荒居 善雄 アライ ヨシオ
■所属部署名 | 理工学研究科 人間支援・生産科学部門 | ■電話番号 | ||
■職名 | 教授 | ■FAX番号 | ||
■住所 | 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 | ■メールアドレス | yarai@mech.saitama-u.ac.jp | |
■ホームページURL | http://zairiki.mech.saitama-u.ac.jp/yarai/yarai.html |
- 工学部 機械工学・システムデザイン学科
- 機械材料・材料力学
- 破壊力学
- 音弾性
- マイクロメカニクス
- キーワード:材料力学 , 固体力学 , 破壊力学 , 疲労 , 超音波 , 複合材料 , 界面 , 量子ドット
- 超音波による溶接残留応力の非破壊測定技術を確立し(日本機械学会論文集,54,1988),この技術を溶接材の疲労き裂進展の予測に応用した(日本機械学会論文集,55,1989)。また,金属疲労の破壊力学的評価手法を破壊事故の解析に応用した(材料,36,1987)。さらに,セラミックスと金属の接合材の応力解析および強度評価(日本機械学会論文集,55,1989)や,傾斜機能材料の応力解析(日本機械学会論文集,57,1991)に取り組んできた。現在は,超音波による微小疲労き裂検出技術の開発,セラミックスの応力腐食割れ挙動の解明,セラミックスと金属の接合材の破壊機構の解明と強度評価方法の確立について研究を進めている。
- 所属学会
- 日本機械学会
- 日本材料学会
- 日本非破壊検査協会
- 米国実験力学会
- 出身大学院・研究科等
- 1985 , 東京工業大学 , 博士 , 理工学研究科 , 中退
- 1984 , 東京工業大学 , 修士 , 理工学研究科
- 出身学校・専攻等(大学院を除く)
- 1982 , 電気通信大学 , 電気通信学部 , 卒業
- 取得学位
- 工学博士 , 東京工業大学 , 音弾性応力測定法における材料異方性の評価に関する研究
- 工学修士 , 東京工業大学
- 2013 , 2011年Solid State Ionicsベストペーパーアワード , 2011年にSolid State Ionics誌に掲載された論文から1篇が受賞
- 1989 , 日本機械学会賞(奨励賞)
- 1988 , 日本材料学会論文賞
- 研究職歴
- 2005 , 埼玉大学工学部教授
- 1991 - 2005 , 埼玉大学工学部助教授
- 1990 - 1991 , 埼玉大学工学部講師
- 1985 - 1990 , 東京工業大学工学部助手
- 論文
Experimental and numerical investigation of deformation characteristics during tube spinning
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,110:1851-1867 2020
Biplov Kumar Roy, Yannis P. Korkolis, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki, Takafumi Iijima, Jin Kouyama -
A simplified method for predicting burst pressure of type III filament-wound CFRP composite vessels considering the inhomogeneity of fiber packing
Composite Structures,190:79-90 2018
Shunsuke Harada, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki, Takafumi Iijima, Akimoto Kurosawa, Tomoyuki Ohbuchi, Noriyuki Sasaki -
Mechanical behavior of ferroelastic LaAlO3
J. Euro. Ceramic Soc.,37(4):1665-1671 2017
Islam, M. N., W. Araki, Y. Arai -
Mechanical behavior of ferroelastic porous La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3-δ prepared with different pore formers
Ceramics International,43(17):14989-14995 2017
Islam, M. N., W. Araki, Y. Arai -
Oxygen non-stoichiometry of La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ under uniaxial compression evaluated by coulometric titration
Electrochimica Acta,253:339-343 2017
Wakako Araki, Qiu Miaolong, Yoshio Arai -
日本クレーン協会 機関誌 「クレーン」,54(622):37-44 2016
日本クレーン協会 つり具委員会 -
Use of ultrasonic back-reflection intensity for predicting the onset of crack growth due to low-cycle fatigue in stainless steel under block loading
Ultrasonics,56:354-360 2015
M.N. Islam, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
Stresses around an eccentric hole in an infinite strip subjected to in-plane bending
JSME, Mech. Engng. J.,2(5):1-12 2015
Horibe, T., Sakurai, K., Arai, Y. and Mori, K. -
Study on stress evolution in SiC particles during crack propagation in cast hybrid metal matrix composites using Raman spectroscopy
Engineering Failure Analysis,52:109-115 2015
AKM Asif Iqbal, Songchun Chen, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki -
Anomalous Variation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Ferroelastic La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-d over the Ferro-to-Paramagnetic Transition
Scripta Materialia,99:9-12 2015
Wakako Araki, Takehiro Abe, and Yoshio Arai -
Use of ultrasonic back-reflection intensity for predicting the onset of crack growth due to low-cycle fatigue in stainless steel under block loading
Ultrasonics,56:354-360 2014
M.N. Islam, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
Fatigue crack growth mechanism in cast hybrid metal matrix composite reinforced with SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,24:s1-s13 2014
AKM Asif IQBAL, Yoshio ARAI, Wakako ARAKI -
Transitions of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d and La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-d
Materials Letters,132:295-297 2014
Wakako Araki, Yoshio Arai, and Jurgen Malzbender -
Ferroelasticity and Spin-State Transitions of LaCoO3
Journal of Applied Physics,116:043513 2014
Wakako Araki, Takehiro Abe, and Yoshio Arai -
"Electrical Conductivity of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d under Uniaxial Compression at Elevated Temperatures
Journal of the Electrochemical Society,161(11):F3001-F3004 2014
W Araki, Y Takemura, Y Arai, J Malzbender -
Mechanical Characteristics of Electrolytes assessed with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Fuel Cells,13(4):542-548 2013
Wakako Araki, Hidenori Azuma, Takahiro Yota, Yoshio Arai, and Jurgen Malzbender -
Fracture mechanism of scandia-doped zirconia
Acta Materialia,61:3082 - 3089 2013
Wakako Araki, Dai Hanashiro, Yoshio Arai, Jurgen Malzbende -
Effect of Reinforcement Clustering on Crack Initiation Mechanism in a Cast Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite during Low Cycle Fatigue
Open Journal of Composite Materials,3:97-106 2013
AKM Asif Iqbal, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki -
Effect of hybrid reinforcement on crack initiation and early propagation mechanisms in cast metal
Mater. Design,45:241-252 2013
Iqbal, AKM A., Arai, Y. and Araki, W. -
Degradation of 8 mol-yttria stabilized zirconia subjected to compressive stress during annealing
Solid State Ionics,221:35 - 39 2012
Wakako Araki, Takeshi Shimada, Yoshio Arai, Takaaki Somekawa, Kazuo Nakamura, Yoshio Matsuzaki -
