■Faculty: | Graduate School of Science and Engineering | ■TEL: | ||
■Position: | Professor | ■FAX: | ||
■Address: | 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama City, Saitama 338-8570, JAPAN | ■Mail Address: | | |
■Web site: | |
Assigned Class
- Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- International Institute for Resilient Society/Open Innovation Center
Research Field
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
Current Subject
- tsunami
- keyword:vegetation bioshield
- river engineering
- keyword:forestation in river
- wetland
- keyword:constructed wetland
Academic Societies
- Academic Societies
- Committee of Academic Societies
Academic Background
- Graduate School
- University of Tokyo , (Doctor course) , 1991(Completed)
- University of Tokyo , (Master course) , 1988(Completed)
- College
- University of Tokyo , 1986(Graduated)
- Degree
- University of Tokyo , Coherent structures around obstacles on the boundary and the control of sediment transport by coherent eddies.
- 2023
- 2023
- 2022
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2020
- 2019
- 2019
- 2018 , Best paper award of IAHR-APD2018
- 2018 , Best paper award of ISE2018
- 2018
- 2018
- 2017
- 2017
- 2017
- 2017
- 2017
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2009
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2005
- 2002
Research Career
- Research Career
- 2007 ,
- 2004 - 2007 ,
- 2002 - 2004 ,
- 2000 - 2002 ,
- Other Career
- 1996 - 2000 ,
- 1993 - 1996 ,
- 1991 - 1993 ,
Books, Articles, etc.
- Books
河川砂防技術研究開発制度 砂防技術分野「火山地域における水文・土砂流出メカニズムの解明と土砂災害防止事業支援のための数値シミュレーション法の開発」共同研究報告書:54-55 201603
田中規夫 -
2章 川島町周辺の河道・氾濫流の解析モデルの開発
高度数値解析による河川氾濫詳細被害情報を活用した災害時のコミュニティバス活用方策の研究開発報告書 201603
八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
平成27年度終了報告書 201603
田中規夫 -
「4.5 決壊地点の落堀形成状況」
平成27年9月関東・東北豪雨による関東地方災害調査報告書,2015年関東・東北豪雨災害 土木学会・地盤工学会合同調査団関東グループ 201603
田中規夫,八木澤順治 -
「第5章 鬼怒川以外の河川における豪雨災害 5.1 茨城県の河川」
平成27年9月関東・東北豪雨による関東地方災害調査報告書,2015年関東・東北豪雨災害 土木学会・地盤工学会合同調査団関東グループ 201603
田中規夫,八木澤順治,村上哲 -
住友財団環境研究助成報告書 201603
田中規夫 -
平成27年度川づくり団体全国事例発表会 201601
田中規夫 -
第1回防災ビジネス研究会 201601
田中規夫 -
河川堤防周辺被害: 落堀・破堤現象の解釈とその規模について
2015年関東・東北豪雨災害 土木学会・地盤工学会合同調査団関東グループ 速報会 201512
田中規夫,八木澤順治 -
Leachate treatment using hybrid constructed wetland
Report on SATREPS project 201511
Lavan .L, Luxuvini. T, Jinadasa.K.B.S.N., Tanaka. N, -
埼経協ニュース 201511
田中規夫 -
河川財団2F会議室 201511
田中規夫 -
2015年関東・東北豪雨調査団関東グループ 第二回報告会 201511
田中規夫,八木澤順治 -
中央大学 第109回 河川流域技術研究会 201510
田中規夫 -
一般財団法人水源地環境センター WEC応用生態研究助成研究発表会 201508
田中規夫 -
2.6.3 流木影響,河川砂防技術研究開発制度 砂防技術分野「火山地域における水文・土砂流出メカニズムの解明と土砂災害防止事業支援のための数値シミュレーション法の開発」
共同研究報告書 201503
田中規夫 -
2.6.4 橋梁部に流木モデルが集積した際に生じる水面形の変化を想定した基礎実験,河川砂防技術研究開発制度 砂防技術分野「火山地域における水文・土砂流出メカニズムの解明と土砂災害防止事業支援のための数値シミュレーション法の開発」
共同研究報告書 201503
田中規夫 -
一般財団法人水源地環境センター 201503
田中規夫 -
地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS) 201503
田中規夫 -
Application of vegetation on mitigating riverbank erosion caused by boat-generated wave attacks
Research Report of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama Univ. 2015
Trung. V. La, Yagisawa J., Tanaka N. -
地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS) 2015
田中規夫 -
土木学会基礎水理シンポジウム 201412
田中規夫 -
河川財団研究アドバイザ 201410
田中規夫 -
ホームカミングデー講演(於:埼玉大学) 201410
田中規夫 -
Bioshield for tsunami mitigation: Lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean tsunami
Ecosystems based disaster risk reduction, United Nations University 201410
Tanaka, N. -
Best mixture of bioshield and embankment for tsunami mitigation and increasing resilience: Lessons learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake tsunami
Ecosystems based disaster risk reduction, United Nations University 201410
Tanaka, N. -
- 今,「環境」について考える-「生態系を活用した防災・減災 ーレジリエントな社会構築のためにー」
埼玉大学連続市民講座part5 201408
田中規夫 -
今,「環境」について考える-「生態系を活用した防災・減災 ーレジリエントな社会構築のためにー」
埼玉大学連続市民講座part5 201408
田中規夫 -
中央大学 97回河川・流域技術研究会 201407
田中規夫 -
利根川における津波の遡上(第5章3.4.4),河川津波遡上東日本大震災合同調査報告 共通編2津波の特性と被害
東日本大震災合同調査報告書編集委員会 201406
田中規夫 -
土木学会・地盤工学会・日本応用地質学会・日本地すべり学会 201405
田中規夫 -
土木学会・地盤工学会・日本応用地質学会・日本地すべり学会 201403
田中規夫 -
土木学会・地盤工学会・日本応用地質学会・日本地すべり学会 201401
田中規夫 -
埼玉大学産学官連携協議会ニュースレターVol.41 2014
田中規夫 -
Sedimentation problems in Dam reservoirs in Japan and a countermeasure for supplying sand to the downstream river of a dam, Special session on “Urban Water Environment; Monitoring and Management” at ICSECM 2013, Kandy
ICSECM 201312
Tanaka, N. -
第1回アジア国立公園会議開催記念国際シンポジウム 201311
田中規夫 -
応用生態工学会第17回研究発表会 201309
田中規夫 -
Vegetation Bio-Shields for Tsunami Mitigation: Lessons Learnt from Two Tsunamis in Sri Lanka and Japan, Second International Conference on “Emerging Sri Lanka: Sharing Japanese Governance and Developmental Experience”.
Tokyo Institute of Technology 201306
Tanaka, N. -
明石書店:247-252 201303
杉本良男、高桑史子、鈴木晋介、田中 規夫 -
共立出版 201302
佐々木 寧・田中 規夫・坂本 知己 -
水工学委員会(利根川)編集委員会 201212
山田 -
丸善:10 200901
高橋裕 他 -
東京電機大学出版局:109-130,142-153,157-164,166-175,181-184,186-194,213-216 200710
有田正光編、池田裕一、栗山昭、田中規夫、中井正則著 -
日本水環境学会編,水環境ハンドブック:54-58 200610
浅枝隆,田中規夫 -
田中規夫 -
Boulder transport by high-energy (Tsunamis): Model development for threshold entrainment and transport, Research Report of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Saitama Univ.:1-12
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka, N. -
Superiority type for the combination of coastal forest and embankment for tsunami mitigation under severe tree breakage condition, Research Report of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Saitama Univ.:13-20
Iimura, K., Tanaka, N. -
東北地方太平洋沖地震で発生した津波石 ~岩手県、宮城県での発生状況調査速報~
田中 規夫, Nandasena, N.A.K., 佐々木 寧 -
Study on middle-class flood disturbance in middle stream of rivers and sedimentation in compound channels
Research Report of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:1-12
Kasun de Silva, Tanaka, N. - Articles
Experimental study on flow characteristics and energy reduction around a hybrid dike
, International Journal of Civil Engineering, /s40999-023-00814-8 2023
Sohail, I., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical investigation of internal flow properties around horizontal layered trees by using the Reynold Stress model
,Mathematics 2023
Abbas F.K., Tanaka N., Amina -
Analytical and Numerical Validation of the Drop Length of Nappe Flow, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering
,ICACEE-2023 (Online) 2023
K.D.C.R. Dissanayaka, Norio Tanaka, Mohammed. Kamrul Hasan -
The impact of emerged vegetation on a submerged dike; A numerical study, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering
,ICACEE-2023 (Online) 2023
Sohail Iqbal, Norio Tanaka -
Investigating the effectiveness of discontinuous and layered coastal forest defense system against the inundating tsunami current
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,18:171-190 2022
Naveed Anjum, Norio Tanaka -
Numerical study of flow structures through horizontal double-layered vegetation consisting of combined submergent and emergent vegetations
,Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 2022
Abbas, F.M., Tanaka N. -
Effective management of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parlat.) coastal forests considering tsunami mitigation
,Journal of Environmental Management 2022
Torita, H., Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Effects of tree destruction and debris dam formation at the gravel-bed bars in Kumagaya in the Arakawa River on the maximum water depth and flood hydrograph during the flood event caused by typhoon Hagibis
,Journal of JSCE,10(1):19-29 2022
Tanaka, N., Igarashi, Y., Suenaga, H. -
Investigation of Flow Structures Along the Embankment Generated Nearby Finite Riparian Vegetation
,Geohazard Mitigation:43-53 2022
Wickramasinghe, R., Tanaka, N. -
The Effects of Levee-Breach Timing at the Upstream of the Tokigawa River and the Junction Section of the Tokigawa and Oppegawa Rivers on the Flood Volume from the Rivers
,Journal of JSCE,10(1): 213-227 2022
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Investigation of flow structure with moat acting as a water cushion at the toe of an overflowing levee
,Environmental Fluid Mechanics: 1-25 2022
Abbas, F. M., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical investigation of 3D flow properties around finite emergent vegetation by using the two-phase volume of fluid (VOF) modeling technique
,Fluids,7(5):175 2022
Amina, Tanaka, N. -
Damming effects of tsunami-borne washed-out trees in reducing local scouring and tsunami energy behind a coastal embankment
,Applied Ocean Research(126):193260 2022
Rahman, M. A., Tanaka, N., Anjum, N. -
Effects of Roughness of an Embankment Slope or Application of a Geo-Grid or Moat on Scouring Phenomena Downstream of an Embankment
,Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,1(16) 2022
Sherzai, J. H., De Costa, R., & Tanaka, N. -
Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Variation in Crown Portion of a Tree on the Flow Properties Considering the Finite Length Forest
,International Journal of Civil Engineering,20(12):1461-1478 2022
Amina, Tanaka, N. -
Variation of tree crown height effects on flow behavior around finite vegetation
,Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research,1(13) 2022
Amina, Tanaka, N. -
Utilization of geogrid and water cushion to reduce the impact of nappe flow and scouring on the downstream side of a levee
,Fluids,7(9):299 2022
Abbas, F. M., Tanaka, N. -
Effect of orientation and vegetation over the embankment crest for energy reduction at downstream
,Geosciences,12(10):354 2022
Dissanayaka, K. D., Tanaka, N., Hasan, M. K. -
Investigation of hydrodynamics along an embankment generated by a nearby riparian vegetation patch
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,1(19) 2022
Wickramasinghe, R., Tanaka, N. -
Water-level propagation characteristics in the Arakawa River and its tributaries after construction of the Arakawa No.2 and No.3 retention basins
,ICFM9 (Online) 2022
Ishihara S., Tanaka N., Igarashi Y. -
Elucidation of potential areas for “Paddy field dam”, a flood control measure in a watershed, using integrated rainfall, runoff, and flood analysis in the entire Arakawa Basin
,ICFM9 (Online) 2022
Karaki, Y., Tanaka N., Igarashi Y. -
Assessment of thinning on resistance of Pinus thunbergii Parlat. trees to tsunami fluid force in mature coastal forest
,J of Environmental managemen,284:111969 ( 2021
Torita H., Masaka K., Tanaka N., Iwasaki K., Hasui S., Hayamizu M., Nakata Y. -
Flume experiments on flow analysis and energy reduction through a compound tsunami mitigation system with a seaward embankment and landward vegetation over a mound
,Geosciences,11(90):1-18 2021
Md Abedur Rahman, Tanaka N, Rashedunnabi A.H.M. -
Experimental study on reduction of scouring and tsunami energy through a defense system consisting a seaward embankment followed by vertically double layered vegetation.
