■Faculty: | Graduate School of Science and Engineering | ■TEL: |
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■Position: | Professor | ■FAX: | ||
■Address: | 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama City, Saitama 338-8570, JAPAN | ■Mail Address: | ||
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Assigned Class
- Faculty of Engineering
Academic Societies
- Academic Societies
Books, Articles, etc.
- Books
トリケップス:121 2010
島村徹也 -
知識ベースβ版 1群5編(信号理論)4章 定常スペクトル解析
電子情報通信学会:11 2010
島村徹也を含む多数 -
知識ベースβ版 1群5編(信号理論)5章 一次元ウイナーフィルタ
電子情報通信学会:5 2010
島村徹也を含む多数 -
物理学辞典 (三訂版)
培風館:1 200509
島村徹也 -
MATLABマルチメディア信号処理 下 音声・画像・通信
培風館:1-110 2004
池原雅章,島村徹也,真田幸俊 -
MATLABマルチメディア信号処理 上 ディジタル信号処理の基礎
培風館 2004
池原雅章,島村徹也 -
MATLAB プログラム事例解説 Ⅰ 音声通信-特徴抽出と雑音低減-
トリケップス 2001
島村徹也 -
培風館 2001
高橋進一,島村徹也 -
Color Image Watermarking Based on Radon Transform and Jordan Decomposition
P. K. Dhar, R. Hasan and T. Shimamura -
Color Image Watermarking Based on Radon Transform and Jordan Decomposition
P. K. Dhar, R. Hasan and T. Shimamura - Articles
Transmission Channels and Noise Models for Wireless Sensor Networks and Blind Equalization
,International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications,Vol.10:pp.1-2 2021
T. Shimamura -
Blind Color Image Watermarking Using Fan Beam Transform and QR Decomposition
,Symmetry,Vol.12, No.3:486, 14 pages 2020
P. K. Dhar, P. Hazra and T. Shimamura -
Blind Color Image Watermarking Using Fan Beam Transform and QR Decomposition
,Symmetry,Vol.12, No.3:14 pages 2020
P. K. Dhar, P. Hazra and T. Shimamura -
Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Networks Considering Features of Speech Distribution
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.24, No.4:pp.179-182 2020
N. Tominaga, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Pitch Extraction Using Fourth-Root Spectrum in Noisy Speech
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.24, No.5:pp.207-222 2020
M. S. Rahman, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Utilization of Windowing Effect and Accumulated Autocorrelation Function and Power Spectrum for Pitch Detection in Noisy Environments
,IEEJ Trans. Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Vol.15, No.11:pp1681-1690 2020
M. S. Rahman, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
DFT-Spread OTFS Communication System with the Reductions of PAPR and Nonlinear Degradation
,Wireless Personal Communications,Vol.115, No.3:pp.2211-2228 2020
M. N. Hossain, Y. Sugiura, T. Shimamura and H. Ryu -
,ケミカルエンジニヤリング,Vol.65, No.12:pp.755-761 2020
島村徹也 -
Flexible Edge Component Detection Using Image Power Spectrum Sparsity
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.4:pp.189-192 2019
N. J. Nyunt, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Combination of Dissimilar Feature Scores for Image Quality Assessment Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.5:pp.205-214 2019
Y. Khaing, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Blind Equalization Based on Normalized Error in Wireless Sensor Networks
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.5:pp.215-225 2019
M. N. Parvin, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Amplitude Variation of Bone-Conducted Speech Compared with Air-Conducted Speech
,Acoustical Science and Technology,Vol.40, No.5:pp.293-301 2019
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Multisensory Speech Enhancement Using Lower- Frequency Components from Bone-Conducted Speech
,IEEJ Trans. Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Vol.14, No.11:pp.1661-1666 2019
M. S. Rahman, A. Saha and T. Shimamura -
Eigen-Spread-Based Combination Rule for Distributed Blind Equalization in Networked System
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.6:pp.243-256 2019
M. N. Parvin and T. Shimamura -
Spectrum Sensing Based on Higher Order Statistics for OFDM Systems over Multipath Fading Channels in Cognitive Radio
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.6: pp.257-266 2019
M. Haque, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Image Quality Assessment
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.23, No.6:pp.267-275 2019
Y. Khaing, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Nonlinear Characteristics of DFT-Spread WR-OFDM System for Spectrum-Efficient Communications
,IEIE Trans. Smart Processing and Computing,Vol.8, No.6:pp.490-498 2019
M. N. Hossain, T. Shimamura and H. Ryu -
Model-Based Vehicle Position Estimation Using Millimeter Wave Radar
,International Journal of Future Computer and Communication:5 pages 2019
Y. Suzuki, Y. Sugiura, T. Shimamura, O. Isaji, K. Hamada and K. Shite -
Image Steganography Based on Modified LSB Substitution Method and Data Mapping
,International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,Vol.18, No.3:pp.155-160 2018
P. K. Dhar, A. Kaium and T. Shimamura -
Minimum Statistical Spectrum for Microphone Array
,Proceeding of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:4 Pages 2018
H. Kamimura, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Spectrum Sensing Using Combination of Comb filter and Autocorrelator in Parallel for OFDM Signals in Cognitive Radio
,Proceedings of IASTEM International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology:pp.30-35 2018
M. Haque and T. Shimamura -
Spectrum Efficient DSI-Based OFDM PAPR Reduction by Subcarrier Modulation
,EEE Trans. Broadcasting,Vol.64, No.3:pp.771-777 2018
M. S. Hossain and T. Shimamura -
Spectrum Sensing Using Combination of Comb Filter and Autocorrelator in Parallel for OFDM Signals in Cognitive Radio
,International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology,Vol.6, No.2:pp.28-33 2018
M. Haque and T. Shimamura -
Autocorrelation-Based Spectrum Sensing for OFDM Signals over Multipath Fading Channel in Cognitive Radio Systems
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.22, No.6:pp.265-275 2018
M. Haque and T. Shimamura -
Linear-Prediction-Based Accurate Spectrum Estimation with Pitch Extension for Bone-Conducted Speech
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.22, No.6:pp.277-286 2018
M. A. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Parametric Wiener Filter Based on Image Power Spectrum Sparsity
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.22, No.6:pp.287-297 2018
N. J. Nyunt, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Parametric Wiener Filter with Parameters Estimation on Image Power Spectrum Sparsity
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision:6 Pages 2017
N. J. Nyunt, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura -
Pitch Determination from Bone Conducted Speech
,IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol. E99-D, No.1:pp.283-287 2016
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Blind SVD-Based Audio Watermarking Using Entropy and Log-Polar Transformation
, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol.20:pp.74-83 2015
P. K. Dhar and T. Shimamura -
Pitch-Synchronous Linear Prediction Analysis of High-Pitched Speech Using Weighted Short-Time Energy Function
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.19, No.2:pp.55-66 2015
L. Liu and T. Shimamura -
Noise-Reduced Complex LPC Analysis for Formant Estimation of Noisy Speech
,International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Vol.2, No.2:pp.90-94 2014
T. Kaneko and T. Shimamura -
Noise Spectrum Estimation Based on SNR Discrepancy for Speech Enhancement
,IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol. E97-D, No.2:pp.373-377 2014
A. Saha and T. Shimamura -
Audio Watermarking Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition
,IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals,Vol. E97-A, No.12:pp.2658-2661 2014
P. K. Dhar and T. Shimamura -
A DWT-DCT-Based Audio Watermarking Method Using Singular value Decomposition and Quantization
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.17, No.3:pp.69-79 2013
P. K. Dhar and T. Shimamura -
Audio Watermarking in Transform Domain Based on Singular value Decomposition and Cartesian-Polar Transformation
,International Journal of Speech Technology,Vol.17, No.2:pp.133-144 2013
P. K. Dhar and T. Shimamura -
A Noise Compensation LPC Method Based on Pitch Synchronous Analysis for Speech
, Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.17, No.6:pp.283-292 2013
L. Liu and T. Shimamura -
An Improved Structure-Based Gaussian Variance Estimation Method for Noisy Images
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.17, No.6:pp.299-305 2013
C. Yi and T. Shimamura -
Speech Enhancement Using a Priori SNR: Dependency on Multitaper Spectrum Estimation
,Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education:pp.1-7 2013
A. Saha, S. Ogata, Y. Mitsumori, M. Shahidur Rahman and T. Shimamura -
An Improved Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Algorithm for Blind Image Deconvolution Based on Noise Variance Estimation
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.16, No.6:pp.629-635 2012
C. Yi and T. Shimamura -
An Efficient Pitch Estimation Method Using Windowless and Normalized Autocorrelation Functions in Noisy Environments
,International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,Vol.6, No.3:pp.197-204 2012
M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan and Tetsuya Shimamura -
Windowless Autocorrelation Based Cepstrum Method for Pitch Extraction of Noisy Speech
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.16, No.3:pp.231-239 2012
M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan, M. Shahidul Rahman and Tetsuya Shimamura -
Noise Estimation by Utilizing Mean Deviation of Smooth Region in Noisy Image
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation:pp.1-5 2012
S. Sari, H. Roslan and T. Shimamura -
Audio Watermarking in Transform Domain Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Quantization
,Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications:pp.516-521 2012
P. K. Dhar and T. Shimamura -
Impulse Noise Reduction Using Adaptive Receiver Structure Technique
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing:pp.119-122 2012
S. Jimaa, S. Alaraji, A. Al-kabi and T. Shimamura -
Consonant Behavior of Bone Conducted Speech in Japanese
,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:pp.485-488 2012
T. Kato and T. Shimamura -
A Modified IPNLMS Algorithm Using System Sparseness
,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:pp.876-879 2012
G. Hirano and T. Shimamura -
Pink Noise Whitening Method for Pitch Synchronous LPC Analysis
,Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference:pp.1-6 2012
L. Liu and T. Shimamura -
Improved Structure-Based Noise Variance Estimation for Noisy Images
,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology: pp.1-5 2012
C. Yi and T. Shimamura -
Speech Enhancement by Incorporating Speech Presence Probability Based on SNR Discrepancy
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.16, No.1:pp.57-65 2012
A. Saha and T. Shimamura -
Frequency Domain Wiener Filter for Image Denoising : Derivation of a New Power Spectrum Estimation Method
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.16, No.1:pp.79-85 2012
S. Sari and T. Shimamura -
Perceptually Motivated Bayesian Estimators with Generalized Gamma Distribution under Speech Presence Probability
,International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,Vol.6, No.1:pp.105-112 2012
A. Saha and T. Shimamura -
A Fundamental Frequency Extraction Method Based on Windowless and Normalized Autocorrelation Functions
,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications:pp.305-309 2012
M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan and T. Shimamura -
Fundamental Frequency Extraction of Speech in Time-Varying Noise
,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:pp.325-328 2012
T. Kina and T. Shimamura -
A Joint Iterative Estimation of Noise Variance and AR Parameters
,International Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering,2(1):1-6 2011
J. Gamba, T. Shimamura, S. Kawasaki, M. Higuchi and H. Murakami -
Extended Fundamental Frequency Extraction Using Exponentiated Amplitude Spectrum with Band-Limitation
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing:V1-168-V1-172 2011
S. Motegi and T. Shimamura -
Iterative Edge-Preserving Adaptive Wiener Filter for Image Denoising
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing:V1-168-V1-172 2011
C. Abe and T. Shimamura -
Noise Estimation Using Only Current Frame of Speech for Spectral Subtraction
,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:425-428 2011
A. Matsukawa and T. Shimamura -
Noise Reduction Based on Pitch Synchronous Addition and Subtraction for LPC Analysis
,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:348-351 2011
L. Liu and T. Shimamura -
Performance Improvement of MUSIC by AR Model Based Data Extension
,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:276-279 2011
T. Yokose and T. Shimamura -
Transform Domain Sato Algorithm for Blind Channel Equalization
,Journal of Signal Processing,15(2):123-131 2011
M. L. R. Khan and T. Shimamura -
Blind Channel Equalization in Impulse Noise
,International Journal of Communications,Vol.5, No.3:pp.132-140 2011
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
Image Restoration Based on Edgemap and Wiener Filter for Preserving Fine Details and Edges
,International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,Vol.5, No.6:pp.618-626 2011
S. Sari and T. Shimamura -
Amplitude-Division-Based Parallel LMS Estimation Technique for Rapidly Time-Varying Channel
,Journal of Signal Processing,Vol.15, No.5:pp.387-397 2011
R. Yasmin, S. Oikawa, Y. Tsuda and T. Shimamura -
Exponentiated Enhancement for Fundamental Frequency Extraction of Noisy Speech
,Proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology:pp.342-346 2011
M. Narita and T. Shimamura -
A Lattice Based Fast Adaptive Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:624-627 2010
K.Tashiro and T.Shimamura -
A New Variable Step Size for Normalized LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:584-587 2010
T.Arnantapunpong, T Shimamura and S.A.Jimaa -
A Thresholding-Based Image Denoising Method
,Proceedings of World Academy of Science and Technology,65:911-916 2010
S. Suhaila and T. Shimamura -
Accuracy Improvement of Speaker Authentication in Noisy Environments Using Bone-Conducted Speech
,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:197-200 2010
N. Yamasaki and T. Shimamura -
Autocorrelation and Double Autocorrelation Based Spectral Representations for Word Recognition in Noisy Environments
,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集,B-10-2:475-478 2010
T. Shimamura and N. D. Nguyen -
Autocorrelation and Double Autocorrelation Representations for a Noisy Word Recognition System
,Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010:1712-1715 2010
T. Shimamura and N. N. Dinh -
Convergence Evaluation of a Random Step-Size NLMS Adaptive Algorithm in System Identification
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing:135-138 2010
S. A. Jimaa and T. Shimamura -
Digital Notch Filter for Noise Reduction in Automatic Train Control System
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:536-539 2010
H.Takekawa, T.Shimamura and S.Irie -