Stress Analysis of a Circular Cylinder with a Spherical Inclusion Under Tension
J. Solid Mech. Mater.,6(7):860 - 870 2012
ISBN:DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.6.860
Horibe, T., Tsuchida, E., Arai, Y. and Tanai, K. -
Initiation of fatigue crack growth in austenitic stainless steel detected by ultrasound: Role of in-plane orientation
Mater. Sci. Engng. A,556:309 - 318 2012
Nurul, I. M., Arai, Y. and Araki, W. -
Mechanism of Photoluminescence Quenching of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Resulting from Nanoprobe Indentation
American Scientific Publishers,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,11(1):106 - 114 2011
Lixia Xu, Yoshio Arai, Kazunari Ozasa, Hiroki Kakoi, Yuan-Hua Lianga and Wakako Araki -
Asymptotic Analysis for the Singular Stress Behaviour around an Interface Edge of Dissimilar Power-Law Hardening Materials Joint
Scientific.Net,Key Engineering Materials,462 - 463:1290 - 1295 2011
Md. Arefin KOWSER, Yoshio ARAI and Wakako ARAKI -
Optimum strain state for oxygen diffusion in yttria-stabilised zirconia
Elsevier,Solid State Ionics,190:75 - 81 2011
Wakako Araki and Yoshio Arai -
Temperature Dependence and Fracture Criterion of Mixed Mode I/II Fracture Toughness of Phenolic Resin for Friction Material
Wiley,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,121:2301 - 2309 2011
Wakako Araki, Hiroki Shintaku, Hiroyuki Ohashi, Yoshiki Horiuchi and Yoshio Arai -
Improved estimation of embedded InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots locations using a domed-apex nanoprobe
AVS,Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B,29(5):051808 2011
Lixia Xu, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki, Takahiro Ogawa, Kazunari Ozasa, Mizuo Maeda, Masahiko Hara -
Effect of Plastic Strain Range on Prediction of the Onset of Crack Growth for Low-Cycle Fatigue of SUS316NG Studied using Ultrasonic Back-Reflection
日本機械学会,J. Solid Mech. Mater. Engng.,4(3):376-390 2010
Nurul, Md.Islam, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
Effects of Interface Stiffness and Delamination on Resonant Oscillations of Metal Laminates
NDT & E International,43(4):297-304 2010
Wakako Araki, Kota Uchiki, Yoshio Arai, and Mitsuyuki Tanaka -
Estimation of the location of embedded InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by measuring strain-induced blueshift of photoluminescence
Physica E,42(9):2441-2445 2010
Lixia Xu, Yoshio Arai, Kazunari Ozasa, Hiroki Kakoi, Yuan-Hua Lianga and Wakako Araki -
Hybrid Effect on Whisker Orientation Dependence of Composite Strength of Aluminum Cast Alloy Reinforced by Al2O3 Whiskers and SiC Particles
日本機械学会,J. Solid Mech. Mater. Engng.,4(2):303-314 2010
Rafiquzzaman MD and Yoshio ARAI -
Iteration Method For Singular Fields Around An Interface Edge Of Elastic/Power-Law Hardening Materials Joint
J. Solid Mech. Mater. Engng.,4(7):1040-1050 2010
Md. Arefin KOWSER, Yoshio ARAI and Wakako ARAKI -
Molecular Dynamics Study on Oxygen Diffusion in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia subjected to uniaxial stress in terms of yttria concentration and stress direction
Solid State Ionics,181:1534-1541 2010
Wakako Araki, Yoshio Arai -
Oxygen diffusion in yttria-stabilized zirconia subjected to uniaxial stress
Elsevier,Solid State Ionics,181(8-10):441-446 2010
Wakako Araki, Yoshio Arai -
Direct-to-indirect transition observed in quantum dot photoluminescence with nanoprobe indentation
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B,27(2) 200903
K. Ozasa;M. Maeda;M. Hara;H. Kakoi;L. X. Xu;Y. H. Liang;Y. Arai -
Nondestructive detection of tilted planar flaws on back surface using ultrasonic wave interference
J. Solid Mech. Mater. Engng.,3(3):518-528 2009
Arai, Y., Sato, M. and Kawamoto, D. -
Ultrasonic Back Reflection Evaluation of Crack Growth from PSBs in Low Cycle Fatigue of Stainless Steel under Constant Load Amplitude
Mater. Sci. Engng. A,520(1-2):49-55 2009
Nurul, Md. Islam and Yoshio Arai -
Ultrasonic Back Reflection Evaluation of Crack Growth from PSBs in Low Cycle Fatigue of Stainless Steel under Constant Load Amplitude
Elsevier,Mater. Sci. Engng. A,520(Nos.1-2):49-55 2009
Nurul, Md.Islam and Yoshio Arai -
日本クレーン協会,,JCAS6807-2009 2009
荒居善雄(他6名) -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(6(平成19年度)) 200809
荒居 善雄 -
On the elastic interaction between a surface step and an edge dislocation
荒居 善雄,土田 栄一郎 -
Localized strain effects on photoluminescence of quantum dots induced by nanoprobe indentation
Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures,40(6):1920-1923 200804
K. Ozasa;M. Maeda;M. Hara;M. Ohashi;Y. H. Liang;H. Kakoi;Y. Arai -
Fracture mechanisms of aluminium cast alloy locally reinforced by SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers under monotonic and cyclic load
Mater. Sci. Tech.,24(3):273-280 200803
Rafiquzzaman MD, ARAI, Y. and TSUCHIDA, E. -
Gamma-X crossover observed in quantum dot photoluminescence by nanoprobe indentation
Int. Conf. Nanoscience + Technology,NO-TuP6:NO-TuP6 2008
Kazunari OZASA, Mizuo MAEDA, Masahiko HARA, Hiroki KAKOI, Lixia XU, Yuan-Hua LIANG, and Yoshio ARAI -
Stresses in an Elastic Strip Having a Circular Inclusion Under Tension
J. Solid Mech. Mater. Engng.,2(7):900-911 2008
Horibe, T., Tsuchida, E., Arai, Y. and Kusano, N. -
