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BOLT Timothy Barry ボルト ティモシー バリー

所属部署名 人文社会科学研究科 電話番号 070-8819-4562
職名 教授 ■FAX番号 048-858-3696
住所 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 ■メールアドレス tbolt@mail.saitama-u.**.** (please complete email)
■ホームページURL http://timothybolt.com/





経済分析 , 国際貿易 , 医療経済学




2007 , 早稲田大学 , 博士 , GITS , 修了
1995 , The University of Glasgow, Scotland , 修士 , 経済学部
1994 , The American University , BA Economics; BA International Law & Justice
博士 (国際情報通信学) , 早稲田大学


2011 - 2014 , Research Fellow in Health Economics,Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton
2007 - 2011 , Research Fellow, School of Management, University of Southampton
2005 - 2007 , 若手研究員(DC2), 日本学術振興会
2002 - 2003 , Research Fellow, Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
2001 - 2002 , Research Associate, Institute for Japanese-European Technological Studies, Edinburgh University
1995 - 2001 , Course Tutor, Economics Department, Edinburgh University



BAYER, S., BOLT, T., BRAILSFORD, S., KAPSALI, M. (2014) "Models as interfaces".
In: Brailsford, S., Churilov, L., Dangerfield, B. (ed.) Discrete-Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.

BOLT, T. (2012) “Healthcare policy priority setting trends and tools: making the difficult decisions.”
In: KANO, S. (ed.) Introduction to Global Healthcare Systems. Waseda, Japan: Waseda University Press, pp.111-140.

CLARKSON J., et al. (2008) "The RIGHT Workbook: Modelling and Simulation Techniques for Supporting Healthcare Decision Making: A Selection Framework"
Engineering Design Centre, University of Cambridge

ARUGA K, BOLT T. (2023) "Identifying factors affecting the preference for green bonds: a Japanese case study."
Journal of Climate Finance,6(100215) 2023

YAMAMOTO Y., AOKI A., FUJI H., CHEN G., BOLT T., SUTO M., MORI R., UCHIDA K., TAKEHARA K., GAI R. (2023) "Parents' preferences for respite care of children with medical complexity."
Pediatrics International., 65(1):e15703 2023

JIBIKI E, BOLT T, SUGISHITA T. (2023) “Job preferences of Japanese global health personnel: results from a discrete choice experiment.”
Journal of Global Health Reports,7(e2023023) 2023

SANDOVAL GARRIDO F.A., BOLT T., TANIGUCHI Y., LLOYD-SHERLOCK P. (2023) "The relationship of perceived discrimination in healthcare and future falls among community-dwelling older persons from an English longitudinal cohort"
F1000Research,12 2023

KAPSALI M, BAYER S, BOLT T, BRAILSFORD S. (2021) "The agency role of simulation models in model-building groups"
Journal of the Operational Research Society (TJOR):DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2021.1929527 2021

ARUGA K, BOLT T., PEST P. (2021) "Energy policy trade-offs in Poland: A best-worst scaling discrete choice experiment."
Energy Policy,156(112465) 2021

MORALES ALIAGA M L, ITO T, SUGIYAMA T, BOLT T, TAMIYA N (2021) Association between Having Cancer and Psychological Distress among Family Caregivers Using Three Years of a Nationwide Survey Data in Japan.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18(19):10479 2021

ARUGA K, BOLT T. (2021) Investigating the effects of altruism on consumer preference for food from disaster-affected regions: a case of Japan
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,6:100215 2021

ARUGA K, BOLT T. (2020) “Is the willingness to support disaster regions through consumption related to altruism? A discrete choice experiment.”
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,50:101876 2020

MO X, GAI RT, TACHIBANA Y, BOLT T, TAKAHASHI Y, NAKAYAMA T. (2020). “The burden of disease and the cost of illness attributable to child maltreatment in Japan: long-term health consequences largely matter.”
BMC Public Health,20(1):1-7 2020

BOLT T, BAYER S, KAPSALI M, BRAILSFORD S. (2020) "An analytical framework for group simulation model building"
Health Systems:1-14 2020

GALLAGHER J, BOLT T, TAMIYA N (2020) "Advance care planning in the community: factors of influence"
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2020