Noise Estimation Based on Series Expansion of Orthogonal Functions
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing:115-118 2010
T. Akasaka and T. Shimamura -
Noise Spectrum Estimation Based on Optimum Smoothing for Robust Speech Enhancement
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:293-296 2010
A.Saha, T.Shimamura -
Pitch Characteristics of Bone Conducted Speech
,Proceeding of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO):795-798 2010
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Pitch Determination Using Autocorrelation Function in Spectral Domain
,Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010:653-656 2010
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Pitch Determination Using Windowless Autocorrelation Based Cepstrum Method
,Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2010:514-517 2010
M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan, M. Shahidur Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Power Spectrum Estimation Method for Image Denoising by Frequency Domain Wiener Filter
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering:608-612 2010
S.Suhaila and T.Shimamura -
Time-Varying Channel Estimation Using Amplitude-Division Based Parallel NLMS Technique
,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications:580-585 2010
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
Tracking by Nonuniform Amplitude Division Based LMS Algorithm for Time Varying Channels
,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:2852-2855 2010
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
Utilization of Adaptive Line Enhancement and Noise Compensation for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:524-527 2010
C.Tiengwattanatum and T.Shimamura -
,Journal of Signal Processing,14(3):201-209 2010
島村徹也 -
,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,SP2010-113:65-69 2010
成田雅俊, 島村徹也 -
Equalization of Time-Variant Communications Channels via Adaptive AR Prefiltering
WRI,Proceedings of WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering:327-331 200903
Shimamura T. -
Dual Adaptive Pre-Whitening Filters for LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:1-4 200903
Tashiro K. and Shimamura T. -
Time Delay Estimation of Arrival and Spectrum Subtraction for Acoustic Dual-Microphone Systems
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:165-168 200903
Nakamura N., Ikeda T. and Shimamura T. -
Image Restoration via Wiener Filtering with Improved Noise Estimation
WSEAS,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation:315-320 200902
Furuya H., Eda S. and Shimamura T. -
Blind Channel Equalization with Amplitude Banded Godard and Sato Algorithms
Academy Publisher,Journal of Communications,4(6):388-395 2009
M.L.R.Kahn, M.H.Wondimagegnehu and T.Shimamura -
Convergence Evaluation of Variable Step-Size NLMS Algorithms in Adaptive Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology:145-150 2009
S.A.Jimaa, A.Al-Simiri, R.M.Shubair and T.Shimamura -
Image Restoration via Wiener Filtering in the Frequency Domain
,WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing,5(Issue 2):63-73 2009
Furuya H., Eda S. and Shimamura T. -
Reverberated Speech Enhancement Using Neural Networks
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:441-444 2009
B.D.Dufera and T.Shimamura -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,109(226):17-22 2009
田代和義、島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,第11回音声言語シンポジウム講演論文集:135-140 2009
グエン・ゴック・ディン、島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,109(226):23-28 2009
安部ちかこ、島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,109(99):93-98 2009
茂木沙織、島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,第11回音声言語シンポジウム講演論文集:129-134 2009
赤坂泰司、島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌,J92-A(9):651-655 2009
中村尚之、島村徹也 -
Amplitude Banded Technique and Parallel Structure for Godard and Sato Algorithms of Blind Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology:768-772 200812
Khan, M.L.R., Wondimagegnehu M.H. and Shimamura T. -
High Pitch Source Isolation Using Complex Cepstrum in the Autocorrelation Domain
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems:1284-1287 200812
Derebssa B. and Shimamura T. -
An Efficient and Effective Variable Step Size NLMS Algorithm
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:1640-1643 200810
Takekawa H., Shimamura T. and Jimaa S. -
Adaptive Line Enhancer for Time Delay Estimation of Ultrasonic Echoes
IEEE,Proceedings of International Symposium on Communication and Information Technology:368-371 200810
Tiengwattanatum C., Nakamura N. and T., Shimamura T. -
Amplitude-Division Parallel LMS Estimator
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:950-953 200808
Shimamura T., Oikawa S. and Tsuda Y. -
Convergence Evaluation of a Variable Step-Size LMSE Adaptive Switching Algorithm
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Networking and Communications Conference:23-26 200805
Jimaa S., Shimamura T. and Takekawa H. -
Iterative Cross-Correlation Method for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:387-390 200803
Nakamura N. and Shimamura T. -
Wavelet Based Denoising for Images Degraded by Poisson Noise
IASTED,Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering:436-440 200802
Shimamura T., Eda S., Ito T., Kuwano Y. and Takahashi Y. -
Special Section on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing Editor's Note
,Journal of Signal Processing,12(6):412-413 2008
Shimamura T. -
Special Section on Papers Awarded the Student Paper Award at NCSP'08 Editor's Note
,Journal of Signal Processing,12(4):269-270 2008
Shimamura T. -
電子情報通信学会,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:164-169 2008
杉山貴紀,島村徹也,八嶋弘幸 -
電子情報通信学会,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:195-200 2008
田代和義,島村徹也 -
,ナノ材料・IT新技術説明会資料集:11-16 2008
島村徹也 -
Amplitude Banded Sato Algorithm for Blind Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications:1463-1466 200711
Khan M.L.R., Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
Image Denoising for Poisson Noise by Pixel Values Based Division and Wavelet Shrinkage
NOLTA,Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications:441-444 200709
Eda S. and Shimamura T. -
Equalization with Amplitude Banded LMS Adaptation for Stationary Channels
IASTED,Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing:576-205 200708
Shimamura T. -
Performance of the Amplitude Banded LMS Equalizer on Stationary Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems:289-292 200707
Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Non-Linear Prediction with Order Statistics for Speech in Impulsive Noise
WSEAS,Proceedings on WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications:125-129 200701
Tanaka H., Ohhashi Y. and Shimamura T. -
Discrete Cosine Transform Domain Parallel LMS Equalizer
WSEAS,Proceedings on WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications:119-124 200701
Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
A Parallel Equalizer with LMS Adaptation in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain
,WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing,2 2007
Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
Bone-Conducted Speech for Speaker Verification
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:172-175 2007
Iijima S. and Shimamura T. -
Complementary and Phase Banded LMS Equalizers for Rapidly Time-Varying Channels
,Journal of Signal Processing,11:51-60 2007
Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
