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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Engineering]
81 - 100 out of 117 results

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor OSAWA Yusuke
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor ISHIKAWA Ryo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor KOJIMA Tomohisa
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor SHIMIZU Maki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor ISHIMARU Yoshihiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAITOH Masato Earthquake Engineering,Soil Structure Interaction,Resilient Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate professor KAKIZAKI Koichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor NARUKAWA Terumasa
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Lecturer HATANO Ken
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor MOGI Hidenori
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAITO Shingo Analytical Chemistry Capillary electrophresis,Metal complex,Fluorescent probe,Kinetics,HPLC,Saccharides,Microbes,Actinides,DNA aptamer
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor O SEIYO (Pen Name: WANG QINGYUE) Environmental sciences,Organic resource and recycling engineering,Analytical chemistry,Pollution control technology,Bioaerosol,Bioenergy,Biomaterials
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor NARUSE Masato Measurement engineering,Astronomy,Electronic device/electronic equipment Superconducting devices,Terahertz wave systems,Microwave engineering,Quasioptical systems
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOMURO Takashi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor ISHIHARA Hidekazu
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KAGEYAMA Kensuke Electron/ electric material engineering,Agricutural information engineering,Structural/functional materials,Agricultural environmental engineering Acoustics,Acoustic Emission,Ultrasound,Nondestuctive Evaluation,Electret,Diagnosis of Plants,Agricultural Engineering,Sensor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor NARISAWA Yoshinori
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAKAI Takenobu Viscoelasticity,Composite materials,Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Acoustic Emission
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor OTOSU Takuhiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor SUGIURA Yousuke

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