日刊工業新聞社,工業材料,56(4):83-85 2008
荒居善雄 -
日本非破壊検査協会 2008
加藤光明、荒居善雄 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,73(736):1388-1394 200712
荒居 善雄,大塚 朋之,鈴木 弘,柴田 哲,大淵 智之,飯島 孝文 -
Effects of nanoindentation on photoluminescence of ingaas/gaas quantum dots
Y. Liang, Y. Arai, M. Oohashi, K. Ozasa, M. Hara, and M. Maeda -
Simultaneous measurement of nanoprobe indentation force and photoluminescence of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots and its simulation
荒居 善雄,土田 栄一郎 -
Effect of Whisker Orientation on Monotonic and Fatigue Strength of Aluminium Cast Alloy Locally Reinforced by SiC Particles and Al2O3 Whiskers Under Monotonic and Cyclic load
J. Solids Mech. Mater. Engng.,2(1):47-57 2007
Rafiquzzaman MD, ARAI, Y. and TSUCHIDA, E. -
Location of quantum dots identified by microscopic photoluminescence changes during nanoprobe indentation with a horizontal scan
Phys. Rev. B,75:1-10 2007
Yuan-Hua Liang, Masane Ohashi, Yoshio Arai and Kazunari Ozasa -
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,8:56-59 2007
荒居 善雄
In this paper, fracture mechanisms under monotonic and cyclic load and its stress distribution of an aluminumcast alloy locally reinforced by SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers are investigated experimentally and numerically. The material is monotonically and cyclically deformed to failure at room temperature. The fracture origin and the fracture path are investigated on the fracture surfaces. The fracture occurs in the reinforced part under both monotonic and cyclic loads. SEM analysis of the fracture surface shows that the fatigue fracture is controlled by the fracture of coarse Al2O3 whiskers. On the other hand the static fracture (monotonic loading) shows that the fracture mechanism is the combination of reinforcing particle fracture and interfacial debonding between reinforcing ceramics and matrix metal. The stress distributions around the boundary between the reinforced part and unreinforced part are calculated based on an inclusion array model considering the microscopic inhomogeneous effects. Both the experimental results and the finite element simulation results show that the critical location for fracture is changed by the external stress level which controls the local stress distribution through plastic constraint between reinforcing particle and matrix alloy.
Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs), Fracture, Fatigue, Fractography, Locally Reinforced Material
Strength Evaluation of Aluminium Cast Alloy Locally Reinforced by SiC Particles and Al2O3 Whiskers and Its Fractography -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(5(18年度)):91-94 2007
荒居 善雄
Control of photoluminescence of quantum dots by nanomechanics -
日本材料学会,材料,56(11):1016-1021 2007
ロフィクジャマン モハマド, 荒居善雄, 土田栄一郎 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学会論文集.A編,73(727):395-402 2007
堀辺 忠志, 土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,72(724):1838-1845 200612
荒居 善雄,土田 栄一郎,直見 英明 -
Study on stress fields in a V-Shape notched disk underdistributed load.<論文>
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,39:21-27 200607
荒居 善雄 -
“Effects of nanoindentation on photoluminescence of ingaas/gaas quantum dots,”
Y. Liang, Y. Arai, M. Oohashi, K. Ozasa, M. Hara, and M. Maeda -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学会論文集.A編,72(719):990-997 2006
堀辺 忠志, 土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄, 草野 宣幸
This paper presents an analytical solution for an infinite strip having a circular inclusion when the strip is subjected to tension at infinity. In the analysis, the inclusion is assumed to be perfectly bonded and be allowed to slide. The analysis is based on the Papcovich Neuber stress function approach and the solution is obtained by the proper combination of harmonic function in integral forms and infinite series. The boundary conditions at the interface uniting the strip and the inclusion are satisfied using the relations between the polar and Cartesian harmonics. The numerical results obtained from the proposed method are illustrated for various stiffness ratio and sizes of the inclusion. -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学会論文集.A編,72(721):1405-1412 2006
堀辺 忠志, 土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄, 福村 昌宏
This paper contains an analysis of the stress and displacement distribution arising in a strip with a circular inclusion when the strip is subjected to bending at infinity. Two types of inclusion, i.e., perfect bonding and sliding inclusion are treated in this paper. The solution which is based on the Papcovich-Neuber displacement potentials is obtained by combining the harmonic potentials in integral forms and infinite series. The boundary conditions of the problem are fully satisfied using the relationships between the harmonic functions of Cartesian and polar coordinates. The effect of the inclusion on the stress and displacement are given in the form of graphs to show the availability of the present method. -
An Analysis on Singular Fields around an Interface Edge of Ceramic/Metal Joints Using Moire Interferometry Technique
Samadder Liton Kumar, 荒居 善雄,土田 栄一郎 -
An Analysis on Singular Fields around an Interface Edge of Ceramic/Metal Joints Using Moire Interferometry Technique
2nd JSME/ASME Int. Conf. Material and Processing 2005,Proc. 2nd JSME/ASME Int. Conf. Material and Processing 2005:CD-ROM 200506