Discrete Wavelet Based Keyframe Extraction Method from Motion Capture Data
,International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design,6:11-18 2007
Xin W., Kondo K., Tateno K., Konma T. and Shimamura T. -
Discrete Wavelet Based Keyframe Extraction Method from Motion Capture Data
NICOGRAPH,Proceedings of NICOGRAPH 2007
Xin W., Kondo K., Tateno K., Konma T. and Shimamura T. -
Indirect Cross-Correlation Method for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:74-77 2007
Nakamura N. and Shimamura T. -
Linear Prediction Using Refined Autocorrelation Function
,EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing,2007:Article ID 45962, 9 Pages 2007
Rahman M.S. and Shimamura T. -
Magnitude Spectral Subtraction with DFTLMS Algorithm for Adaptive Line Enhancer
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:213-216 2007
Tiengwattanatum C., Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
Performance of Adaptive Nonlinear Predictor with Order Statistics in Impulsive Noise
,WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing,2 2007
Tanaka H., Ohhashi Y. and Shimamura T. -
Quality Improvement of Bone-Conducted Speech Using Linear Prediction Analysis Filter
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:291-294 2007
Sugiyama T., Shimamura T. and Yashima H. -
Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech with the Wiener Filter and Long-Term Spectra
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:583-586 2007
Kamata K., Yamashita K., Shimamura T. and Furukawa T. -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,5 (18年度):602-603 2007
Study on Nonlinear Prediction of Speech Signals and Signal Representation -
,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:466-471 2007
竹川英樹,島村徹也 -
,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:401-405 2007
中村尚之,島村徹也 -
,音楽音響研究会資料,26:25-30 2007
島村徹也,小花あゆみ -
A Parallel Estimator with LMS and RLS Adaptation for Fast Fading Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:845-848 200612
Oikawa S.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Non-Linear Prediction with Order Statistics for Speech Signals in Mixture Noise
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:295-298 200612
Tanaka H.,Ohhashi Y. and Shimamura T. -
Active Noise Control Using A Refined Filtering Approach
,Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 200612
Isozaki K.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Wavelet Based Keyframe Extraction Method from Motion Capture Data
ADADA,Proceedings on Asia Digital Art and Design Association:128-129 200612
Xin W., Kondo K., Tateno K., Konma T. and Shimamura T. -
Learning for Bone-Conducted Speech via Adaptive and Neural Filters
IEEE,Proceedings of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems 200609
Shimamura T. and Tamiya T. -
A Harsh Noise Assessment Measure for Speech Enhancement
EURASIP,Proceedings of European Conference on Signal Processing 200609
Yamashita K. and Shimamura T. -
Improving Bone-Conducted Speech Quality via Neural Network
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology:628-632 200608
Shimamura T.,Mamiya J. and Tamiya T. -
Speech Analysis Based on Modeling the Effective Voice Source(Speech Analysis, <Special Section> Statistical Modeling for Speech Processing)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on information and systems,E89-D(3):1107-1115 200603
島村徹也 -
A Study on Normalized LMS Algorithm Using Refined Filtering Technique
WSEAS,Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation:264-267 200602
Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Coefficients--Delay Simultaneous Adaptation Scheme for Linear Equalization of Nonminimum Phase Channels(Digital Signal Processing)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E89-A(1):248-259 200601
島村徹也 -
Noise Estimation Using Multifrequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Yamashita K. and Shimamura T. -
Noise Estimation Using Multifrequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction
,Journal of Signal Processing,10:275-278 2006
Yamashita T. and Shimamura T. -
Pitch Determination using Aligned AMDF
ISCA,Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing:1714-1717 2006
Rahman M.S.,Tanaka H. and Shimamura T. -
Refined Filtering for Normalized LMS Algorithm
,WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing,2:261-264 2006
Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,7:64-64 2006
A spectral subtraction technique is carried out in which noise is estimated for non-speech duration and the estimated noise spectrum is subtracted from the noisy speech spectrum for speech duration.
Noise estimation, Spectral subtraction -
A Refined Filtering Approach to Adaptive Line Enhancement
,回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ講演論文集:141-146 2006
Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Active Noise Control Using Cascaded Adaptive Filters
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Isozaki K., Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Active Noise Control Using Cascaded Adaptive Filters
,Journal of Signal Processing,10:279-282 2006
Isozaki K.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Time Variant Channel Equalization Using Phase Banded LMS Algorithm
,Journal of Signal Processing,10:227-230 2006
Mohammed H.W. and Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Time-Variant Channel Equalization Using Phase-Banded LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Mohammed H. W. and Shimamura T. -
Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Analysis of Speech by Modeling the Active Voice Source
,Proceedings of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems 2006
Rahman M.S.,Tanaka H. and Shimamura T. -
Spectral Subtraction with Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Utilizing Harmonic Structure
WSEAS,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Control and Signal Processing:47-52 200511
Shimamura T.,Yamauchi J. -
反復処理を利用した改良スペクトル引き算(音声, <小特集>スマート信号処理とその画像・音声処理への応用論文)
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J88-A(11):1246-1257 200511
山下浩平,緒方伸哉,島村徹也 -
Speech Enhancement Using a Technique of Adaptive Bias Suppression
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:540-544 200510
Tanaka H. and Shimamura T. -
Voice Source Modeling for Accurate Speech Analysis
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:305-309 200510
Rahman M.S. and Shimamura T. -
Quality Improvement of Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE,Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 200508
Shimamura T. and Tomikura T. -
A Reconstruction Filter for Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:1847-1850 200508
Shimamura T. and Tamiya T. -
Restoration from Image Degraded by White Noise Based on Iterative Spectral Subtraction Method
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:6288-6291 200505
Kobayashi T.,Shimamura T.,Hosoya T. and Takahashi Y. -
Linear Prediction Using Homomorphic Deconvolution in the Autocorrelation Domain
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:2855-2858 200505
Rahman M.S. and Shimamura T. -
Sinusoidal Time Delay Tracking by a Self-tuned LMS Filter with Interpolation Based on System Response Coefficient Ratios
IEEE, EURASIP,Proceedings of IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing:6-9 200505
Gamba J. and Shimamura T. -
Equalizer-Aided Time Delay Tracking Based on L_1-Normed Finite Differences(Digital Signal Processing)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E88-A(4):978-987 200504
Gamba J. and Shimamura T. -
