クルーグ ネイサン ポール
■所属部署名 |
英語教育開発センター |
■電話番号 |
■職名 |
准教授 |
■FAX番号 |
■住所 |
埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 |
■メールアドレス |
■ホームページURL |
- 取得学位
修士(応用言語学) , グリフィス大学(ブリスベーン・オーストラリア)
- 著書
2010 English Expeditions Materials for English 5 (CALL)and English 6 (Communication II)
Seibido Press (Tokyo):34-37 2010
Krug, N. et al. (+7 co-authors, all equal contributors.)
2010 Intermediate English Expeditions Materials for English 3 (Communication I) and English 4 (Listening II)
Seibido Press (Tokyo):1-74 2010
Krug, N. et al. (+6 co-authors, all equal contributors.)
2010 Pre-Intermediate English Expeditions Materials for English 3 (Communication I) and English 4 (Listening II)
Seibido Press (Tokyo):1-74 2010
Krug, N. et al. (+6 co-authors, all equal contributors.)
2010 Upper-Intermediate English Expeditions Materials for English 3 (Communication I) and English 4 (Listening II)
Seibido Press (Tokyo):1-74 2010
Krug, N. et al. (+6 co-authors, all equal contributors.)
- 論文
Learning in Interaction: Four Snapshots of an English Resource Center.
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity. (Hong Kong: ICSSH),1:161-165 201102
Vye, S., Krug, N., Edwards Wurzinger, A., and Hughes, L.
Class24: Online Learning for All
プロジェックト研究成果報告書 埼玉大学:26-27 201010
Krug, N. P.
Reflections on Final Presentations Event: Academic Communications Skills (II)
埼玉大学 Faculty Development Report (Re: FD Event for:1-7 201008
Krug, N. P.
Online multifunctional gradebook for busy teachers.
JALT2009 Conference Proceedings. (Tokyo: JALT),2009:506-517 2010
Wong, R., Krug, N. P., Tucker, F., & Rates, P.
Peer Teaching with Authentic Materials in University English Courses.
Proceedings of the 18th,2010 2010
Wong, R., Krug, N. P., & Tucker, F.
Refusing in English: Japanese and Australians.
Pragmatics and Language Learning. (University of Hawai'i: National Foreign Language Resource Center),13 2010
Krug, N. P.
Sharing the management of learning.
The Second Annual NEAR Conference Proceedings. (Niigata: The University of Niigata Prefecture),2:1-11 2010
Krug, N. P.
Small-group interaction: Turn-taking practices.
Pragmatics and Language Learning. (University of Hawai'i: National Foreign Language Resource Center),13 2010
Krug, N. P., & Otsu, T.
- 学会発表
Learning in Interaction: Four Snapshots of an English Resource Center.
The 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (Singapore: ICSSH),Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH 2011),1:161-165 201102
Vye, S., Krug, N., Edwards Wurzinger, A., and Hughes, L.
Learning in Interaction: Four Snapshots of an English Resource Center.
The 2010 PAC-KOTESOL International Conference (Seoul, Korea: Sookmyung Women's University),Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH 2011),1:161-165 201102
Vye, S., Krug, N., Edwards Wurzinger, A., and Hughes, L.
The discourse functions of dependent clauses and phrases: A usage-based analysis of synonymous constructions." Paper presented at September.
The Conceptual Structure Discourse, and Language Conference (CSDL) in cooperation with the Embodied and Situated Language Processing Workshop (ESLP) (San Diego, USA: University of California),n/a 201010
Otani, N., & Krug, N. P.
Small-group interaction: Turn-taking practices.
PLL18: The 18th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, (Kobe: Kobe University),Pragmatics and Language Learning,13 201007
Otsu, T., & Krug, N. P.
Refusing in English: Japanese and Australians.
PLL18: The 18th International,Pragmatics and Language Learning,13 201007
Krug, N. P.
Sharing the management of learning.
The Second Annual N.E.A.R. Language Education Conference: Sharing and Applying: Learning and Teaching Languages in the North-East Asian Regional Context,The 2nd Annual N.E.A.R. Language Education Conference Proceedings,2:1-11 201005
Krug, N. P.