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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Engineering]
21 - 40 out of 117 results

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor IKENO Junichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor INADA Yuki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor IRIYAMA Taishi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor ISHIHARA Hidekazu
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor ISHIKAWA Ryo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor ISHIMARU Yoshihiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Vice President,Professor ITO Kazuhito
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor IWASAKI Kei
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KADONO Hirofumi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor KAEDE Kazunori Intelligent mechanics/mechanical engineering,Machine mechanics/control Robotics,Mechatronics
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KAGEYAMA Kensuke Electron/ electric material engineering,Agricutural information engineering,Structural/functional materials,Agricultural environmental engineering Acoustics,Acoustic Emission,Ultrasound,Nondestuctive Evaluation,Electret,Diagnosis of Plants,Agricultural Engineering,Sensor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate professor KAKIZAKI Koichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KANEKO Junichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KANEKO Yasuyoshi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor KANG Donghyuk
Department of Information and Computer Sciences Associate Professor KANNO Kazutaka nonlinear science,optics,machine learning,reservoir computing
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor KINJO Kayo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOBAYASHI Kenichiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOBAYASHI Yoshinori Perception information processing/intelligent robotics Conputer Vision,Human Computer Interaction,Human Robot Interaction
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor KODAMA Koichi Organic chemistry Organic chemistry,Supramolecular chemistry,Crystal engineering

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