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Faculty: Graduate School of Science and Engineering TEL:
Position: Professor ■FAX:
Address: 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama City, Saitama 338-8570, JAPAN ■Mail Address:
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Assigned Class

Faculty of Science

Academic Background

Ph.D. , Washington State University , Calmodulin and Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase in Plants


Books, Articles, etc.

Abscisic acid-mediated sugar responses are essential for vegetative desiccation tolerance in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
,Physiol Plant., 175:e13898 2023
Khatun N, Shinozawa A, Takahashi K, Matsuura H, Jahan A, Islam M, Karim MM, Sk R, Yoshikawa M, Ishizaki K, Sakata Y, Takezawa D

Differential regulations of abscisic acid-induced desiccation tolerance and vegetative dormancy by group B3 Raf kinases in liverworts
,Frontiers in Plant Science,13:952820 2022
Jahan, A., Yamazaki, Y., Islam, M., Ghosh, T. K., Yoshimura, N., Kato, H., Ishizaki, K., Shinozawa, A., Sakata, Y., Takezawa, D.

Sensor histidine kinases mediate ABA and osmostress signaling in the moss Physcomitrium patens
,Current Biology,32:164-175 2022
Toriyama T, Shinozawa A, Yasumura Y, Saruhashi M, Hiraide M, Ito S, Matsuura H, Kuwata K, Yoshida M, Baba T, Yotsui I, Taji T, Takezawa D, Sakata Y

Targeted in vivo mutagenesis of a sensor histidine kinase playing an essential role in ABA signaling of the moss Physcomitrium patens.
,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,93-99:93-99 2022
Sk, R., Miyabe, M.T., Takezawa, D., Yajima, S., Yotsui, I., Taji, T., Sakata, Y.

Arabidopsis Group C Raf-like protein kinases negatively regulate abscisic acid signaling and are direct substrates of SnRK2.
,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.,118:e2100073118 2021
Kamiyama Y, Hirotani H, Ishikawa S, Minegishi F, Katagiri S, Rogan CJ, Takahashi F, Nomoto M, Ishikawa K, Kodama Y, Tada Y, Takezawa D, Anderson JC, Peck SC, Shinozaki K, Umezawa T

Molecular biology of mosses
,Plant Molecular Biology,107:209-211 2021
Tomomichi Fujita, Fabien Nogué, Stefan A Rensing , Daisuke Takezawa , Luis Vidali

Activation of SnRK2 by Raf-like kinase represents a primary mechanism of ABA and abiotic stress responses
,Plant Physiology,185:533–546 2021
Islam M, Inoue T, Hiraide M, Khatun N, Jahan A, Kuwata K, Katagiri S, Umezawa T, Yotsui I, Sakata Y, Takezawa D

Arabidopsis Raf-like kinases act as positive regulators of subclass III SnRK2 in osmostress signaling
,Plant Journal,103:634-644 2020
Katsuta S, Masuda G Bak H, Shinozawa A, Kamiyama Y, Umezawa T, Takezawa D, Yotsui I, Taji T, Sakata Y

Decoding ABA and osmostress signalling in plants from an evolutionary point of view.
,Plant Cell Environ.,43:2894–2911 2020
Komatsu K, Takezawa D, Sakata Y

SnRK2 protein kinases represent an ancient system in plants for adaptation to a terrestrial environment.
,Communications Biology,2:30 2019
Shinozawa A, Otake R, Takezawa D, Umezawa T, Komatsu K, Tanaka T, Amagai A, Ishikawa S, Hara Y, Kamisugi Y, Cuming AC, Hori K, Ohta H, Takahashi F, Shinozaki K, Hayashi T, Taji T, Sakata Y

Archetypal roles of the PYR/PYL/RCAR-like receptor in drought and sugar responses in liverworts.
,Plant Physiology,179:317-328 2019
Jahan A, Komatsu K, Wakida-Sekiya M, Hiraide M, Tanaka K, Ohtake R, Umezawa T, Toriyama T, Shinozawa A, Yotsui I, Sakata Y, Takezawa D

