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小林 哲也 コバヤシ テツヤ

所属部署名 理工学研究科 生命科学部門 電話番号
職名 教授 ■FAX番号
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス tkoba@mail.saitama-u.ac.jp
■ホームページURL http://endocrine.seitai.saitama-u.ac.jp/



理学部 生体制御学科






成長遅延症マウスに特有の成長遅延現象とその発症機構について,成長様式,脳下垂体前葉のホルモン産生細胞の発達,血中ホルモン濃度の動態および甲状腺の形態の変異等の面から(Advances in Comp. Endocrinol. 1997),加えて,甲状腺における甲状腺刺激ホルモン(TSH)受容体の発現と結合能(Perspective in Comp. Endocrinol. 2001)および細胞内のシグナル伝達機構(Zool. Sci. 2001)等の面から検討を行い,本マウス甲状腺にはTSH受容後のシグナル伝達系に異常が存在することを明らかにした。現在はTSH受容体およびGタンパク質とその周辺分子に標的を絞って更に解析を続けている。また,本マウスの特性を利用して,脳下垂体細胞相の発達,生殖機能,および糖代謝等の正常な機能の発現と維持における甲状腺ホルモンの役割についても解析を進めている。一方,免疫器官における機能調節因子の探索を、B細胞の分化・増殖に関わる鳥類のファブリキウス嚢をモデル器官として用いて進めており,ソマトスタチン,プロラクチン,プロオピオメラノコルチンおよび一酸化窒素合成酵素が(Proc. Japan Soc. Comp. Endocrinol. 1998),加えて,メラトニンが嚢内で発現していることを明らかにした(Perspective in Comp. Endocrinol. 2001)。現在はファブリキウス嚢由来の新規な内分泌性因子の探索を進めている。以上の研究に加え,鳥類における生殖腺附属器官の性分化の機構について(Proc. Japan Soc. Comp. Endocrinol. 1995),また成長ホルモンとその産生細胞および機能調節因子に関しても研究(Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1991, J. Neuroendocrinol. 1998, Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2001)を進めている。




1989 , 早稲田大学 , 博士後期 , 理工学研究科 , 修了
1985 , 早稲田大学 , 博士前期 , 理工学研究科 , 修了
1983 , 早稲田大学 , 教育学部 , 卒業
理学博士 , 早稲田大学 , 両生類成長ホルモンとその成長促進作用


2014 , 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科教授
1992 , 埼玉大学理学部助教授
1990 - 1992 , 埼玉大学理学部講師
1987 - 1990 , 早稲田大学情報科学研究教育センター助手



Dual Roles of Extracellular Histone H3 in Host Defense: Its Differential Regions Responsible for Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Properties and Their Modes of Action.
Antibiotics (Basel).,11(9):1240- 2022
Tanaka Y, Yamanaka N, Koyano I, Hasunuma I, Kobayashi T, Kikuyama S, Iwamuro S.

Delayed Postnatal Growth and Anterior Pituitary Development in Growth-Retarded (grt) Female Mice
Zoolog Sci.,38(3):238-246 2021
Kobayashi K, Yamamoto K, Kikuyama S, Tanaami Y, Machida T, Kobayashi T.

Antimicrobial Property and Mode of Action of the Skin Peptides of the Sado Wrinkled Frog, Glandirana susurra, against Animal and Plant Pathogens.
Antibiotics (Basel),9(8):457, https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics9080457 (オープンアクセス) 2020
Ogawa D, Suzuki M, Inamura Y, Saito K, Hasunuma I, Kobayashi T, Kikuyama S, Iwamuro S.

Possible involvement of thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor 3 in the release of prolactin in the metamorphosing bullfrog larvae.
Gen Comp Endocrinol. ,267:36-44 2018
Nakano M, Hasunuma I, Minagawa A, Iwamuro S, Yamamoto K, Kikuyama S, Machida T, Kobayashi T.

Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides Brevinin-1ULf and Ulmin-1ULa in the Skin of the Newly Classified Ryukyu Brown Frog Rana ulma.
Zoolog Sci.,34(6):523-531. 2017
Ogawa D, Mochitate M, Furukawa M, Hasunuma I, Kobayashi T, Kikuyama S, Iwamuro S.

Regional hypoplasia of somatosensory cortex in growth-retarded mice (grt/grt).
Congenital Anomalies. DOI: 10.1111/cga.12161 (Accepted) 2016
Kazuhiko Sawada, Shigeyoshi Saito, Akari Sugasawa, Chika Sato, Junya Aoyama, Naoko Ohara, Miwa Horiuchi-Hirose and Tetsuya Kobayashi

Regional hypoplasia of somatosensory cortex in growth-retarded mice (grt/grt)
Congenital Anomalies (2016) ,56(4):180-183 2016
K Sawada, S Saito, A Sugasawa, C Sato, J Aoyama, N Ohara, M Horiuchi-Hirose, T Kobayashi.

