
キーワード 詳細検索


弥益 恭 ヤマス キョウ

所属部署名 理工学研究科 生命科学部門 電話番号
職名 教授 ■FAX番号
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス kyamasu@mail.saitama-u.ac.jp
■ホームページURL http://devbiol.seitai.saitama-u.ac.jp/



理工学研究科 生命科学専攻
理学部 生体制御学科


キーワード:個体発生 , 脳形成 , ゼブラフィッシュ , 神経発生 , パターニング , 発生遺伝学 , 分子生物学


キーワード:ゼブラフィッシュ , 分子発生学 , 遺伝子制御 , 発生遺伝学
キーワード:ゼブラフィッシュ , 分子発生学 , 遺伝子制御 , 発生遺伝学
キーワード:ゼブラフィッシュ , 培養細胞 , 分子発生学 , 転写制御




1987 , 東京大学 , 理学系研究科 , 修了
1984 , 東京大学 , 理学系研究科 , 修了
1982 , 東京大学 , 理学部 , 卒業
理学博士 , 東京大学 , Studies on the Mechanism of Nucleosome Formation.(ヌクレオソーム形成機構の研究)


2021 - 2023 , 埼玉大学生命理工連携研究センター・センター長
2011 - 2014 , 埼玉大学総合研究機構脳科学融合研究センター・センター長
2010 - 2021 , 埼玉大学総合研究機構脳科学融合研究センター兼任教授
2006 , 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科教授
1996 - 2006 , 埼玉大学理学部助教授
1990 - 1996 , 埼玉大学理学部助手
1987 - 1990 , 帝京大学生物工学研究センター助手
1987 - 1987 , 新技術開発事業団研究員
1993 - 1995 , カリフォルニア大学バークリー校客員研究員



培風館 201904
塩尻 信義, 弥益 恭, 加藤 容子, 中尾 啓子 (共編)

培風館 201805
弥益 恭、中尾啓子、野口航共編(執筆者、他10名)

裳華房 201509
弥益 恭

朝倉書店:編集(第3章、53ページ;第7章、83ページ)、執筆(6ページ) 201101
ISBN:978-4-254-17166-2 C3545
総編集、末光隆志;章担当編集、弥益 恭他15名

培風館:分担4頁 200612
石原勝敏、浅尾哲朗、団まりな、山口征矢、弥益 恭

東京化学同人 2006
Fred H. Wilt, Sarah C. Hake共著(赤坂、大隅、八杉監訳、分担翻訳)

生物学データ大百科事典 〔下巻〕
朝倉書店 :分担2頁(動物の発生段階表) 200209
石原 勝敏, 河野 重行, 金井 龍二, 能村 哲郎(編集)(分担執筆)

裳華房:分担39頁 199212

The Oct4-related PouV gene, pou5f3, mediates isthmus development in zebrafish by directly and dynamically regulating pax2a.
Cells Dev.,179:203933 2024
Maekawa M, Saito S, Isobe D, Takemoto K, Miura Y, Dobashi Y, Yamasu K

Elongation of the developing spinal cord is driven by Oct4-type transcription factor-mediated regulation of retinoic acid signaling in zebrafish embryos.
Dev. Dyn.:doi: 10.1002/dvdy.666, PMID: 37850839 2024
Yuikawa T, Sato T, Ikeda M, Tsuruoka M, Yasuda K, Sato Y, Nasu K, Yamasu K.

Involvement of nr2f genes in brain regionalization and eye development during early zebrafish development.
Dev. Growth Differ.,66(2):145-160 2024
Chowdhury G, Umeda K, Ohyanagi T, Nasu K, Yamasu K.

Evolutionarily conserved roles of foxg1a in the developing subpallium of zebrafish embryos.
Dev. Growth Differ.:doi: 10.1111/dgd.12917, PMID: 38378191 2024
Umeda K, Tanaka K, Chowdhury G, Nasu K, Kuroyanagi Y, Yamasu K.

Endosulfan affects embryonic development synergistically under elevated ambient temperature.
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.:doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-27665-z 2023
Zaman T, Fahad TM, Rana M, Hossain MS, Mamun A, Haque MA, Sarker A, Islam MS, Haque MML, Naz T, Manik MIN, Ali H, Yamasu K, Khan A.

A globin-family protein, Cytoglobin 1, is involved in the development of neural crest-derived tissues and organs in zebrafish.
Dev. Biol.,472:1-17 2021
Takahashi K, Ito Y, Yoshimura M, Nikaido M, Yuikawa T, Kawamura A, Tsuda S, Kage D, Yamasu K.

Involvement of Oct4-type transcription factor Pou5f3 in posterior spinal cord formation in zebrafish embryos
Develop. Growth Differ.,63:306-322 2021
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Masaaki Ikeda, Sachiko Tsuda, Shinji Saito, Kyo Yamasu

Involvement of an Oct4-related PouV gene, pou5f3/pou2, in neurogenesis in the early neural plate of zebrafish embryos.
Developmental Biology,457(1):30-42 2020
Inomata C, Yuikawa T, Nakayama-Sadakiyo Y, Kobayashi K, Ikeda M, Chiba M, Konishi C, Ishioka A, Tsuda S, Yamasu K.

Role of somite patterning in the formation of Weberian apparatus and pleural rib in zebrafish.
Journal of Anatomy,236:622-629 2020
Akama K, Ebata K, Maeno A, Taminato T, Otosaka S, Gengyo-Ando K, Nakai J, Yamasu K, Kawamura A.

4D imaging identifies dynamic migration and the fate of gbx2-expressing cells in the brain primordium of zebrafish.
Neurotic. Lett.,690:112-119 201901
Tsuda S, Hiyoshi K, Miyazawa H, Kinno R, Yamasu K.