,Ocean Engineering:108816 2021
Rahman, M. A., Tanaka, N., & Reheman, N. -
Integration of Eco-DRR and Hybrid Defense System on Mitigation of Natural Disasters (Tsunami and Coastal Flooding)
,A review, Natural Hazards 2021
Dissanayaka, K. D. C. R., Tanaka N -
Role of tree crown height for effective mitigation capability of inland coastal forest considering the flow structures and scour phenomena
,Ocean Engineering,238(109728) 2021
Naveed Anjum, Norio Tanaka, Md Abedur Rahman -
Numerical investigation of the effectiveness of vegetation-embankment hybrid structures for tsunami mitigation introduced after the 2011 tsunami
,Geosciences,11(440) 2021
Tanaka N., Igarashi Y., Zaha T. -
Investigation of Flow Structures Along the Embankment Generated Nearby Finite Riparian Vegetation
,Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2021
Romitha Wickramasinghe1 and Norio Tanaka -
Countermeasure against local scouring and tsunami energy by landward forests behind a coastal embankment
,Applied Ocean Research 2021
Md Abedur Rahman, Norio Tanaka -
Differences in effectiveness of a hybrid tsunami defense system comprising an embankment, moat, and forest in submerged, emergent, or combined conditions
,Ocean Engineering,208(107457) 2020
Kimiwada Y, Tanaka N, Zaha T. -
Experimental study of scouring downstream of coastal vegetation in an inundating tsunami current
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,16(4):273-287 2020
Arshad A., Tanaka N. -
Investigating the turbulent flow behavior through partially distributed discontinuous rigid vegetation in an open channel
,River Research & Applications:1–16. 2020
Anjum N., Tanaka N. -
A unified runup formula for solitary waves on a plane beach
,Ocean Engineering,216(108038): 2020
Talpe L.C. Talpe L.C. Vinodh, Tanaka N., Tanaka N. -
Role of hybrid structures on the control of tsunami induced Large Driftwood
,Coastal Engineering, 163(103798): 2020
Rowan De Rowan De Costa, Tanaka N, Tanaka NRowan De Costa, Tanaka N. -
Development of ecosystem based flood mitigation approach – Investigations by experiments and numerical simulation
,Water and Environment Journal:1–19 (doi:10.1111/wej.12662) 2020
Tariq K, Pasha GA, Tanaka N, Ghani U, Ahmed A -
Characteristics of a hydraulic jump formed on upstream vegetation of varying density and thickness
,Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 2020
Pasha GA, Tanaka N. -
Inland forest as a trapping function against tsunami borne large broken or washed out trees
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,16(2):97-112 2020
Rowan De Costa, Tanaka N. -
Effectiveness of double-layer rigid vegetation in reducing the velocity and fluid force of a tsunami inundation behind the vegetation
,Ocean Engineering,201:107-142 2020
Rashedunnabi AHM, Tanaka N. -
Retention and trapping behaviour of tsunami induced large driftwood in transient flow considering different hybrid designs
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering,Vol.76(2):1435-1440 2020
De Costa, R., Tanaka, N., Iwata, A. -
Improved numerical simulation against overflow from embankment under steady and unsteady flow conditions by considering non-hydrostatic pressure
,Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress, Sapporo, Japan 2020
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Inland forest model design considering tsunami borne large driftwood
,Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress, Sapporo, Japan 2020
Rowan De Costa, Tanaka, N. -
Changes in the flow structure and energy loss of a tsunami current through forest with a gap
,Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress, Sapporo, Japan 2020
Anjum, N., Tanaka, N. -
Investigating the Effects of Finite Length Rigid Emergent Vegetation on Inland Flood Attenuation
,11th International Civil Engineering Conference (ICEC-2020), March 13-14, 2020, Karachi, Pakistan 2020
Tariq K, Pasha GA, Ghani U, Ahmed A, Tanaka N. -
Investigating the effects of finite length rigid emergent vegetation on inland flood attenuation
,Proceedings of the 11th International Civil Engineering Conference 2020
Tariq K., Pasha G.A., Tanaka N., Ghani U., Ahmed A. -
Study on the flow structure around discontinued vertically layered vegetation in an open channel
,J. Hydrodynamics 2019
Anjum N., Tanaka N. -
Energy reduction of a tsunami current through a hybrid defense system comprising a sea embankment followed by a coastal forest
,Geosciences,9(6):247-273. 2019
Rashedunnabi AHM, Tanaka N. -
Hydrodynamics of longitudinally discontinuous, vertically double layered and partially covered rigid vegetation patches in open channel flow
,River Research & Applications:1–13 2019
Anjum N., Tanaka N. -
Numerical investigation of velocity distribution of turbulent flow through vertically double-layered vegetation,
,Water Science & Engineering,12(4):319-329 2019
Anjum N., Tanaka N. -
Experimental study on flow analysis and energy loss around discontinued vertically layered vegetation
,Environmental Fluid Mechanics 2019
Anjum N., Tanaka N. -
Experimental study of runup reduction of solitary wave by emergent rigid vegetation on a slope
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering),75(2):703-708 2019
Vinodh, T.L.C., Tanaka, N., Takemura, T. -
Effectiveness of a hybrid tsunami mitigation system consisting a seaward embankment and a landward horizontally double layer forest
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1(Hydraulic Engineering),75(2):715-720 2019
Rashedunnabi, A.H.M., Tanaka, N., Anjum, N. -
Tsunami generated large wooden debris movement considering hybrid structures, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
,Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering),75(2):727-732 2019
De Costa, R., Iwata, A., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical modeling of the turbulent flow structure through vertically double layer vegetation,
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1(Hydraulic Engineering),75(2):487-492 2019
Anjum, N., Tanaka, N. -
Effects of existing historical second embankments in the floodplain for river flood inundation control,
,Proceedings of IAHR 38th Congress:2117-2124 2019
Tanaka, N., Fushimi, K., Kajitani, H., and Igarashi, Y. -
Tsunami mitigation effect and tree breaking situation of Dahurian Larch coastal forest at six growth stages under thinning management of trees
,Proceedings of IAHR 38th Congress:219-229 2019
Igarashi, Y. and Tanaka, N. -
Tsunami intrusion in rivers: A review and new perspectives on Sri Lankan rivers
,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development, 7th ACEPS2019:92-98 2019
Wickramasinghe, R., Tanka, N. -
Review of existing coastal defence system in Sri Lanka against tsunami
,Proceedings of the special session on Coastal and Lagoon Environment, 7th ACEPS2019:84-91 2019
Vinodh, T. L. C., Tanaka, N. -
Flume experiments on optimal arrangement of hybrid defense system comprising an embankment, moat, and emergent vegetation to mitigate inundating tsunami current
,Ocean Engineering,173:45-57 2019
Zaha T., Tanaka N., Kimiwada Y. -
Critical resistance affecting sub- to super-critical transition flow by vegetation
,J Earthquake and tsunami:1950004-1–1950004-17 2019
Pasha G.A., Tanaka N. -
The effect of a hybrid defense system by a forest and/or moat against a tsunami run-up along a river
,Proceedings of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress 2018:1015-1022 2018
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Experimental study on the energy reduction of a solitary wave using a sand dune-coastal lagoon system
,Proceedings of the special session on Disaster Risk Reduction, 9th ICSBE2018:111-119 2018
Vinodh, T. L. C., Tanaka, N. -
Evaluation of the disaster reduction function of sand dunes using a numerical erosion model during tsunami inundation
,Proceedings of the special session on Disaster Risk Reduction 9th ICSBE:120-124 2018
Ogura, M., Tanaka, N. -
Concept for coastal lagoon categorization based on its function in disaster risk reduction
,Proceedings of the special session on Disaster Risk Reduction, 9th ICSBE2018:125-129 2018
Mizoguchi, Y., Vinodh, T. L. C., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical simulation on the influence of riparian forest along the Onbetsu River against tsunami propagation
,Proceedings of the special session on Disaster Risk Reduction 9th ICSBE:130-136 2018
Kimiwada, Y., Tanaka, N., Igarashi Y., Sato, H., Torita, H. -
Simplified formulae for designing coastal forest against tsunami run-up: one-dimensional approach
,Nat Hazards 2018
Thuy, N.B., Nandasena, N.A.K., Dang, V.H., Tanaka, N. -
Effectiveness of a compound defense system of sea embankment and coastal forest against a tsunami
,Ocean Engineering,151 :246-256 2018
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4): I_595-I_600 2018
溝口裕太,田中規夫,高橋忠臣 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4):I_445-I_450 2018
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4):I_433-I_438 2018
座波健仁,田中規夫,君和田 祐弥 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4):I_1393-I_1398 2018
田中規夫,五十嵐善哉,伏見 健吾 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4):I_1285-I_1290 2018
長谷見優,田中規夫 -
Change in flow structures inside an armor layer by the layer thickness and the existence of periphyton mat
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):4 2018
Tanaka N., Hasemi Y. -
Study of a hydraulic jump formed on upstream vegetation in a steady super-critical flow
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):10 2018
Pasha A., Tanaka N. -
Physical modelling of tsunami energy reduction through vertically two layered rigid vegetation
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):10 2018
Rashedunnabi A. H. M., Tanaka N. -
Development of a numerical simulation model in an armored channel with gravel downstream of a dam
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):4 2018
Mizoguchi Y., Tanaka N. -
Experimental study on the energy reduction of a solitary wave using a sand dune-coastal lagoon system
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):9 2018
Vinodh T.L.C., Tanaka N. -
Effective compound defense system comprise of embankment, moat and coastal forest for tsunami energy reduction and the delay in arrival time
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):10 2018
Zaha T., Tanaka N., Kimiwada Y. -
Experimental study on the effective tsunami energy reduction utilizing a front space of existing coastal forest
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):4 2018
Kimiwada Y., Tanaka N., Zaha T. -
Effect of a hybrid defense system consist of a step and coastal forest on the reduction of tsunami force
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):4 2018
Igarashi Y., Tanaka N. -
The role of mangroves against tsunami in coastline of Sri Lanka
,Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):9 2018
Samarakoon M.B., Tanaka N. -
Understanding trapping of debris by coastal bioshield: a first step into modelling debris movement and trapping
, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2018):4 2018
Rowan de Costa, Tanaka N., Igarashi Y., Yamazaki N. -
Flume experiments on the effective shape of a historical flood guard moat, Kamaebori, around a protective mound and structure, Mizuka, in frequent flood occurrence area
,Proceedings of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress 2018:8 2018
Tanaka N., Hasemi Y. -
Effective tree distribution and stand structures in a forest for tsunami mitigation considering the different tree-breaking patterns of tree species
,Journal of Environmental Management ,223:925–935 2018
Tanaka N., Sato H., Igarashi Y., Kimiwada Y., Torita H. -
Changes in flow structures and energy reduction through compound tsunami mitigation system with embankment and lined piles
,Ocean Engineering,164:722-732 2018
Igarashi Y., Tanaka N., Zaha T. -
Effects of forest management on resistance against tsunamis in coastal forests
,Ocean Engineering,169:379-387 2018
Torita H., Tanaka N., Masaka K., Iwasaki K. -
Evaluation of the resistance of coastal Pinus thunbergii Parlat. forests to the
,Natural Hazards,Published online 2018
Torita H., Tanaka N. -
Experimental study on the energy reduction of a solitary wave using a sand dune-coastal lagoon system
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,74(5):I_1231-I_1236 2018
Vinodh, T.L.C., Tanaka, N. -
Coconut-Fibre Biofilm Wastewater Treatment System in Sri Lanka: Microcosm Experiments for Evaluating Wastewater Treatment Efficiencies and Oxygen Consumption
,International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,8(10) 2017
Sato N., Saito T., Satoh H., Tanaka N., Kawamoto K. -
Undular hydraulic jump formation and energy loss in a flow through emergent vegetation of varying thickness and density
,Undular hydraulic jump formation and energy loss in a flow through emergent vegetation of varying thickness and density,141:308-325 2017
Pasha G.A., Tanaka, N. -
Tsunami mitigation by combination of coastal vegetation and a backward-facing step
,Coastal Engineering Journal 2017
Pasha, G.A., Tanaka, N. Yagisawa, J., Achmad, F.N. -
,河川技術論文集,23:549-554 2017
田中規夫,内田龍彦,山上路生 -
,河川技術論文集,23:555-560 2017
浅枝隆,田中規夫 -
Mitigation of destructive fluid force on buildings due to trapping of floating debris by coastal forest during the Great East Japan tsunami
,Landscape Ecol. Eng. ,13:131-144 2017
Tanaka N., Onai A. -
Comparison of reduction of tsunami fluid force and additional force due to impact and accumulating after collision of tsunami-produced driftwood from a coastal forest with houses during the Great East Japan tsunami
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,Published online 2017
Tanaka, N., Ogino, T. -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,, 2017,73(4): I_787-I_792 2017
坂田 良介,田中 規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,73(4): I_1291-I_1296 2017
宮原 海,田中 規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,73(4): I_1189-I_1194 2017
長谷見優,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,73(4): I-313 - I-318 2017
八木澤順治、大窪和明、田中規夫、赤崎佑太、奈良優 -
Microcosm experiments on a coconut-fibre biofilm treatment system to evaluate waste water treatment efficiencies
,International Journal of GEOMATE,12(33):160-166. 2017
Sato N., Dharmarathne W. N. K., Saito T., Sato H., Tanaka N., Kawamoto K. -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),72(4):391-396 201603
赤崎佑太,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),72(4):397-402 201603
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
Turbulence characteristics in open channel gravel bed with small water depth relative to roughness elements height
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering),72(4):511-516 201603
Habib, S., Tanaka, N., Yoshizawa, Y. -
Three dimensional downstream scour analysis after levee overtopping
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering),72(4):823-828 201603
Sazia, A., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Mud crab (Scylla serrata) population changes in Koggala Lagoon
,Sri Lanka since construction of the groyne system,Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society 201603
Amarasekara G. P., Priyadarshana, T., Manatunge, J., Tanaka, N., Gunaratne, G. L. -
Tsunami disaster mitigation by using retension characteristics of coastal lagoon
,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS2016):89-95 201603
Akasaki, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Suitable second embankment structure behind sea embankment for energy dissipation to the overtopping flow of level-2 tsunami
,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS2016):96-100 201603
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Experimental study for investigating the impact force on a wooden house by driftwood in steady and unsteady surge-type flow
,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS2016):101-107 201603
Miyahara, K., Tanaka, N. -
Effect of submergence condition and overtopping depth on gully scour dimensions: Observations from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
,Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami,11:20 2016
Afreen, S., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
,河川技術論文集,22:333-338 2016
田中規夫,八木澤順治,五十嵐善哉,山岸玄弥 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),72(2): I_313-I_318 2016
田中規夫,佐藤創,赤崎佑太,鳥田宏行,小田島諒 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),72(2): I_319-I_324 2016
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集 B3 (海洋開発),72(2): I_187-I_192 2016
八木澤順治, 武村武, 小野翔太郎, 板橋直樹, 篠嶋賢一, 鈴木純平, 田中規夫 -
レベル2 津波が二重堤防構造を越流する際の流況変化を踏まえた減勢効果の評価
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,73(4): I_1009-I_1014 2016
五十嵐 善哉,田中 規夫 -
Effectiveness of finite length inland forest in trapping tsunami-borne wood debris
,Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami,10(2) 2016
Pasha, G.A., Tanaka, N. -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),71(2):307-312 201511
田中規夫・庭田侑・佐藤 創・鳥田宏行・野口宏典 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),71(2):325-330 201511
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
Scoured depth and length of pools and ditches generated by overtopping flow from embankments during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
,Ocean Engineering(109):72-82 201508
Tanaka, N., Sato, M. -
Boundary layer development in roughness layer at modeled armored gravel bed stream and the sand movement in the region
,E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands 201507
Tanaka, N., Yoshizawa, Y., Habib, S. -
,河川技術論文集,21:115-120 201506
竹澤祥太,田中規夫,八木澤順治,本戸卓美 -
,河川技術論文集,21:319-324 201506
八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),71(1):1-11 2015
田中規夫,小内尭,近藤康太 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),71(4):727-732 2015
小内 尭,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) ,71(4):1159-1164 2015
坂田良介,田中規夫 -
The optimal porosity of stream-wise groins for wave attenuation under different cross slope conditions
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,71(4):13-18 2015
Trung, L.V., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Investigation of scour pattern downstream of levee toe due to overtopping flow
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,71(4):175-180 2015
Sazia,A., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Geometrical characteristic of scour holes caused by overtopping flow of embankment covered with different lengths of protection works
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,71(4):163-168 2015
Binh, D.V., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Field study on planted forest structures and their role in protecting communities against tsunamis: experiences along the coast of the Biobío Region
,Chile. Landscape and Ecol. Engineering,published online:1-12 2015
Rodríguez, R., Encina, P., Espinosa, M., & Tanaka, N. -
河川事業に資する生態水理学の現状と課題 ~適切な物理的撹乱状態の管理に向けて~
,河川技術論文集,20(20):145-150 201406
田中規夫,古里栄一 -
Maximum sand sedimentation length after backwash current of tsunami; simple inverse model and laboratory experiments
,Marine Geology,353:128-139 2014
Furusato, E. and Norio Tanaka -
Efficacy of Rhizophora apiculata and Nypa fruticans on attenuation of boat-generated waves under steep slope condition
,International Journal of Ocean and Water Resources,19(2):1103-1114 2014
Trung L.V., Yagisawa J., Tanaka N. -
,河川空間の物理的撹乱への応答特性を考慮した水生昆虫群集の新しい生態型区分,20:151-156 2014
古里栄一.田中規夫.坂田良介 -
粗度層ながれと水生昆虫動態 ―撹乱生態水理学の提案―
,ながれ,33:337-342 2014
田中規夫.古里栄一 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),70(3):60-70 2014
田中規夫.八木澤順治.大塚翔平 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),70(3):71-81 2014
八木澤順治.田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),70(4):I_1333-I_1338 2014
古里栄一,田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),70(4): I_1327-I_1332 2014
田中規夫,古里栄一 -
Reinforcing riverbank stability by vegetation under boat-generated wave attacks
,Proceedings of the 19th IAHR-APD Congress 2014 2014
Trung.V. La, Yagisawa J., Tanaka N. -
Turbulent structures in form-induced sublayer and subsurface layer of modeled armoured gravel bed stream, and sand movement
, Proceedings of the 19th IAHR-APD Congress 2014 2014
Tanaka N., Nemoto M., Furusato E. -
Dangerous zone formation behind finite-length coastal forest for tsunami mitigation
,Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami,Vol. 7(No. 4) 2013
Iimura, K., Tanaka, N. -
Return period of flood disturbance that increases the diversity on gravel bars in middle stream of rivers
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Springer 2013
Kasun de Silva, Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J. -
Boulder transport by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: Comprehensive field observations and whither model predictions?