Spectrum Estimation by Noise-Compensated Data Extrapolation(Digital Signal Processing)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E88-A(3):702-711 200503
Gamba J., Shimamura T. -
A Parallel Estimator with LMS Adaptation for Fast Fading Channels
,Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology:2C-12.4 2005
Oikawa S.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Nonlinear Predictive Analysis for Speech Using a Cascaded LMS-VSLMS Predictor
IEEE, EURASIP,Proceedings of IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing:404-409 2005
Tanaka H. and Shimamura T. -
Channel Estimation Based on Classification Approaches to Equalization of Time Variant Multipath Channels
,Technical Report of the IEICE,105(29):47-52 2005
Tsutsumi Y.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Equalization of Time Variant Multipath Channels Using Channel Estimation Based Classification Techniques
,Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology:2D-09.3 2005
Tsutsumi Y.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
Formant Frequency Estimation of High-Pitched Speech by Homomorphic Prediction
,Acoustical Science and Technology,26:502-510 2005
Rahman M.S. and Shimamura T. -
Frequency Domain Magnitude Banded LMS Algorithm for Equalization of Rapidly Time Variant Channels
,WSEAS Transactions on Electronics,12:1-6 2005
Mohammed H,W, Shimamura T., Cowan C.F.N. -
Noise Removal for Image Degraded by Poisson Noise: A Pixel Values Based Division Approach
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:5-8 2005
Kawanaka R., Kobayashi T., Shimamura T., Hosoya T., Takahashi Y. -
Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Using Low Frequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction
,IEEE Signal Processing Letters,12:465-468 2005
Yamashita K. and Shimamura T. -
Performance Improvement of a Channel Estimation Based Equalizer on Time Variant Multipath Channels
,Proceedings of Signal Processing Symposium:A4-2 2005
Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,104719:37-41 2005
藤田昌宏,津田雄亮,島村徹也 -
Spectral Subtraction with Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Utilizing Harmonic Structure
,WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing,3:323-330 2005
Shimamura T.,Yamauchi J. -
Time Delay Interpolation by System Response Coefficient Ratios
,IEEE Signal Processing Letters,12:641-644 2005
Gamba J. and Shimamura T. -
Variable Step-Size LMS Estimator for Fast Fading Channels
,Technical Report of the IEICE,105:53-58 2005
Oikawa S.,Tsuda Y. and Shimamura T. -
White Noise Removal in Image by Iterative Spectral Subtraction Method
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:13-16 2005
Kobayashi T., Shimamura T., Hosoya T., Takahashi Y. -
,信号処理,9:325-334 2005
緒方伸哉,島村徹也 -
音声信号のための雑音低減技術 (その1)
,Journal of Signal Processing,9(2):91-98 2005
島村徹也 -
音声信号のための雑音低減技術 (その2)
,Journal of Signal Processing,9(3):183-188 2005
島村徹也 -
埼玉大学総合研究機構地域共同研究センター産学連携推進部門,埼玉大学地域共同研究センター紀要,6:64-66 2005
For the purpose of developing an active noise canceling headphone, techniques of noise reduction are investigated from the viewpoints of digital as well as analogue processing. A prediction based digital method is derived and it is shown that the proposed technique is very useful for noise canceling.
Active noise canceling, Digital processing, Spectral subtraction, Prediction -
,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,105(482):45-50 2005
磯崎弘太,津田雄介,島村徹也 -
,信号処理,9:255-266 2005
緒方伸哉,島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J87-A(7):899-912 200407
田中啓文,早川晴子,島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌,J87(A4):458-469 200404
島村徹也、黒岩世進伸 -
A New Method of Noise Variance Estimation from Low-Order Yule-Walker Equations (Digital Signal Processing)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E87-A(1):270-274 200401
島村徹也 -
A Novel Amplitude Banded RLS Algorithm for Equalization of Time Variant Multipath Channels
IFAC,Proceedings of IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing:433-438 2004
Mohammed H.W., Shimamura T. -
Adaptive Non-linear Prediction of Speech in Impulse Noise
ICA,Proc. 18th International Congress on Acoustics:1675-1678 2004
Ohhashi Y., Tanaka H., Shimamura T. -
An adaptive Butler-Cantoni based time delay estimation (ABCTDE) method- IIR whitening filter approach
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:265-268 2004
Gamba J., Tsuda Y., Shimamura T. -
Equalizer-aided time delay tracking based on finite differences
,Proc. 19th IEICE Signal Processing Symposium:B4-4 2004
J. Gamba, Y. Tsuda, and T. Shimamura -
Improved model of SPAC (Speech Processing System by use of autocorrelation function) utilizing spectral subtraction as preprocessing
ICA,Proc. 18th International Congress on Acoustics:3037-3040 2004
Ogata S., Ebata S., Shimamura T. -
Noise-Robust Fundamental Frequency Extraction Method Based on Exponentiated Band-Limited Amplitude Spectrum
,Proc. 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:II1 41-144 2004
Shimamura T., Takagi H. -
Nonlinear Predictive Analysis of Speech by Iterative Approach
EURASIP,Proc. 12th Europian Signal Processing Conf.:2055-2058 2004
Tanaka H., Shimamura T. -
Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Utilizing Harmonic Structure for Spectral Subtraction
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:2305-2309 2004
Shimamura T., Yamauchi J. -
Pitch Synchronous Addition and Extension for Linear Predictive Analysis of Noisy Speech
EURASIP,Proc. 6th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium:196-199 2004
Shimamura T., Kuroiwa Y. -
Reconstruction Filter design for Bone-Conducted Speech
,Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing:1-4 2004
Tamiya T., Shimamura T. -
,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 2004
小林徹也,島村徹也,細谷徹夫,高橋由武 -
非最小位相通信路における線形トランスバーサル等化器の特性改善 -係数および遅延量の同時適応-
,Proc. 第19回信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:B4-3 2004
津田雄亮,島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J86-A(11):1097-1107 200311
島村徹也,高木浩司 -
Noise Estimation Using High Frequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E85-A(3):723-727 200203
島村徹也 -
Amplitude Banded RLS Approach to Time Variant Channel Equalization
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E84-A(11):2946-2949 200111
島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J84-A(6):745-758 200106
島村徹也,趙奇方,高橋淳一,鈴木誠史 -
Equalisation of Time Variant Multipath Channels Using Amplitude Banded LMS Algorithms(Digital Signal Processing)(Regular Section)
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E84-A(3):802-812 200103
島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J84-A(3):436-440 200103
島村徹也,吉尾重治,趙奇方,鈴木誠史 -
A Fast Converging RLS Equaliser
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E84-A(2):675-680 200102
島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J84-A(1):109-112 200101
島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
Weighted Autocorrelation for Pitch Extraction of Noisy Speech
,IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing,9(7):727-730 2001
T. Shimamura and H. Kobayashi -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J83-A(12):1455-1466 200012
有馬由紀,島村徹也 -
An ARMA Prefiltering Approach to Adaptive Equalization
電子情報通信学会,IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences,E83-A(10):2035-2039 200010
島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J82-A(7):1115-1122 199907
小林載,島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J81-A(11):1583-1591 199811
島村徹也,趙奇方,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-情報処理,J81-D2(7):1501-1509 199807
金子信一郎,鈴木誠史,島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J81-A(4):622-630 199804