Transcriptional autoregulation of zebrafish tbx6 is required for somite segmentation.
Development.,146(18):dev177063 2019
Ban H, Yokota D, Otosaka S, Kikuchi M, Kinoshita H, Fujino Y, Yabe T, Ovara H, Izuka A, Akama K, Yamasu K, Takada S, Kawamura A.

Optical measurement of neuronal activity in the developing cerebellum of zebrafish using voltage-sensitive dye imaging.
Neuroreport,29:1349-1354 201811
Okumura K, Kakinuma H, Amo R, Okamoto H, Yamasu K, Tsuda S.

Deadenylation by the CCR4-NOT complex contributes to the turnover of hairy-related mRNAs in the zebrafish segmentation clock.
FEBS Lett.,592:3388-3398 201810
Fujino Y, Yamada K, Sugaya C, Ooka Y, Ovara H, Ban H, Akama K, Otosaka S, Kinoshita H, Yamasu K, Mishima Y, Kawamura A.

Functional roles of the Ripply-mediated suppression of segmentation gene expression at the anterior presomitic mesoderm in zebrafish.
Mech. Dev.,152:21-31 201808
Kinoshita H, Ohgane N, Fujino Y, Yabe T, Ovara H, Yokota D, Izuka A, Kage D, Yamasu K, Takada S, Kawamura A.

Early development of the enteric nervous system visualized by using a new transgenic zebrafish line harboring a regulatory region for choline acetyltransferase a (chata) gene.
Gene Expr. Patterns ,28:12-21 201806
M. Nikaido, S. Izumi, H. Ohnuki, Y. Takigawa, K. Yamasu, K. Hatta

Optical interrogation of neuronal circuitry in zebrafish using genetically encoded voltage indicators.
Sci. Rep. ,8:6048 201804
H. Miyazawa, K. Okumura, K. Hiyoshi, K. Maruyama, H. Kakinuma, R. Amo, H. Okamoto, K. Yamasu, and S. Tsuda

In vitro analysis of the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of zebrafish pou5f3.
Exp. Cell Res. ,364:28-41 201803
K. Kobayashi, A. Khan, M. Ikeda, A. Nakamoto, M. Maekawa, and K. Yamasu

The role of gastrulation brain homeobox 2 (gbx2) in the development of the ventral telencephalon in zebrafish embryos.
Differentiation,99:28-40 201802
Z. Wang, Y. Nakayama, S. Tsuda, and K. Yamasu

Comprehensive analysis of target genes in zebrafish embryos reveals gbx2 involvement in neurogenesis.
Dev. Biol. ,430:237-248 201710
Yukiko Nakayama, Chihiro Inomata, Tatsuya Yuikawa, Sachiko Tsuda, and Kyo Yamasu

Posterior-anterior gradient of zebrafish hes6 expression in the presomitic mesoderm is established by the combinatorial functions of the downstream enhancer and 3′UTR.
Developmental Biology 2016
Akinori Kawamura, Hiroki Ovara, Yuko Ooka, Hirofumi Kinoshita, Miki Hoshikawa, Kenji Nakajo, Daisuke Yokota, Yuuri Fujino, Shin-ichi Higashijima, Shinji Takada, Kyo Yamasu

Enhancer activity-based identification of functional enhancers using zebrafish embryos.
Genomics,108(2):102-107 2016
Taminato T, Yokota D, Araki S, Ovara H, Yamasu K, Kawamura A.

Gbx2 functions as a transcriptional repressor to regulate the specification and morphogenesis of the mid-hindbrain junction in a dosage- and stage-dependent manner.
Mechanisms of Development,532-552:532-552 2013
Yukiko Nakayama, Hiroshi Kikuta, Maiko Kanai, Kimihito Yoshikawa, Akinori Kawamura, Kana Kobayashi, Zhe Wang, Alam Khan, Koichi Kawakami, and Kyo Yamasu

Mesendoderm specification depends on the function of Pou2, the class V POU-type transcription factor, during zebrafish embryogenesis
Develop. Growth Differ.,54(7):686-701 2012
A. Khan, A. Nakamoto, M. Tai, S. Saito, Y. Nakayama, A. Kawamura, H. Takeda, and K. Yamasu

Pou2, a class V POU-type transcription factor in zebrafish, regulates dorsoventral patterning  and convergent extension movement at different blastula stages
Mech. Dev.,129(9-12):219-235 2012
A.Khan, A. Nakamoto, S. Okamoto, M. Tai, Y. Nakayama, K. Kobayashi, A. Kawamura, H. Takeda, and K. Yamasu

Binding properties of thyroxine to nuclear extract from sea urchin larvae.
Zoological Science,29:79-82 2012
Minoru Saito, Kyo Yamasu, & Takashi Suyemitsu

Retinoic acid-dependent establishment of positional information in the hindbrain was conserved during vertebrate evolution.
Developmental Biology,350:154-168 2011
Akiko Ishioka, Tomoko Jindo, Toshihiro Kawanabe, Kohei Hatta, Mst. Shahnaj Parvin, Masataka Nikaido, Yuri Kuroyanagi, Hiroyuki Takeda & Kyo Yamasu

朝倉書店,朝倉書店,542:編集,177-264:執筆,250-252 201010
石原勝敏、末光隆志総編集(その他の編集者;坂井貴文、菅原康剛、能村哲郎、町田武生、弥益 恭:著者数、計60人)

FGF receptor gene expression and its regulation by FGF signaling during early zebrafish development.
Genesis,48:707-716 2010
S. Ota, N. Tonou-Fujimori, Y. Nakayama, Y. Ito, A. Kawamura, and K. Yamasu

脳を形成する遺伝子機構(埼玉新聞・サイ・テクこらむ 知と技の発信(2010年11月17日))
埼玉新聞・サイ・テクこらむ 知と技の発信・埼玉大学・理工学研究の現場 2010
弥益 恭

