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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Engineering]
101 - 117 out of 117 results

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Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor OSADA Masahiko
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor WATANABE Tetsuya
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Division of Mechanical Engineering and Science Professor ARAI Yoshio Machine material/material mechanics Strength of Materials,Solid Mechanics
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAITOH Masato Earthquake Engineering,Soil Structure Interaction,Resilient Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAITO Shingo Analytical Chemistry Capillary electrophresis,Metal complex,Fluorescent probe,Kinetics,HPLC,Saccharides,Microbes,Actinides,DNA aptamer
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOMURO Takashi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KAGEYAMA Kensuke Electron/ electric material engineering,Agricutural information engineering,Structural/functional materials,Agricultural environmental engineering Acoustics,Acoustic Emission,Ultrasound,Nondestuctive Evaluation,Electret,Diagnosis of Plants,Agricultural Engineering,Sensor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAKAI Takenobu Viscoelasticity,Composite materials,Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Acoustic Emission
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAKAI Masamichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor YAGUCHI Hiroyuki Applied physical properties/crystal engineering,Physical properties I,Electron/electric material engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor FUJINO Takeshi Technologies to Reduce Environmental Impact,Water Environment and Ecosystem Conservation,Biomass Utilization,Urban Thermal Environment Measures, Asia and Africa
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor AZUMI Takuya Embedded Software,Realtime Systems,Self-driving Platform
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor HARA Masayuki Cognetics,Robotics & Mechatoronics,Hpatics,Virtual Reality,Cognitive Neuroscience
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor,Director WATANUKI Keiichi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor,Director in General KUROKAWA Hideki
Graduate School of Science and Enginnering Professor,Director in General YOSHIURA Noriaki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Vice President,Professor ITO Kazuhito

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