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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Science]
41 - 60 out of 65 results

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor FUKUI Toshizumi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor NAKATA Norio organometallic chemistry
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOSAKA Masashi Condensed matter physics Condensed matter physics,rare-earth compounds
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANII Yoshiaki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TAKAYANAGI Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor UENO Keiji
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANAKA Shuuitsu
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANIGUCHI Hiromi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Division of Biological Science Professor FUJISHIRO Takashi Bioinorganc chemistry, Biochemistry, Structural biology, Structural genomics, Enzymology Metalloproteins,X-ray crystal structure analysis,Biosynthesis,Cofactor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor YAMASU Kyo Developmental Biology development,embryogenesis,brain development,zebrafish,neurogenesis,patterning,molecular biology,developmental genetics
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOBAYASHI Tetsuya
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAKATA Ichiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TAKEZAWA Daisuke
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor MACHIHARA Shuji Basic analysis Nonlinear partial differential equation
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor BEZ Neal Richard Harmonic Analysis
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor YAMAGUCHI Takayuki Elementary particle/atomic nucleus/cosmic ray/space physics Nuclear Physics,Storage Ring,Mass
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KISHIMOTO Takashi Algebraic Geometry Algebraic Geometry,Algebraic Groups,(Equivariant) Sarkisov Program,Automorphism Groups,Fano varieties
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TSUKAHARA Shinji
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor SAITO Masaichi Main Group Chemistry,Structural Organic Chemistry,Transition-metal Complexes
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor,Director in General HIHARA Yukako

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