The roles of the FGF signal in zebrafish embryos analyzed using constitutive activation and dominant-negative suppression of different FGF receptors.
Elsevier,Mechanisms of Development,126(1/2):1-17 2009
Satoshi Ota, Noriko Tonou-Fujimori, and Kyo Yamasu

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,6(平成19年度) 200809
弥益 恭

Autoregulatory loop and retinoic acid repression regulate pou2/pou5f1 gene expression in the zebrafish embryonic brain
Developmental Dynamics,237(5):1373-1388 200805
Mst Shahnaj Parvin;Noriko Okuyama;Fumitaka Inoue;Md Ekramul Islam;Atsushi Kawakami;Hiroyuki Takeda;Kyo Yamasu

Transcription of fgf8 is regulated by activating and repressive cis-elements at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary in zebrafish embryos
Developmental Biology,316(2):471-486 200804
Fumitaka Inoue;Mst Shahnaj Parvin;Kyo Yamasu

Otx 後方発現境界制御の解析
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域オープンイノベーションセンター紀要,1:22-27 2008
弥益 恭, 須田 容子, 相澤 慎一

Initial specification of the epibranchial placode in zebrafish embryos depends on the fibroblast growth factor signal.
Developmental Dynamics,236:564-571 2007
M. Nikaido, K. Doi, T. Shimizu, M. Hibi, Y. Kikuchi, & K. Yamasu

Otx 後方発現境界制御の解析
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,8:27-29 2007
弥益 恭,須田 容子,相澤 慎一
Mechanism of the Determination of the Caudal Otx Expression Boundary

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,5(18年度):119-122 2007
弥益 恭,二階堂 昌孝
Studies on the regulatory mechanism of the brain regionalization in vertebrate embryos.

Genomic organization, alternative splicing, and multiple regulatory regions of the zebrafish fgf8 gene.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,48:447- 462 2006
F. Inoue, S. Nagayoshi, S. Ota, M. E. Islam, N. Tonou-Fujimori, Y. Odaira, K. Kawakami, & K. Yamasu

Three enhancer regions regulate gbx2 gene expression in the isthmic region during zebrafish development.
Mech. Dev.,123:907-924 2006
M. E. Islam, H. Kikuta, F. Inoue, M. Kanai, A. Kawakami, M. S. Parvin, H. Takeda, & K. Yamasu

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,4(17年度) 2006
弥益 恭
Positional Information Governing Development of the Hindbrain in Vertebrate Embryos

Characterization of the upstream region that regulates the transcription of the gene for the precursor to EGF-related peptides, exogastrula-inducing peptides, of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol.,136:15-26 2003
K. Horii, G. Suzuki, T. Suyemitsu, & K. Yamasu

Function of a sea urchin egg src family kinase in initiating Ca2+ release at fertilization.
Dev. Biol.,256:367-378 2003
A. F. Giusti, F. J. O'Neill, K. Yamasu, K. R. Foltz, & L. A. Jaffe

gbx2 homeobox gene is required for the maintenance of the isthmic region in the zebrafish embryonic brain.
Dev. Dyn.,228:433-450 2003
H. Kikuta, M. Kanai, Y. Ito, & K. Yamasu

Structure of the zebrafish fasciclin I-related extracellular matrix protein (big-h3) and its characteristic expression during embryogenesis.
Gene Expr. Patterns,3:331-336 2003
Y. Hirate, H. Okamoto, & K. Yamasu

Expression of the FGF receptor 2 gene (fgfr2) during embryogenesis in the zebrafish Danio rerio.
Mech. Dev.,119(Suppl 1):S173-178 2002
N. Tonou-Fujimori, M. Takahashi, H. Onodera, H. Kikuta, S. Koshida, H. Takeda & K. Yamasu

Genomic organization of the gene that encodes the precursor to EGF-related peptides, exogastrula-inducing peptides, of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta.,1574:311-320 2002
Y. Haruguchi, K. Horii, G. Suzuki, T. Suyemitsu, K. Ishihara, & K. Yamasu

Role of syndecan in the elongation of postoral arms in sea urchin larvae.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,44:45-53 2002
K. Tomita, K. Yamasu, & T. Suyemitsu

Identification of ephrin-A3 and novel genes specific to the midbrain-MHB in embryonic zebrafish by ordered differential display.
Mech. Dev,107:83-96 2001
Y. Hirate, M. Mieda, T. Harada, K. Yamasu, & H. Okamoto

Cloning and characterization of the cDNA for syndecan core portein in sea urchin embryos.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,42:449-458 2000
K. Tomita, K. Yamasu, & T. Suyemitsu

Transcriptional regulation of the gene for epidermal growth factor-like peptides in sea urchin embryos.
Int. J. Dev. Biol.,44:777-784 2000
K. Yamasu, G. Suzuki, K. Horii, & T. Suyemitsu

Zebrafish Mesp family genes, mesp-a and mesp-b are segmentally expressed in the presomitic mesoderm, and Mesp-b confers the anterior identity to the developing somites.
Development,127:1691-1702 2000
A. Sawada, A. Fritz, Y.-J. Jiang, A. Yamamoto, K. Yamasu, A. Kuroiwa, Y. Saga & H. Takeda

蛋白質 核酸 酵素,45:2766-2774 2000
新屋みのり、武田洋幸、弥益 恭

蛋白質 核酸 酵素,45:2766-2774 2000
新屋みのり、武田洋幸、弥益 恭

Association of the sea urchin EGF-related peptide, EGIP-D, with fasciclin I related ECM proteins from the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,41:483-494 1999
Y. Hirate, K. Tomita, S. Yamamoto, K. Kobari, I. Uemura, K. Yamasu, & T. Suyemitsu

Expression of a src-type protein tyrosine kinase gene, AcSrc 1, in the sea urchin embryo.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,41:19-28 1999
H. Onodera, K. Kobari, M. Sakuma, M. Sato, T. Suyemitsu, & K. Yamasu