BOLT T, KOBAYASHI H, MAHLICH J. (2019) "Patient and Physician Preferences for Therapy Characteristics for Psoriasis: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Japan"
PharmacoEconomics Open 2019

WATSON V, PORTEOUS T, BOLT T, RYAN M (2019) "Mode and Frame Matter: Assessing the Impact of Survey Mode and Sample Frame in Choice Experiments"
Medical Decision Making,39:827-841 2019

MORIYAMA Y, BOLT T, LUPTAK M, TAMIYA N (2019) "Estimating Potential Cost Containment through Provision of Unplanned Institutional Respite Services to Support Home-Based Care within Japan’s Long-Term Care Insurance System"
OBM Geriatrics,3 2019

BOLT, T., MAHLICH, J., NAKAMURA, Y. AND NAKAYAMA, M. (2018) "Hematologists’ Preferences for First-line Therapy Characteristics for Multiple Myeloma in Japan: Attribute Rating and Discrete Choice Experiment"
Clinical Therapeutics,40(2):296-308 2018

KODATE, A., SANO, M., BOLT, T., MAKI, T., WAKAHARA, T. AND TANAKA, Y. (2017) "Problems for Local Tourist Information Service by Open Data Utilization"
IEICE Technical Report,116(488):123-128 2017

TANAKA Y., KODATE A., YONGYUN J.S., BOLT T. (2014) "A Cross-Country Comparison on User Acceptance of Multimedia Cloud: The UK and South Korea"
IEICE Technical Report,114(32):27-32 2014

BOLT, T.; KANO, S.; KODATE, A. (2007) "Information Quality in At-Home Care Coordination Services"
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare,13(Supp.1):7-9 2007

BOLT, T.; KANO, S. (2007) "Networked Technologies & Messaging for the Community-Based Care of the Elderly"
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management,8(3/4):175-195 2007

BOLT, T.; KANO, S.; KODATE, A. (2004) "Emerging Market for Mobile Remote Physiological Monitoring Services"
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,E87-D(6):1446-1453 2004

BRAILSFORD, S.C.; BOLT, T.B.; BUCCI, G.; CHAUSSEEALET, T.M.; CONNELL, N.A.D.; HARPER; P.R.; KLEIN, J.H.; PITT, M.; TAYLOR, M. (2013) "Overcoming the barriers: a qualitative study of simulation adoption in the NHS"
Journal of the Operational Research Society,64:157-164

Preferences for Electronic Health Record Data Policies among the Japanese Public
医療経済学会,医療経済学会 第17回研究大会 202209
BOLT Timothy

Coronavirus Digital Vaccine Certificate Acceptance among the Japanese Public
医療経済学会,医療経済学会 第16回研究大会 202109
BOLT Timothy

Digital Vaccine Certificate acceptance among the Japanese public
Health Economics Study Group ,HESG Health Economics Study Group Summer Workshop 202107
BOLT Timothy

BOLT, T.; BAYER, S.; KAPSALI, M.; BRAILSFORD, S.C. (2010) "Models As Artefacts: Observations of SD Model-Building in Parallel National And Local Projects"
Proceedings of the 36th Operational Applied to Health Services Conference, p.101-109

BOLT, T.; KANO, S.; KODATE, A. (2006) "Information Quality in At-Home Care Coordination Services"
Conference Proceedings: RSM TeleMed & eHealth ‘06

BOLT, T.; BAYER, S.; KAPSALI, M.; BRAILSFORD, S.C. (2010) "Models As Artefacts: Observations of SD Model-Building in Parallel National And Local Projects"
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on the Management of Healthcare and Medical Technology, p.432-441

BOLT, T.; KANO, S. (2003 October) “New Mobile Healthcare Applications - An Assessment of Approaches to Mobile Remote Patient Monitoring.”
Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications, p.247-252

BRAILSFORD, S.C.; CONNELL, N.A.D.; KLEIN, J.H.; BOLT, T.; PATEL, B. (2009) “Stakeholder Engagement In Health Care Simulation”
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. p.1823-1830



Introduction to Economics; International Economic Theory; International Trade in Japan; Advanced Readings in Trade; GTP Seminar
Previously: 特殊講義「Microeconomic Theory」(2014)