Brain volumetry: A quantitative approach for detecting region-specific structural abnormalities.
Congenital Anomalies,55(1):71-72 2015
Sawada K, Saito S, Horiuchi-Hirose M, Sato C, Aoyama J, Kobayashi T.

Contribution of nucleus accumbens core (AcbC) to behavior control during a learned resting period: introduction of a novel task and lesion experiments.
PLoS One,Apr 28;9(4):e95941 2014
Sato C, Hoshino M, Ikumi N, Oba K, Koike A, Shouno O, Sekiguchi T, Kobayashi T, Machida T, Matsumoto G, Furudate H, Kimura T.

Bacterial toxin-inducible gene expression of cathelicidin-B1 in the chicken bursal lymphoma-derived cell line DT40: Functional characterization of cathelicidin-B1.
Peptides,59:94-102 2014
Takeda A, Tsubaki T, Sagae N, Onda Y, Inada Y, Mochizuki T, Okumura K, Kikuyama S, Kobayashi T, Iwamuro S.

Cerebral cortical hypoplasia with abnormal morphology of pyramidal neuron in growth-retarded mouse (grt/grt)
Acta Neurobiol Exp,74(3):242-256 2014
Horiuchi-Hirose M, Saito S, Sato C, Aoyama J, Kobayashi T, Sawada K.

Amelioration of improper differentiation of somatostatin-positive interneurons by triiodothyronine in a growth-retarded hypothyroid mouse strain.
Neuroscience Letters,559(24):111-116 2014
Uchida K, Taguchi Y, Sato C, Miyazaki H, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi T, Itoi K.

Complex song development and stress hormone levels in Bengalese finch.
J Exp Zool A; Ecol Genet Physiol . 2012 Nov;317(9):561-70.,317(9):561-570 2012
Suzuki K, Matsunaga E, Yamada H, Kobayashi T, Okanoya K.

Decreased fecal corticosterone levels due to domestication: a comparison between the white-backed Munia (Lonchura striata) and its domesticated strain, the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) with a suggestion for complex song evolution.
J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol.,317(9):561-570 2012
Suzuki K, Yamada H, Kobayashi T, Okanoya K.

Expression pattern of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in Bengalese finch (Lonchura striatta var.domestica) brain suggest the relation between stress hormone and the song system development.
Neuroscience,194:72-83 2011
Suzuki, K., Matsunaga, E., Kobayashi, T., Okanoya, K.

Comparative analysis of mineralocorticoid receptor expression among vocal learners (Bengalese finch and budgerigar) and non-vocal learners (quail and ring dove) has implication for the evolution of the avian vocal learning.
Development, Growth & Differentiation,53:961-971 2011
Matsunaga, E., Suzuki, K., Kobayashi, T., Okanoya, K.

An efficient protocol for DNA amplification of multiple amphibian skin antimicrobial peptide cDNAs.
Methods in Molecular Biology,615:159-176 2010
Iwamuro, S. and Kobayashi, T.

D2 Dopamine receptor subtype mediates the inhibitory effect of dopamine on TRH-induced prolactin release from the bullfrog pituitary.
General and Comparative Endocrinology,168(2):287-292 2010
Nakano, M., Minagawa, A., Hasunuma, I., Okada, R., Tonon, MC., Vaudry, H., Yamamoto, K., Kikuyama, S., Machida, T. and Kobayashi, T.

Expression of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides in the Harderian gland of the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Toxicology & Pharmacology,152(3):301-305 2010
Hasunuma, I., Iwamuro, S., Kobayashi, T., Shirama, K., Conlon, JM. and Kikuyama, S.

Impaired insulin secretion from the pancreatic islets of hypothyroidal growth-retarded mice.
Journal of Endocrinology,206(2):195-204 2010
Taguchi, Y., Tasaki, Y., Terakado, K., Kobayashi, K., Machida, T. and Kobayashi, T.

Molecular cloning of bullfrog D2 dopamine receptor cDNA: Tissue distribution of three isoforms of D2 dopamine receptor mRNA.
General and Comparative Endocrinology,168(1):143-148 2010
Nakano, M., Hasunuma, I., Okada, R., Yamamoto, K., Kikuyama, S., Machida, T. and Kobayashi, T.

Relationship between growth retardation and impaired glucose tolerance in hypothyroidal growth-retarded (grt) mice.
Congenital anomalies,50(3):186-192 2010
Tasaki, Y., Taguchi, Y., Machida, T. and Kobayashi, T.