,Marine Geology,346:292-309 2013
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Osada, M. -
,河川技術論文集,19:483-488 2013
田中規夫,古里栄一,木村國男 -
,河川技術論文集,19:387-392 2013
田中規夫,八木澤順治,大塚翔平,廣野太志,竹島睦 -
Estimating local tsunami size from boulders transported by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami
,Proceedings of 13th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics & 6th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering:841-845 2013
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
Vegetation bioshields for tsunami mitigation in Sri Lanka
,Keynote Lecrure(SLJCR) 2013
Tanaka, N. -
Effect of inclination and stream-wise spacing of tree trunks on the drag coefficient
,SLJCR 2013
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N., Weerakoon, S.B. and Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Tsunami Hazards: Investigations on Impact Mitigation by Bio-Shields
,SLJCR 2013
Ratnasooriya, A.H.R., N. Tanaka, S. S. L. Hettiarachchi, N. A. K. Nandasena, S. P. Samarawickrama -
Monitoring of Existing Waste Landfill Sites and Those Surroundings in Sri Lanka
,SLJCR 2013
Nagamori, M., Y. Isobe, Y. Watanabe, M. I. M. Mowjood, N.H. Priyankara, G.B.B. Herath, L.C. Kurukulasuriya, M. Vithanage, T. Koide, K. Kawamoto, N. Tanaka -
Constructed wetlands for water pollution control: plants and design options
,SLJCR 2013
Mowjood, MIM, Norio Tanaka, KBSN JInadsasa, S. Sasikala, S.K.Weragoda and B.G.N., Sewwandhi -
Different human intervention in lagoon mouth and mixing states of two coastal lagoons located in Sothern area of Sri Lanka
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Furusato, E., G. P. Amarasekara, L. Perera, T. Priyadarshana and N. Tanaka -
Mixing status of Koggala lagoon in spring tidal conditions
,SLJCR, 2013. 2013
Amarasekara, G.P., E. Furusato, T. Priyadarshana, G.L. Perera, and N. Tanaka -
Status of the mud crab (Scylla serrata) population of Koggala lagoon after construction of the groyne system.
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Amarasekara, G.P., T. Priyadarshana, Jagath Manatunge, and N. Tanaka -
Current status of salinity stratification of Rekawa lagoon, Sri Lanka
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Perera, G.L., E. Furusato, G. P. Amarasekara, T.Priyadarshana and N. Tanaka -
Investigating the impact of anthropogenic activities on hydrological stability and flushing efficiency of the Rekawa Lagoon, Sri Lanka
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Gunaratne, G.L., T. Priyadarshana, N. Tanaka, J. Manatunge -
Development of Pollution Control and Environmental Restoration Techniques for Waste Landfill Sites in Sri Lanka
,SLJCR, 2013 2013 -
Tsunami Hazards: Investigations on Impact Mitigation by Bio-Shields
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Ratnasooriya, A.H.R., N. Tanaka, S. S. L. Hettiarachchi, N. A. K. Nandasena, S. P. Samarawickrama -
Monitoring of Existing Waste Landfill Sites and Those Surroundings in Sri Lanka
, SLJCR, 2013 2013
Nagamori, M., Y. Isobe, Y. Watanabe, M. I. M. Mowjood, N.H. Priyankara, G.B.B. Herath, L.C. Kurukulasuriya, M. Vithanage, T. Koide, K. Kawamoto, N. Tanaka -
,河川技術論文集,19:.393-398 2013
八木澤順治,田中規夫,福岡捷二 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),69(2):土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 2013
飯村耕介,田中規夫,池田裕一 -
Study on Sedimentation and Turbulent Flow Structure in Compound Water Channels with inclined floodplain
,Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS2013):1627-1632 2013
Kasun de Silva, Tanaka, N. -
Effect of cross slope behind stream-wise groins on the ship wave and sediment transportation
,The 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS2013):491-499 2013
Yagisawa, J. Tanaka, N. -
Comparison between drag force on a house behind coastal forest and impulsive force by tsunami-driven woody debris from the forest at the Great East Japan Earthquake
,Proceedings of IAHR2013 (A11303:electric version) 2013
Tanaka, N., Suzuki, I. -
Quantitative analysis on the damage of river embankment and hinterland along the Abukumagawa River at he Great East Japan Earthquake tsunami
,Proceedings of IAHR2013 2013
Sato, M., Tanaka, N. -
Leachate treatment by constructed wetland system
,ACEPS:224-230 2013
W.D. Gayashan Jayasena, A.N. Jayamal, R.G.D.P. Jayasinghe, Ashiq Mohamed, KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka -
Effect of cross slope behind stream-wise groins on wave breaking type and change of bed topography
,ACEPS:205-210 2013
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Current characteristics of salinity stratification of two coastal lagoons in southern area of Sri Lanka after different human interventions
,ACEPS:231-237 2013
Furusato, E., Perera, G.L., Tanaka, N., Amarasekara, G. P., Priyadarshana, T. -
Effect of porosity of calculation grid and drag coefficient of houses on accuracy on numerical simulation of flood inundation
,ACEPS:211-216 2013
Onai, A., Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Effects of local scouring and saturation of soil due to flooding on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning Robinia pseudoacacia
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,9:11–25 2013
Samarakoon M.B., Tanaka, N., Yagisawa J. -
Constructed wetlands for water pollution control: plants and design options
,SLJCR, 2013 2013
Mowjood, MIM, Norio Tanaka, KBSN JInadsasa, S. Sasikala, S.K.Weragoda and B.G.N., Sewwandhi -
Evaluation of wastewater treatment efficiency using coconut fiber biofilm reactor system with synthetic leachate
,Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ICEAS):629-636 2013
Dharmarathne, N.K., N. Sato, K. Kawamoto, T. Koide, H. Sato, N. Tanaka -
Breaking pattern and critical breaking condition of Japanese pine trees on coastal sand dunes in huge tsunami caused by Great East Japan Earthquake
,Natural Hazards(65):423–442 2013
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J. -
Improvement of effectiveness of existing Casuarina equisetifolia forests in mitigating tsunami damage
,Journal of Environmental Management(114):105-114 2013
Samarakoon, M.B., Tanaka, N., Iimura, K. -
Boulder transport by high energy: Numerical model-fitting experimental observations
,Ocean Engineering(57):163–179 2013
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka N. -
An experimental study on invertebrate (Isonychia japonica) response to approach flow and blocks as refugia
,Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,,JSCE,Vol.57: I_235-240 2013
Shah Prem, Norio Tanka and Eiichi Furusato -
,水工学論文集,Vol.57:I_680-690 2013
八木澤 順治,田中 規夫 -
,水工学論文集,Vol.57:I_841-846 2013
古里 栄一,田中 規夫,G. P. Amarasekara,T. Priyadarshana -
Laboratory Experiments on the Effects of Backwash Currents of Tsunamis on Sand Transport
,Proceedings of Coastal Engineering,JSCE, Vol.3:26-30 201211
Tran The Anh, Eiichi Furusato and Norio Tanaka -
Effects of root architecture, physical tree characteristics and soil shear strength on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning Salix babylonica, and Juglans ailanthifolia
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,8:69-79 2012
Tanaka, N., Samarakoon, M.B., Yagisawa, J., -
Flow modeling and analysis of compound channel in river network with complex floodplains and groyne
,Journal of Hydroinformatics,13(3):474-488 2012
Hassan S. H. Ahmed, Tanaka N., Tamai N., -
Effect of Inlet morphometry changes on natural sensitivity and flushing time of the Koggala lagoon
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,10:s11355-012-0189-0 2012
Gunaratne, G.L., Tanaka, N., Amarasekara, G. P., Priyadarshana T. and J. Manatunge -
Effectiveness and limitations of coastal forest in large tsunami: Conditions of Japanese pine trees on coastal sand dunes in tsunami caused by Great East Japan Earthquake
,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Vol. 68:II_7-II_15 2012
Tanaka, N. -
Effectiveness of existing Casuarina equisetifolia forests in mitigating tsunami damage
,International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment( ICSBE-2012) 2012
Samarakoon, M.B., Tanaka, N., Iimura, K. -
Coastal vegetation and their functions in reducing tsunami damage
,“Ensuring National Security Through Reconciliation and Sustainable Development”, Annual Symposium,General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University:22-23 2012
Samarakoon M.B., Tanaka, N. -
Characteristics of damage due to tsunami propagation in river channels and overflow of their embankments in Great East Japan Earthquake
,Intl. J. River Basin Management,10(3):269–279 2012
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J., Yasuda S. -
Tropical Application of Floating Treatment Wetlands
Weragoda S.K., Jinadasa K. B. S. N., Zhang D.Q., Gersberg R.M., Tan S.K., Tanaka N., Ng W.J. -
Tsunami mitigation by coastal vegetation considering the effect of tree breaking
,Journal of Coastal Conservation,16(1):111-121 2012
Thuy N.B., Tanaka N., Tanimoto K. -
Modelling field observations of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: efficiency of artificial and natural structures on tsunami mitigation
,Coastal Engineering(67):1–13 2012 -
Index of medium-class flood disturbance for increasing diversity of vegetation at gravel bars or islands in middle of rivers
,Intl. J. River Basin Management,10(3):255–267 2012
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J. -
Characteristics of damage due to tsunami propagation in river channels and overflow of their embankments in Great East Japan Earthquake
,Intl. J. River Basin Management,10(3):269–279 2012
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J., Yasuda S. -
Numerical simulation estimating the effects of tree density distribution in coastal forest on tsunami mitigation
,Ocean Engineering .(54):223–232 2012
Iimura K., Tanaka N. -
,水工学委員会、(利根川)編集委員会 2012
山田 正,田中規夫 -
Effects of under-scour depth and horizontal spacing between two bed protection blocks on the stability of the front block
,J Hydrodynamics,24(4):579-588 2012
Shah P., Tanaka N., Yagisawa J. -
,河川技術論文集,18:357-362 2012
田中規夫,八木澤順治,佐藤誠幸,細萱陽 -
,河川技術論文集,18:77-82 2012
森永泰司,八木澤順治,田中規夫,内田龍彦 -
,河川技術論文集,18:65-70 2012
八木澤順治,田中規夫,福岡捷二 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),68:.I_301-I_305 2012
田中規夫,八木澤順治,飯村耕介,近藤康太 -
Estimation of coastal forest effect on reducing the washout region of houses at the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
,Proceedings of IAHR,APD2012:398-400 2012
Tanaka, N., Yasuda, S., Iimura, K. and Yagisawa, J. -
A study for observation of flow pattern around angled groin on compound flume
,Proceedings of IAHR-APD2012,Proceedings of IAHR-APD2012:318-319 2012
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N., and Md. Zahedur Rahman -
Modification method of river section for preventing forestation in rivers using two indices that represent the breakage and wash-out conditions of trees
,ASLO 2012 2012
Norio Tanaka, Junji Yagisawa, De Silva Petthayaddehi Kasun Chirantha -
Effect of flood disturbance frequency and intensity on the areal diversity of vegetation type in rivers
,ASLO 2012 2012
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical simulation about impulsive force on a house by tsunami-driven woody debris from coastal forest
,International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment ,ICSBE-2012 2012
Suzuki, I., Tanaka,N. -
Quantitative analysis on the tsunami inundation area and erosion along the Abukumagawa River at the Great East Japan Earthquake
,International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (), 2012.12.15,ICSBE-2012 2012
Sato, M., Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J. -
Effect of drifted houses on inundation region and the washout region of houses at the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
,International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment.,ICSBE-2012 2012
Kondo, K., Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J. -
Effect of stream-wise groins on the reduction of ship-waves energy flux and sediment transportation
,International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment ,ICSBE-2012 2012
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Numerical assessment of boulder transport by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Lhok Nga
,West Banda Aceh (Sumatra, Indonesia),37:1391-1399 2011
Nandasena, N.A.K., Paris, R., Tanaka, N. -
Effects of local scouring and saturation of soil due to flooding on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning Robinia pseudoacacia
,Landscape and Ecol. Eng.,10:s11355-011 2011
Samarakoon, M.B., Tanaka, N. and Yagisawa, J. -
Estimation of drag coefficient of a real tree considering the vertical stand structure of trunk, branches, and leaves
,ntl. J. River Basin Management,Vol. 9: pp. 221 230 2011
Tanaka, N., Takenaka, H., Yagisawa, J., Morinaga, T. -
Tsunami mitigation by coastal vegetation considering the effect of tree breaking
,Journal of Coastal Conservation,10:s11852-011-0179-7 2011
Thuy, N.B., Tanaka, N., Tanimoto, K. -
,河川技術論文集,第17巻:pp.227-232 2011
田中規夫・八木澤順治・菊次祐・佐藤貴紀・福岡捷二 -
Coastal vegetation planting projects for tsunami disaster mitigation Effectiveness evaluation of new establishments
Springer,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,7:127-135 2011
Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K. B. S. N, Mowjood, M. I. M., Fasly, M.S.M. -
Effectiveness and Limitations of Vegetation Bioshield in Coast for Tsunami Disaster Mitigagation
,The Tsunami Threat - Research and Technology,978-953-307-552-5 2011
Norio Tanaka -
Impact of Rubble Mound Groyne Structural Intervention in Restoration of Koggala Lagoon, Sri Lanka; Numerical modelling approach
,Journal of Coastal Conservation,15:113-121 2011
Gunaratne, G.L., Tanaka, N., Amarasekara, G. P., Priyadarshana T. and J. Manatunge -
Reassessment of hydrodynamic equations: Minimum flow velocity to initiate boulder transport by high energy events (storms, tsunamis)
,Marine Geology,281:70-84 2011
Nandasena, N. A. K., Rapha l Paris, Tanaka, N. -
ゲリラ豪雨と河川の氾濫 自然災害から身を守るために
,桜区防災講演会 2011
田中規夫 -
,第63回河川流域技術研究会 2011
田中規夫 -
環境と防災との調和、サイ・テクこらむ 知と技の発信(15)
,埼玉新聞 2011
田中規夫 -
,水工学論文集,55:S_1417-S_1422 2011
原達章,田中規夫 -
,水工学論文集,55:S_1411-S_1416 2011
竹中宏,田中規夫 -
An experimental study on the effects of the groyne length variation of impermeable groyne in compound channel
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:127-130 2010
Md.Zahedur Rahman, Tanaka N., Yagisawa J., Hassan Safi Ahmed -
Analysis of drag force characteristics of real trees with three different types of vegetation for bioshield in coast
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13-14:89-94 2010
Karunaratne, W.M.S.S., Norio Tanaka, S.B. Weerakoon, Junji Yagisawa, K.B.S.N Jinadasa -
Analysis of flow around impermeable groynes on one side of symmetrical compound channel: An experimental study
,J. of Water Science and Engineering,3(1):56-66 2010
Hassan S. H. Ahmed, Mohammad M. Hasan and Tanaka, N -
Application of floating wetland at tropical context for lake water reclamation
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments,13-14:58-64 2010
Weragoda, S.K., Norio Tanaka, M.I.M. Mowjood, K.S.B.N. Jinadasa -
Application of wetland treatment technology for improving water qaulity of Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:18 2010
Weragoda S.K., Norio Tanaka, Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Biodiversity index in river habitat considering flood return period and magnitude
,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design,18-22:94 2010
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J., Kikuji Y. -
Damage length of vegetation due to tsunami action-Numerical model for tree breaking
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:101-104 2010
Thuy, N.B., Norio Tanaka, Katsutoshi Tanimoto -
Development of bio-engineering by vegetation and for wetlands as a solution of environmental and natural disaster problems for expanding urban fringe zone in Asia
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:1-5 2010
Norio Tanaka -
Dynamic growth model of river vegetation considering the destruction by floods and regeneration process of trees
,8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics,September 12-16:1372-1379 2010
Yagisawa J., Tanaka, N. -
Effect of physical tree characteristics and substrate condition on maximum overturning moment
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13-14:29-36 2010
Yagisawa, J. Tanaka, N., Samarakoon, M.B. -
Effect of Submerged Plants on Disslved Oxygen Dynamics and Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Wetlands
Agricultural Research Service,Tropical Agricultural Research,21(4):353-360 2010
B.G.N.Sewwandi, S.K.Weragoda, M.I.M.Mowjood, Norio Tanaka and S.Sasikala -
Effectiveness of coastal forests in mitigating tsunami damage at eastern coat in Sri Lanka
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13-14:65-72 2010
Samarakoon, M.B., Tanaka, N., Matsumoto, Y. -
Effects of coastal vegetation species and ground slope on storm surge disaster mitigation
,Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering,32 2010
Shamal Chandra Das, Kosuke Iimura, Norio Tanaka -
Effects of river bank erosion and local scouring due to flooding on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning Robinia pseudoacacia
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:119-122 2010
Samarakoon, M.B., Norio Tanaka, Junji Yagisawa -
Efficiency of coconut coir-pith as an alternative substrate in the treatment of submerged macrophyte wetland systems in tropical conditions
,Chemistry & Ecology,26(6):445-452 2010
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M., Sewwandi, B.G.N. -
Evaluating of drag characteristics and breaking condition of coastal or fluvial forest
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:9-17 2010
Junji Yagisawa, Norio Tanaka -
Evaluating of flood effects on trees
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:46-55 2010
Samarakoon, M.B., Norio Tanaka, Junji Yagisawa -
Flood wash-out conditions of exotic and invasive plant, Eragrostis curvula, in Japanese rivers
,International Journal of River Basin Management,,8:15-24 2010
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Flow behind wind fence with and without vegetation
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:93-96 2010
Mulati, Y., Tanaka N., Hoshikawa M. -
Flow Structures and Sedimentation Characteristics around Clump-Type Vegetation
,J.Hydro-environment Research,4:15-25 2010
Tanaka, N, Yagisawa, J. -
Force due to tsunami runup around a coastal forest with a gap Experiments and numerical simulations
,Science of Tsunami Hazards,29(2):43-69 2010
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Katsutoshi Tanimoto, Norio Tanaka -
Impact of Inlet morphometry changes on natural sensitivity and flushing time of the Koggala Lagoon
,Sri Lanka, International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2010 2010
Gunaratne Gayan L, Norio Tanaka, Manatunge Jagath, Priyadarshana Tilak -
Indicators for classifying the possibility of forestation on a gravel bar in a river
,Proc. of 17h IAHR-APD,CDROM 2010
Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J.