Phosphoproteomic profiling reveals ABA-responsive phosphosignaling pathways in Physcomitrella patens
,Plant Journal,94:699-708 2018
Amagai A, Honda Y, Ishikawa S, Hara Y, Takezawa D, Sakata Y, Shinozaki K and Umezawa T

Mechanisms underlying freezing and desiccation tolerance in bryophytes.
,Springer:167-187 2018
Takezawa D

Insights into land plant evolution garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha genome.
,Cell,171:287-304 2017
Bowman 他119名

Abscisic acid-induced gene expression in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is mediated by evolutionarily conserved promoter elements.
,Physiologia Plantarum,156:407–420 2016
Ghosh TK, Kaneko M, Akter K, Murai S, Komatsu K, Ishizaki K, Yamato TK, Kohchi T, Takezawa D

Plant Raf-like kinase integrates abscisic acid and hyperosmotic stress signaling upstream of SNF1-related protein kinase2.
,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,112:E6388–E6396 2015
Saruhashi M, Ghosh TK, Arai K, Ishizaki Y, Hagiwara K, Komatsu K, Shiwa Y, Izumikawa K, Yoshikawa H, Umezawa T, Sakata Y and Takezawa D

Epoxycarotenoid-mediated synthesis of abscisic acid in Physcomitrella patens implicating conserved mechanisms for acclimation to hyperosmosis in embryophytes.
,New Phytol.,206:209-219 2015
Takezawa D, Watanabe N, Kumar Ghosh T, Saruhashi M, Suzuki A, Ishiyama K, Somemiya S, Kobayashi M and Sakata Y

Abscisic acid-induced rearrangement of intracellular structures associated with freezing and desiccation stress tolerance in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
,Journal of Plant Physiology,171:1334-1343 2014
Akter K, Kato M, Sato Y, Kaneko Y, Takezawa D

Biochemical and structural characterization of an endoplasmic reticulum-localized late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,454:588-593 2014
Hatanaka R, Furuki T, Shimizu T, Takezawa D, Kikawada T, Sakurai M and Sugawara Y

Group A PP2Cs evolved in land plants as key regulators of intrinsic desiccation tolerance
,Nature Communications,4:2219 2013
Komatsu K, Suzuki N, Kuwamura M, Nishikawa Y, Nakatani M, Ohtawa H, Takezawa D, Seki M, Tanaka M, Taji T, Hayashi T, Sakata Y

Cold acclimation in the moss Physcomitrella patens involves abscisic acid-dependent signaling.
,Journal of Plant Physiology,169:137-145 2012
Bhyan, S. B., Minami, A., Kaneko, Y., Suzuki, S., Arakawa, K., Sakata, Y. Takezawa, D.

ABA in bryophytes: how a universal growth regulator in life became a plant hormone
,Journal of Plant Research,124:437-453 2011
Takezawa, D., Komatsu, K., Sakata, Y.

Evolutionarily conserved regulatory mechanisms of abscisic acid signaling in land plants: Characterization of ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE1-like type-2C protein phosphatase in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
American Society of Plant Biologists,Plant Physiology,152:1529-1543 2010
K.Tougane, K .Komatsu, S.B.Bhyan, Y.Sakata, K.Ishizaki, K.T.Yamato, T.Kohchi, and D.Takezawa

Endoplasmic reticulum-localized small heat shock protein that accumulates in mulberry tree (Morus bombycis Koidz.) during seasonal cold acclimation is responsive to abscisic acid
,Tree Physiology,30:502-513 2010
Ukaji N, Kuwabara K, Kanno Y, Seo M, Takezawa D, Arakawa K, Fujikawa S:

Stress tolerance in ABA-insensitive mutant and transgenic lines of the moss Physscomitrella patens
,Cryobiology and Cryotechnology,56:167-171 2010
Bhyan SB, Tougane K, Takezawa D

Long- and short-term freezing induce different types of injury in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf cells

Long- and short-term freezing induce different types of injury in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf cells.
,Planta,227:477-489 2008
Nagao, M., Arakawa, K., Takezawa, D. and Fujikawa, S.