島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J80-A(9):1564-1566 199709
島村徹也,國枝伸行,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J80-A(3):435-443 199703
國枝伸行,島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
Equalisation of Time-Variant Communications Channels via Channel Estimation Based Approaches
,Signal Processing,60(2):181-193 1997
T. Shimamura, S.Semani and C.F.N.Cowan -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J79-A(3):541-550 199603
國枝伸行,島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J78-A(8):965-976 199508
島村徹也,繆衛国,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J78-A(3):323-331 199503
伊藤克子,島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J77-A(9):1307-1311 199409
國枝伸行,島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
Burg 法のためのデータ予測
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J77-A(8):1182-1185 199408
島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
全極型プレフィルタを用いた IIR 型適応等化器
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J76-A(9):1279-1285 199309
伊藤克子,島村徹也,八嶋弘幸,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J76-A(6):910-912 199306
岩間智史,島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J75-A(12):1783-1791 199212
島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J75-A(11):1666-1674 199211
島村徹也,鈴木誠史 -
差分関数を利用した音声処理法式 - SPAD -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界,J75-A(11):1769-1772 199211
國枝伸行,島村徹也,鈴木誠史,八嶋弘幸 - Presentation
Improved Accuracy of Frequency Estimation for Sinusoidal Signals Using Multiple Notch Filters
RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing,Proceeding of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:4 pages 202103
T. Kamada, Y. Sugiura, and T. Shimamura -
Low Complexity Algorithm for Tracking Multiple Vehicles Using Radar Irradiation Angle Estimation
RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing,Proceeding of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:4 pages 202103
Y. Sawamura, Y. Sugiura, and T. Shimamura -
Adversarial Training Using Inter/Intra-Attention Architecture for Speech Enhancement Network
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference,Proceeding of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference:pp.242-246 202012
Y. Sugiura, and T. Shimamura -
Pre-Emphasis and Linear Prediction Error Filters for Quality Improvement of Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,Proceeding of IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering:4 pages 202012
A.S. S. Kyi and T. Shimamura -
Quantifying Noise Robustness of Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,Proceeding of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:5 pages 202008
S. Zhang, Y. Sugiura, N. Yasui, and T. Shimamura -
Image Quality Assessment: Full-Reference and Non-Reference Types
Huawei Sensors & Imaging Technologies Workshop 202006
T. Shimamura -
A Bridge Between Speech and Image Processing: Image Quality Assessment
IEEE Region 10 Symposium 202006
T. Shimamura -
A Recent Topic for Wireless Sensor Networks
International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Communication 202005
T. Shimamura -
Waveform Design of Low Complexity WR-OTFS System for the OOB Power Reduction
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops,Proceeding of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops:5 pages 202005
M. N. Hossain, Y. Sugiura, T. Shimamura, and H. G. Ryu -
A New Research Direction for Wireless Sensor Networks
International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking 202004
T. Shimamura -
電子情報通信学会スマートインフォメディアシステム研究会 202003
杉浦陽介, 島村徹也 -
電子情報通信学会スマートインフォメディアシステム研究会 202003
森康一, 杉浦陽介、安井希子, 島村徹也 -
Speech Enhancement with Zero Replacement Signal at Low SNR
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems:pp.143-147 201511
Y. Iwai and T. Shimamura -
PAPR Reduction of OFDM Through Pilot Shifting
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications:pp.179-184 201509
M. S. Hossain and T. Shimamura -
Utilization of Exponentiated Amplitude Spectrum for Speech Enhancement in Highly Noisy Environments
IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:4 pages 201508
E. Abe and T. Shimamura -
Robust Speech Representations in Noisy Environments
WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Sciences 201110
T. Shimamura -
Edgemap-Based Wiener Filtering for Preserving Image Fine Details and Edges
WSEAS International Conference on Systems,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Systems:pp.264-269 201107
S. Sari and T. Shimamura -
Speech Enhancement Using Comb Filter Designed from Bone Conducted Speech
IEICE International Conference on Circuits / Systems, Computers and Communications,Proceedings of IEICE International Conference on Circuits / Systems, Computers and Communications:pp.271-274 201106
K. Osa, M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Spectral Subtraction for Rain Clutter Suppression
IEICE International Conference on Circuits / Systems, Computers and Communications,Proceedings of IEICE International Conference on Circuits / Systems, Computers and Communications:pp.1221-1223 201106
T. Shimamura, A. Saha, M. Mori, Y. Ogawa and M. Sakai -
Impulse Noise Suppression in Blind Channel Equalization
WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing:pp.194-200 201104
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会東京支部学生研究発表会,185 201103
安部ちかこ, 島村徹也 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2011年春季研究発表会講演論文集,,8-31 201103
赤坂泰司, 島村徹也 -
Speech Enhancement with a Noise Spectrum Estimation Approach in Nonstationary Environments
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2011年春季研究発表会講演論文集, 国内学会,1-Q-27 201103
A.Saha and T. Shimamura -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2011年春季研究発表会講演論文集,7-9 201103
茂木沙織, 島村徹也 -
Noise Estimation Using Only Current Frame of Speech for Spectral Subtraction
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:425-428 201103
A. Matsukawa and T. Shimamura -
Noise Reduction Based on Pitch Synchronous Addition and Subtraction for LPC Analysis
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:348-351 201103
L. Liu and T. Shimamura -
Performance Improvement of MUSIC by AR Model Based Data Extension
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing:276-279 201103
T. Yokose and T. Shimamura -
Extended Fundamental Frequency Extraction Using Exponentiated Amplitude Spectrum with Band-Limitation
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing:V1-168-V1-172 201102
S. Motegi and T. Shimamura -
Iterative Edge-Preserving Adaptive Wiener Filter for Image Denoising
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing:V1-168-V1-172 201102
C. Abe and T. Shimamura -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,SP2010-113:65-69 201101
成田雅俊, 島村徹也 -
Pitch Determination Using Windowless Autocorrelation Based Cepstrum Method
IEICE,Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2010:514-517 201012
M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan, M. Shahidur Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Autocorrelation and Double Autocorrelation Based線Spectral Representations for Word Recognition in Noisy Environments
電子情報通信学会,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集,B-10-2:475-478 201011
T. Shimamura and N. D. Nguyen -
Convergence Evaluation of a Random Step-Size NLMS Adaptive Algorithm in System Identification
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing:135-138 201010
S. A. Jimaa and T. Shimamura -
Noise Estimation Based on Series Expansion of Orthogonal Functions
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing:115-118 201010