Auckland, New Zealand -
Measurements of drag coefficient of real tree trunks and branches in a wind tunnel
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:19-24 2010
Hiroshi Takenaka, Norio Tanaka -
Rapha l Paris, Numerical modeling of coral boulders transport by 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Banda Aceh, Indonesia
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:97-100 2010
Nandasena, N. A. K., Norio Tanaka -
Responses of Egeria densa to various influent ammonia concentrations: Microcosm study on plant morphology
,Journal of Ecotechnology Research,16(1):1-6 2010
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.S.B.N. Sasaki, Y. -
Restoration of Koggala Lagoon; Modelling approach in evaluating lagoon water budget and flow characteristics
,J. of Environmental Sciences,22(6):813-819 2010
Gayan Gunaratne, Tanaka, N, Prasanna Amarasekara, Tilak Priyadarshana, Jagath Manatuge -
Sanitation issues in small communities An approach to stream pollution control by constructed wetlands
,JSPS AA Sience Platform Program,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:1-5 2010
Prabha Weerakoon, Norio Tanaka, Mowjood M.I.M., Herath, G.B.B., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Sequential Impact of Integrated Submerged-Floating Macrophyte Wetland Systems on Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and Nitrogen Removal Efficiency
,International Conference on Wetland Ecosystem Services 2010:54 2010
Weragoda, S.K., Norio Tanaka, Sewwandi, B.G.N., Mowjood, M.I.M., and Sasaki, Y. -
The indicator for classifying the role of trees from the point of driftwood generation and capture of debris at flood events with different flood magnitude
,8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics,September 12-16:647-654 2010
Tanaka N., Yagisawa J. -
Tsunami force mitigation by tropical coastal trees, Pandanus odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia, considering the effect of tree breaking
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13-14:7-14 2010
Tanaka, N., Thuy, N.B. -
Turbulent flow over sharp edged object on bed: scoring and non-scouring case
,Proc. 12th Int. Summer Sym.:81-84 2010
Shah Prem, Norio Tanaka and Mulati Yusayin -
Water balance and renewal time of Rekawa Lagoon, Sri Lanka; A restorative approach
,Special Session on Natural Systems to Control “Water Resources Pollution" and “Water Hazards" on AA-CORE programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments,Sri Lanka, 13-14:37-44 2010
Gunaratne, G.L., Priyadarshana, T., Manatunge, J., Tanaka N., Yasuda S. -
Wind Tunnel Experiments on Direct Measurement of Drag Force of Real Tree Trunks and Branches and Their Sheltering Effects at High Reynolds Numbers
,8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics,September 12-16:1520-1525 2010
Hiroshi Takenaka, Norio Tanaka, Phyo Min Htet, Junji Yagisawa -
スリランカにおける海岸林の植林状況と海岸環境の問題点、海岸林による植生バイオシールドに関する現状と課題 日本とスリランカの比較を通して
,アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成事業・(兼)埼玉大学環境科学研究センター セミナー概要集 2010
田中規夫 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),66(1):276-280 2010
N. B. Thuy,谷本勝利,田中規夫,原田賢治,飯村耕介 -
,土木学会論文集B,66(4):359-370 2010
田中規夫,八木澤順治,福岡捷二 -
,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),66(1):281-285 2010
飯村耕介,田中規夫,原田賢治,谷本勝利 -
,第17回河川整備基金助成事業成果発表会発表用資料集 2010
田中規夫 -
,海洋開発論文集,26:291-296 2010
Nguyen Ba Thuy,飯村耕介,田中規夫,谷本勝利 -
,河川技術論文集,16:225-230 2010
田中規夫,八木澤順治,Methsiri Samarakoon,佐々木寧,利根川 誠 -
,土木学会論文集B,66(4):434-443 2010
田中 規夫, N. B. THUY, 谷本 勝利 -
Adsorption Mechanism of Cr(VI) onto Coir Pith'
Taylor & Francis,Bioremediation Journal,13(4):188-197 200911
Makehelwala Madhubhashini, Jinadasa K.B.S.N., Tanaka, Norio, Weerasoriya, Rohan and Bandara, Athula -
Effect of Open Gap in Coastal Forest on Tsunami Run-up - Investigations by Experiment and Numerical Simulation
Elsevier,Ocean Engineering,36(15/16):1258-1269 200910
Thuy, N.B., Tanimoto, K., Tanaka, N., Harada K., Iimura, K. -
Effects of tsunami and tree conditions on tsunami reduction experimental study
,Vietnamese and Japanese Students' Scientific Exchange Conference:5-6/221 200910
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Norio Tanaka -
土木学会,海岸工学論文集,56(1):366-370 200910
飯村耕介、田中規夫、谷本勝利、田中茂信 -
海岸樹林端部付近における津波の流れ 実験と数値計算
土木学会,海岸工学論文集,56(1):361-365 200910
谷本勝利、田中規夫、Nguyen Ba Thuy、飯村耕介、原田賢治 -
土木学会,河川技術論文集,15:153-158 200906
八木澤順治、田中規夫、福岡捷二 -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学工学部紀要(42):44-45 200904
田中規夫、干川真、荒井三七雄、Mulati Yusaiyin -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学工学部紀要(42):46-47 200904
田中規夫、原田賢治、谷本勝利、飯村耕介、B.N.Thuy -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学工学部紀要(42):42-43 200904
田中規夫、八木澤順治 -
Effects of tree characteristics and substrate condition on critical breaking moment of trees due to heavy flooding
田中 規夫
To elucidate tree breakage conditions with different breaking mechanisms, i.e., moment by drag force, local scour, and degradation of the substrate around trees, field surveys were conducted after a flood event (September 2007 flood due to Typhoon 9) in the Tamagawa River, Japan. Trees in a river have two main breaking mechanisms during a flood event, moment by fluid force and erosion of the substrate. Moment by fluid force causes two breaking phenomena, trunk damage (bending, breakage) and overturning. Trunk bending or breakage can be expressed as a function of d (c) , where d is the trunk diameter at breast height and the power c equals 3 for trunk bending or breakage, and approximately 2 for overturning. Smaller diameter trees experienced trunk breakage, but larger trees were overturned. The range for these two breaking patterns changes with the substrate condition. If severe scouring has occurred, the threshold for overturning moment can be quite small. Tree overturning occurred mostly on the bank side of the gravel bar; however, some trees, especially Robinia pseudo acacia and Morus bombycis, were overturned if the substrate was a thin deposited soil or silt layer on gravel. The roots were anchored in the small-particle deposited layer in that case. As for the erosion of the substrate, the tree-breaking patterns can be classified into three types depending on the relationship between the nondimensionalized bed shear stress of d (50) and d (84), the representative grain diameters at which 50 and 84% of the volume of the material, respectively, is finer. The nondimensionalized shear stress of d (84) is an important parameter for discussing the rehabilitation of the gravel bed bar. The boundary region for tree overturning can be changed by the effects of plant cover and debris attachment.
Tree-breaking pattern, Forestation, Regeneration, Root zone, Moment by drag force -
Vegetation bioshields for tsunami mitigation: review of effectiveness, limitations, construction, and sustainable management
田中 規夫
Coastal vegetation has been widely recognized as a natural method to reduce the energy of tsunami waves. However, a vegetation barrier cannot completely stop a tsunami, and its effectiveness depends on the magnitude of the tsunami as well as the structure of the vegetation. For coastal rehabilitation, optimal planning of natural coastal systems, and their maintenance, we need to quantitatively elucidate the capacity of vegetation to reduce the energy of tsunami waves. The limitations of coastal forests in relation to the magnitude of a tsunami and the maintenance of forests as natural disaster buffer zones have to be understood correctly for effective coastal vegetation planning. Demerits of coastal forests have also been revealed: for example, an open gap in a forest (i.e., a road, river, difference in elevation, etc.) can channel and amplify a strong current by forcing it into the gap. Floating debris from broken trees also can damage surrounding buildings and hurt people. However, many studies have revealed that these demerits can be overcome with proper planning and management of mangroves and coastal forests, and that coastal vegetation has a significant potential to mitigate damage in constructed areas and save human lives by acting as buffer zones during extreme natural events. However, mangrove forests have been damaged by anthropogenic activities (i.e., tourism, shrimp farming, and industrial development), making coastal areas increasingly vulnerable to tsunamis and other natural disasters. The effectiveness of vegetation also changes with the age and structure of the forest. This highlights the fact that proper planning and management of vegetation are required to maintain the tsunami buffering function of coastal forests. Although many government and nongovernmental organizations have implemented coastal vegetation projects, many of them have been unsuccessful due to a lack of proper maintenance. A pilot project in Matara City, Sri Lanka, revealed that participation and support from local authorities and communities is essential to make the planting projects successful. An integrated coastal vegetation management system that includes utilization of the materials produced by the forest and a community participation and awareness program are proposed to achieve a sustainable and long-lasting vegetation bioshield.
Tsunami protection, Buffer zone, Forest structures, Participation and support of local authorities, Integrated management system -
Developing Effective vegetation bioshield for tsunami protection
Taylor & Francis,Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems,26(2):163-180 2009
Tanaka, N., Nandasena, N.A.K., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N.Tanimoto, K., Sasaki, Y.and Mowjood -
Difference of wash-out condition of plants due to floods with respect to the vegetated location on gravel-bed bars
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:33-38 2009
Yagisawa, J.and Tanaka, N.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Distributed Water Balance with River Dynamic Diffusive Flow Model in Watershed with Compound and Natural River Streams
Elsevier,J. Hydrodynamics,21(4):564-572 2009
Hassan S.H.Ahmed, Tanaka N, Tamai N, -
Drag and sheltering characteristics of clump-type vegetation
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:158-162 2009
Satsuma, A., Tanaka, N., and Yagisawa, J.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Drag coefficient of a real tree trunk at high Reynolds numers
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:141-145 2009
Takenaka, H., Tanaka、N., Yagisawa、J.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Efects of windbreak width in wind direction on the wind velocity reduction
Springer,Journal of Forestry Research,20(3):199-204 2009
Mulati Yusaiyin, Tanaka N. -
Effect of Coir on Bioremediation of Pollutants in Tropical Constructed Wetlands
,Symposium on Effective Synergization of Water Resources and Natural Landscape 2009
KBSN Jinadasa (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), Norio Tanaka (Saitama University), MIM Mowjood, (University of Peradeniya), Rohan Weerasooriya (University of Peradeniya) -
Effect of Coir on Bioremediation of Pollutants in Tropical Constructed Wetlands in Asia
日本環境化学会,Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry. Japan:284-285 2009
KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka, MIM Mowjood, Rohan Weerasooriya,WJ Ng -
Effect of Pulsing Application on Performance of Tropical Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Waste
,The 7th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment:435-442 2009
KBSN Jinadasa, S Sasikala, Norio Tanaka, MIM Mowjood, WJ Ng
Thailand -
Effects of substrate removal in root anchoring zone on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym.:73-76 2009
M.B.Samarakoon, Norio Tanaka, Junji Yagisawa -
Effects of water level uctuation on radial oxygen loss, root porosity, and nitrogen removal in subsurface vertical ow wetland mesocosms
,Ecological Engineering,35:410-417 2009
Sasikala, S., Tanaka, N., H.S.Y Wah Wah, Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Evaluation of the sequential impact of integrated submerged-floating macrophyte wetland systems in wastewater treatment
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym.:309-312 2009
S.K.Weragoda, Norio Tanaka, B.G.N.Sewwandi, M.I.M.Mowjood -
Experiments on solitary waves passing through coastal vegetation under Waterlogged Conditions
,South China Sea Tsunami Workshop 3 SCSTW3 2009
Nandasena, N. A. K., Bandara, R.P.S.S., Hettiarachchi, S. S. L., Tanaka, N., Ratnasooriya, A. H. R., and Samarawickrama, S. P.