Expression of the gene for translation elongation factor 1a-related protein during development of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Zool. Sci.,16:785-792 1999
M. Saito & K. Yamasu

The functional organization of DNA elements regulating SM30α,a spicule matrix gene of sea urchin embryos.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,41:81-91 1999
K. Yamasu & F. H. Wilt

Induction of metamorphosis in the sand dollar Peronella japonica by thyroid hormones.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,40:307-312 1998
M. Saito, M. Seki, S. Amemiya, K. Yamasu, T. Suyemitsu, & K. Ishihara

Purification of EGIP-D-binding protein from the embryos of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Zool. Sci.,14:931-934 1997
Y. Fujita, Y. Hirate, T, Hiyama, K. Yamasu, T. Suyemitsu, & K. Ishihara

The protein tyrosine kinases of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Zool. Sci.,14:941-946 1997
M. Sakuma, H. Onodera, T. Suyemitsu, & K. Yamasu

Molecular cloning of a cDNA that encodes the precursor to several exogastrula-inducing peptides, epidermal-growth-factor-related polypeptides of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Eur. J. Biochem.,228:515-523 1995
K.Yamasu, H.Watanabe, C.Kohchi, G.-I.Soma, D.Mizuno, K.Akasaka, H.Shimada, T.Suyemitsu, & K.Ishihara

A protein that binds an exogastrula-inducing peptide, EGIP-D, in the hyaline layer of sea urchin embryos.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,36:275-280 1994
Y.Fujita, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu, & K.Ishihara

Formation of the adult rudiment of sea urchins is influenced by thyroid hormones.
Dev. Biol.,161:1-11 1994
Y.Chino, M.Saito, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu, & K.Ishihara

Genomic organization of a gene encoding the spicule matrix protein SM30 in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.
J. Biol. Chem.,269:20592-20598 1994
K.Akasaka, T.Frudakis, C.Killian, N.George, K.Yamasu, O.Kahner, & F.Wilt

Local change of an exogastrula-inducing peptide (EGIP) in the pluteus larva of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Zool. Sci.,11:157-160 1994
H.Kanbayashi, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu, & K.Ishihara

遺伝,48:218-28 1994
弥益 恭、末光隆志

Conservation of the dimeric unit of H2A and H2B histones during the replication cycle.
Exp. Cell Res.,207:226-229 1993
K.Yamasu & T.Senshu

Effects of exogastrula-inducing peptides on cell proliferation in embryos of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Zool. Sci.,10:793-802 1993
Y.Fujita, S.Igarashi, H.Fujisawa, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu & K.Ishihara

Localization of an exogastrula-inducing peptide (EGIP) in embryos of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Develop. Gowth & Differ.,35:539-549 1993
N.Mizuno, I.Uemura, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu & K.Ishihara

Activation of the systemic production of tumor necrosis factor after exposure to acute stress.
Eur. Cytokine Netw.,3:391-398 1992
K.Yamasu, Y.Shimada, M.Sakaizumi, G.-I.Soma, & D.Mizuno

Maternal exogastrula-inducing peptides (EGIPs) and their changes during development in the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina.
Develop. Growth & Differ.,34:661-668 1992
K.Kinoshita, Y.Fujii, Y.Fujita, K.Yamasu, T.Suyemitsu & K.Ishihara

Conservative segregation of tetrameric units of H3 and H4 histones during nucleosome replicaiton.
J. Biochem.,107:15-20 1990
K.Yamasu & T.Senshu

Secretion of tumor necrosis factor during fetal and neonatal development of the mouse: Ontogenic inflammation.
J. Biol. Res. Mod.,8:644-655 1989
K.Yamasu, H.Onoe, G.-I.Soma, H.Oshima, & D.Mizuno

Reassembly of nucleosomal histone octamers during replication of chromatin.
J. Biochem.,101:1041-1049 1987
K.Yamasu & T.Senshu

Localized distribution of HMG 14/17 proteins in transcriptionally active chromatin of rat liver.
Zool. Sci.,3:279-285 1986
K.Yamasu, K.Akasaka, H.Shimada, & T.Shiroya

Fractionation of newly replicated nucleosomes by density labeling and rate zonal centrifugation for the analysis of the deposition sites of newly synthesized nucleosomal core histones.
Eur. J. Biochem.,150:575-580 1985
T.Senshu, K.Yamasu, & T.Ohsawa

日本分子生物学会,第45回 日本分子生物学会年会 (オンライン) 202212
鶴岡 もも,⼤柳 毅郎,安⽥ 楓,佐藤 優⼈,弥益 恭

ゼブラフィッシュgbx1の体節形成期における菱脳・脊髄での発現には上流5.5 kb領域が必要十分である
日本分子生物学会,第45回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202212
横川 綾⼦,⼩森⾕ 南,弥益 恭

日本分子生物学会,第45回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202211
梅田 琴,上村 拓真,田中海帆,那須 康平,前川雅人,鈴木志保,弥益 恭

日本動物学会,第93回日本動物学会 早稲田大会(オンライン) 202209
梅田 琴,上村 拓真,那須 康平,弥益 恭

The upstream 5.5-kb region of zebrafish gbx1 is necessary and sufficient for specific expression in the rhombencephalon and spinal cord.
日本発生生物学会,第55回日本発生生物学会年会(オンライン) 202206
Ayako Yokokawa, Minami Komoriya, and Kyo Yamasu

日本分子生物学会年会,第44回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202112
上村 拓真、梅田 琴、前川 雅人、鈴木 志保、田中 海帆、弥益 恭

日本分子生物学会年会,第44回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202112
大﨑 翔梧、池田 亮、今川 夏音、弥益 恭

日本分子生物学会年会,第44回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202112
結川 達也、安田 楓、石倉 愛悠、弥益 恭

