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Results of [Keyword Search:Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences]
1 - 20 out of 87 results

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Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor AOKI Keiko Experimental Economics Economic experiment (labo, Field),Choice Experiment,Information saliency,Economic Lying behaviour,Woody biomass
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ARAI Takako
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ARUGA Kentaka Environmental and natural resource economics, Energy economics Environmental economics,resource economics,agricultural economics,energy economics,market integration,environmental consciousness
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ASADA HIDEKATSU Japanese economy, Asian economy, Economic policy and Development economics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BERTRAM Lars
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BJOERK TOVE JOHANNA
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BOLT Timothy Barry Health Economics, Discrete Choice Experiments, Stated Preference Valuation Methods
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor EGUCHI Koji
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor FUJII Manami
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor HIGASHI Satomi
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Vice President,Manager(Dean),Professor ICHIHASHI Hideo British Modern Social history,History of Social Movements in the 20th Century
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor ICHIKAWA Yasuo
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ICHINOSE Toshiya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Manager(Dean),Professor IHARA Motoi Marketing Strategy in Asia,Management Studies in Asia International Business,Distribution,Marketing,Southeast Asia,China
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor INOKUCHI Kinya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor INOUE Tomokatsu History of Japan (Early Modern Period)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KACHI Daisuke Philosophy Metaphysics,Philosophical_Logic
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor KAMURO Ayami
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Director in General,Professor KANAI Hayato Japanese Language Education,Japanese Linguistics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KANAI Kaoru

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