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia -
Flow through vegetation: steady flow resistance
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:127-131 2009
Harsha.Ratnasooriya, Chathura Manawasekara, Saman Samarawickrama, Norio Tanaka
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Impact of influent inorganic nitrogen on nitrate removal efficiency of submerged plant microcosms
Taylor & Francis,Chemistry & Ecology,25(3):179-188 2009
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Sasaki, Y. -
Impact of riverbed elevation change on threshold moment and shear stress for washing out trees in a river
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:152-157 2009
Kikuji, Y., Yagisawa, J.and Tanaka, N.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Impacts of plant (Egeria densa) density and influent composition on nitrogen transformation mechanisms in submerged plant wetland systems
OIKOS,J. Freshwater Ecology,24(3):583-591 2009
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y.and Jinadasa, K.B.S.N -
Indices for evaluating the breaking and wash-out condition of trees on gravel bar at flood events
,Proc. of 33rd IAHR 2009
Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J.
Vancouver, Canada -
Influence of fluid forces induced by turbulence flow on bed protection block stability
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym.:81-84 2009
M.Budi Saputra, Norio Tanaka and Koichi Inoue -
Investigations on Tsunami Inundation and Coastal Vegetation Characteristics
,Proceedings of Third International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE 2009):1118-1128 2009
Nandasena N. A. K., Tanaka N., Tanimoto K., Bandara R. P. S. S., Ratnasooriya A. H. R., Samarawickkrama S. P., and Hettiarachchi S. S. L. -
Local adaptation of coastal forest for tsunami reduction, the case study around Sendai airport, Japan
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:169-174 2009
Imabayashi, M., Tanaka, N., Harada, K.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Numerical modeling of steady flow through vegetation
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:138-140 2009
Kithsiri Nandasena, Norio Tanaka, Chathura Manawasekara, Harsha Ratnasooriya
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Pre and post anoxic denitrification on nitrogen removal in wetland systems using submerged and floating macrophytes
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:187-192 2009
Sewwandi B.G.N., Weragoda S.K., Mowjood M.I.M., Tanaka N., Sasikala, S.
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka -
Restoration of Koggala Lagoon; Evaluating Lagoon Hydrologic Budget, Flushing Time and Flow Characteristics
,Proceedings of ADB -JSP Forum -:25-26 2009
Gunaratne, D.A.G.L., Tanaka, N. -
Restoration of Koggala Lagoon; Modelling Approach in evaluating Lagoon Water budget and Flow Characteristics
,13th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2009):226-227 2009
Gayan Gunaratne, Prasanna Amarasekara, Jagath Manatuge, Tilak Priyadarshana, Norio Tanaka
Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Republic of Korea -
The Effectiveness of Vetiver Grass in Controlling Water Borne Erosion in Bangladesh
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym.:69-72 2009
Shamal Chandra Das and Norio Tanaka -
Tsunami flow velocity behind the coastal forest with an open gap Effects of tsunami and tree condition
World Scientific Publishing,Coastal Dynamics2009:1-11 2009
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Norio Tanaka, Katsutoshi Tanimoto, Kenji Harada and Kosuke Iimura -
Vegetaion engineering for eco-friendrical countermeasure to mitigate disasters in coast or river
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:1-8 2009
Tanaka, N.
September14-15,UniversityofRuhuna,SriLanka -
Wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands in tropical conditions
,Abstracts of Regional workshop on Wetland Resources Management: Integrated Approach Towards Sustainability,BCDM 2009
KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka, MIM Mowjood Werellagama, D.R.I.B.
Gazipur, Bangladesh -
,水工学論文集,53:1171-1176 2009
八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
土木学会,海洋開発論文集,25:69-74 2009
飯村耕介、田中規夫、原田賢治、谷本勝利 -
,水工学論文集,53:961-966 2009
井上浩一,田中規夫,八木澤順治 -
,水工学論文集,53:631-636 2009
田中規夫,八木澤順治,福岡捷二 -
(社)埼玉県建設コンサルタント技術研修協会,平成20年度 技術講習会「エコロジーと自然再生」 2009 -
,日本海岸林学会誌,(3):39-46 2009
田中規夫 -
日本河川・流域再生ネットワーク,第13回湧水シンポジウム 2009
田中規夫 -
財団法人平和中島財団,国際学術研究助成研究成果報告書(平成17-19年度):102-104 200811
田中規夫 -
山形大学海外科研グループ,海岸林の津波被害軽減効果に関する科研費成果報告会「インド洋大津波に対する海岸林の効果の検証と今後の海岸域の保全のあり方」 : 講演資料 200811
田中 規夫 -
Tsunami Current Inundation of Ground with Coastal Vegetation Effects; an Initial Step Towards a Natural Solution for Tsunami Amelioration
,J. Earthquake and Tsunami,2(2):157-171 200801
N. A. K. Nandasena;N. Tanaka;K. Tanimoto -
Impact of harvesting on constructed wetlands performance a comparison between Scirpus grossus and Typha angustifolia
,J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A,A43(6):1-8 2008
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Sasikala, S., Werellagama, D.R.I.B., Mowjood M.I.M. and Ng, W.J. -
Investigation Team of Japan Society of Civil Engineering
,Investigation Report on the Storm Surge Disaster by Cyclone SIDR in 2007, Bangladesh:79 2008 -
LEE (Landscape and Ecological Engineering) 3巻2号の紹介、「異なる成長期に刈り取った後に再生したシュートの生産力と窒素含有量により評価したヒメガマ(Typha angustifolia)の窒素収支
,日本緑化工学会誌,33(4):621 2008
Shamal Chandra Das・田中規夫 -
LEE (Landscape and Ecological Engineering) 3巻2号の紹介、「根茎植物であるヨシ(Phragmites australis)とオギ(Miscanthus sacchariflorus)の2種が群落において刈り取りや屈曲によって受ける影響
,日本緑化工学会誌,33(4):623 2008
Shamal Chandra Das・田中規夫 -
Modeling Approach on Studying the Effect of Water Level Fluctuation on Belowground Oxygen Dynamics in Wetland Mesocosms
,KKU Journal,13:1-10 2008
Weragoda, S.K., Tran Huyen Trang, Sasikala S., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
Perspective of coastal Vegetation patches with topography variations for tsunami protection in 2D numerical modeling
,Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,JSCE(52):133-138 2008
Nandasena, N. A. K., Tanaka, N. and Tanimoto, K. -
,水工学論文集,52:649-654 2008
田中規夫・八木澤順治・佐々木寧・福岡捷二 -
,東久留米市立中央図書館:15 2008
田中規夫 -
,河川技術論文集,14:139-144 2008
八木澤順治・田中規夫・福岡捷二 -
,水工学論文集,52:697-702 2008
湯谷賢太郎・内田哲夫・佐々木寧・田中規夫 -
,海岸工学論文集,55:226-230 2008
谷本勝利・田中規夫・N. B. THUY・飯村耕介 -
津波遡上に対する海岸樹林内通路の影響 2次元数値計算による検討
,海洋開発論文集,24:87-92 2008
谷本勝利・田中規夫・N. B. Thuy・N. A. K. Nandasena・飯村耕介 -
,土木学会海岸工学委員会・水工学委員会・社会支援部門調査支援対策本部:86 2008
土木学会バングラデシュ水害調査に対する災害緊急調査団(分担) -
Differences of tree-breaking pattern and its moment at river floods and two tsunamis under different substrate condition, Development of sustainable infrastructures in Asia
,Proceedings of International collaborative graduate symposium between Saitama University, Japan and University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka:1-8 2008
Tanaka, N. and Yagisawa, J. -
Effect of coconut coir-pith supplement on nitrogen and phosphate removal in subsurface flow wetland microcosms
,Chemistry and Ecology,24(1):1-8 2008
Tanaka, N., A.K. Karunarathna and K.B.S.N Jinadasa -
Effect of water level fluctuations on nitrogen removal and plant growth performance in vertical subsurface-flow wetland mesocosms
,J. Freshwater Ecology,23(1):101-112 2008
S.Sasikala, N. Tanaka and K.B.S.N. Jinadasa -
Evaluation of tsunami defense effects by coastal tree species on tsunami run-up height and current velocity reduction
,Development of sustainable infrastructures in Asia,Proceedings of International collaborative graduate symposium between Saitama University, Japan and University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka:9-14 2008
Iimura, K. and Tanaka, N. -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト成果発表会 : ポスター展示 200711
田中 規夫 -
Flow structures and drag characteristics of a colony-type emergent roughness model mounted on a flat plate in uniform flow
田中 規夫 -
Experimental study on flow structures and drag characteristics of colony-type roughness models considering roughness density and relative height to water depth
,Proceedings of the joint seminar organized by School of Civil Engineering & Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand and Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan,New technologies for infrastructure development and protection:166-173 200703
Shiho ITO, Norio TANAKA -
,水工学論文集,51:1445-1450 200702
田中規夫・佐々木寧 -
A new derivation of two dimensional depth averaged momentum equation and continuity equation, which include total effect of porosity inside the vegetation,
,Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE,51:163-168 200702
Nandasena, N. A. K., Tanaka, N. and Takagi, T. -
,水工学論文集,51:1249-1254 200702
八木澤順治・田中規夫 -
,水工学論文集,51:1255-1260 200702
青木信哉・田中規夫・八木澤順治 -
Ammonium adsorption capacity of sand in constructed wetland mesocosms
,Summer Sym.,Proc. 9th Int.:299-302 2007
T.H. Trang, Tanaka, N., Yutani, K., and Sasikala S. -
Bio-shield in Coastal and Aquatic Environment, Environmentally Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia
,Proceedings of International Exchange Seminar between Saitama University, Japan & Thammasat University, Thailand 2007
Tanaka, N. -
Calculating Nitrogen Removal Efficiency with One Dimensional Nitrogen Budget Model on the Reed-Wetland Soil System
,Wat Sci Tech,55(1/2):129 138 2007
Yutani, K. and N. Tanaka -
Capability of coastal vegetation species dominant in Asian region to retardate the tsunami impact.
,Summer Sym.,Proc. 9th Int.:115-118 2007
Nandasena, N. A. K.,Tanaka, N., Tanimoto, K. -
Change of threshold velocity for gravel movement by runner expansion and growth of Phragmites japonica on a gravel bar: Modeling approach
,J. of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Eng.,25(1):1-10 2007
Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J. and Ogawa, T. -
Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunami protection: Experience of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,3:33-45 2007
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood M.I.M., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Effect of broken dead culms of Phragmites australis on radial oxygen loss in relation to radiation and temperature
,Hydrobiologia,583:165-172 2007
Tanaka, N., Yutani, K., Aye, T. and K.B.S.N. Jinadasa, -
Effect of external organic matter on nutrient removal and growth of Phragmites australis in a lab-scale subsurface-flow treatment wetland,
,Wat Sci Tech,55(1/2):121 128 2007
Karunarathna, A.K., Tanaka, N. and Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Effect of Water Level Fluctuation on Radial Oxygen Loss(ROL) of Typha orientalis in a vertical flow wetland mesocosms
,Summer Sym.,Proc. 9th Int.:295-298 2007
Wah Wah Han Su Yin,Tanaka, N., Yutani, K. and S Sasikala -
Effect of water level fluctuations on nitrogen removal and plant growth in a vertical subsurface flow wetland mesocosms
,Summer Sym., ,Proc. 9th Int.:291-294 2007
Sasikala, S.,Tanaka,N.,Yutani,K and Jinadasa KBSN. -
Establishment of sustainable coastal vegetation Experiences from Sri Lanka
,Summer Sym.,Proc. 9th Int.:303-306 2007
K.B.S.N.Jinadasa, Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Werellagama, D.R.I.B. -
Estimation of nutrient budgets of Typha angustifolia considering the harvesting of aerial organs in different growing seasons and their regrowth characteristics
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,3(2):99-108 2007
Das S.C. & Tanaka, N. -
Flow structures and drag characteristics of a colony-type emergent roughness model mounted on a flat plate in uniform flow
,Fluid Dynamics Research,39:694-710 2007
Takemura, T. and Tanaka, N. -
Limitations of coastal vegetation in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and 2006 Java tsunami
,IAHR,32nd:Congress 2007
Norio Tanaka and Yasushi Sasaki -
Numerical simulation of wind flow around single and double arranged windbreaks
,Summer Sym.,Proc. 9th Int.:107-110 2007
Mulati Yusaiyin and Tanaka, N., Takagi, T. -
Sustainable coastal vegetation-based landscaping: Its role for tsunami protection in Sri Lanka
,Proceeding and abstracts of International Conference on Mitigation of the Risk of Natural Hazards,CDROM 2007
Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M., Werellagama, D.R.I.B., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. and Y. Sasaki -
The effects of stem breaking/bending of two rhizomatous plants, Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus, on floodplain vegetation
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,3(2):131 141 2007
Das S.C. & Tanaka, N. -
The role of coastal vegetation in case of the Indian Ocean tsunami - Coastal area of Thailand and Sri Lanka-
,Mangrove Science,4/5:49-55 2007
Sasaki, Y., Samang Homchuen and Tanaka, N. -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,40:42-50 2007
佐々木 寧,田中 規夫
Investigation on the damage by tsunami along the South Coast of Java, Indonesia -
,谷本勝利先生退職記念シンポジウム,講演概要集:「津波減災にむけて」 2007
田中 規夫 -
,河川整備基金助成事業報告書 2007
谷本勝利,田中規夫,佐々木寧,湯谷賢太郎 -
,河川技術論文集,13:177-182 2007
田中規夫,八木澤順治,青木信哉,福岡捷二 -
,研究報告平成17年度土木分野:66-69 2007
田中規夫 -
,海岸工学論文集,54:1381-1385 2007
谷本勝利,田中規夫,N. A. Kithsiri Nandasena,飯村耕介,清水隆 -
,宇都宮大学,第4回エネルギー環境科学公開シンポジウム:19-22 2007
田中 規夫 -
Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunami protection: Experience of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,Springer-online:Springer-online 200610
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood M.I.M., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
,海岸工学論文集,53:281-285 200610
田中規夫,武村武,佐々木寧,M.I.M. Mowjood -
スリランカ南部海岸線におけるインド洋大津波被害実態調査(その2) : 海岸林の破壊限界モーメントに注目して<論文>
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,39:58-65 200607
田中 規夫,佐々木 寧,M.I.M. MOWJOOD,K.B.S.N. JINADASA,八木澤 順治
Investigation on the damage by Indian Ocean Tsunami at the southern coast in SriLanka in relation to the breaking moment of the tree trunk in coastal vegetation -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,39:66-73 200607
田中 規夫,高木 利光,山崎 典和,児玉 敏雄,八木澤 順治
Wind tunnel experiments on optimal wind protection fence that minimizes the spray transport to the downstream -