Samadder Liton Kumar, Yoshio Arai and Eiichiro Tsuchida -
An Analysis on Singular Fields around an Interface Edge of Ceramic/Metal Joints Using Moire Interferometry Technique
JSME Int. J., Ser. A,48(4):240-245 2005
Samadder Liton Kumar, Yoshio Arai and Eiichiro Tsuchida -
Stress Field Around Interface Free Edge of Elastic/Elastic-Plastic Material Joints
理論応用力学専門委員会,Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan,54:101-112 2005
Samadder Liton Kumar, Yoshio Arai and Eiichiro Tsuchida -
Thermal Stresses in a Thick Plate Containing an Oblate Spheroidal Inclusion with the Circle Regions of Both Plate Surfaces Being Heated and Cooled
Theor. and Appl. Mech.,54:17-29 2005
Ying Zheng, Eiichiro Tsuchida and Yoshio Arai -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,70(693):740-748 200405
鄭 穎, 土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄
In this paper, we investigate the steady state thermal stresses in an elastic thick plate containing an oblate spheroidal inhomogeneity, when the circle regions of radius d of the upper surface is heated and the one of lower surface is cooled. The solution is deduced with using thermoelastic displacement potential and Papkovich-Neuber displacement potentials. Numerical results are presented for different heat areas, inclusion shapes and sizes, and the stress distributions in the vicinity of the inhomogeneity are illustrated graphically.
Elasticity, Thermal Stress, Micromechanics, Thick Plate, Oblate Spheroidal Inhomogeneity -
A Numerical Study on the Effect of Thermal Cycling on Monotonic Response of Cast Aluminium Alloy - SiC Particulate Composites
Theor. and Appl. Mech.,53:63-73 2004
Chen, A.-L., Arai, Y., Tsuchida, E. -
An Experimental Study on Effect of Thermal Cycling on Monotonic and Cyclic Response of Cast Aluminium Alloy-SiC Particulate Composites
Composites B,36(4):319-330 2004
Chen, A.-L., Arai, Y., Tsuchida, E. -
Enhanced photoluminescence of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots induced by nanoprobe indentation
Physica E,21:265-269 2004
Ozasa K, Aoyagi Y., Hara, M., Maeda, M.,Yamane, A. and Arai Y. -
Experimental and numerical study on effect of thermal cycling on monotonic and cyclic response of cast aluminium alloy-SiC particulate composites
Proc. ICCE-11,CD-ROM:CD-ROM 2004
Chen, A.-L., Arai, Y. and Tsuchida, E. -
Measurarement of Plane Strain Singular Field Around Interface Edge Using Moire Interferometery
Proc. SEM X International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and,CD-ROM 2004
Samadder L. K., Arai, Y., Tsuchida, E. and Yoshida, M. -
Stresses in a Thick plate containing an oblate spheroidal inclusion under transverse bending
Theor. and Appl. Mech.,53:49-62 2004
Ying Zheng, Eiichiro Tsuchida and Yoshio Arai -
日本実験力学会,実験力学,4(4):35-41 2004
荒居善雄, 土田栄一 郎, 直見英明 -
Enhanced Photoluminescence of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Induced by Nanoprobe Pressure Effects
Appl. Phys. Lett.,83(11):2247-2249 2003 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,68(676):1753-1761 200212
鄭 穎, 土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄
In the previous paper, we presented an axisymmetric solution for the stresses and displacements in an elastic thick plate containing an oblate spheroidal inclusion under axisymmetric bending around the z axis normal to the surface of the thick plate. In the present paper, we studied an asymmetric solution for an elastic thick plate containing an oblate spheroidal inclusion under transverse bending. Numerical results are given for different values of size, aspect ratio and stiffness ratio. The stress distributions around inclusion are shown graphically, and are compared with the axisymmetric results.
Elasticity, Micromechanics, Stress Concentration, Thick Plate, Inclusion, Oblate Spheroidal Inclusion -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,68(668):631-637 200204
土田 栄一郎, 荒居 善雄, 鄭 穎
The paper presents an axisymmetric solution for the stresses and displaements in an elastic thick plate containing an oblate spheroidal inclusion under axisymmetric bending around the z axis. The related spherical cavity and inclusion problems were solved by Tsuchida et al. in 1975. by using Papcovich-Neuber displacement potentials. We extended the method to spheroidal inclusion problem.
Elasticity, Micromechanics, Stress Concentration, Thick Plate, Inclusion, Oblate Spheroidal Inclusion -
Effect of Thermal Cycling on Ductility at Elevated Temperature for SiCp Reinforced Aluminum Cast Alloy
Theor. Appl. Mech.,51:9-20 2002 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,67(655):413-416 200103
荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎, 桜田 英治
Effect of bend deflection on measurement of axial load in bolts by ultrasonic method are studied experimentally. External loading test with changing the tensile-bend ratio were conducted using long steel bolts. A ray tracing analysis were also conducted to simulate the effect of bend deflection. It is cleared that the change of reflection angle of the ultrasonic wave on the bottom surface of the bolts is the controlling factor for the effect of bend deflection on the measurement of axial load in bolts. A new method to evaluate the axial load accurately under the deflection is proposed and its validity is conformed experimentally.