Genetic analysis of the mechanism involved in dorsoventral patterning of the developing telencephalon in zebrafish embryos
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,27th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting (On line) 202108
Umeda K, Kamimura T, Maekawa M, Suzuki S, Tanaka K, Yamasu K

日本分子生物学会,第43回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202012
大柳 毅朗、鈴木 志保、弥益 恭

日本分子生物学会,第43回 日本分子生物学会年会(オンライン) 202012
鈴木 志保、大柳 毅朗、津田 佐知子、弥益 恭

Regulation of the posterior development in zebrafish embryos by FGF and Wnt signaling.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,26th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting(オンライン) 202011
Yuikawa T, Ikeda M, Tsuda S and Yamasu K

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第91回大会(オンライン) 202009
鈴木 志保、大柳 毅朗、津田 佐知子、弥益 恭

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第91回大会(オンライン) 202009
結川達也、佐藤武寿、津田佐知子、弥益 恭

日本動物学会,日本動物学会第91回大会(オンライン) 202009
大柳 毅朗、鈴木志保、弥益 恭

Involvement of pou5f3 and soxB1 in neurogenesis at the caudal region of the extending body axis was shown using zebrafish mutants.
日本分子生物学会,第42回 日本分子生物学会年会 201912
Tatsuya Yuikawa , Takehisa Sato , Sachiko Tsuda , Kyo Yamasu

Evaluation of the role of the shadow enhancers for gbx2 in zebrafish using genome editing techniques.
日本分子生物学会,第42回 日本分子生物学会年会 201912
Sota Saito , Kyo Yamasu

Neurogenesis in the caudal region of the extending body axis in zebrafish embryos is regulated by pou5f3 and soxB1genes.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,25th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201909
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Takehisa Sato, Sachiko Tsuda and Kyo Yamasu

Studies on the roles of the shadow enhancers of zebrafish gbx2 during development using genome editing approaches.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,25th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201909
Sota Saito and Kyo Yamasu

Studies on neurogenesis in the isthmic organizer region and its later development.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,25th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201909
Takero Ohyanagi, Shiho Suzuki, Kyo Yamasu

Fluorescence labeling of brain forming genes by the homologous recombination-independent knock-in technology.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,25th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201909
Shiho Suzuki and Kyo Yamasu

The roles of pou5f3 and Wnt/FGF signaling in the extension of the posterior structure in zebrafish development(ゼブラフィッシュ胚の後方伸長でのpou5f3とWnt/FGFシグナルの役割)
日本発生生物学会,第52回日本発生生物学会合同年会 201905
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Takehisa Sato, Masaaki Ikeda, Sachiko Tsuda, Kyo Yamasu

The roles of the transcriptional repressive region of zebrafish fgf8a in development revealed by the CRISPR/Cas9 system.
日本分子生物学会,第41回 日本分子生物学会年会 201811
Sota Saito and Kyo Yamasu

Extension of the posterior structure in zebrafish embryos is regulated by FGF and Wnt signaling.
日本分子生物学会,第41回 日本分子生物学会年会 201811
Tatsuya Yuikawa , Takehisa Sato , Masaaki Ikeda , Sachiko Tsuda , Kyo Yamasu

Deletion of the transcriptional regulatory region of zebrafish fgf8a affects development of the muscle and notochord.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,24th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201808
Sota Saito and Kyo Yamasu

Regulation of the posterior development in zebrafish embryos by FGF and Wnt signaling.
Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,24th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201808
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Masaaki Ikeda, Sachiko Tsuda and Kyo Yamasu

Zebrafish pou5f3, an Oct4-type class-V POU gene, is involved in neurogenesis in the caudal neural tube.
日本発生生物学会,第51回日本発生生物学会合同年会 201805
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Masaaki Ikeda, Sachiko Tsuda, Kyo Yamasu

Analysis of the transcriptional regulation and functions of emx genes in the developing zebrafish telencephalon.
日本分子生物学会,第40回 日本分子生物学会年会(ConBio2017) 201712
Maekawa M, Shimura K, and Yamasu K

Zebrafish pou2/pou5f3, an Oct4-type PouV gene, is involved in neurogenesis in the tail bud.
日本分子生物学会,第40回 日本分子生物学会年会(ConBio2017) 201712
Yuikawa T, Ikeda M, Tsuda S and Yamasu K

Investigation of the gene regulatory network involved in isthmus formation by genome editing techniques.
日本分子生物学会,第40回 日本分子生物学会年会(ConBio2017) 201712
Sato T, Kage D, and Yamasu K

In vitro analysis of the transcriptional regulation of emx3 involved in zebrafish telencephalon development.
小型魚類研究会,23rd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201708
Masato Maekawa, Yuhei Miura, Ayana Okiyama, Kyosuke Shimura, and Kyo Yamasu

Analysis of the mechanism of isthmus organizer formation at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary by genome editing techniques.
小型魚類研究会,23rd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201708
Takehisa Sato, Daichi Kage and Kyo Yamasu

Zebrafish pou2, an Oct4-type PouV gene, is involved in neurogenesis in the tail bud.
小型魚類研究会,23rd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201708
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Masaaki Ikeda, Sachiko Tsuda and Kyo Yamasu

The role of gastrulation brain homeobox 2 (gbx2) in the development of the ventral telencephalon in zebrafish embryos.
小型魚類研究会,23rd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting 201708
Zhe Wang, Yukiko Nakayama, Sachiko Tsuda, and Kyo Yamasu

Zebrafish pou2, a Oct4-type class-V POU gene, is involved in neurogenesis in the tail bud.
日本発生生物学会,日本発生生物学会第50回大会 201705
Tatsuya Yuikawa, Masaaki Ikeda, Kyo Yamasu

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 201612
結川 達也 , 池田 真彬 , 弥益 恭

前川 雅人 , 三浦 祐平 , 沖山 綾菜 , 志村 恭介 , 弥益 恭
第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 201611
Honoka Ohnuki, Minoru Takahashi, Sachiko Tsuda, Koichi Kawakami, Kyo Yamasu

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 201611
佐藤武寿、鹿毛大地、弥益 恭

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 201611
猪股 千尋 , 中⼭ 由紀⼦ , 津⽥ 佐知⼦ , 弥益 恭

Regulation of cell differentiation in the tail bud by the Oct4-type POU transcription factor Pou2 in zebrafish embryos.
22nd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,Abstract Book:p58 201608
Yuikawa, T. & Yamasu, K.