,河川技術論文集,12:67-72 200606
八木澤順治、田中規夫、竹内博輝、玉井信行 -
,河川技術論文集,12:455-460 200606
田中規夫、八木澤順治、青木信哉 -
スリランカ南部海岸線におけるインド洋大津波被害実態調査(その2) 海岸林の破壊限界モーメントに注目して
,埼玉大学紀要工学部,39:62-69 200604
田中 規夫, 佐々木 寧, M.I.M. Mowjood, K.B.S.N. Jinadasa, 八木澤順治 -
,埼玉大学紀要工学部,39:70-77 200604
田中 規夫, 高木利光, 山崎典和, 児玉 敏雄, 八木澤順治 -
Effects and Limitations of the Coastal Vegetation in Sri Lanka and Thailand at the Indian Ocean Tsunami
,Res. Pep. of Dept. of Civil & Environ. Eng., Saitama Univ.,34:7-16 200603
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
Situations of the Indian Ocean Tsunami at Dec.2004 in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Maldives
,Res. Pep. of Dept. of Civil & Environ. Eng., Saitama Univ.,34:39-52 200603
Sasaki, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Constructed Tropical Wetlands with Integrated Submergent-Emergent Plants for Sustainable Water Quality Management,
,Journal of Environmental Science and Health,10:2221 - 2236 2006
Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Werellagama, D.R.I.B., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Ng, W.J. -
Effectiveness of Scirpus grossus in Treatment of Domestic Wastes in a Constructed Wetland,
,J. Freshwater Ecology,21(4):603-612 2006
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Werellagama, D.R.I.B. -
Effects of sand dune and vegetation in the coastal area of Sri Lanka at the Indian Ocean tsunami
,In: Eds, Namsik Park et al., Advances in Geosciences,6:World Scientific Publishing, Co. 2006
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood, M.I.M. -
Free water surface constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment A tropical case study,
,Chemistry & Ecology ,,22(3):181-191 2006
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M. and D.R.I.B. Werellagama -
Harvesting Aerial shoots of Zizania latifolia at Different Growth Stages:Effects on Belowground Biomass, Regrowth, and Rhizome Morphology
,,J. Freshwater Ecology,21(4):583-591 2006
Das S.C. & Tanaka, N. -
,水工学論文集,50:1177-1182 2006
八木澤順治、田中規夫、青木信哉 -
河道内に繁茂するヒメガマTypha angustifoliaの拡大可能性分析
,水工学論文集,50:1189-1194 2006
武村武,田中規夫 -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):49-57 200503
佐々木 寧,田中 規夫,湯谷 賢太郎,サマン ホモチュエン
Investigation on Effect for Vegetation by Tsunami in that Case of Sumatra Earthquake, Southern Part of Thailand -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):66-73 200503
田中 規夫,佐々木 寧,M.I.M. Mowjood
Investigation on the damage by Indian Ocean Tsunami at the southern coast in Sri Lanka in relation to the effect of lagoon, coastal sand dune and vegetation -
,水工学論文集,49:1255-1260 200503
湯谷賢太郎, 田中規夫, 山内孝太, 浅枝隆 -
,水工学論文集,49:1441-1446 200503
小川友浩, 田中規夫, 城野裕介 -
,水工学論文集,49:871-876 200503
武村武, 田中規夫 -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):58-65 200503
田中 規夫,Das S.C.,武村 武,八木澤 順治
Appropriate flood intensity to the wetland in old meandering river trace considering the regrowth process of emergent macrophytes -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):134-140 200503
佐々木 寧,小松 登志子,王 青躍,田中 規夫,湯谷 賢太郎
Transport and risk assessment of Environmental Impact Chemicals in the Mekong basin of northeast Thailand: Towards an eco-city -
埼玉大学工学部,埼玉大学紀要, 工学部, 第1部論文集,1(38):141-142 200503
田中 規夫,湯谷 賢太郎,M.I.M. Mowjood,D.R.I.B. Werellagama
Effects of vegetation on pollutant removal in a constructed wetland in tropic region, Sri Lanka -
Flow structures and sand deposition behind a colony-type grass on a gravel bar
,Proc.XXXI IAHR Congress:2094-2103 2005
Tanaka, N., Takemura, T. and Shirono, Y. -
Management of below-ground biomass of Typha angustifolia by harvesting shoots above the water surface on different summer days
,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,1:113-126 2005
Tanaka, N., Watanabe, T., Asaeda, T. and Takemura, T. -
Study of colony-type grass for wind-blown sand control: width and spacing considerations
,Proc. XXXI IAHR Congress:1884-1893 2005
Tanaka, N., Shirono, Y. and Takagi, T. -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,16年度 2005
田中 規夫
Appropriate flood intensity analysis to a wetland in old meandering river trace considering the damage by floods and re-growth process of emergent macrophytes -
津波防御に対する樹林幅と樹種影響について インド洋大津波におけるタイでの痕跡調査結果
,海岸工学論文集,52:1346-1350 2005
田中規夫・佐々木寧・湯谷賢太郎・Samang Homchuen -
,海岸工学論文集,51:556-560 200411
田中規夫, 他3名 -
,環境システム研究論文集,32:197-203 200410
田中規夫,他3名 -
,日本緑化工学会誌,30:74-79 200409
城野 裕介, 田中 規夫, 渡辺 肇, 高木 利光 -
Modelling of the long-term competition between Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia in shallow water - Effects of eutrophication, latitude and initial advantage of belowground organs
,Aquatic Botany,79:295-310 200408
Tanaka, N., Asaeda, T., Hasegawa, A. and Tanimoto, K. -
,河川技術論文集,10:315-320 200406
田中規夫, 他3名 -
,土木学会論文集,761(II-67):95-100 200405
田中規夫、他3名 -
河川空間におけるヒメガマTypha angustifoliaの地下茎拡大機構,田中、武村、浅枝、長谷川、谷本
土木学会論文集,698(Ⅱ-58):81-91 2002 -
刈り取りによる栄養塩除去量と再生長による地下茎回復量の関連について, 武村,田中,浅枝,谷本
水工学論文集,46:1115-1120 2002 -
初期生長期の特性に基づくガマ・ヒメガマの生長解析, 長谷川,田中,浅枝,谷本
水工学論文集,46:1109-1114 2002 -
土壌条件が陸側のヨシPhragmites australisの生長に与える影響について,田中、浅枝、Karunaratne、谷本
土木学会論文集,698(Ⅱ-58):57-68 2002 -
アシPhragmites australis の生長に対する湛水深の影響解析,田中,浅枝,Karunaratne,谷本
土木学会論文集,677(Ⅱ-55):141-150 2001 -
ヨシの生長解析に基づく栄養塩除去量の評価,田中,浅枝,Karunaratne, 谷本
ダム工学,11(1):26-39 2001 -
土木学会論文集,677(Ⅱ-55):151-161 2001 -
土木学会論文集,670(Ⅱ-54):73-82 2001 -
抽水植物の鉛直生産構造の相違を考慮した生長解析, 田中、浅枝、谷本、長谷川
水工学論文集,45:1093-1098 2001 -
日射量・気温変化によるアシPhragmites australis の生長予測解析,田中,浅枝,Karunaratne
土木学会論文集,663(Ⅱ-53):119-129 2000 -
Influences of Subgrid Heterogeneity of Land Use and Grid Size on Water and Heat Budgets in the Shutoken Area, Jia,Y., Tamai,N. & Tanaka,N.
水工学論文集,43:115-120 1999 -
Promotion of Sediment Suspension Utilizing Coherent Eddies around an Obstacle in front of a Weir, Tanaka,N.,Kaneko,T.
XXIV IAHR Congress:A431-A440 1991 -
ながれ,10(2):93-105 1991 -
物体周りの組織渦を利用した浮遊砂の促進について, 田中,金子
水工学論文集,35:365-370 1991 -
開水路底面上の大規模粗度付近における渦運動について, 田中,細川,玉井
水工学論文集,34:487-492 1990 -
Vortex strctures around a hemispheric hump, Tamai, N., Asada, T., Tanaka, N.
Boundary Layer Meteorology,39:301-314 1987 -
Comparison of the effects of coastal forest and those of sea embankment on reducing the washout region of houses in the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
,Journal of Hydro-environmental Research(accepted)
Tanaka, N., Yasuda, S., Iimura, K., Yagisawa, J. -
東北地方太平洋沖地震で発生した津波石 ~岩手県、宮城県での発生状況調査速報~
田中 規夫, Nandasena, N.A.K., 佐々木 寧 - Presentation
Hybrid defense system for inundating tsunami current or overbank flow from a river (keynote lecture)
APD-IAHR2022 202212
Tanaka, N. -
Changes in the vegetation resistance in a river at a destructive large flood event
1st International Conference on Advances in Civil & Environmental Engineering 202202
Tanaka, N. -
Estimate the soil erosion in Urayama watershed using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices,8th International Symposium:423-430 202112
K.M.S.K. Rajapaksha, Norio Tanaka -
Backwater rise and current around patchy type vegetation after trapping debris at a flood event
Tanaka, N. -
Experimental investigation on overtopping and inundation hydrodynamics around an open dike with riparian forest
Japan Society of Civil Engineers,CS2-30(DVD) 202109
Aqiq Ahamd Mosadiq, Romitha Wickramasinghe, Norio Tanaka -
Historical river course changes and paddy fields developments in the Arakawa River Basin
IAHR-APD,Ext-abstract of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress 202009
Tanaka. N., Kajitani, H., Fushimi, K. -
Effects of landward slope roughness on scouring phenomena downstream of embankment toe
Proceedings of the 22nd International Summer Symposium (Japan Society of Civil Engineers), ,II(13): DVD 202009
Javedullah Hemat Sherzai, Rowan De Costa, Tanaka, N. -
Physical modeling of tsunami flow through discontinuous vegetation
Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Proceedings of the 21st International Summer Symposium :49-50 202009
Anjum, N., Tanaka, N., -
第46回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-71(CD-ROM) 201903
梶谷勇人,田中規夫 -
第46回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-59 (CD-ROM) 201903
伏見健吾,田中規夫 -
第46回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-95(CD-ROM) 201903
溝口裕太、末永博、小倉睦、田中規夫 -
第46回土木学会関東支部発表会 ,Ⅱ-33 (CD-ROM) 201903
小野寺祐乃,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
第46回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-63(CD-ROM) 201903
志賀なつみ,田中規夫,座波健仁 -
平成30年度土木学会全国大会 第73回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(107): 213-214 201808
溝口裕太、田中規夫 -
第45回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-33 (CD-ROM) 201803
山崎直樹,Sachika de Costa,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
第45回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-63(CD-ROM) 201803
荒川水系江流域における水路網を含む氾濫流の粗度係数について -
第45回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-71(CD-ROM) 201803
梶谷勇人,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
第45回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-30(CD-ROM) 201803
君和田祐弥,座波健仁,田中規夫 -
第45回土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ-59 (CD-ROM) 201803
伏見健吾,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction and hybrid defence system in practice
Abstracts of 5th Conference on Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research (SLJCR-2017) 201709
Tanaka N., Green infrastructure -
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction using a Coastal Lagoon
Proc. of 5th Conference on Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research (SLJCR-2017) 201709
Vinodh T.L.C., Yoshiya Igarashi Y., Tanaka N. -
Factors affecting the washout situation of inland houses behind large seaward structures in the Ishinomaki Port area after the Great East Japan tsunami,
Proc. of 5th Conference on Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research (SLJCR-2017) 201709
Zaha T., Igarashi Y., Tanaka N., Samarakoon M.B. -
Nutrient control by biological methods in a Tropical lake
Proc. of 5th Conference on Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research (SLJCR-2017) 201709
Werellagama I.B., Dias B.M., Jinadasa K.B.S.N., Norio Tanaka N. -
Use of Anaerobic Digestion for the treatment of Dairy Wastewater in Sri Lanka
Proc. of 5th Conference on Sri Lanka Japan Collaborative Research (SLJCR-2017) 201709
Ranasinghe K.G.D.S., Sirisena V.G.P., Samarakoon M.B., Tanaka N. -
平成29年度土木学会全国大会 第72回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ-224: 447-448 201709
五十嵐 善哉,田中 規夫 -
平成29年度土木学会全国大会 第72回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ-016:31-32 201709
赤崎裕太,田中 規夫 -
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction using a coastal lagoon
平成29年度土木学会全国大会 第72回年次学術講演会,Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction using a coastal lagoon:7-9 201709
Vinodh, T.L.C., Tanaka, N. -
Modeling the sediment dynamics of supplied sand and gravel in armored river downstream of a dam
Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress,Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress:744-751 201708
Tanaka N., Matsuo K. -
Disaster reduction characteristics by a lagoon at the Great East Japan tsunami
Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress,Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress:6035-6042 201708
Akasaki Y., Igarashi Y., Tanaka N. -
Estimation of tsunami force reduction and the breaking mode of coastal trees applicable to coastal forest management as a bioshield
Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress,Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress:5968-5976 201708
Tanaka N., Sato H., Akasaki Y., Torita H. -
Effect of lined cylinders behind embankment on the energy reduction of overflowing water
Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress,Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress:2151-2159 201708
Igarashi, Y., Tanaka, N., Zaha, T. -
土木学会関東支部発表会,二瀬ダム下流河川の生物相に影響を与えた還元土砂の有効粒径について,Ⅱ-76(CD-ROM) 201703
坂田良介,田中規夫,米山実 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,荒川西遷前後における川島町の氾濫特性の変化,Ⅱ-65(CD-ROM) 201703
赤崎佑太,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,津波時に堤外地樹林帯で発生した流木の堤内地侵入割合に関する実験的研究,Ⅱ-12(CD-ROM) 201703
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,急勾配水路における落差工と橋桁の位置関係が流木の集積状況に与える影響,Ⅱ-38(CD-ROM) 201703
宮原海,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,堤防越流直後の流れに対して杭群が与える変化とエネルギー減少メカニズム,Ⅱ-5(CD-ROM) 201703
座波健仁,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,海岸堤防前面部における低樹高の海岸林による津波の堤防越流量変化,Ⅱ-6(CD-ROM) 201703
山口耕平,五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,付着藻類が繁茂した粗粒化河床の礫層内外における流れ場の河床高上昇に伴う変化,Ⅱ-30(CD-ROM) 201703
長谷見優,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,樹冠・根鉢つき流木が家屋に衝突する際の流体力に関する付加質量力について,Ⅱ-41(CD-ROM) 201703
宮原海,伏見健吾,山﨑直樹,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,津波規模が海岸樹木破壊形態に及ぼす影響の樹種による相違,Ⅱ-7(CD-ROM) 201703
五十嵐善哉,君和田祐弥,赤崎佑太,田中規夫,佐藤創,鳥田宏行, -
Combined effect of vegetation and a backward facing step on energy loss
土木学会関東支部発表会, Combined effect of vegetation and a backward facing step on energy loss,Ⅱ-13(CD-ROM) 201703
Pasha GA,Ahmed FN, Tanaka N. -
平成28年度土木学会全国大会 第71回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ-165 :329-330 201609
金井花笑,田中規夫 -
平成28年度土木学会全国大会 第71回年次学術講演会,海岸堤防越流後の減勢に適した二重堤防構造の実験的検討,Ⅱ-177:353-354 201609
五十嵐 善哉,田中 規夫 -
,土木学会年次学術講演会, pp. 95-96, 2016,2015年9月関東・東北豪雨において生じた堤防法面上のガリー侵食量と越流規模との関係,Ⅱ-48:95-96 201609
八木澤 順治,田中 規夫 -
応用生態工学会第20回研究発表会講演集,人工角柱粗度周囲の底面流れとチラカゲロウの空間選考性に関する水理実験:130 201609
坂田良介,田中規夫 -
応用生態工学会第20回研究発表会講演集,付着藻による河床礫の揚力特性変化に関する基礎研究:138 201609
長谷見優,田中規夫 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(42(CD-ROM)) 201603
松尾昂祐,田中規夫,Habib Saqib, 今岡 健志 -
土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(48(CD-ROM)) 201603
坂田良介,田中規夫,米山 実 -
付着藻類繁茂の有無と礫間距離による 河床礫群の抗力特性変化に関する基礎実験
土木学会関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(50(CD-ROM)) 201603
長谷見 優,田中規夫,松尾昂祐,中嶋 一貴 -
Invertebrate dynamics in the downstream of a dam after sediment supply
,11th Int. Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE) 2016, Melbourne 201602
Tanaka, N., Shinyama, H., Sakata, R. -
Effect of configuration of extra fill soil at embankment back slope on scour volume and fluid force in the hinterland