Bolt, Stress Measurement, Ultrasonic Inspection, Nondestructive Inspection, Stress Wave, Bending -
Dependence of Elastic-Plasti Stress Singularity Field on Material Combination of Butt-Jointed Plastes Subjected Uniform Tension,Materials
Science Research International,STP1:233-237 2001
Yoshio Arai,Eiichiro Tsuchida -
Stress Field around Elastic/Elastic-Plastic Interface Edge of Butt-Jointed Plate Subjected to Uniform Tension
Theor. Appl. Mech.,50:57-65 2001
Yoshio Arai,Eiichiro Tsuchida -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学会論文集.A編,67(655):446-453 2001
ロジック ヒマワン,荒居善雄,土田栄一郎 -
日本材料学会,材料,50(11):1191-1195 2001 -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学会論文集.A編,67(655):413-416 2001
荒居善雄,土田栄一郎,桜田英治 -
Study on Stress Field around Elastic/Elastic-Plastic Interface Edge
Theor. Appl. Mech.,49:33-39 2000
Yoshio Arai,Eiichiro Tsuchida and Toshio Sakurai -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,65(634):1241-1248 199906
荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎
The near-tip stress fields around an interface edge of butt-jointed plates subjected uniform tension are analyzed by finite element method. Based on the result the dependence of the singular stress fields around the interface edge on the material combination is discussed. The relation between the exponent of the stress singularity and its intensity is investigated. The uniqueness of the intensity of singular stress fields for Dundurs's parameters is also studied. The equations which is useful for materials selection of joint concerning with the stress singularity are newly developed.
Interface, Stress Singularity, Stress Intensity, Material Combination, Aspect Ratio -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,65(629):165-173 199901
林 偉平, 荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎
Crack initiation and extension characteristics of tension side, view side and compression side of ceramic/metal joints were investigated under cyclic bending loading. Location of cracks and propagations were investigated by SEM and X-ray compositional analysis methods. The stress and strain distribution under cyclic bending loading were investigated by FEM analysis. The results obtained are as follows. (1) Crack initiation occurred at ceramic/interlayer interface at the specimen corner under cyclic bending loading. The unstable fracture occurred from the interface crack. At the 84~90% of mean strength, crack initiated at ceramic/interlayer interface at the specimen corner. (2) After a main crack occurred many microcracks appeared in order near the main crack region with the increase of maximum stress. Finally they united to the main crack under cyclic loading. The length of crack was increased with increasing maximum stress. The curve slopes of crack lengths versus stresses also increased with increasing maximum stress. Under constant cyclic bending loading, the cracks intermittently grew. (3) At compression side, when the absolute value of maximum stresses were higher than those of tension side, cracks started on the ceramic/interlayer interface and grew up to about 40μm, and finally halted. (4) The crack initiations occurred at the ceramic/brazing filler interface. The location of crack initiation under cyclic bending loading was same as monotonic strength. (5) The crack length increment was decelerated with increasing energy release rate, then increased. The difference of the relationship between crack length increment and energy release rate was less than that of crack length increment and maximum stress. (6) From the FEM analysis, the plastic deformation progressed in interlayer when specimen was loaded and the plastic strain of interlayer left when unloaded. In the interlayer of interface, as compressional plastic strain was constrained by materials around it, tensile residual stresses occured at the compression side at end of unloading. That is why crack initiation occurred in the compression side.
Ceramic, Metal Joint, Fatigue, Interface Mechanics, Ceramics, Residual Stress -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,63(611):1361-1369 199707
林 偉平, 荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎
Fatigue strength and propagation characteristics of ceramic/metal joints were investigated under cyclic bending loading. Fracture surfaces were examined by SEM and X-ray methods. Fatigue fracture occurred at the metal/interlayer interface as well as the ceramic/interlayer interface. Fatigue strength was independent of the fracture path. Fatigue crack initiate and grow on the ceramic/interlayer interface at the specimen corner. Under constant amplitude cyclic loading, the fatigue crack decelerated and finally halted. As a result of the increasing amplitude of cyclic loading, the final fracture occurred at the metal/interlayer interface. Even under cyclic compressive loading, fatigue cracks were initiated on the ceramic/interlayer interface. This study looks at the method to evaluate the fracture mechanics parameter for interface cracks on ceramic/metal joints.
Ceramic, Metal Joint, Fatigue, Interface Mechanics, Ceramics, Residual Stress -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,61(587):1473-1479 199507
荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎, 内藤 政克, 小林 英男
Fracture processes in the bending of Si_3N_4-steel joints were investigated. The initiation stresses of interface fracture and cracked areas were measured by the ultrasonic method. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The increase of the ultrasonic echo height corresponds to the increase of the specimen compliance. Using the ultrasonic method, the interface fracture process can be detected. (2) The interface crack grew on the interface in a stable manner with increasing stress intensity factor, K_1. (3) At the maximum stress, the interface crack deflected to the ceramic side in an unstable manner. The criterion for the deflection is that the stress intensity factor K_1 for the interface crack taking into consideration the joining residual stress component must reach the K_<IC> for Si_3N_4.
Ceramic-Metal Joint, Fracture Process, Ultrasonic Method, Interface Fracture, Residual Stress, Fracture Mechanics -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,61(583):501-507 199503
荒居 善雄, 土田 栄一郎, 小林 英男, 黒田 勉, 班目 春樹
Surface damage of type 304 stainless steel, which is one of the candidates for the first-wall structural material in a fusion reactor, at cyclic plasma disruption loadings is simulated by a high heat flux Neutron Beam Injection. Influences of the cyclic thermal loads on the residual fatigue life are studied. The results obtained are summarized as follows. (1) The maximum tensile residual stresses near the damaged surface increased with increasing thermal loading cycles from 1 to 5. (2)The fatigue strength and the fatigue limit of the specimen subjected to 5 cycles of thermal loading and those for 1 cycle are the same. (3) A critical crack length, 2b_e to vanish from sight caused by thermal loading is important for the evaluation of the residual fatigue life. If the defect length, 2b < 2b_e, residual life after the second thermal loading and that before thermal loading are the same. If 2b > 2b_e, fatigue crack growth occurs due to the cyclic thermal load.