T. Akasaka and T. Shimamura -
Time-Varying Channel Estimation Using Amplitude-Division Based Parallel NLMS Technique
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications:580-585 201010
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
Autocorrelation and Double Autocorrelation Representations for a Noisy Word Recognition System
ISCA,Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010:1712-1715 201009
T. Shimamura and N. N. Dinh -
Pitch Determination Using Autocorrelation Function in Spectral Domain
ISCA,Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010:653-656 201009
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Pitch Characteristics of Bone Conducted Speech
EURASIP,Proceeding of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO):795-798 201008
M. S. Rahman and T. Shimamura -
Accuracy Improvement of Speaker Authentication in Noisy Environments Using Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:197-200 201008
N. Yamasaki and T. Shimamura -
電子情報通信学会光通信システム研究会 201007
島村徹也 -
Toward Speech Communication in Highly Noisy Environments Using Bone Conduction
WSEAS International Conference on Communications 201007
T. Shimamura -
Tracking by Nonuniform Amplitude Division Based LMS Algorithm for Time Varying Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:2852-2855 201006
R. Yasmin and T. Shimamura -
A Thresholding-Based Image Denoising Method
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,65:911-916 201005
S. Suhaila and T. Shimamura -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2010年春季研究発表会講演論文集,2010春季 201003
成田雅俊 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2010年春季研究発表会講演論文集,2010春季 201003
茂木沙織 -
A Lattice Based Fast Adaptive Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:624-627 201003
K.Tashiro -
A New Variable Step Size for Normalized LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:584-587 201003
T.Arnantapunpong -
Digital Notch Filter for Noise Reduction in Automatic Train Control System
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:536-539 201003
H.Takekawa -
Utilization of Adaptive Line Enhancement and Noise Compensation for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:524-527 201003
C.Tiengwattanatum -
Noise Spectrum Estimation Based on Optimum Smoothing for Robust Speech Enhancement
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:293-296 201003
A.Saha -
Power Spectrum Estimation Method for Image Denoising by Frequency Domain Wiener Filter
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering:608-612 201002
S.Suhaila -
電子情報通信学会,第11回音声言語シンポジウム講演論文集:135-140 200912
グエン・ゴック・ディン -
電子情報通信学会,第11回音声言語シンポジウム講演論文集:129-134 200912
赤坂泰司 -
Convergence Evaluation of Variable Step-Size NLMS Algorithms in Adaptive Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology:145-150 200912
S.A.Jimaa -
Reverberated Speech Enhancement Using Neural Networks
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:441-444 200912
B.D.Dufera -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,SIP2009-59 200910
田代和義 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,SIP2009-60 200910
安部ちかこ -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2009年秋季研究発表会講演論文集,2009秋季 200909
清水太治郎 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2009年秋季研究発表会講演論文集,2009秋季 200909
茂木沙織 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,SP2009-39 200906
茂木沙織 -
Equalization of Time-Variant Communications Channels via Adaptive AR Prefiltering
WRI,Proceedings of WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering:327-331 200903
Shimamura T. -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会2009総合大会講演論文集:A-4-8 200903
江田慎太郎 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会2009総合大会講演論文集:A-4-9 200903
古屋拡子 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会2009総合大会講演論文集:A-4-7 200903
安部ちかこ -
Dual Adaptive Pre-Whitening Filters for LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:1-4 200903
Tashiro K. -
Time Delay Estimation of Arrival and Spectrum Subtraction for Acoustic Dual-Microphone Systems
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:165-168 200903
Nakamura N. -
Image Restoration via Wiener Filtering with Improved Noise Estimation
WSEAS,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation:315-320 200902
Furuya H. -
Amplitude Banded Technique and Parallel Structure for Godard and Sato Algorithms of Blind Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology:768-772 200812
Khan, M.L.R. -
High Pitch Source Isolation Using Complex Cepstrum in the Autocorrelation Domain
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems:1284-1287 200812
Derebssa B -
電子情報通信学会,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:195-200 200811
田代和義 -
電子情報通信学会,信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集:164-169 200811
杉山貴紀 -
An Efficient and Effective Variable Step Size NLMS Algorithm
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:1640-1643 200810
Takekawa H. -
Adaptive Line Enhancer for Time Delay Estimation of Ultrasonic Echoes
IEEE,Proceedings of International Symposium on Communication and Information Technology:368-371 200810
Tiengwattanatum C. -
Amplitude-Division Parallel LMS Estimator
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:950-953 200808
Shimamura T. -
Convergence Evaluation of a Variable Step-Size LMSE Adaptive Switching Algorithm
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Networking and Communications Conference:23-26 200805
Takekawa H. -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春期研究発表会講演論文集:3-11-7 200803
飯島昌平 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春期研究発表会講演論文集:1-P-16 200803
池田達也 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春期研究発表会講演論文集:1-11-9 200803
山崎直人 -
Iterative Cross-Correlation Method for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:387-390 200803
Nakamura N. -
Quality Improvement of Bone-Conducted Speech Using Linear Prediction Analysis Filter
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:291-294 200803
Sugiyama T. -
Bone-Conducted Speech for Speaker Verification
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:172-175 200803
Iijima S. -
Wavelet Based Denoising for Images Degraded by Poisson Noise
IASTED,Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering:436-440 200802
Shimamura T., Eda S., Ito T., Kuwano Y. and Takahashi Y. -
Amplitude Banded Sato Algorithm for Blind Channel Equalization
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications:1463-1466 200711
Khan M.L.R. -
Image Denoising for Poisson Noise by Pixel Values Based Division and Wavelet Shrinkage
NOLTA,Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications:441-444 200709
Eda S. -
Equalization with Amplitude Banded LMS Adaptation for Stationary Channels
IASTED,Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing:576-205 200708
Shimamura T. -
Performance of the Amplitude Banded LMS Equalizer on Stationary Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems:289-292 200707
Shimamura T. -
Discrete Wavelet Based Keyframe Extraction Method from Motion Capture Data
NICOGRAPH,Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International 2007 200705
Xin W. -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集:B-5-83 200703
飯島昌平 -
Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech with the Wiener Filter and Long-Term Spectra
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:583-586 200703
Kamata K. -
Magnitude Spectral Subtraction with DFTLMS Algorithm for Adaptive Line Enhancer
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:213-216 200703
Tiengwattanatum C. -
Indirect Cross-Correlation Method for Time Delay Estimation