,th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment (CD-ROM) 201601
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N. -
Turbulence characteristics and boundary layer development in armored gravel bed
JSCE 17th Int. Summer Sym.(CS2-022):43-44 201509
Habib, S., Yoshizawa, Y., Tanaka, N. -
Dynamics of tsunami drifted wood debris upon collision with finite length forest – a flume experiment
JSCE 17th Int. Summer Sym.(CS2-021):41-42 201509
Pasha, G.A., Ogino, K., Tanaka, N. -
平成27年度土木学会全国大会 第70年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(034):67-68 201509
坂田良介,田中規夫 -
平成27年度土木学会全国大会 第70年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(185):369-370 201509
五十嵐善哉,田中規夫 -
平成27年度土木学会全国大会 第70年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(233):465-466 201509
宮原海,田中規夫 -
Dynamic Window法による適正な粒度分布作成法に関する研究
平成27年度土木学会全国大会 第70年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(070):139-140 201509
山岸玄弥,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
平成27年度土木学会全国大会 第70年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(163):325-326 201509
八木澤順治,小野翔太郎,板橋直樹,鈴木純平,田中規夫 -
土木学会,関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(43) 201503
庭田侑,田中規夫 -
土木学会,関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(30) 201503
八木澤順治,小野翔太郎,板橋直樹,鈴木純平,田中規夫 -
砂礫州の切り下げによる河道断面の変化が土砂堆積指標SLI の分布パターンに与える影響
土木学会,関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(17) 201503
松尾昂祐,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
土木学会,関東支部発表会,Ⅱ(49) 201503
狩野匠,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
第126回日本森林学会,大会学術講演集 201503
佐藤創,田中規夫,野口宏典,鳥田宏行,真坂一彦,阿部友幸,岩崎健太 -
平成26年度土木学会全国大会 第69回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(148):295-296 201409
小内尭,八木澤順治,田中規夫,Weerakoon S.B., Jinadasa K.B.S.N. -
平成26年度土木学会全国大会 ,第69回年次学術講演会,Ⅱ(190):379-380 201409
八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
地盤工学委員会,平成26年度土木学会全国大会 ,第69年次学術講演会自由集会資料 201409
田中規夫 -
平成26年度土木学会全国大会,第69年次学術講演会,Ⅳ(130):259-260 201409
田中規夫.古里栄一 -
The effect of submerged water depth on shear stress acting on the bed and downstream slope of levee due to overtopping
Proc. of JSCE 16th International Summer Symposium:59-60 201409
Doan Van Binh, Sazia Afreen, J.Yagisawa, N.Tanaka -
The applicability of classical bulk model for estimating salinity stratification of choked coastal lagoons in Sri Lanka
Proc. of JSCE 16th International Summer Symposium:61-62 201409
G. L. Perera, E Furusato, N. Tanaka, Tilak Priyadarshana -
応用生態工学会,第18回研究発表会講演集,18:195-196 201409
古里栄一.坂田良介.田中規夫 -
応用生態工学会,第18回研究発表会講演集,18:197-198 201409
坂田良介.古里栄一.田中規夫 -
河川空間を動的に捉える: 攪乱による生息場更新と生物群集動態
応用生態工学会全国大会自由集会 201409
田中規夫 -
Different microhabitat characteristics behind large bed material and macroinvertebrate dynamics after artificial catastrophic disturbance
10th ISE2014,Trondheim, Norway,89 201406
Furusato E. and Tanaka N. -
Effects of sand supplied downstream of a dam to armored gravel river on the annual change in movability of bed material and community dynamics of invertebrates
10th ISE2014,Trondheim, Norway(151) 201406
Tanaka N. and Furusato E. -
Tanaka N., Design of river cross-section shape with increased diversity of vegetated area
10th ISE2014,Trondheim, Norway(152) 201406
K. De Silva and Tanaka N. -
Development of pollution control and environmental restoration techniques for waste landfill sites in Sri Lanka: Research progress and plan on field scale study
Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI),Singapore) 201406
Kawamoto, K., G.B.B. Herath, L.C. Kurukulasuriya, K.B.S.N. Jinadasa, C.S. Kalpage, M.I.M. Mowjood, N.H. Priyankara, W.K.C.N. Dayanthi, A.M.N. Alagiyawanna, M. Vithanage, M. Nagamori, Y. Isobe, T. Saito, S. Tachibana, S. Asamoto, and N. Tanaka -
Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands in tropical conditions
Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI),Singapore 201406
Yagisawa, J., K.B.S.N. Jinadasa, N.T.B. Madusankha, M.G.P. Bandara, and N. Tanaka -
Nitrogen removal and effect of chemical oxygen demand on removal of nitrogen in Coir Fiber Biofilm Treatment System
日本地球惑星科学連合,2014年大会 2014
Dharmarathne Nirmala kumuduni, Sato N., Kawamoto K., Koide T., Sato H., Tanaka N. -
Experiments on the colliding duration between a driftwood model and a woody house model for the accurate estimation of the impact force by tsunami-driven woody debris
ICSECM:91 201312
Ogino, K., Suzuki, I., Tanaka, N. -
Zonation pattern of mangrove in southern Sri Lankan Lagoon after human interventions at lagoon mouth area
ICSECM:89 201312
Chathuranga, G.A.H.S., Furusato, E., Perera, G.L,.Tanaka, N., Priyadarshana,T. -
Drag force acting on a rectangular cylinder and bed shear stress due to overtopping flow from embankment
ICSECM:88 201312
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N., -
Utilization of a local-available biomass resource for wastewater treatment in Sri Lanka: Comparison between inital and current performance of coconut-fibre biofilm treatment system (COTS)
Proceedings of Fourteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 201309
Sato, N., K. Kawamoto, H. Sato, M. Lokuliyanaga, T. Koide, N. Tanaka -
Local flow velocity from boulders transported by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami
Abstracts of 26th International Tsunami Symposium:125-125 201309
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
Lessons learnt from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: failure modes of coastal defense structures due to high-energy impact
Abstracts of Joint Assembly IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI 201307
Nandasena, N.A.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
応用生態工学会,第14回研究発表会講演集:235-238 201009
田中規夫、八木澤順治、菊次祐 -
Hydrologic budget and Hydrodynamic Modelling approach in Restoring Koggala Lake
応用生態工学年会 201009
G.L.Gunaratne, N.Tanaka, P.Amarasekara, T.Priyadarshana, J.Manatunge and J.Yagisawa -
応用生態工学年会 201009
八木澤順治、田中規夫 -
土木学会,第65回年次学術講演会,2:237 201009
八木澤順治、田中規夫 -
土木学会,第65回年次学術講演会,2:192 201009
竹中 宏、田中規夫、八木澤順治 -
Experiments on solitary waves passing through coastal vegetation under Waterlogged Conditions
,South China Sea Tsunami Workshop 3 SCSTW3 200911
N. A. K. Nandasena, R. P. S. S. Bandara, S. S. L. Hettiarachchi, N. Tanaka, A. H. R. Ratnasooriya, and S. P. Samarawickrama -
Effects of tsunami and tree conditions on tsunami reduction –experimental study
,Vietnamese and Japanese Students' Scientific Exchange Conference:5-6/221 200910
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Norio Tanaka -
Restoration of Koggala Lagoon; Modelling Approach in evaluating Lagoon Water budget and Flow Characteristics
,13th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2009):226-227 200910
Gayan Gunaratne, Prasanna Amarasekara, Jagath Manatuge, Tilak Priyadarshana, Norio Tanaka -
Difference of wash-out condition of plants due to floods with respect to the vegetated location on gravel-bed bars
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:33-38 200909
Yagisawa, J. and Tanaka, N. -
Drag and sheltering characteristics of clump-type vegetation
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:158-162 200909
Satsuma, A., Tanaka, N., and Yagisawa, J. -
Drag coefficient of a real tree trunk at high Reynolds numers
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:141-145 200909
Takenaka, H., Tanaka、N., Yagisawa、J. -
Effects of substrate removal in root anchoring zone on maximum resistive bending moment for overturning
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym:73-76 200909
M.B. Samarakoon, Norio Tanaka, Junji Yagisawa -
Evaluation of the sequential impact of integrated submerged-floating macrophyte wetland systems in wastewater treatment
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym:309-312 200909
S.K. Weragoda, Norio Tanaka, B.G.N. Sewwandi, M.I.M. Mowjood -
Flow through vegetation: steady flow resistance
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:127-131 200909
Harsha. Ratnasooriya, Chathura Manawasekara, Saman Samarawickrama, Norio Tanaka -
Impact of riverbed elevation change on threshold moment and shear stress for washing out trees in a river
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:152-157 200909
Kikuji, Y., Yagisawa, J. and Tanaka, N. -
Influence of fluid forces induced by turbulence flow on bed protection block stability
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym.:81-84 200909
M. Budi Saputra, Norio Tanaka and Koichi Inoue -
Local adaptation of coastal forest for tsunami reduction, the case study around Sendai airport, Japan
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:169-174 200909
Imabayashi, M., Tanaka, N., Harada, K. -
Numerical modeling of steady flow through vegetation
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:138-140 200909
Kithsiri Nandasena, Norio Tanaka, Chathura Manawasekara, Harsha Ratnasooriya -
Pre and post anoxic denitrification on nitrogen removal in wetland systems using submerged and floating macrophytes
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:187-192 200909
Sewwandi B. G. N., Weragoda S. K., Mowjood M. I. M., Tanaka N., Sasikala, S. -
Restoration of Koggala Lagoon; Evaluating Lagoon Hydrologic Budget, Flushing Time and Flow Characteristics
,Proceedings of ADB -JSP Forum:25-26 200909
Gunaratne, D.A.G.L., Tanaka, N. -
The Effectiveness of Vetiver Grass in Controlling Water Borne Erosion in Bangladesh
,Proc. 11th Int. Summer Sym:69-72 200909
Shamal Chandra Das and Norio Tanaka -
Tsunami flow velocity behind the coastal forest with an open gap– Effects of tsunami and tree condition
,Coastal Dynamics2009 200909
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Norio Tanaka, Katsutoshi Tanimoto, Kenji Harada and Kosuke Iimura -
Vegetaion engineering for eco-friendrical countermeasure to mitigate disasters in coast or river
,Proc. of the International Exchange Symposium:1-8 200909
Tanaka, N. -
Indices for evaluating the breaking and wash-out condition of trees on gravel bar at flood events
,Proc. of 33rd IAHR 200908
Tanaka, N., Yagisawa, J. -
Effect of Coir on Bioremediation of Pollutants in Tropical Constructed Wetlands in Asia
,Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry:284-285 200906
KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka, MIM Mowjood, Rohan Weerasooriya,WJ Ng -
Wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands in tropical conditions
,Abstracts of Regional workshop on Wetland Resources Management: Integrated Approach Towards Sustainability 200905
KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka, MIM Mowjood Werellagama, D.R.I.B. -
河川敷の薮化・樹林化問題を考える これまでの治水対策で大丈夫か
日本生態学会,第56回日本生態学会講演要旨集:48-19 200903
佐々木寧,田中規夫 -
Effect of Coir on Bioremediation of Pollutants in Tropical Constructed Wetlands
,Symposium on Effective Synergization of Water Resources and Natural Landscape 2009
KBSN Jinadasa (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), Norio Tanaka (Saitama University), MIM Mowjood, (University of Peradeniya), Rohan Weerasooriya (University of Peradeniya) -
Effect of Submerged Plants on Disslved Oxygen Dynamics and Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Wetlands
,Tropical Agricultural Research,21 2009
B.G.N. Sewwandi, S.K. Weragoda, M.I.M. Mowjood, Norio Tanaka and S. Sasikala -
土木学会第63回年次学術講演会 200809
井上 浩一,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
土木学会,第63回年次学術講演会 200809
八木澤順治,干川 真,田中規夫 -
Impact of coconut coir-pith as an alternative substrate material on water reclamation in submergent plant wetland systems
,Proc. ICWST 2008 India:469-474 2008
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M., Sewwandi, B.G.N, Jinadasa, K.B.S.N -
Loading experiments of standing trees with the modeled local scour in the root anchoring zone
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka 2008
Makoto Hoshikawa, Junji Yagisawa and Norio Tanaka -
Mitigation of Tsunami Inundation by Coastal Vegetation
,IESL 2008
A. H. R. Ratnasooriya, S. P. Samarawickrama, S. S. L. Hettiarachchi, R. P. S. S. Bandara, N. Tanaka -
Modeling Approach on Studying the Effect of Water Level Fluctuation on Belowground Oxygen Dynamics in Wetland Mesocosms
,Proc. 12th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2008):214-215 2008
Weragoda, S.K., Tran Huyen Trang, Sasikala S., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y. -
Numerical investigation of the effects of opening gap width in forest on tsunami runup on coast
,Proc. 10th Int. Summer Sym.:61-64 2008
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Katsutoshi Tanimoto and Norio Tanaka -
Performance of Scirpus grossus in mono and mixed cultures in constructed wetlands under tropical conditions treating domestic waste
,Proc. 7th Sym., pp.28, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2008
Sasikala, S, Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, KBSN, Mowjood, MIM, Werellagama, DRIB -
ptimal wind protection fence that minimize the spray transport to the downstream
,Proc. of 16th IAHR-APD & 3rd IAHR-ISHS, Nanjin, China:1347-1352 2008
Mulati, Y., Tanaka, N. and Takagi, T. -
Tsunami defense combining coastal vegetation and the banking of coastal roads
,Proc. 3st AIWEST, Banda Ache-Indonesia 2008
Kosuke Iimura, Norio Tanaka and Kenji Harada -
Tsunami defense effects by the combination of coastal vegetation and banking of coastal road
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka, 2008
Iimura, K., Tanaka, N. -
Vegetation bio-shield for tsunami: its effectiveness, limitations, construction, management and future planning
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka 2008
Norio Tanaka -
Coastal vegetation effects on reducing tsunami run-up height and the fluid force
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka 2008
Uchiyama, K., Tanaka, N. Harada, K. -
Collapse condition of river bed protection block installed in the front of weirs by floods
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka 2008
Koichi Inoue, Norio Tanaka and Junji Yagisawa -
Conservation significance of wetlands Case study from Sri Lanka
,Proc. 10th Int. Summer Sym.:237-240 2008
Gayan Lakendra Gunaratne, Norio Tanaka, Shameen Nishantha Jinadasa -