Fatigue, Crack Growth, Plasma Disruption, Residual Life, Stainless Steel -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,60(570):494-500 199402
荒居 善雄, 轟 章, 小林 英男, 小林 卓
Detecting plastic deformation area at crack tips of FRM is very important for understanding the mechanism of reinforcing matrix by fibers. Few method, however, are proposed to detect the plastic deformation inside the FRM. Recently, a scanning acoustic microscope has developed and this gives us chance to detect the plastic deformation area. In this study, several acoustic methods including a scanning acoustic microscope were examined to detect the image of it. As results, acoustic velocity change as a function of plastic strain of aluminum alloy was obtained and the change was discussed with a dislocation vibration model. The images with 50 MHz acoustic lens and 200 MHz acoustic lens were obtained and investigated in detail.
Acoustic, Image Analysis, Plastic Deformation, Scanning Acoustic Microscope -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,59(568):2977-2983 199312
荒居 善雄, 轟 章, 小林 英男, 中村 春夫, 朴 位坤, 飯田 英徳
Measuring elastic properties of thin film on substrates is important in the analysis of residual stresses of advanced 3D LSI. In this study, an approach to for nondestructive measurement of the elastic properties of thin film on the substrate nondestructively with a scanning acoustic microscope is proposed. The approach was analyzed mathematically and was applied to aluminum film on glass substrates. As a result, this approach was proved to be excellent for the objective, and the elastic modulus of aluminum film on the glass substrate was 10% smaller than that of the bulk data.
Elasticity, Material Testing, Nondestructive Inspection, Ultrasonic, Thin Film, Substrate, Scanning Acoustic Microcope, LSI -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,59(559):627-633 199303
荒居 善雄, 小林 英男
Joining residual stresses at the ceramic near the interface were measured nondestructively by the X-ray method for the Si_3N_4-S45C joints. Four specimens of different sizes were used to clarify the influence of size on the distribution of the residual stresses and the change of the intensity of the stress singularity. Analytical studies on the joining residual stresses for the Si_3N_4-S45C joint specimen were performed using the finite-element method. The intensity of the residual stress singular field is proportional to the ratio between the interface length and the interlayer length. It is also proportional to the interface length raised to the λ power.
Residual Stress, Experimental Stress Analysis, Size Effect, Ceramic-Metal Joint -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,59(559):849-855 199303
荒居 善雄, 小林 英男, 田村 充章
Equivalent inclusion method was applied to the functionally gradient material (FGM) of ceramic and metal to evaluate the work hardening constants and thermal conductivity. Thermal and stress analyses of FGM were performed by the two-dimensional finite-element method. In order to reduce the sintered residual stresses, thermal stresses at thermal loading and total residual stresses after cooling, the compositional profiles of FGM were analysed. Based on the results, optimum material design of FGM for thermal loading was performed. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The optimum material design conditions under the operation conditions are that (i) the material pair should be ZrO_2 and SUS304, (ii) FGM should consist of five layers, and (iii) the compositional profile should have a gentle slope on the ZrO_2 side. (2) The tensile residual stresses after cooling are larger than the sintered residual stresses, because the maximum stress at the thermal loading is beyond the yield stress. (3) The optimum material design for the stress for a given operation condition can be determined by the method developed in this study.
Residual Stress, Thermal Stress, Material Design, Optimum DesignOptimum Design, Functionally Gradient Materials, Finite-Element Method -
セラミックス/金属接合残留応力の有限要素解析の基礎的検討 : 残留応力の弾塑性特異性に及ぼす中間層の厚さの影響
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,58(548):552-558 199204
荒居 善雄, 佐藤 柘哉, 小林 英男
In general, a very thin metal with low yield strength is inserted into a ceramic/metal joint as an interlayer to reduce the residual stresses. A two-dimensional finite-element analysis was performed to study the effect of the thickness of the interlayer on an elastic-plastic singularity of residual stresses in the ceramic/metal joint. The yielding of the interlayer caused the change of the singularity. In the case of the joint with a relatively thick interlayer, the exponent of the elastic-plastic singularity depends on only the elastic-plastic properties of the materials. When the interlayer is very thin, however, the exponent depends on not only the elastic-plastic properties but also the thickness of the interlayer. This elastic-plastic singularity can be approximately estimated by a simplified elastic-plastic analysis.
Stress Analysis, Elastic-Plastic Behavior, Ceramic, Metal Joint, Residual Stress, Stress Singularity, Finite-Element Analysis -
セラミックス/金属接合残留応力の有限要素解析の基礎的検討 : 残留応力の弾塑性特異性
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,57(543):2702-2707 199111
荒居,善雄, 佐藤 拓哉, 小林 英男
A two-dimensional finite-element analysis was perfomed to study an elastic-plastic singularity of residual stresses in a ceramic/metal joint. The comparison of the elastic singularity by finite-elment analysis with the idealized theoretical results showed that the elastic singularity of residual stresses in the ceramics side was characterized by elastic properties of the ceramics and the insert material. The yielding of the insert material resulted in the change of the singularity. The exponent of the elastic-plastic singularity was larger than that of the elastic singularity. This elastic-plastic singularity can be approximately estimated by a simplified elastic-plastic analysis.
