusion Flame Stabilized behind a Backward-facing Step, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
Diffusion Flame Stabilized on a Porous Plate in a Parallel Airstream
AIAA Journal,36(11):1945-1952 1998 -
フィルムデトネーション波開始過程の可視化(流体工学, 流体機械)
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,63(612):2700-2706 199708
The detonation wave caused by the combustion of a liquid fuel film coated on an inner tube wall has recently attracted considerable attention because of its possible role in explosion hazards in compressed oxygen pipelines. This type of detonation is known as "film detonation" and is classified as a heterogeneous detonation. The structure of a heterogeneous detonation wave is very complex because physical processes such as momentum, heat and mass exchanges between liquid film and the gas phase are coupled with a chemical reaction. Experiments are conducted to investigate the initiation process of film detonation using high-speed schlieren photography and direct photography. It is clearly observed that a secondary shock wave caused by the combustion of liquid fuel film plays a significant role in the transition of film detonation wave.
Detonation, Combustion Phenomena, Flow Visualization, Shock Wave, Pressure Wave
Visualization of Initiation Processes of Film Detonation, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
High-speed Photography and Stress Gauge Studies of Jet Impact upon Surfaces
Philosophical Transaction Royal Society of London,A-355:607-623 1997 -
A High-Speed Photographic Study of the Transition from Deflagration to Detonation Wave
Shock Waves,6(4):205-210 1996 -
The Impact and Penetration of a Water Surface by a Liquid Jet
Proc. Royal Society of London,A-452:1497-1502 1996 -
A Stress Gauge for Use in Electrically Noisy Environments
Meas. Sci. Technology,6(12):1659-1661 1995 -
Liquid-Jet Impact on Liquid and Solid Surfaces
Wear,186/187:388-394 1995 -
The Construction and Calibration of an Inexpensive PVDF Stress Gauge for Fast Pressure Measurements
Meas. Sci. Technology,6(4):345-348 1995 -
Cavitation Phenomena in Extracorporeal Microexplosion Lithotripsy
Shock Waves,3(3):149-157 1994 -
デフラグレーション波からデトネーション波への遷移過程 : 障害物の影響
日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. B編,59(567):3552-3556 199311
Transition processes from deflagration to detonation waves in stoichiometric oxyhydrogen mixtures diluted with nitrogen were observed using high-speed Schlieren photography as well as pressure and ionization current measurements. In this study, effects of obstacles on the transition processes were investigated. The obstacles were multigutter shaped and were installed near an ignition plug on an inner wall of a rectangular tube. Width and depth of the gutter were selected as parameters while composition of the mixture was fixed. It was revealed that there exist optimum values of these parameters for enhancing the transition to detonation.
Detonation, Premixed Combustion, Shock Wave, Flow Visualization, Deflagration, Transition
Transition Processes from Deflagration to Detonation Waves (Effects of Obstacles), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
胆道,5(1):11-20 1991 -
日本機械学會論文集. B編,57(539):2285-2292 1991
Underwater Shock Wave Focusing by Microexplosions, a Medical Application, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
工業火薬,52(4):301-306 1991 -
弱い衝撃波と気泡の干渉に関する一実験 (単一および2個の気泡の崩壊時に発生する液体マイクロジェットの挙動)
日本機械学會論文集. B編,56(526):1583-1587 1990
An Experiment on the Interation between a Weak Plane Shock Wave and Bubbles (Behavior of Liquid Microjet Produced by Collapse of Single and Double Bubbles), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
日本機械学會論文集. B編,56(526):1579-1582 1990
Focusing of Underwater Shock Waves and the Mechanism of High-Pressure Generation, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B -
胆道,4(4):451-459 1990 -
日本機械学會論文集. B編,53(495):3141-3145 1987
An Experimetal Study on the Collapse of Multiple Air-Bubbles by a Shock Wave, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B - 学会発表
第48回燃焼シンポジウム,第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:514-515 201012
菅原 崇, 沈 志剛, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第48回燃焼シンポジウム,第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:516-517 201012
小林 達典, 岩田 脩平, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文論文集:301-302 201003
名倉功、相川温史、小原哲郎、大八木重治、吉橋照夫 -
平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文論文集:295-296 201003
沈志剛、菅原崇、小原哲郎、大八木重治、吉橋照夫 -
平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文論文集:227-230 201003
中込大輔、吉田健司、吉橋照夫、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
水素 空気予混合気への衝撃波入射により生成される燃焼波の挙動
平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文論文集:73-76 201003
今井健太、大須賀尚文、小原哲郎、大八木重治、吉橋照夫 -
平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成21年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文論文集:231-232 201003
澁谷大智、矢部仁識、吉橋照夫、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集:231-232 2010
吉田 健司, 浅見 亮輔, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集:391-394 2010
小山田 拓, 清田 涼輔, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治, 吉橋 照夫 -
平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集:387-390 2010
矢部 仁識, 内藤 正樹, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム,平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集:233-236 2010
澁谷 大智,齋藤 亘, 吉橋 照夫, 小原 哲郎, 大八木 重治 -
第47回燃焼シンポジウム,第47回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集:386-387 200912
小林達典、岡田、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
第53回宇宙科学技術連合講演会,第53回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM):1424-1425 200909
小林達典、岡田安正、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
第41回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2009,第41回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2009講演集:365-368 200906
中込大輔、澁谷大智、吉橋照夫、小原哲郎、大八木重治 -
水素 空気予混合気体への衝撃波入射により生じる燃焼波の挙動
第41回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2009,第41回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2009講演集:377-378 200906
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