Impaired Development of Somatotropes, Lactotropes and Thyrotropes in Growth-Retarded (grt) Mice
Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology,Journal of Toxicologic Pathology,22(3):187-194 2009
Kobayashi, K., Yamamoto, K., Kikuyama, S., Machida, T., and Kobayashi, T.

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(6(平成19年度)) 200809
小林 哲也

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(5(18年度)):664-665 2007
小林 哲也
Expression and localization of steroidogenic enzymes in vertebrate immune organs.

Effects of Thyroid Hormones on Estrogen Receptor Expression in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus of Hypothyroidal Female Mice.
Zool. Sci.,22(12):1507 2005
Kumon K, Kobayashi T, Machida T.

Expression of αMSH in the quail bursa of Fabricius
Proc. Japan Soc. Comp. Endocrinol.,20:53 2005
A Takasou, K Nakakura, S Tanaka, T Kobayashi, T Machida.

Growth suppression of Leyding TM3 cells mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.,331(4):902-908 2005
Iseki M, Ikuta T, Kobayashi T, Kawajiri K.

Hormonal Regulation of Growth in Amphibians.
Biology of Amphibians: Endocrinology of Amphibians,Endocrinology of Amphibians,6:2267-2300 2005
Kikuyama S, Yamamoto K, Kobayashi T, Tonon MC, Galas L, Vaudry H.

Topographic analysis of cell proliferation in the hippocampus of the adult mouse.
Neuroreport,16(18):2033-2036 2005
Uchida K, Nakamura S, Kobayashi T, Machida T.

Expression and localization of steroidogenic enzymes in the quail bursa of Fabricius.
Trends in Comparative Endocrinology,:273-275 2004

Growth-retardation and abnormal glucose homeostasis in the hypothyroidal grt mice.
Trends in Comparative Endocrinology,:564-566 2004

Novel neuropeptides related to frog growth hormone-releasing peptide: isolation, sequence, and functional analysis.
Endocrinology,144(9):3879-3884 2003

Stimulatory effects of prostaglandin E2 on neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat.
Zool. Sci.,19(11):1211-1216 2002

Co-secretion of prolactin and growth hormone by dispersed pituitary cells of the adult bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.,122(1):10-16 2001

Melatonin synthesis in the quail bursa of Fabricius.
Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology : Unity and Diversity.,:377-382 2001

Responses of the thyroid gland to TSH and other thyroid stimulators in the growth-retarded(grt)mouse.
Zool. Sci.,18(7):955-961 2001

Thyroid function of growth-retarded mice.
Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology : Unity and Diversity.,:385-390 2001

Growth pattern and hypophysio-thyroidal axis in the growth-retarded (grt/grt) mice.
Journal of Growth,39(2):65-72 2000

Production of a recombinant newt growth hormone and its application for the development of a radioimmunoassay.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.,117(1):103-116 2000

Cosecretion of prolactin and growth hormone by the pituitary of the bullfrog.
Ann. New York Acad. Sci.,839:453-454 1998

Effects of the two somatostatin variants somatostatin-14 and[Pro2,Met13]somatostatin on receptor binding, adenylyl cyclase activity and growth hormone release from the frog pituitary.
J. Neuroendocrinol.,10(3):187-192 1998

Molecular cloning of two somatostatin precursors in the frog brain. Differential localization of the mRNA and binding affinity of the two somatostatin variants.
Advances in Comparative Endocrinology,:661-665 1997

Recombinant newt growth hormone.
Advances in Comparative Endocrinology,:921-925 1997

Cosecretion of prolactin and growth hormone by the dispersed pituitary cells of the bullfrog pituitary.
Advances in Comparative Endocrinology,:985-989 1997

Hypophysio-thyroidal axis in growth-retarded mice.
Advances in Comparative Endocrinology,:1101-1105 1997

Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study of Rana dalmatina PRL and GH pituitary cells during larval development.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,89(3):364-377 1993

In-vitro effects of mammalian and amphibian prolactins on hepatic vitellogenin synthesis in Rana esculenta.
J Endocrinol.,137:383-389 1993

Prolactin and growth hormone cell function during metamorphosis with special reference to their gene expression.
Progress in Comparative Endocrinology,:108-110 1993

Hormonal control of in vitro vitellogenin synthesis in Rana esculenta liver: effects of mammalian and amphibian growth hormone.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,88(3):406-414 1992

Distribution and characterization of immunoreactive growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary of the frog Rana ridibunda using an antiserum against purified bullfrog GH.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,83(1):142-151 1991