Involvement of gbx2 in neurogenesis in vertebrate embryos.
22nd Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,Abstract Book:p55 2016
Ikeda, M., Nakayama, Y., Inomata, C. & Yamasu, K.

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 2016
池田 真彬 , 中山 由紀子 , 弥益 恭

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 2016
木下宏史、藤野友梨、大金ななえ、矢部泰二郎、横田大佑、小原弘幹、猪塚彩花、荒木 颯、鹿毛大地、弥益恭、高田慎治、川村哲規

第39回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p 2016
横田大佑、伴 博之、木下宏史、藤野友梨、矢部泰二郎、猪塚彩花、赤間 耀、小原弘幹、鹿毛大地、弥益 恭、高田慎治、川村哲規

第38回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p560 201512
増渕祐基,河東明,渡邊宇啓,鈴木美穂,弥益 恭,西垣功一

第38回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p560 201512
田港朝仁,横田大佑,荒木 颯,弥益 恭,川村哲規

第38回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p560 201512
横田大佑,木下宏史,猪塚彩花,小原弘幹,大岡優子,鹿毛大地,弥益 恭,川村哲規

Cooperative transcriptional regulation of zebrafish pou2/pou5f3 that encodes a class V POU transcription factor.
第38回日本分子生物学会年会 201512
Honoka Ohnuki

Integrative Control of Brain Regionalization and Neurogenesis in Vertebrate Embryos.
21st Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集 201509
Chihiro Inomata

Comprehensive Analysis of the Downstream Genes of pou2/pou5f3, a Class V POU Transcription Factor Gene, during Vertebrate Embryogenesis.
21st Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集 201509
Chihiro Inomata

Development of the Cholinergic System and Its Regulation in Zebrafish Embryos.
21st Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集 201509
Honoka Ohnuki

Regulation of neural crest development by an oxygen metabolism-related gene in zebrafish.
20th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集:17 201509
Kazuki Takahashi, Yuki Ito, Mami Yoshimura, Masataka Nikaido, Akinori Kawamura, Kyo Yamasu

Probing the developmental process of functional circuitry in the cerebellum: an all-optogenetic approach in zebrafish.
第38回日本神経科学大会 201507
Sachiko Tsuda

Dynamic migratory behaviors of gbx2-expressing cells during brain compartmentalization -4D imaging in zebrafish embryos.
第48回日本発生生物学会年会 201506
Sachiko Tsuda

Enhancer activity-based identification of functional enhancers using zebrafish embryos.
21st Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集:p21 2015
Tomohito Taminato

Cooperative transcriptional regulation of zebrafish pou2/pou5f3 that encodes a class V POU transcription factor.
第38回日本分子生物学会年会,プログラム:p560 2015
Honoka Ohnuki, Minoru Takahashi, Sachiko Tsuda, Koichi Kawakami, Kyo Yamasu

Studies on the roles of gbx genes in brain formation at early and late stages of zebrafish embryogenesis
第37回日本分子生物学会年会 201411
Zhe Wang, Daichi Kage, Cecilia Moens, Kyo Yamasu

Studies on the development of local organizers in the vertebrate brain primordia using the GAL4/UAS system.
第37回日本分子生物学会年会 201411
Ayano Shinoto, Hitoshi Taira, Minoru Takahashi, Sachiko Tsuda, Gembu Abe, Koichi Kawakami, Kyo Yamasu

Cooperative transcriptional regulation of zebrafish pou2/pou5f3 that encodes a class V POU transcription factor.
第37回日本分子生物学会年会 201411
Kana Kobayashi , Kyo Yamasu

Development of the cholinergic neuron system in the embryonic zebrafish brain.
第37回日本分子生物学会年会 201411
Honoka Ohnuki, Minoru Takahashi, Sachiko Tsuda, Koichi Kawakami, Kyo Yamasu

Analysis of the regulatory mechanism of brain regionalization in zebrafish embryos using the GAL4/UAS system
20th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集:17 201409
Ayano Shinoto, Hitoshi Taira, Yuki Ito, Gembu Abe, Kazuhide Asakawa, Koichi Kawakami, Kyo Yamasu

Cooperative transcriptional regulation of zebrafish pou2/pou5f3 that encodes a class V POU transcription factor
20th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集:17 201409
Kana Kobayashi, Alam Khan, Kyo Yamasu

Development of the cholinergic neuron system in zebrafish embryos.
20th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,プログラム・要旨集:17 201409
Honoka Ohnuki, Minoru Takahashi, Koichi Kawakami, and Kyo Yamasu

日本動物学会第85回大会,予稿集:99 201409

日本動物学会第85回大会,予稿集:100 201409
篠藤 綾乃、平 一志、伊藤 佑貴、阿部 玄武、川上 浩一、浅川 和秀、弥益 恭

埼玉大学・脳末梢科学研究センターシンポジウム 「脳と末梢の最先端研究」 201406
弥益 恭

IGER Seminar (名古屋大学) 201406
弥益 恭

Development of hypocretin/orexin neurons in the hypothalamus of zebrafish embryos.
日本発生生物学会第47回大会,日本発生生物学会第47回大会 Program Book:63 201405
Minoru Takahashi, Kanako Mizumoto, Kyo Yamasu