Differences of tree-breaking pattern and breaking moment by floods with different tree age and substrate condition under two flood disturbances
,ICHE:473-474 2008
Tanaka, N. and Yagisawa, J. -
Distributed Water Balance Model in Watershed Coupled With River Flow Routings
,EJISST 2008 booklet 2008
Hassan Safi Hemaid Ahmed -
Distributed water balance model in watershed coupling with dynamic and diffusive river flow routing
,ICHE:127-128 2008
AHMED, Hassan, Tanaka, N. Tamai, N. -
Distributed water balance model in watershed coupling with river dynamic flow routing method
,Proc. of 16th IAHR-APD & 3rd IAHR-ISHS, Nanjin, China:12-17 2008
AHMED, Hassan, Tanaka, N. Tamai, N. -
Effect of ammonium nitrogen concentration on nitrate nitrogen removal in submerged plant wetland microcosms
,Proc. 10th Int. Summer Sym.:245-248 2008
Weragoda, S.K., Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Effect of coconut coir-pith supplement on enhanced water reclamation activity in submerged plant wetland systems
,Proc. of Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia, International Exchange Symposium on September 15-19 [2008], Saitama University, Japan (SU), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (UoP) & University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (UoM) , Sri Lanka 2008
Weragoda,S.K., Sewwandi, B.G.N., Mowjood M.I.M. and Tanaka, N. -
Effect of harvesting on constructed wetlands performance in tropical conditions
,Proc. 10th Int. Summer Sym.:233-236 2008
Sasikala, S., Tanaka , N., Jinadasa, KBSN, Mowjood, MIM, Werellagama, DRIB -
Effect of Open Gap in Coastal Forest on Tsunami Reduction - Investigation by Experiment and Numerical Simulation
,Proc. 3rd AIWEST2008, Banda Ache-Indonesia 2008
Nguyen Ba Thuy, Norio Tanaka and Katsutoshi Tanimoto -
Effective coastal vegetative landscaping for the tsunami protection in Sri Lanka
,Annual proceedings of SLAAS (Sri Lanka Assoc. for the Advancement of Science) conference 2008
Perera, W.A.R.P., Mowjood, M.I.M., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Fasly, M.S.M -
Evaluation of the removal condition of invasive plant to gravel bed river, Eragrostis curvula, by the erosion of substrate
,ICHE:251-252 2008
Yagisawa, J. and Tanaka, N. -
Flow structures and sedimentation characteristics around colony-type vegetation at flood events
,Proc. of 16th IAHR-APD & 3rd IAHR-ISHS, Nanjin, China:981-986 2008
Tanaka, N. Ito, S. and Yagisawa, J. -
Green belt response for tsunami mitigation in Sri Lanka: evidences from Field observations and Numerical simulations 154
,International Forestry & Environmental Symposium 2008, Sri Lanka, Kaluthara, Sri Lanka 2008
Nandasena N. A. K., Tanaka N., Tanimoto K. -
土木学会,土木学会,第62回年次学術講演会:185-186 200709
八木澤順治,田中規夫,福岡捷二 -
土木学会,土木学会,第62回年次学術講演会:177-178 200709
伊藤 志穂,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
Coastal vegetation and tsunami protection: A case study on field investigation and numerical simulation (Poster)
International Conference on Mitigation of the Risk of Natural Hazards 200703
Nandasena, N.A.K., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Weragoda, S.K., Sasaki, Y. and Tanaka, N. -
Effects and limitations of coastal vegetation in tsunami protection: Points for mitigation and future reconstruction
Proceeding and abstracts of International Conference on Mitigation of the Risk of Natural Hazards:28-29 200703
Tanaka, N. -
Werellagama, D.R.I.B., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. and Y. Sasaki, Sustainable coastal vegetation-based landscaping: Its role for tsunami protection in Sri Lanka
Proceeding and abstracts of International Conference on Mitigation of the Risk of Natural Hazards:37 200703
Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M. -
防災研究フォーラム第5回シンポジウム:9-10 200703
佐々木 寧・田中 規夫 -
A Trial to Calculate the Nitrogen Removal Efficiency with One Dimensional Nitrogen Budget Model on the Reed-Wetland Soil System
IWA,ABSTRACTS of WRRS2005 IWA:157-158 2007
Yutani, K. and Tanaka, N. -
ガガブタNymphoides indicaの動態と栄養塩吸収特性
応用生態工学研究会第10回大会:255-258 200609
澤口ゆう子,武村武,丸山治朗,田中規夫,中井正則,有田正光 -
応用生態工学研究会第10回大会:165-168 200609
伊藤 志穂,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
応用生態工学研究会第10回大会:61-64 200609
湯谷賢太郎,田中規夫 -
Model evaluation of regeneration and reproduction of harvested Phragmites australis stand - Similarity at three Japanese sites -
ICEM2006:62-63 200608
Yutani, K., Tanaka, N. and Asaeda, T. -
Plant expansion modeling for analyzing the change of the threshold velocity of gravel movement
ICEM2006:56-57 200608
Yagisawa, J. and Tanaka, N. -
Modeling analysis of the competition between Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus under the damage of stem-breaking or , bending
ICEM2006:76-77 200608
Tanaka, N. Takemura, T. and Das S.C. -
Effective coastal vegetation species and structures with landform, sand dune and lagoon, for tsunami protection at the Indian Ocean tsunami
,APD-IAHR Congress,15th:1279-1285 200608
Tanaka, N., Y. Sasaki, M.I.M. Mowjood, K.B.S.N. Jinadasa and T. Takemura -
Effects of flood interval on the growth of Phragmites japonica and the change of threshold velocity for gravel movement
,APD-IAHR Congress,15th:285-290 200608
Yagisawa, J. and Tanaka, N. -
Trial run with intermittent loading to control clogging in subsurface flow constructed wetlands
,APD-IAHR Congress,15th:1489-1494 200608
Sasikala, S., Harsha Walpita, MIM Mowjood, BFA Basnayake, Norio Tanaka and KSBN Jinadasa -
Effective Coastal Vegetation Management for Tsunami Protection
Proc. 8th Int. Summer Sym.:119-122 200607
N.A.K Nandasena and Tanaka, N. -
Wind tunnel experiments on flow around double arranged windbreaks
Proc. 8th Int. Summer Sym.:103-106 200607
Mulati Yusaiyin and Tanaka, N. -
Effects of sand dune and vegetation in the coastal area of Sri Lanka at the Indian Ocean tsunami
AOGS:362 200607
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Effect of dead culm on radial oxygen loss of Phragmites australis under different light intensities and temperature
ICLEE:88 200606
Yutani, K., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. and Aye, T. -
Effects and limitation of coastal vegetation on and behind the sand dune at the Indian Ocean tsunami and important points for future restoration
ICLEE:35 200606
Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., Mowjood, M.I.M., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. and Yagisawa, J. -
The effect of stem breaking/bending of two rhizomatous plants, Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus on the floodplain vegetation
ICLEE:51 200606
Das, S.C. and Tanaka, N. -
Effect of cutting on net production and sustainability of emergent macrophytes, Zizania latifolia
JSWE,Proc.JSWE:204 200603
Shamal Chandra DAS and Norio TANAKA -
Improving nitrogen removal by carbon substrate amendment in vegetated tank with vertical flow system
JSWE,Proc.JSWE:198 200603
Roughing Filter coupled with Treatment Wetland - A solution for restoring sanitation after natural disasters -
JSWE,Proc.JSWE:203 200603
Coastal vegetation for Tsunami protection Case study from the Indian Ocean (Sri Lanka and Thailand)
ISFCD,Proc.International Conference on Coastal and fluvial Disasters (Kyoto) 200512
N. Tanaka, N., Sasaki, Y., M.I.M. Mowjood, Homchuen, S. -
応用生態工学会,応用生態工学研究会第9回大会:81-84 200510
青木信哉,八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
礫河原における多年生草本シナダレスズメガヤ(Eragrostis curvula)の除去条件の評価
応用生態工学会,応用生態工学研究会第9回大会:183-186 200510
八木澤順治,田中規夫 -
Analysis of required flood disturbance intensity and frequency for maintaining small wetland plants
JSCE,Proc. 7th Int. Summer Sym.:125-128 200507
Aoki, S., Tanaka, N. -
Application of the distributed water and sediment balance model including dam construction effect to the Arakawa River basin
JSCE,Proc. 7th Int. Summer Sym.:129-132 200507
Yagisawa, J., Tanaka, N., Luo, Q., Takagi, T. and Tamai, N. -
Effect of disturbance on the productivity of emergent macrophytes, Zizania latifolia Turcz.
JSCE,Proc. 7th Int. Summer Sym.:365-368 200507
Das, S. C. and Tanaka, N. -
Effect of external organic matter addition on a lab-scale subsurface flow constructed wetland
JSCE,Proc. 7th Int. Summer Sym.:319-322 200507
Karunarathna, A.K., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Regrowth characteristics of two rhizomatous plants, Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus after damages on their stems
JSCE,Proc. 7th Int. Summer Sym.:327-330 200507
Aye, T., Das, S. C., Tanaka, N. -
日本水環境学会,年会:209 200503
湯谷 賢太郎,田中 規夫, Thidar AYE,KBSN JINADASA -
インド洋大津波と海岸林が果たした役割 タイ、スリランカ沿岸
日本マングローブ学会,第11回日本マングローブ学会 2005
佐々木 寧, Samang Homchuen,田中 規夫 -
日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会年会:208 2005
山内 孝太,埼玉大学工学部 湯谷 賢太朗,田中 規夫 -
Effect of stem-breaking caused by flood on the transition of wetland vegetation in old river trace
,4th ISEH/14th IAHR-APD:1555-1562 200412
Tanaka, N., Kitakami, Y., Ogawa, T. and Asaeda, T. -
Effects of vegetation and litter on flow
,4th ISEH/14th IAHR-APD:865-872 200412
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Yutani, Y., Seki,W -
,流体力の評価とその応用に関する研究論文集,3:37-42 200412
武村武, 田中規夫 -
ツルヨシ(Phragmites japonica)のランナーによる拡大能力の評価
,応用生態工学研究会第8回大会:93-96 200410
小川友浩, 田中規夫 -
,第32回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集:105-110 200410
山内孝太, 湯谷賢太郎, 田中規夫 -
,応用生態工学研究会第8回大会:203-206 200410
城野裕介, 田中規夫, 高木利光 -
DRIB Werellagama, MIM mowjood, Junji Yagisawa, Remediation and rehabilitation of constructed wetland
,The 6th International Summer Symposium, JSCE:409-412 200407
KBSN Jinadasa, Norio Tanaka -
Estimation of mineral nutrient budget and sediment nutrient uptake of Typha angustifolia using a mathematical model
,The 6th International Summer Symposium, JSCE:433-436 200407
Shamal Chandra Das, Norio Tanaka and Takashi Asaeda -
Hydrodynamic force on colony-model cylinders with different porosity
,The 6th International Summer Symposium, JSCE:153-156 200407
Takeshi TAKEMURA and Norio TANAKA -
Wind tunnel experiments on blown-sand phenomena around inclined porous cylinders
,Proc., 10th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 200405
Tanaka N., Watanabe H. and Shirono Y. -
Effect of external organic matter addition on phosphorus removal process in a lab scale subsurface flow constructed wetland
Karunarathna, A.K., Tanaka, N., Jinadasa, K.B.S.N. -
Effects of vegetation on pollutant removal in a constructed wetland: Potential applications for tropical developing-world countries
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Werellagama, D.R.I.B. -
Estimation of nutrient budgets around Typha angustifolia considering the harvesting of aerial organs and their regrowth characteristics in different growing seasons
Tanaka, N., Das, S. C. and Asaeda, T. -
Kinetics of hexavalent chromium adsorption on coconut coir pith in aqueous solutions
Performance comparison of Typha angustifolia and Scirpus grossus in tropical free water surface constructed wetland
Jinadasa, K.B.S.N., Tanaka, N., Mowjood, M.I.M. and Werellagama, D.R.I.B. -
Effect of downstream revet to the embankment on time of failure due to overtopping
Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress,Proc. of the 37the IAHR World Congress:2395-2402
Amo N.T., Yagisawa J., Tanaka N. - Others
,第13回湧水シンポジウム 200909
田中規夫 -
,河川有識者会議 会議報告書 2008 -
Effects and Limitations of Coastal Vegetation in Tsunami Protection: Points for Mitigation and Future Planning, Workshop on Coastal Forest for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation, 11-12 June 2008 at Tsukuba: In(独)土木研究所
,水災害・リスクマネジメント国際センター(ICHARM)、UN/ISDR 総合津波防災研修」研修実施報告書 2008
Norio Tanaka -
埼玉大学総合研究機構,総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書,5(18年度):207-208 2007
田中 規夫
Effective coastal vegetation landscaping to resist tsunami: Points for mitigation and future reconstruction -
樹林の役割について考える インド洋大津波におけるタイ・スリランカの事例
,インフォメーション荒川,10月号:4-5 200610
- Patents
- 防潮柵及び飛沫の飛散防止方法
- 大規模粗度群を用いた飛沫防止フェンス
Research Grants
- Joint Research
- 2022-2023 , R4分布型音響センシング技術を活用した河川堤防の変状検知に関する技術研究開発
- 2020-2021 , 堤防の越水に対して決壊しにくい補強技術に関する研究
- 2017-2019 , 津波による最大リスク評価手法の開発と防災対策の実証的展開(うち時間的変化を考慮した防災対策効果の評価手法の開発)
- 2017-2019 , 津波による最大リスク評価手法の開発と防災対策の実証的展開(うち時間的変化を考慮した防災対策効果の評価手法の開発)
- 2015-2015 , 海岸防災林の津波減衰機能を発揮させる林帯整備・管理方法の開発
- 2014-2016 , 高度数値解析による河川氾濫詳細被害情報を活用した災害時のコミュニティバス活用方策の研究開発
- 2012-2016 , スリランカ廃棄物処分場における地域特性を活かした汚染防止と修復技術の構築
- 2010-2013 , アジア大都市周辺の環境・防災問題解決に寄与する湿地・植生バイオシールド工学の展開
- Cooperative research with industry
- 2019-2019 , 「H31荒川中流域の支川群を対象とした貯留効果と生態的機能の評価に基づく植生管理手法の提案」に関する研究開発
- 2018-2019 , 生態系を基盤とした災害リスク低減手法の確立とスリランカ全土の減災ポテンシャル評価
- 2014-2015 , 火山地域における水文・土砂流出メカニズムの解明と土砂災害防止事業支援のための数値シュミレーション法の開発
- 2015 , 1st Semester , Hydraulics Ⅰ
- 2015 , 1st Semester , Applied Hydraulics
- 2015 , 1st Semester , Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2015 , 1st Semester , construction engineer and society
- 2015 , 2nd Semester , Introductory Seminar on Engineering
- 2015 , 2nd Semester , Study on Specific Topics Ⅰ
- 2015 , 2nd Semester , Engineering for Society(Civil Infrastructure Systems)
- 2015 , 1st Semester , Numerical Analysis on Hydraulic Environment (E)
- 2014 , 1st Semester , Hydraulics Ⅰ
- 2014 , 2nd Semester , Hydraulics Ⅱ
- 2014 , 1st Semester , Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2014 , 2nd Semester , Natural Environment and Infrastructure
- 2014 , 2nd Semester , Introductory Seminar on Engineering
- 2014 , 1st Semester , construction engineer and society
- 2014 , 2nd Semester , Numerical Analysis on Hydraulic Environment (E)
- 2014 , 2nd Semester , Study on Specific Topics Ⅰ
- 2013 , 1st Semester , Hydraulics Ⅰ
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , Hydraulics Ⅱ
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , Advanced Environmental Engineering in River(E)
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , Natural Environment and Infrastructure
- 2013 , 1st Semester , Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , construction engineer and society
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , River Environmental Engineering
- 2013 , 2nd Semester , Introductory Seminar on Engineering
- 2013 , 1st Semester , Advanced Lecture on Large River Basin Management