Homologous radioimmunoassay for bullfrog growth hormone.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,82(1):14-22 1991

The complete amino acid sequence of growth hormone of the bullfrog(Rana catesbeiana).
Biochim. Biophys. Acta,1078(3):383-387 1991

The complete amino acid sequence of prolactin from the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,83(2):218-226 1991

[35]S-Sulphate Uptake by Xenopus laevis Cartilage: The Influence of Plasma from the Growth Hormone-Treated Animal.
Zool. Sci.,6(4):757-762 1989

Purification and characterization of bullfrog growth hormone.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,73(3):417-424 1989

The Complete Amino Acid Sequences of Prolactins from bullfrog and Sea Turtle.
Kyoto Prolactin Conference Monograph,:115-123 1989

Purification and characterization of toad prolactin.
Gen Comp Endocrinol.,63(1):104-109 1986

Studies on Amphibian Prolactin.
Kyoto Prolactin Conference Monograph,:77-86 1986

Effect of Growth Hormone-Containing Fraction Obtained from Bullfrog Hypophyses on Growth of Xenopus Juveniles.
Proceedings of the Japan Academy,,60(B(4)):69-72 1985

Effect of Neurohypophyseal Hormones on Thyroxine-Induced Resorption of Tadpole Tail in vitro.
Proceedings of the Japan Academy,,61(B(9)):441-443 1985

日本動物学会 第93回 早稲田大会,日本動物学会第93回大会要旨集 202209
松屋 孝樹,三枝 陸,村上 雅貴,久保田 理香,山田 広大,関根 和暉,村松 寛太,蓮沼 至,岩室 祥一,山本 和俊,菊山 榮,小林 哲也

日本動物学会 第93回 早稲田大会,日本動物学会第93回大会要旨集 202209
根本 あかね,近藤 綾音,川名 夏未,田中 夕理,山中 菜々子,蓮沼 至,小林 哲也,菊山 榮,岩室 祥一

ウズラのファブリキウス嚢における抗菌ペプチドの mRNA 発現に対する日長の影響
日本動物学会 第93回 早稲田大会,日本動物学会第93回大会要旨集 202209
谷川 恒,金谷 美咲,中尾 暢宏,岩室 祥一,菊山 榮,小林 哲也

第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会,第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集:36 201011

第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会,第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会 プログラム・講演要旨集:44 201011
岩室祥一、藤澤静香、小西裕己、蓮沼至、小林哲也、菊山 榮

第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会,第35回日本比較内分泌学会大会 プログラム・講演要旨集:64 201011

日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:157 201009
藤澤静香、立里晶露、小林哲也、コンロー マイケル、岩室正一

日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:158 201009
小西裕己、蓮沼至、小西健司、小林哲也、白間一彦、コンロー マイケル、岩室祥一、菊山栄

鳥類培養細胞を用いた抗菌ペプチド cathelicidin の研究
日本動物学会第81回大会,日本動物学会第81回大会予稿集:158 201009
武田 あすな、椿 卓、奥村和男、持田弘、菊山栄、小林哲也、岩室祥一

Changes in mRNA levels of receptors for TRH and dopamine in the bullfrog pituitary during metamorphosis.
25th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologist,25th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologist:91 201008
Nakano M., Minagawa A., Hasunuma H., Yamamoto K., Kikuyama S., Machida T., and Kobayashi T.

第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会,第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会 プログラム・講演要旨集:50 200910

第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会,第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会 プログラム・講演要旨集:53 200910

第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会,第34回日本比較内分泌学会大会・日本比較生理生化学会第31回大会 合同大会 プログラム・講演要旨集:53 200910

D2 Dopamine receptor subtype mediates the inhibitory effect of dopamine on TRH-induced prolactin release from the bullfrog pituitary.
6th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology,6th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology.:51 200909
Nakano M., Minagawa A., Hasunuma H., Okada O., Tonon M.C., Vaudry H., Yamamoto K., Kikuyama S., Machida T., and Kobayashi T.

Sequence capture 法に基づく両生類抗菌ペプチド遺伝子の効率的なクローニング法
日本動物学会第80回大会,日本動物学会第80回大会予稿集:99 200909

日本動物学会第80回大会,日本動物学会第80回大会予稿集:105 200909

日本動物学会80回大会,日本動物学会80回大会予稿集:100 200909

日本動物学会第80回大会,日本動物学会第80回大会予稿集:105 200909




前期 , 調節生理学特論Ⅱ(院・理工学前期)
前期 , 調節生理学輪講ⅡA・ⅡB(院・理工学前期)
後期 , 分子内分泌学特論(院・理工学後期)