Transcriptional regulation of hes6 gene in presomitic mesoderm and tailbud in zebrafish.
第36回日本分子生物学会年会 201312
Akinori Kawamura, Miki Hoshikawa, Kenji Nakajo, Hiroki Ovara, Daisuke Yokota, Shin-ichi Higashijima, Shinji Takada, Kyo Yamasu

Gbx2 regulates neurogenesis in the cerebellum during early vertebrate development.
第36回日本分子生物学会年会 201312
Yukiko Nakayama, Kana Kobayashi, Zhe Wang, Kyo Yamasu

A novel mutation involved in the development neural crest cells and somites in zebrafish embryos.
第36回日本分子生物学会年会 201312
Kazuki Takahashi, Yuki Ito, Mami Yoshimura, Masataka Nikaido, Akinori Kawamura, Kyo Yamasu

In vitro analysis of the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of zebrafish pou2 that encodes a class V POU transcription factor.
第36回日本分子生物学会年会 201312
Kana Kobayashi, Alam Khan, Kyo Yamasu

Comprehensive analysis of gbx2 target genes suggests that gbx2 functions as a transcriptional activator or a repressor depending on tissues and target genes.
19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:106 201309
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Kana Kobayashi, Kyo Yamasu

Transcriptional regulatory mechanism of pou2 that controls a broad spectrum of zebrafish development.
19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:94 201309
Kana Kobayashi, Alam Khan, Mst. Shahnaj Parvin, Kyo Yamasu

A novel mutation involved in the development of neural crest-derived tissues and organs in zebrafish embryos.
19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:116 201309
Yuki Ito, Kazuki Takahashi, Mami Yoshimura, Masataka Nikaido, Akinori Kawamura, Kyo Yamasu

A cis-regulatory module downstream of hes6 gene controlled by T-box and Ets transcription factors drives the expression in presomitic mesoderm and tailbud of zebrafish embryos.
19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,19th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:90 201309
Akinori Kawamura, Miki Hoshikawa, Kenji Nakajo, Hiroki Ovara, Daisuke Yokota, Shin-ichi Higashijima, Shinji Takada, Kyo Yamasu

Repeated utilization of Pou2, a class V POU-type transcription factor in zebrafish, in regulation of multiple aspects of early development.
8th European Zebrafish Meeting,8th European Zebrafish Meeting, Book of Abstracts:226 201307
Alam Khan, Andrew Nakamoto, Yukiko Nakayama, Kana Kobayashi, Akinori Kawamura, Hiroyuki Takeda, and Kyo Yamasu

Studies on the gene network with a focus on Gbx2 transcription factor at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary.
8th European Zebrafish Meeting,8th European Zebrafish Meeting, Book of Abstracts:178 201307
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Kana Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

A novel mutation involved in neural crest differentiation in zebrafish embryos.
8th European Zebrafish Meeting,8th European Zebrafish Meeting, Book of Abstracts:180 201307
Yuki Ito, Kazuki Takahashi, Mami Yoshimura, Masataka Nikaido, Akinori Kawamura, Kyo Yamasu

埼玉大学・国立環境研究所共催シンポジウム「我々を取り巻く環境と健康 ~環境科学と基礎生物学の最近の研究動向~」 201212
弥益 恭

The Gbx2 homeodomain protein functions as a transcriptional repressor in zebrafish embryos and embryonal carcinoma cells.
日本発生生物学会,日本発生生物学会第45回大会:188 2012
Yukiko Nakayama, Kimihito Yoshikawa, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, and Kyo Yamasu

Analysis of the roles played by a zebrafish class V POU protein, Pou2/Pou5f1, in mesendodermal specification
日本発生生物学会,日本発生生物学会第45回大会:283 2012
Alam Khan, Yukiko Nakayama & Kyo Yamasu

Functional analysis of Gbx2 in brain development using the heat shock induction system.
International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics ,10th International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics :131 2012
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

Gbx2 functions as a transcriptional activator in zebrafish embryos.
小型魚類研究会,第18回 小型魚類研究会:97 2012
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

Functional analysis of the forebrain-forming genes in zebrafish embryos by the Gal4-UAS system.
小型魚類研究会,第18回 小型魚類研究会:112 2012
Hitoshi Taira, Yuri Kuroyanagi, Koichi Kawakami, and Kyo Yamasu

Functional analysis of zebrafish Gbx2 as a transcriptional regulator in embryos and cell culture system.
日本分子生物学会,第35回日本分子生物学会年会:256 2012
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Kana Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kikuta, Maiko Kanai, and Kyo Yamasu

Identification of the telencephalon enhancer of emx3 that functions in zebrafish embryos.
日本分子生物学会,第35回日本分子生物学会年会:210 2012
Kyosuke Shimura, Yuri Kuroyanagi, Rieko Nakamura, Kyo Yamasu

Functional analysis of the forebrain-forming genes in zebrafish embryos by the GAL4-UAS system.
日本分子生物学会,第35回日本分子生物学会年会:579 2012
Hitoshi Taira, Ayano Shinoto, Gembu Abe, Koichi Kawakami, and Kyo Yamasu

Comprehensive analysis of the regulatory gene network initiated by gbx2 at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary.
第34回日本分子生物学会年会,MBSJ2011プログラム:183 201112
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

自治医科大学&埼玉大学・連携記念シンポジウム 201110
弥益 恭

Molecular analysis of the Gbx2 function in the MHB formation in zebrafish embryo.
17th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,17th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:74 201109
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

Analysis of the roles played by a class V POU protein, Pou2/Pou5f1, in zebrafish embryogenesis.
17th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting,17th Japanese Medaka Zebrafish Meeting:110 201109
Alam Khan, Andrew Nakamoto, Shun Okamoto, Miyako Tai, Shinji Saito, Kazumasa Takemoto, Hiroyuki Takeda & Kyo Yamasu