Gene expression associated with increased supercooling capability in xylem parenchyma cells of larch (Larix kaempferi)
,Journal of Experimental Botany,58:3731-3742 2007
Takata, N., Kasuga, J., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K. and Fujikawa, S

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(5(18年度)):653-654 2007
竹澤 大輔
Mechanisms underlying dehydration tolerance in plants

Gene expression associated with increased supercooling capability in xylem parenchyma cells of larch (Larix kaempferi)

Accumulation of theanderose in association with development of freezing tolerance in the moss Physcomitrella patens.
,Phytochemistry,67:702-709 2006
Nagao, M., Oku, K., Minami, A., Mizuno, K., Sakurai, M., Arakawa, K., Fujikawa, S. and Takezawa, D

埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書(4(17年度)) 2006
竹澤 大輔
Mechanisms underlying dehydration tolerance in plants

Physiological and morphological alteration associated with freezing tolerance in the moss Physcomitrella patens.
,lant Cold Hardiness, CABI:138-152 2006
Minami, A., Nagao, M., Arakawa, K., Fujikawa, S., and Takezawa, D

Alterered Freezing tolerance in teh Physcomitrella patens mutant with reduced sensitivity to abscisic acid.
,Cryobioloby and Cryotechnology,52:135-139 2006
Minami, A., Togawa, S., Nagao, M. and Takezawa D

Accumulation of theanderose in association with development of freezing tolerance in the moss Physcomitrella patens

Cold acclimation in bryophytes: Low temperature-induced freezing tolerance in Physcomitrella patens is associated with increases in expression levels of stress-related genes but not with increase in levels of endogenous abscisic acid.
,Planta,220:414-423 2005
Minami, A., Nagao, M., Ikegami, K., Koshiba, T., Arakawa, K., Fujikawa, S. and Takezawa D:

Rapid degradation of starch in chloroplasts and concomitant accumulation of soluble sugars associated with ABA-induced freezing tolerance in the moss Physcomitrella patens.
,Journal of Plant Physiology,162:169-180 2005
Nagao, M., Minami, A., Arakawa, K., Fujikawa, S., and Takezawa, D.

Cold acclimation in bryophytes: low-temperature-induced freezing tolerance in Physcomitrella patens is associated with increases in expression levels of stress-related genes but not with increase in level of endogenous abscisic acid

Rapid degradation of starch in chloroplasts and concomitant accumulation of soluble sugars associated with ABA-induced freezing tolerance in the moss Physcomitrefla patens

Accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) 10/Bet v1 protein homologues in mulberry (Morus bombycis Koidz.) tree during winter
,Plant Cell and Environment,27:1112-1121 2004
Ukaji, N., Kuwabara, C., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K., and Fujikawa, S.

Calmodulin-binding proteins in bryophytes: Identification of abscisic acid-, cold-, and osmotic stress-induced genes encoding novel membrane-bound transporter-like proteins.
,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,317:428-436 2004
Takezawa, D. and Minami, A.

Characterization of a novel plant PP2C-like protein Ser/Thr phosphatase as a calmodulin-binding protein.
,Journal of Biological Chemistry,278(39):38076-38083 2003

低温生物工学会 201006

Protein phosphatase 2C-regulated ABA signaling processes leading to freezing tolerance in bryophytes
CRYO2009 2009
Bhyan, S.B., Tougane, K., Komatsu, K., Sakata, Y., Ishizaki, K., Yamato, K.T., Kohchi, T.and Takezawa, D.

Negative regulation by PP2C of abscisic acid responses in liverwort
日本植物生理学会 2008
Tougane, K., Komatsu, K., Sakata, Y., Kohchi, T., Yamato, Ishizaki, K., Takezawa, D.

Factors affecting freezing tolerance in moss cells
,MOSS2007 200708
Takezawa, D.

Physcomitrella patens mutant lines with reduced sensitivity to abscisic acid are hypersensitive to freezing and osmotic stress
,MOSS2006 200606
Daisuke Takezawa and Anzu Minami

Moss: A Model System for Environmental Stress Response Research
第46回植物生理学会 200503
Daisuke Takezawa