Stress Analysis, Elastic-plastic Behavior, Ceramic, Metal Joint, Residual Stress, Stress Singularity, Finite-Element Analysis -
セラミックス / 金属接合残留応力の有限要素解析の基礎的検討 : 切断による残留応力の再配分
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,57(540):1801-1807 199108
荒居,善雄, 佐藤 拓哉, 小林 英男
A two-dimennsional finite element analysis was perfomed to study a redistribution of residual stresses due to cutting in a ceramic/metal joint. The cutting process was simulated based on a tying function of the program where two kinds of nodes (one is the tied node and the other is a retained node) were defined at the same point on a cutting line. Release of restraint of these points means cutting. It is concluded that the residual stresses redistribute after cutting the ceramic/metal joint and the peak tensile stress occurs on the new free surface near the interface in a ceramic side. It is emphasized that the residual stress at a same point decreases after cutting, but the maximum value does not decrease.
Stress Analysis, Ceramics, Metal Joint, Residual Stress, Cutting, Finite Element Analysis -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,57(535):620-624 199103
荒居 善雄, 小林 英男, 田村 充章
In order to reduce the residual stresses and the residual deformation caused by the sintering process, the compositional profiles of the Functionally Gradient Material(FGM) of ceramics and metal were analysed by FEM. Based on the results, the optimum material design of FGM for the heat loading was performed. The results obtained are as follows. (1)Due to the difference of the contraction along the interface, the deformation occuers along the free edge (x direction) near the interface. This deformation corresponds to the residual stresses along the free edge near the interface. The residual deformation and the residual stress can be reduced by the following methods. i) Increase of the division numbers of interlayers. ii) Taking the aspect ratio of the particles as one. iii) Introduction of the voids in the ceramics. (3)The thermal stress can be reduced by controlling the distribution of the residual stresses by the following methods. iv)Decrease of the gradient of the compositional profiles in the ceramic side.
Functionally Gradient Material, Residual Stresses, Residual Deformation, FEM Analysis, Elliptic Inclusion Method -
社団法人日本機械学会,日本機械学會論文集. A編,57(535):518-521 199103
荒居 善雄, 小林 英男, 永井 肇
The bending strength of Si_3N_4/S45C joints with a Cu interlayer was examined. Some of the joints showed a relatively lower strength. The fracture mechanics approach was performed for the reduction of strength. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The reason why the strength decreases is the existence of the defect and the tensile residual stress near the interface at the ceramic side. The strength of the joint can be evaluated by the stress intensity factor. (2) In the case that the indentation precrack is introduced near the interface at the ceramic side, the interlayer deforms plastically and, as a result, the redistribution of residual stresses occurs and the precrack is kinked toward the interface. Thus, the indentation method is not suitable to introduce the precrack near the interface.
Fracture Mechanics, Ceramics, Ceramic, Metal Joint, Defect, Indentation Fracture Method, Residual Stress - 学会発表
Type-3 FW CFRP複合圧力容器の圧力サイクル下の疲労き裂進展とフラクトグラフィ
日本材料学会第16回フラクトグラフィシンポジウム,第16回フラクトグラフィシンポジウム:オンライン 202010
関康平、荒居善雄、荒木稚子、飯島孝文、大淵智之、佐々木教行、黒澤彬元 -
日本機械学会M&M2015,日本機械学会M&M2015講演論文集,CD-ROM:PS0023-333 201511
原田俊佑,荒居善雄,荒木稚子,風間均 -
日本機械学会M&M2015,日本機械学会M&M2015講演論文集,CD-ROM:PS0023-333 201511
笠井雄太,荒居善雄,荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2015,日本機械学会M&M2015講演論文集,CD-ROM:PS0026-392 201511
倉田大樹,荒居善雄,荒木稚子,飯島孝文,黒澤彬元,大淵智之,佐々木教行 -
日本機械学会2015年度年次大会,日本機械学会2015年度年次大会 講演論文集,15(1):J0420403 201509
荒居善雄, 古和田岳, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2014,日本機械学会M&M2014講演論文集:PS05 201407
古和田岳, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2014,日本機械学会M&M2014講演論文集:PS13 201407
蓼沼克哉, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2014,日本機械学会M&M2014講演論文集:PS16 201407
武田泰彰, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
Oxygen-Ion Transfer Between YSZ/YSZ and YSZ/LSCF Under Mechanical Contact Stress
ECS 224th Meeting,ECS Transactions,58(2):275-281 201310
Wakako Araki, Yoshio Arai, Jurgen Malzbender -
日本機械学会2013年度年次大会,日本機械学会2013年度年次大会 講演論文集:J061015 201309
荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
Fatigue Crack Growth Mechanism in Cast Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with SiC particles and Al2O3 Whiskers
9th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids 201306
AKM Asif Iqbal, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki -
AKM Asif Iqbal, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki
European Conference on Composite Materials,15th European Conference on Composite Materials 201206
AKM Asif Iqbal, Yoshio Arai, Wakako Araki -
Mechanical Characteristics of Electrolytes assessed with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
European SOFC Forum,10th European SOFC Forum 201206
W. Araki, H. Azuma, T. Yota, Y. Arai, J. Malzbender -
日本学術会議,第56回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会:389 - 390 2012
AKM Asif Iqbal, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会,日本機械学会M&M2012:PS27 2012
用田貴紘, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会,日本機械学会2012年度年次大会,No. 12-1 2012
荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会2011年度年次大会講演会,日本機械学会2011年度年次大会講演論文集CDROM,11-1 201109
荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2011講演論文集 CDROM:OS0306 201107
黒澤隆文, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2011講演論文集CDROM:GS14 201107
島田健, 荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2011材料力学カンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2011講演論文集CDROM:OS1804 201107
花城大, 荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本非破壊検査協会第18回超音波による非破壊評価シンポジウム,日本非破壊検査協会第18回超音波による非破壊評価シンポジウム講演論文集:117-118 201101
黒澤隆文, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本材料学会第12回フラクトグラフィシンポジウム,日本材料学会第12回フラクトグラフィシンポジウム前刷集:47-49 201012
荒居善雄, 山本遼一, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
花城大, 荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
栗原正也, 荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
荒居善雄, 大久保裕之, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
内木 浩太, 荒木稚子, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2010講演会,日本機械学会M&M2010講演論文集,10-6:CD-ROM 201010
Md. Nurul Islam, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演会,日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集,10-1(1):81-82 201009
Md. Nurul Islam, 荒居善雄, 荒木稚子 -
Asymptotic Analysis for the Singular Stress Behaviour around an Interface Edge of Dissimilar Power-Law Hardening Materials Joint
8th FEOFS 2010 conference,Proc. 8th FEOFS 2010 conference,CD-ROM:CD-ROM 201006
Md. Arefin KOWSER, Yoshio ARAI and Wakako ARAKI -
Estimation of the location of embedded InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by measuring the photoluminescence under nanoprobe indentation
Quantum Dot 2010,Proc. QD2010,CDROM:CDROM 201004
Lixia Xu, T. Ogawa, Y. Arai, W. Araki, K. Ozasa, M. Maeda and M.Hara -
Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009,Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009 200911
Md.Arefin Kowser, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
Dependence of Ultrasonic Back Reflections on In-plane Orientation of Incident Wave in Fatigued Austenitic Stainless Steel
The 13th Asia-Pacific Conf. Non-Destructive Testing,The 13th Asia-Pacific Conf. Non-Destructive Testing 200911
Islam, Md.Nurul, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
日本機械学会2009年度年次大会,日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集,1(09-1) 200909
荒居善雄、河本大貴、荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2009材料力学コンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2009講演論文集CDROM,09-6 200907
Md.Nurul Islam、荒居善雄、荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2009材料力学コンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2009講演論文集CDROM,09-6 200907
荒居善雄、新井康夫、荒木稚子 -
日本機械学会M&M2009材料力学コンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2009講演論文集CDROM,09-6 200907
荒居善雄、小川高廣、尾笹一成、Xu Lixia、荒木稚子 -
Γ-X crossover in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots due to the indentation of a flat cylindrical nanoprobe
Modulated Semiconductor Structures 14,Modulated Semiconductor Structures 14 200907
Lixia Xu, Kazunari Ozasa, H.Kakoi, Y.H.Liang, Yoshio Arai and Wakako Araki -
日本物理学会年次大会,日本物理学会予稿集,27p:PSB-56 200903
尾笹一成、前田瑞夫、原正彦, 栫井洋希、Lixia Xu、Yuan-Hua Liang、荒居 善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2008材料力学コンファレンス,日本機械学会M&M2008講演論文集,08-6:OS0104(CD-ROM) 200809
荒居善雄, 佐藤 麻利江 -
日本機械学会2008年度年次大会講演会,日本機械学会M&M2008講演論文集,08-1(1):57-58 200808
Nurul, I. M., 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会,日本機械学会第2回埼玉ブロック大会講演会講演論文集,06-5:111-112 200711
Liang YuanHua, 荒居善雄, 尾笹一成, 大橋正音, 土田栄一郎 -
日本材料学会,日本材料学会第11回フラクトグラフィシンポジウム前刷集:43-47 200711
Rafiquzzaman MD, 荒居善雄, 土田栄一郎 -
SiCp/ Al2O3wハイブリッドMMCの破壊強度に及ぼすウィスカ方位の影響
日本機械学会M&M2007講演会,日本機械学会M&M2007講演論文集,07-3:415-416 200710
Rafiquzzaman MD, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2007講演会,日本機械学会M&M2007講演論文集,07-3:282-283 200710
Liang YuanHua, 尾笹一成, 荒居善雄 -
日本機械学会M&M2007講演会,日本機械学会M&M2007講演論文集,07-3:574-575 200710
荒居善雄, 尾笹一成, Liang YuanHua -
日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会,日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2007埼玉講演論文集,070-2:229-230 200709
荒居善雄, 尾笹一成, 栫井 洋希, Liang Yuan-Hua -
日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会,日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2007埼玉講演論文集,070-2:221-222 200709
荒居善雄, 百瀬祐二 -
Effects of nanoindentation on photoluminescence of InGaAs quantum dots
6th Inter. Conf. Intelligent Materials and Systems,Proc. 6th Inter. Conf. Intelligent Materials and Systems:311-314 200503
Liang Yuan-Hua, Yoshio Arai, Masane Ohashi, Kazunari Ozasa, Masahiko Hara, Mizuo Maeda -
Measurarement of Plane Strain Singular Field Around Interface Edge Using Moire Interferometery
SEM X International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and,Proc. SEM X International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics,CD-ROM 200406
Samadder L. K., Arai, Y., Tsuchida, E. and Yoshida, M. - その他
日本クレーン協会,JCAS 6604-2012,JCAS 6604-2012 2012 -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト成果発表会 : ポスター展示 200811
荒居 善雄,尾笹 一成,Liang Yuanhua -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト成果発表会 : ポスター展示 200711
荒居 善雄,尾笹 一成,Liang Yuanhua
Strain Measurement using Photoluminescence Characteristics of Quantum Dots due to Nanoscale Indentation of Semiconductor Quantum Dots -
培風館:127 200503
荒居善雄、大宮正毅、小川武史、杉邨由季、納冨充雄 -
日本クレーン協会,JCAS 9605-2004 2004
荒居善雄 他13名 -
- 科学研究費補助金(研究代表者)
- 2011-2013 , 量子ドット型多層膜太陽電池の高精度歪解析技術の開発 , 基盤研究(c)
- 2012 , 前期 , 材料力学Ⅱ
- 応用弾性学Ⅰ(工学部)
- 応用弾性学Ⅱ(工学部)
- 微分積分学Ⅱ(工学部)
- 機械工学基礎実験(工学部)
- 弾性学特論(院・理工学前期)
- 破壊力学特論(院・理工学後期)