Requirements of a Class V POU transcription factor Pou2/Pou5f1 in different aspects of zebrafish development.
The 5th Asia-Oceania Zebrafish Meeting 201108
Khan, A., Takemoto, K., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K

第10回国際バイオEXPO・バイオ アカデミックフォーラム,http://ipj2011.tems-system.com/exhisearch/bio/jp/exhiList.aspx 201107
弥益 恭

Functional alteration of the Gbx2 transcription factor during zebrafish brain development.
日本発生生物学会第44回大会,44h Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologist, Program Book:50 201105
Yukiko Nakayama, Zhe Wang, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta & Kyo Yamasu

Fumitaka Inoue, Maiko Takahashi, Daisuke Kurokawa, Nobuyoshi Takasaki, Tomomi Ohmura, Kyo Yamasu, Shinichi Aizawa
日本発生生物学会第44回大会,44h Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologist, Program Book:50 201105
Fumitaka Inoue, Maiko Takahashi, Daisuke Kurokawa, Nobuyoshi Takasaki, Tomomi Ohmura, Kyo Yamasu, Shinichi Aizawa

第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同大会 201012
黒 友里、中村理恵子、西野佳奈江、天海 創、志村恭平、弥益 恭

第33回日本分子生物学会年会・第83回日本生化学会大会合同大会 201012
中本 アンドルー、岡本 俊、田井 美也子、齊藤 慎二、カーン アラム、竹本 一政、武田 洋幸、弥益 恭

Multiple and stage-specific functions of a Class V POU transcription factor Pou2/Pou5f1 in zebrafish embryos revealed by the transgenic approach.
The 16th international conference of the International Society of Differentiation,DIFFERENTIATION,80 (Suppl. 1):S56-S57 201011
A. Nakamoto, S. Okamoto, M. Tai, S. Saito, D. Isobe, K. Takemoto, A, Khan, H. Takeda, K. Yamasu

ゼブラフィッシュClass V POU 型転写因子による中脳後脳境界の形成制御機構
日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:151 201009
竹本一政、中本アンドルー、齊藤慎二、磯部大貴、弥益 恭

日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:151 201009
黒柳友里、中村理恵子、西野佳奈江、天海 創、志村恭介、弥益 恭

ゼブラフィッシュ胚発生における Class V POU転写因子の多様な機能
日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:151 201009
中本アンドルー、岡本 俊、田井美也子、斎藤慎二、Alam Khan、竹本一政、武田洋幸、弥益 恭

ゼブラフィッシュClass V POU転写因子による脳形成制御機構
第16回小型魚類研究会,第16回小型魚類研究会要旨集:30 201009
竹本一政、中本アンドルー、齊藤慎二、磯部大貴、弥益 恭

第16回小型魚類研究会,第16回小型魚類研究会要旨集:31 201009
黒柳友里、中村理恵子、西野佳奈江、天海 創、志村恭介、弥益 恭

第16回小型魚類研究会,第16回小型魚類研究会要旨集:27 201009
中本アンドルー、岡本 俊、田井美也子、齊藤慎二、カーン アラム、竹本一政、武田洋幸、弥益 恭

Pleiotropic functions of a Class V POU transcription factor Pou2/Pou5f1 in patterning of the body and brain in zebrafish embryos revealed by the transgenic approach.s.
日本発生生物学会第43回大会(京都),43rd Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologist, Program and Abstract Book:267 201006
A. Nakamoto, S. Okamoto, M. Tai, S. Saito, D. Isobe, K. Takemoto, H.Takeda, K. Yamasu

Transcriptional regulatory mechanism underlying the formation of the anterior neural boundary (ANB/ANR) in vertebrate embryos.
日本発生生物学会第43回大会(京都),43rd Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologist, Program and Abstract Book:278 201006
Y. Kuroyanagi, R. Nakamura, K.Nishino, Y. Kon, S. Amagai, K. Yamasu

Molecular mechanism for the formation of the anterior neural boundary (ANB/ANR) in vertebrate embryos.
第32回日本分子生物学会年会,第32回日本分子生物学会年会プログラム:406 200912
Yuri Kuroyanagi, Rieko Nakamura, Kanae Nishino, Yasuyuki Kon, Sou Amagai, Kyo Yamasu

第15回小型魚類研究会,第15回小型魚類研究会要旨集:77 200909

Molecular mechanism of transcriptional regulation of Otx2 gene in the forebrain and midbrain
16th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress 2009,Mechanisms of Development,126(Supplement):S167-S168 200909
Fumitaka Inoue, Daisuke Kurokawa, Nobuyoshi Takasaki, Tomomi Ohmura, Kyo Yamasu, Shinichi Aizawa

Regulatory mechanism of the fgf8 gene expression and its implication in vertebrate evolution.
The 4th Asia-Oceania Zebrafish Meeting 200909
Kyo Yamasu

Transformation of the midbrain to the cerebellum by overexpression of a modified gbx2 gene.
日 本発生生物学会第42回大会,42nd Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologist, Program and Abstract Book:189 200905
Yukiko Nakayama, Maiko Kanai, Hiroshi Kikuta, Kyo Yamasu

国立遺伝学研究所,2009 NIG Zebrafish Meeting 200903
弥益 恭

田港朝仁、横田大佑、荒木 颯、小原弘幹、弥益 恭、川村哲規


埼玉新聞社,埼玉新聞・サイ・テクこらむ 知と技の発信


魚類での発生研究から 人間の体のつくりと疾患の理解へ(埼玉大学研究シーズ集2018-19)


図解で学ぶ生物学のエッセンス ビジュアル コ ア 生物学(E. J. Simon著、八杉監訳)書評(現代化学、2019)




前期 , 発生生物学特論II(院・理工学前期)
前期 , 発生生物学輪講II(院・理工学前期)
後期 , 分子発生学特論(院・理工学後期)



2022-2024 , 研究機構副機構長 , 研究推進室長