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:74-77 200703
Nakamura N. -
Adaptive Non-Linear Prediction with Order Statistics for Speech in Impulsive Noise
WSEAS,Proceedings on WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications:125-129 200701
Tanaka H. -
Discrete Cosine Transform Domain Parallel LMS Equalizer
WSEAS,Proceedings on WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications:119-124 200701
Mohammed H.W. -
A Parallel Estimator with LMS and RLS Adaptation for Fast Fading Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:845-848 200612
Oikawa S. -
Adaptive Non-Linear Prediction with Order Statistics for Speech Signals in Mixture Noise
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems:295-298 200612
Tanaka H. -
Active Noise Control Using A Refined Filtering Approach
ICA,Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 200612
Isozaki K. -
Wavelet Based Keyframe Extraction Method from Motion Capture Data
ADADA,Proceedings on Asia Digital Art and Design Association:128-129 200612
Kondo K. -
Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Analysis of Speech by Modeling the Active Voice Source
IEEE,Proceedings of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems 200609
Rahman M.S. -
Learning for Bone-Conducted Speech via Adaptive and Neural Filters
IEEE,Proceedings of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems 200609
Rahman M.S. -
Pitch Determination using Aligned AMDF
ISCA,Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing:1714-1717 200609
Rahman M.S. -
A Harsh Noise Assessment Measure for Speech Enhancement
EURASIP,Proceedings of European Conference on Signal Processing 200609
Yamashita K. -
Improving Bone-Conducted Speech Quality via Neural Network
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology:628-632 200608
Shimamura T. -
Reconstruction Filter design for Bone-Conducted Speech
ESCA,Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing:1-4 200604
Tamiya T. -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,104719:37-41 200604
藤田昌宏 -
電子情報通信学会,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 200604
小林徹也 -
骨導音声の品質改善について (その1)
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:243-244 200603
田宮俊樹 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集,3-Q-16:659-660 200603
大橋祐一郎 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集,2-9-8:769-770 200603
磯崎弘太 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集,1-Q-4:341-342 200603
山下浩平 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集,1-Q-29:391-392 200603
田中啓文 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集,1-Q-31:395-396 200603
田宮俊樹 -
A Study on Normalized LMS Algorithm Using Refined Filtering Technique
WSEAS,Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation:264-267 200602
Tsuda Y. -
Active Noise Control Using Cascaded Adaptive Filters
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Isozaki K. -
Adaptive Time-Variant Channel Equalization Using Phase-Banded LMS Algorithm
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Wondimagegnehu M.H. -
Noise Estimation Using Multifrequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing 2006
Yamashita K. -
A Parallel Estimator with LMS Adaptation for Fast Fading Channels
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology:2C-12.4 200511
Oikawa S. -
Equalization of Time Variant Multipath Channels Using Channel Estimation Based Classification Techniques
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology:2D-09.3 200511
Tsutsumi Y. -
Spectral Subtraction with Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Utilizing Harmonic Structure
WSEAS,Proceedings of WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Control and Signal Processing:47-52 200511
Shimamura T. -
Speech Enhancement Using a Technique of Adaptive Bias Suppression
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:540-544 200510
Tanaka H. -
Voice Source Modeling for Accurate Speech Analysis
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:305-309 200510
Shimamura T. -
Quality Improvement of Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE,Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 200508
Shimamura T. -
A Reconstruction Filter for Bone-Conducted Speech
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:1847-1850 200508
Shimamura T. -
Restoration from Image Degraded by White Noise Based on Iterative Spectral Subtraction Method
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:6288-6291 200505
Shimamura T. -
Linear Prediction Using Homomorphic Deconvolution in the Autocorrelation Domain
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:2855-2858 200505
Rahman M.S. -
Adaptive Nonlinear Predictive Analysis for Speech Using a Cascaded LMS-VSLMS Predictor
IEEE, EURASIP,Proceedings of IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing:404-409 200505
Tanaka H. -
Sinusoidal Time Delay Tracking by a Self-tuned LMS Filter with Interpolation Based on System Response Coefficient Ratios
IEEE, EURASIP,Proceedings of IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing:6-9 200505
Shimamura T. -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:259-260 200503
田中啓文 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:255-256 200503
山下浩平 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:253-254 200503
大橋祐一郎 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:421-422 200503
磯崎弘太 -
骨導音声の品質改善について (その2)
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:239-240 200503
間宮淳一郎 -
日本音響学会,日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文集:237-238 200503
山村尚己 -
Noise Removal for Image Degraded by Poisson Noise: A Pixel Values Based Division Approach
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:5-8 2005
Kawanaka R. -
White Noise Removal in Image by Iterative Spectral Subtraction Method
RISP,Proceedings of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing:13-16 2005
Kobayashi T. -
A Novel Amplitude Banded RLS Algorithm for Equalization of Time Variant Multipath Channels
IFAC,Proceedings of IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing:433-438 2004
Mohammed H.W. -
Adaptive Non-linear Prediction of Speech in Impulse Noise
ICA,Proc. 18th International Congress on Acoustics:1675-1678 2004
Ohhashi Y. -
An adaptive Butler-Cantoni based time delay estimation (ABCTDE) method- IIR whitening filter approach
IEEE,Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems:265-268 2004
Gamba J. -
Equalizer-aided time delay tracking based on finite differences
電子情報通信学会,Proc. 19th IEICE Signal Processing Symposium 2004
J. Gamba -
Improved model of SPAC (Speech Processing System by use of autocorrelation function) utilizing spectral subtraction as preprocessing
ICA,Proc. 18th International Congress on Acoustics:3037-3040 2004
Ogata S. -
Noise-Robust Fundamental Frequency Extraction Method Based on Exponentiated Band-Limited Amplitude Spectrum
IEEE,Proc. 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems:II 141-144 2004
Shimamura T. -
Nonlinear Predictive Analysis of Speech by Iterative Approach
EURASIP,Proc. 12th Europian Signal Processing Conf.:2055-2058 2004
Tanaka H. -
Non-Stationary Noise Estimation Utilizing Harmonic Structure for Spectral Subtraction
IEEE,Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers:2305-2309 2004
Shimamura T. -
Pitch Synchronous Addition and Extension for Linear Predictive Analysis of Noisy Speech
EURASIP,Proc. 6th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium:196-199 2004
Shimamura T. -
非最小位相通信路における線形トランスバーサル等化器の特性改善 -係数および遅延量の同時適応-
電子情報通信学会,Proc. 第19回信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集 2004